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Senior Java Developer Resume

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Austin, TX


  • Around 10+ years of experience in Design, Development, Implementation and Maintenance of Java/J2se & J2EE web and client server based Internet applications.
  • Good Knowledge and working experience on Multi - Tier Architectures and Design using client-server and Web Technologies in Financial, Manufacturing, SCM, Meter Data Management domains.
  • Extensive experience in Cloud, eCommerce technologies, Elastic Path, Payment processing, Fulfillment, merchandizing.
  • Hands on experience in Requirement Analysis, High-level design using design patterns and Object oriented programming and OOAD concepts.
  • Completed projects using Java, J2EE, EJB, Apache Camel, SPRING, Struts 2.0, IBM Portlets, HIBERNATE, WEBSERVICES, RMI, Servlets, JSP, JSF, JNDI, JDBC, Tivoli, JMS, JTS, JavaScript, HTML, SOAP and XML,XSLT, SQL, PLSQL, Ajax, Maven, Ant-build scripts.
  • Hands on experience in various java-programming tools like Bea Workspace, WSAD, Eclipse-3x, RAD, JDeveloper.
  • Hands on experience in all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Strong Experience in PL/SQL, SQL, Stored Procedures, Triggers, functions, packages in Oracle, DB2.
  • Have Strong knowledge BusinessObjects, C++ and C programming languages.
  • Experience using J2EE Design Patterns like Composite View, Value Object, DAO, MVC, Singleton, Session Facade Pattern, Front Controller, AbstractFactory and Factory Pattern for reusing most efficient and effective strategies for new development.
  • Expertise in developing MVC architecture for web based applications using Struts and Spring MVC framework.
  • Developed webservices using SOAP and WSDL.
  • Good experience in working with Web/Application servers likes Jboss4.x Application Server, WebLogic10.x&8.1, WebSphere7.x and Apache Tomact7.x
  • Experience in performing Code reviews and peer reviews for maintaining best coding standards.
  • Extensive experience in working on multiple operating systems including UNIX, Linux and Microsoft Windows.
  • Experienced in business/technical requirements capturing, configuration management, team coordination and software engineering processes
  • Expertise in using configuration management tools like CVS, VSS and Clear Case, StarTeam.


Programming: Java1.7/J2EE, C++, JavaScript, XML, HTML, PL/SQL.

Web Technologies: JSP, Servlets, Swing, JDBC, JNDI, J2EE, XML, HTML, SOAP, JMS, Hibernate, EJB 3.0RMI, WSDL, UDDI, DOM, SAX, XSL, X Path, HTML, DoJO 2.0 AXIS, and Web Services.

Development Tools: Eclipse 3.x, WSAD, RAD, J Developer, Ant, Maven.

Frameworks: Struts 2.0, JSF, JsrPorlets, spring, Hibernate.

Designing Tools: Rational Rose, Together, Agile Methodology.

Web/App Servers: Jboss, WebLogic 8.1/10.x, WebSphere 7.x, Tomcat.

Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/11g, SQL Server, Sybase11.x, DB2, MYSql.

Distributed Tech: J2EE, EJB and springs, RMI, Web Services and MQSeries.

Configuration Tools: SourceofSite, StarTeam, VSS, CVS, Clear Case.

Design Patterns: Composite View, MVC, Value Object, DAO, Singleton, Factory Pattern, Session Fa adeFront Controller, Business Delegate Design Pattern.

Operating Systems: Windows XP/NT/2000, UNIX, Linux.


Confidential, Austin, TX

Senior Java Developer


  • Analyzed the existing architecture and migrated application to all the latest technologies.
  • Understanding the requirements and preparing tasks and deliverables on weekly basis.
  • Modifying all java classes as per jdk 1.7 and resolving compilation issues and updating code.
  • Created ejb 3.1 Session Beans and MessageDriven and deploying them in weblogic server.
  • Establishing jndi lookup for multiple client connections and streamlining for dev,uat,prod ear files.
  • Migration of build configuration from ANT to Maven by adding pom dependencies.
  • Created Weblogic configurations and deployment descriptor files.
  • Worked with jar and ear modules and shaped class loaders in order.
  • Configuration of weblogic domain, datasource and connectionpooling and Foreign queues.
  • Create Auth based token configuration for webservice restful calls.
  • Created web pages and processed through controller class using struts 2.0 mvc framework.
  • Worked with Angular JS, ajax,json,jquery technologies to process the client side data.
  • Configured Spring integration with all layes of the application.
  • Created Hibernate configurations and defined properties for database connections.
  • Created jms connections in weblogic and associated with MessageDrivenBean classes.
  • Configured jms,weblogic and tibco applications for sending/receving notifications.

