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Devops/aws Engineer Resume

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San Ramon, CA


  • Associated with IT industry for 7 years working as Cloud/DevOps Engineer, Linux Administrator and Middleware Engineer within Linux/Unix/Windows environments to provide solutions to the complex issues utilizing most of the resources such as Virtualization, Integration and configuration Management tools, different Infrastructures (On - Premises Bare-Metal, privatized or Public Cloud) for Server Provisioning, Configuring, Monitoring, Disaster Recovery. Adopting DevOps Culture to automate the entire Software Development Life cycle and Implemented Continuous Integration, Delivery/Deployment pipelines
  • Experience in utilizing Amazon AWS cloud includes services like EC2, S3, VPC, ELB, IAM, Cloud Watch,
  • Elastic Beanstalk, Security Groups, EC2 Container Service (ECS), Lambda, Kinesis, Code Commit, CodePipeline, code deploy, Dynamo DB, Auto scaling Lifecycle hooks and Auto scaling launch configurations.
  • Expertise in creating complex and custom IAM policies, Roles, and user management for delegated users within AWS and experience in developing AWS cloud formation templates to create custom sized VPC, Subnets, EC2 instances, ELB and security groups.
  • Built out Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) private cloud OpenStack and managed deployment of Microservices using Kubernetes, Docker and etc to production environment. Performed server monitoring, Application monitoring, Capacity Planning and log monitoring using Nagios, Cacti, Zabbix and Splunk.
  • Hands-on on Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, Environment configuration Files, Users, Mount points, Packages and proactively manage change and written Ansible Playbooks using Yaml for Maintaining Roles, Inventory Files and Groups Variables.
  • Deployed servers using Puppet, and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing infrastructure and Implemented Puppet 3.8 manifests and Modules to deploy the builds for Dev, QA and production.
  • Experience in Installing Chef Server Enterprise On-premise/workstation/bootstrapped the nodes using knife and developed Chef Cookbooks, Recipes, Roles and Data Bags to automate the services related to deployment.
  • Utilized Kubernetes as a platform to provide a platform for automating the deployments, scaling and operation of application containers across a cluster of hosts. Worked closely with development teams and test engineers for EC2 size optimization and Docker build Containers.
  • Container management using Docker by writing Docker file in JSON format and place the automated build in Docker Hub. Managed deployments using Kubernetes, created local clusters and deployed application container.
  • Converted existing Terraform modules that had version conflicts to utilize Cloud formation templates during deployments, worked with Terraform to create stacks in AWS, and updated the Terraform scripts based on the requirement on regular basis.
  • Setting up CI/CD pipeline using continuous integration tools CloudBees Jenkins and automated the entire AWS EC2, VPC, S3, SNS, RedShift, EMR based infrastructure using Terraform, Chef, Python, Shell, Bash scripts and Managing security groups on AWS and custom monitoring using CloudWatch.
  • Experience in working on several Docker components like Docker engine, Hub, Machine, Compose, Docker Swarm and Docker registry. Docker Swarm provides native clustering functionality for Docker containers, Created Docker Compose file using YAML file for defining networks, services and volumes to run the Multi Docker container applications and creation of custom Docker container images, tagging and pushing the images to Docker Hub.
  • Hands on experience in Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining across the environments using SCM tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN), TFS, Bitbucket and used webhooks for integrating with continuous Integration tools Jenkins, TeamCity, Bamboo and ANT, MAVEN and Graddle for generating builds. Designed quality profiles and certain standards set by installing Quality Gates in SONARQUBE.
  • Responsible for configuring Volume Group using LVM, Logical and Physical Partitions and Importing New Physical Volumes and Managed file system, created swap, monitored and extended volume groups.
  • Experienced in troubleshooting, automating various builds and deployments using ANT, MAVEN, Perl, Ruby, MS Build, and Shell Scripts and deploying to web and application servers like WebSphere, WebLogic, and Tomcat.
  • Experience in Installing and setting up of RAID hardware/software for data backup and storage. Highly experienced in creating new file systems, mounting file systems and unmounting file systems.
  • Expertise in implementation and maintenance of Apache Http, SMTP, DHCP, NFS, NIS, NIS+, LDAP, DNS, SAMBA, SQUID, Postfix, send mail, FTP, Remote Access, Security Management Security trouble shooting skills.
  • Experience in working with Linux including Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, Ubuntu, Debian, configuration and administration of Red Hat Virtual machines in Vmware Environment.
  • Communicate changes, enhancements and modifications- verbally or through written documentation using confluence to various groups in the organization to facilitate new or improved business processes and systems via change log.
  • Understanding with the standards and great practices in Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile-SCRUM and Waterfall methodologies and Implemented Change Management Process for tracking different clients and setup tracking using JIRA/ ServiceNow.