Environment: JDK 1.7, ejb 3.1, jms, Spring 3.x, Struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.3,Angular js, Log4j, XML, JUnit, oracle 11g,Svn,Weblogic Server, PL/SQL, Agile.

Confidential, Austin, TX

Senior Java Developer


  • Analyzed the requirements for various integration scenarios with multiple interfaces.
  • Interacting with the business and user groups to ascertain requirements with detailed functional and technical analysis with OOAD concepts and Agile Methodology.
  • Involved in project estimates, capacity planning, and designing using water fall methodology.
  • Implemented Struts 2.0 mvc architecture and integrated with spring and hibernate.
  • Worked with struts 2.0 interceptors for preprocessing and post processing of requests.
  • Created Struts 2.0 Action classes which implements struts interfaces to process business logic.
  • Created struts configuration files for mapping action requests and responses.
  • Implemented with struts exception handling, validation and localization.
  • Worked with struts ValueStack and OGNL via jsp pages with various tags.
  • Collaborate with development teams and testing teams to ensure requirements and development are in sync.
  • Established relationships between hibernate entity objects and mapped with Database.
  • Configured spring xml files with various components like Restful webservices, hibernate etc.
  • Worked with various bindings like webservice sca, jms mq, and http.
  • Worked with java collection objects and mapped with wps service message objects.
  • Used Java Message Service (JMS) for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information.
  • Worked on OOAD methodology and built the application with Test Driven Development (TDD).
  • Used core java API’s like collection classes, IO to process large size files.
  • Written complex oracle queries which involve joining multiple tables.
  • Integrated Spring framework IOC, Dependency Injection with Hibernate Orm framework and written Several bean xml files.
  • Written webservices SOAP, WSDL and webservices clients using Axis and XML, XSD implemented SOA architecture.
  • Involved in writing UNIX shell scripts with Perl for executing the batch processing tasks.

Environment: JDK 1.7, Spring 3.x, Hibernate 3.3,Struts 2.0,Log4j, XML, JUnit, oracle 11g,Svn,Websphere Integration Developer, Websphere Process Server, PL/SQL, Linux, Agile, Tomcat 7.7.

Confidential, San Antonio, TX

Senior Java Developer


  • Involved in design and implementation of the Payment Services, Payment security compliance based applications.
  • Involved with client groups to carry out business processes with OOAD concepts under agile methodology.
  • Managed project tasks by following agile methodology with 3 weeks deliverables.
  • Analyzed the contracts of the business and generated required JaxB classes.
  • Understanding the requirements by interacting with business users and mapping them to design.
  • Involved in developing RESTful API’s for exposing BRM and Orbital services.
  • Used Hibernate as ORM framework for handling database interactions.
  • Used Apache Camel as an ESB tool and configured rules based Routes.
  • Worked with spring controller classes to process and present the data.
  • Worked with struts framework to built robust web application.
  • Developed struts 2.0 action classes, interceptors and validation logic.
  • Worked with struts ValueStack and OGNL using Velocity pages with struts view tags.
  • Worked with JavaScript, html, css to design the web pages.
  • Involved in Migration of the sql statements from MySql to SQL Server.
  • Used Sonar, Junit and Mockitos for unit testing to achieve required coverage.
  • Build and deployed the applications in Jboss server.
  • Involved in Code Reviews to make sure best coding standards and java best practices.
  • Used Git repository for version control.

Environment: JDK 1.6, Apache Camel, RESTful Webservices, struts 2.0,Jboss, Hibernate 3.3, Spring 3.0, Log4j, XML, JUnit, SQL Server, mysql, Git source control,DB2, PL/SQL, Linux, Agile, Eclipse3.2, Tomcat 7.7.