Operating Systems: RHEL/CentOS 5.x/6.x/7, Linux-Ubuntu/Fedora, Windows 7/8/XP/10, AWS-Linux CLI

Networking: VPC, Route-53, LDAP, DNS, FTP, DHCP, SSH

Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, SQL Server

Backup/Monitoring Tools: S3 (Simple Storage Service), Cron Jobs, Cloud watch, Opsgenie, Splunk, Nagios

Source Control: GIT, SVN, Bitvbucket

Configuration Management: Ansible, Puppet, Chef

Virtualization/ Containerization Technologies: VMWARE, VSPHERE 5.5/6.0, VCENTER SERVER, AWS ECS, Docker Container services, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Vagrant

Cluster Management: Kubernetes, Docker Swarm

Languages: Python, Shell scripting, Bash, Groovy

Web/Application Server: IIS, Tomcat, Apache, Jboss, WebSphere Application Server, Web Logic

Build and Deploy Tools: ANT, Maven, Graddle, Jenkins, Bamboo, TeamCity, TFS

Infrastructure: AWS, Azure, OpenStack

Web Technologies/ Programming Languages: Servlets, JDBC, JSP, XML, HTML, .Net, Java Script, Java/J2EE, C, C++, Ruby, Perl Scripting, Python, Shell scripting

Software Methodologies: Agile-SCRUM, Waterfall, RUP, Xtreme

Project Management/ Bug tracking Tools: JIRA, Confluence, Rally, Remedy, HP Quality Center, Bugzilla