Confidential, Cupertino, CA

Senior Programmer


  • Involved in Business meetings with end clients to capture the requirements for the system.
  • Created Service Interface Agreements among the multiple interfaces in order to streamline the architecture of the application.
  • Acted as one of the team member responsible for delivery of project in full life cycle.
  • Defined the Dao Strategy with the JPA integration with the Spring Frame work.
  • Created JPA based Entity Classes and mapped them with Oracle Database tables.
  • Worked with Hibernate Named Queries for writing customized sql queries.
  • Implemented Core java Oops Concepts like Abstraction, Encapsulation, Method Overloading and created Interfaces and Abstract classes for different functionalities.
  • Integrated Struts 2.0 configuration with spring and hibernate frameworks.
  • Handled interceptors execution and exceptions thrown by struts 2.0.
  • Worked with Core java collection classes like ArrayList, HashMap and Iterator etc.
  • Created Rest Webservices Services to process the client request and response.
  • Worked with spring based junit framework for writing junit tests and integration tests.
  • Developed and deployed components using Jboss server.
  • Consumed Jms messages using ActiveMQ Jms provider.
  • Written SQL Server DDL and DML scripts.
  • Parsing of XML using SAX and DOM Parsers.
  • Defined Logging Strategy using Slf4j integration with Log4j and defined configuration.
  • Involved in Code reviews and followed standard java coding standards with the help of FindBugs and PMD.
  • Worked with spring interceptor handlers to process the request and response before and after Controller execution.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Spring 3.1, struts 2.0, Hibernate 3.6, XML, JAXB, Spring jms 2.5, 1.1, Eclipse, Tomcat 7.0, Log4J, Slf4j, Oracle 11g,Jboss,DB2, Toad, JUnit, Rest webservices, ActiveMQ 5.6, Maven 3.x, Jackson 1.9, Unix.

Confidential, Trenton, NJ

Java/J2ee Engineer


  • Prepared Technical specifications with detailed requirements and dependencies including UML diagrams.
  • Involved with Spring IOC and Dependency Injection concepts to integrate Hibernate Dao classes with JSF Action classes.
  • Extensively worked with Java 1.5 features Annotations, Generics.
  • Involved in writing complex multi-table join and conditional Sql queries in Oracle Database.
  • Written Hibernate annotation based mapping java classes with Oracle Database tables.
  • Created Core java Interfaces and Abstract classes for different functionalities.
  • Extensively worked with Core java collection classes like ArrayList, HashMap and Iterator etc.
  • Implemented java design patterns like Singleton, Factory, Strategy, MVC patterns.
  • Developed webservices SOAP, WSDL and webservices clients using Axis and XML, implemented SOA architecture.
  • Worked with Rich Faces library to enrich User Interface using JSF.
  • Created Managed Beans and defined navigation rules for Jsf pages.
  • Extensively worked with Oracle SQL to develop efficient queries.
  • Worked extensively with xml, xml schema, xsl, xpath to convert the files into xhtml.
  • Extensively worked with Junit framework to write Junit test cases to perform unit testing of the application.
  • Extensively worked with Hibernate Query Language (HQL) to store and retrieve the data from oracle database.
  • Worked with ejb 3.0 session beans to handle the distributed business requirements.
  • Developed a persistence layer using ORM Hibernate for transparently store objects into database for Econfigure application.
  • Extensively worked on system test and production issues during the application development.

Environment: Java 1.6, J2EE, Servlets 2.6, Jsp 2.0, Spring, JSTL, Hibernate 3.3, XML, JAXP, XSLT, DoJo, JMS 1.1, Eclipse, IBM Websphere 7.x, Tomcat 6.x,DB2, UML, Rational Rose, Log4J, Oracle 11g, Toad, JUnit, Webservices, Ant, MQ Series, SOAP, WSDL, HPQC, PL/SQL Developer, IBM ClearCase, Unix, Windows.


Java Software Engineer


  • Involved in Requirement Analysis and Use Case development using rational tools, and Agile Scrum Methodology.
  • Implemented struts in Presentation layer programming using JSTL Development.
  • Connected to other application to invoke RMI Objects using RMI stub and skeleton.
  • Developed Message Driven Bean (MDB) to publish the message in to Topic.
  • Developed and Consumed Webservices using Apache Axis by referring into WSDL.
  • Implemented XML and Web Services for message-level using SOAP message.
  • Written Spring Core and Spring MVC files to associate DAO with Business Layer.
  • Worked with HTML, DHTML, CSS, and JAVASCRIPT in UI pages.
  • Deployed web applications in jboss server by creating Datasource and uploading jars.
  • Designed Webservice’s WSDL's and elaborated type definitions schemas based on corporate standards, integration and security specifications.
  • Used Core java collections classes and interfaces to process the data in helper classes.
  • Worked with C++ programming and used Java Native interfaces to communicate.
  • Worked with Multithreading concepts to process the threads to access the resources effectively, implemented Runnable interface, used Synchronized methods and blocks.
  • Extensively worked with xml/xslt to convert xml files into xhtml.
  • Written Hibernate Mapping xml files to integrate with SQLSERVER Database.
  • Experienced in writing Stored Procedures and fine-tuned Complex SQL Queries in SQLSERVER.

Environment: Java, JSP, servlets, Struts, Spring, JMS, AJAXEXT-JS, RAD, UML, XML, EJB, ClearCase, JUnit, ANT, SQL, WSAD, PLSQL, JPA, RMI, Apache AXIS, ODM, Hibernate, Jboss, Web services, SQLSERVER, TOAD, Log4J, Unix, Struts, C++, DOM, SAX, HTML, DHTML, ClearQuest, CSS, Log4j, SOA Suite, Solaris, Shell script, Windows, Unix.


Java Developer


  • Involved in High-level Design (HLD), Low-level Design (LLD) specifications of the project.
  • Implemented MVC Architecture using Struts framework for web module of Application.
  • Developed Presentation layer using Composite View Design Pattern using Struts Tiles.
  • Developed EJB components using SLSB and State Full session Bean.
  • Written RMI classes to connect the remotely objects.
  • Implemented XML and Web Services Security for message-level security using SOAP message.
  • Set up design specifications together with the business analysts and system designer and developed server side web services.
  • Developed webservices and webservices clients using JAX-RPC and XML.
  • Experienced in writing Stored Procedures and fine-tuned Complex SQL Queries in Oracle.
  • Implemented Data Access Layer using ORM Hibernate with standard HQL Queries.
  • Extensively used JUnit for unit testing of the Application.
  • Developed application in Presentation Services (Struts Frame work) and integrated to Web Services.
  • Extensively used Struts controller component classes for developing applications Action, Action Form for handling user requests.
  • Involved in designing and developing of Object Oriented methodologies using UML.
  • Implemented EJB Components using Stateless Session Bean and State full session beans.
  • Used Message driven Bean (MDB) to publish the messages in to JMS Topic.
  • Developed webservices and webservices clients using JAX-RPC (Java API for XML-based Remote Procedure Calls) and XML.
  • Developed a persistence layer using java sql for transparently store objects into database.
  • Involved in writing the Ant scripts for automating the process of building, testing and deploying the application.
  • Worked with Custom Tags, JavaScript Validation, CSS files and reused in UI pages.

Environment: Java1.4, J2EE, JSP, Servlets, Struts, EJB, JSTL, XML, JAXP, XSLT, JMS, Eclipse, Oracle, UML, Rational Rose, Log4J, WebLogic, JUnit, Apache Axis, Webservices.


Programmer Analyst


  • Involved in designing and developing of Object Oriented methodologies using UML and created Use Case, Class, Sequence diagrams.
  • Developed GUI and Business Logic using struts, jsp and Servlets.
  • Developed application in UI Layer and utilized struts and jstl tags in Jsp’s.
  • Involved in requirements gathering and converting them into specifications.
  • Designed JSP pages using different t Tag libraries.
  • Involved in bug fixing, enhancements and support.
  • Implemented client side validations using JavaScript functions.
  • Analyzed and fine Tuned RDBMS/PLSQL queries to improve performance of the application with the Oracle database.
  • Worked with TOAD to perform database related operations.
  • Used JUnit to write repeatable tests mainly for unit testing

Environment: Java, Jsp, Servlets, HTML, DHTML, Solaris, JavaScript, Eclipse IDE, Web Logic, Oracle8i, PL SQL, CVS.

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