Confidential, San Ramon, CA

DevOps/AWS Engineer


  • Hands-on experience with Amazon Web services (AWS) and implemented solutions using EC2, S3, and RDS in cloud formation Json templates, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling Groups, Auto scaling Launch Configuration and Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hooks.
  • Developed and managed cloud VM’s with AWS EC2command line clients and management console. Created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions and alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using Cloud Watch.
  • Worked on launch configuration templates for launching EC2 instances using auto scaling groups
  • Worked on AWS Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Cloud Trail Services and cloud front to setup and manage the cached content delivery.
  • Managed Microservices using Docker to quickly spin up into production environment and auto-scaling them and orchestration using Amazon EC2 container service (ECS) and deploy it to an Amazon EC2 instance using launch configuration templates.
  • Designed Auto-scaling Launch configurations templates using various modules like Key-pairs, Security groups and block device mapping to configure an EC2 instances within the Auto-scaling group.
  • Deployed Kubernetes clusters on top of Amazon EC2 Instances using KOPS and Managed local deployments in Kubernetes, creating local cluster and deploying application containers and building/maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes and deployed Kubernetes using HELM Charts.
  • Managed Kubernetes with Kubectl, Kubeadm, and Setup of Kube-proxies, Kubelets, ETCD, and Flannel overlay networking & FluentD for Logging within containerized ELK stack.
  • Worked with Red Hat Open Shift Container Platform for Docker and kubernetes. Used kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, ConfigMaps, selector, Services & deployed application containers as Pods. Created additional Docker Slave Nodes for Jenkins using custom Docker Images and pulled them to ECR.
  • Used Auto Scaling Lifecycle hooks for infrastructure automation such as creating auto scaling group calls through AWS CLI and keep the instances in pending or wait state to perform pre-production tasks, set time-intervals for launch and terminate spot instances.
  • Used Amazon RDS, EC2, SES, SQS, SNS and Cassandra in multiple virtual and physical data-centers to ensure the system was redundant and scalable.
  • Created Docker Images using a docker file, worked on Docker Container Snapshots, removing images and managing Docker Volumes deployed using kubernetes.
  • Built a new CI pipeline, Testing and deployment automation with Docker, Jenkins and Ansible. Integrating Sonarqube in the CI pipeline for code coverage reports and sonar metrics. Integrating Sonarqube in the CI pipeline to analyze code quality and obtain combined code coverage reports after performing static and dynamic analysis.
  • Jenkins for integrating maven to generate builds, conduct unit tests with Junit Plugin, Regression tests with Selenium, Nexus Artifactory for storing jar, war and ear files, AppDynamics & ELK Stack for monitoring, Sonarqube for code coverage reports and JIRA for document generation.
  • Used Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK stack) for centralized logging and analytics in the continuous delivery pipeline to store logs and metrics into S3 bucket using lambda function.
  • Worked with Application Performance Monitoring tools like AppDynamics for monitoring JAVA, .NET and PHP applications along with NewRelic for monitoring performance like browser and for tracking issues in SQL statements.
  • Created and maintained various Devops related tools for the team such as provisioning scripts, deployment tools and staged virtual environments using Docker and Vagrant.
  • Used MySQL to perform basic database administration. Built out server automation with Continuous Integration - Continuous Deployment tools like Jenkins/Maven for deployment and build management system.
  • Managed Nexus and Maven repositories to download artifacts during the build and Written Ansible Playbooks, which is entry point for Server Provisioning, where the automation identified through the tasks using YAML format.
  • Scripted Ansible Playbook to manage configurations of AWS Nodes and test playbooks on AWS instances.
  • Experience using Ansible Tower, which provides an easy-to-use dashboard, and role-based access control, so that it is easier to allow individual teams access to use Ansible for their deployments.
  • Created Docker composefile-usingYAML for deploying MEANstack (MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, Node JS) applications onto Docker containers before deploying them into production environment.
  • Implemented a continuous delivery pipeline with Jenkins, Docker, GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new github branch gets started, jenkins, our continuous Integration server automatically attempts to build a new docker container from it, the docker container leverages the linux container and has the AMI baked in.
  • Written Terraform modules for automating the creation of VPC’s and launching AWS EC2 Instances. Modules are written for creation of VPC and VPN connection from data center to production environment and cross account VPC peering.
  • Used Terraform for managing the infrastructure through the terminal sessions and executing scripts in creating alarms and notifications for EC2 instances using AWS Cloud Watch. Wrote Ansible Playbooks for various applications and deploying them in AWS using Terraform.
  • Using Docker container clusters to clone the production servers and implementing kubernetes orchestration for clone’s production servers.
  • Used bash and python, included Boto3 to supplement automation provided by Ansible and Terraform for tasks such as encrypting EBS volumes backing AMI’s and scheduling lambda functions for routine AWS tasks.
  • Use of docker along with AWS for advanced containerization of applications for next level of application with 2-way SSL support.
  • Had done POC implementation of continuous deployment pipeline with Jenkins and Jenkins workflow on kubernetes.
  • Installing and configuring LAMP (Apache/ Tomcat/ MySQL/ php), Reverse-proxy servers (Nginx).
  • Deployed the java application into web application servers like Apache Tomcat. Involved in configuring Nix as a web server.
  • Experienced in deployment of applications on Apache Web Server, Nix and application servers such as Tomcat, Jboss.
  • Defined AWS Security groups that acted as firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed reaching one or more AWS EC2.
  • Schedule and perform process audits and recommend process improvements. Continuously work towards optimization of process and workflow to improve turnaround and resolution time.

Confidential, Carrollton, TX

AWS DevOps Automation Engineer


  • Involved in designing and deploying large number of applications utilizing most of the AWS stack includes not limited to EC2, Route53, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS and IAM focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling in AWS cloud formation.
  • Involved in working with cloud/storage systems along with few SaaS applications. Worked in deployment of content delivery networks (CDN) and system development in cloud environments.
  • Designed AWS cloud formation templates to create custom sized VPC, Subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of web-applications and database templates.
  • Configuring and networking of virtual private cloud (VPC), written cloud formation templates and deployed AWS resources using it.
  • Storage on AWS EBS, S3 and Glacier and automate sync data to Glacier. Database services on AWS like RDS, Dynamo DB, Elastic Transcoder, Cloud front, Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) groups and users for improved login authentication. Designed Network Security Groups (NSGs) to control inbound and outbound access to network interfaces (NICs), VMs and subnets.
  • Using Bamboo AWS Code Deploy plugin to deploy and Chef for unattended bootstrapping in AWS and Written Terraform templates, Chef Cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto Chef Server for configuring EC2 Instances. Automated various infrastructure activities like continuous deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Chef Cookbooks and has integrated Chef with Bamboo.
  • Written Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize product configuration, converting production support scripts to Chef Recipes and AWS server provisioning using Chef Recipes.
  • Configured Chef to manage AWS environments and automate the build process for core AMIs used by all application deployments including Auto scaling, and incorporating Chef using AWS OpsWorks on the JSON Cloud Formation scripts for the configuration deployment onto the nodes.
  • Configured/Integrated Bamboo with Bitbucket to pull codes, ANT to generate builds and push artifacts to AWS S3.
  • Created EBS snapshots, rebuilt new EBS volumes from snapshots to migrate applications, and storing these snapshots into S3 buckets for backup.
  • Managing GIT version control system in creating branches, tags, merge, resolving conflicts.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins on Docker for the run-time environment to build, test and deploy.
  • Experience in working with several Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Compose, and Docker Registry for storing Dockerimages and files, running multiple containers in staging and production environments.
  • Worked to setup Jenkins as a service inside the Docker Swarm cluster to reduce the failover downtime to minutes and to automate the Docker containers deployment without using configuration management tool.
  • Deployed java applications to application servers in agile continuous integration environment and automated the whole process.
  • Used AppDynamics for administrative activities like user management, application management and monitoring controller performance. Splunk used for monitoring system logs essential to finding problems and halting deployment pipelines. Implemented POC for AppDynamics monitoring along with splunk to enhance the performance of Applications.
  • Worked on deployment automation of all micro-services to pull image from the private docker registry and deploy to Docker Swarm cluster using Ansible.
  • Expanded Experience in Network Management like DNS, NIS, NFS, LDAP, TFTP and system troubleshooting skills. Experience automating deployments on Servers using JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere and Apache web server.
  • Experience in working with Docker service rolling updates and involved in implementation of BLUE GREEN DEPLOYMENT to attain zero downtime.
  • Continuous Integration, automated deployment and management using TeamCity, Puppet, Graddle, JIRA, Testing Frameworks, Code quality tools like SonarQube and many other comparable tools based on the requirements.
  • Installed and configured an automated tool puppet that included the installation and configuration of the puppet master, agent nodes and an admin control workstation.
  • In depth knowledge of computer applications and scripting like shell, python, PowerShell, Bash and Groovy.
  • Closely worked with development, QA and other teams to ensure automated test efforts and integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Build & Release Engineer


  • Involved in different phases of SDLC Requirements, Analysis, Design, Documentation, Testing and Implementation.
  • Involved in identifying the build errors in the system, identify the build issues, and escalate it to the concerned team after careful analysis. Work and coordinate with the team to get the build fixed before the release.
  • Key member on build team that works on how to reduce the build time. We used cache to reduce compilation time and redundancies.
  • Worked on continuous integration tool TeamCity. Used Bamboo for official nightly build, test and managing change list. Installed multiple plugins for smooth build and release pipelines.
  • Create and Maintain nightly builds, hot-fix builds/branches, custom and private builds.
  • SVN administration including creating branches, tags, user and group account requirements, resolution of user access issues and responsible for data security.
  • Maintain SVN repositories, handling releases and perform Branching and merging process operations for SVN.
  • Perform deployments to multiple environments in Testing, staging and production environments and configure jobs for generating project artifacts.
  • Created and updated puppet manifests and modules, files, and packages stored in the GIT repository, created local, virtual repositories in Jfrog Artifactory, and integrated with TeamCity.
  • Responsible for taking the source code and compiling using ANT and package it in its distributable format such as JAR, WAR and EAR and deploying them in the WebSphere application server.
  • Monitoring of applications, servers, doing capacity planning with the help of Nagios and Splunk for managing logs to notify the incident management system upon reaching or exceeding the threshold limits.
  • Experience in integrating Bamboo with ServiceNow through API and created schema to store the build information and used ServiceNow for implementation of ITIL Change Management Process.
  • Developed pom.xml files for maven build scripts. Experience in administering and maintaining Atlassian products like JIRA and confluence and deployed specific versions of various modules of an application into Confidential environment using Udeploy.
  • Working on Deploying using middleware tools like WebSphere, creating deploy scripts and setting for the production release.
  • Involving for manage hosting plans for AWS infrastructure, implementing and deploying workloads on Amazon EC2 Instances, Design and Implement Storage and good understanding on implementing images/disks, Hyper-V, VMware technologies and system center components.
  • Experience in administration, configuration and support for Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) tools like JIRA, Team Forge to track the progress of the project and used as ticketing tool.
  • Responsible for creation of release notes to every scheduled release.
  • Active participant in software configuration and change management processes to improve the build accuracy, time, and version controlling and doing scheduled releases on time.


Middleware Engineer


  • Experience in Installing, upgrading, configuring Red Hat Linux 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7 using kickstart servers and interactive installation.
  • Expertise in package management using Red Hat RPM, YUM used in several Linux distributions such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
  • Experience in configuring different servers (FTP, WEB, NFS, SAMBA, Send mail & Autofs).
  • Experience in installing and configuring Selinux using command line interface and setting up permissions to the files and directories according to the requirement.
  • Managing systems routine backup, scheduling jobs like disabling and enabling cron jobs, enabling system logging, network logging of servers for maintenance, Performance tuning and testing using.
  • Experience in configuration and maintenance of WebLogic 8.1 with JDBC, JNMS, JNMI, SNMP and J2EE services. Deployed applications in (WAR, JAR, and EAR) in domain and clustered environments. Configured JDBC connection pools and data sources with Oracle 8.i database.
  • Worked extensively on large variety of integration technologies Mule soft, Apache Camel, Jboss Fuse, Fuse Fabric8 and creating Active MQ with different topologies in Enterprise Integration.
  • Experience in installing, configuring and maintaining application Server like WebSphere and Web Servers like Web Logic, Apache HTTP and Tomcat on UNIX and Linux.
  • Experience in installation, configuration, performance tuning, security, backup, recovery and upgrade/patches of Linux and UNIX servers using Crontab.
  • Installation and administration of VMware vSphere ESXi 6.5 environment, Evaluated and implemented new hardware and software solutions that benefited architecture and operations implemented VMware SRM and troubleshot performance issues.
  • Worked on VMware for Virtual server builds, increasing memory, CPU, adding disks, Maintenance on ESX hosts VM and server/storage migrations.
  • Installing and upgradingvirtual machine hardware version using VMware tools. Provisioning virtual machines and Deploying virtual machines from Templates by cloning.Creating and deleting of VM's snapshots.
  • Assigning LUNs to ESX/ ESXi servers and creating data stores.Adding virtual machine memory and vcpu.
  • Use VMware, VSphere and vCenter Update Manager to apply patches to virtual machines and also Virtual Private Networking (VPN) tools and techniques to maintain these VM's.
  • Samba and Apache Web Services Performed different software changes in VMware environment on customer's servers. Followed up with Data Center personal for hardware related changes.


Linux Engineer


  • Installed and configured JBoss application server on various Linux servers.
  • Configured Kick-start for RHEL (4, and 5), Jumpstart for Solaris and perform image installation through network.
  • Involved in configuration, troubleshooting of multi-pathing Solaris, and bonding on Linux Servers.
  • Installation, configuration and troubleshooting of Red hat 4.x, 5.x, Ubuntu 12.x and HP-UX 11.x on various hardware platforms.
  • Created virtual server on VMware ESX/ESXi based host and installed operating system on guest Servers.
  • Worked with Red Hat Linux tools like RPM to install packages and patches for Red Hat Linux server
  • Developed scripts for automating administration tasks like customizing user environment, and performance monitoring and tuning with nfsstat, netstat, iostat, vmstat.
  • Worked with and assisted customers with setting proper priority/severity of problems, work problems to resolution, recorded/documented actions in databases as well as utilized tools and resources.
  • Handling the scheduling tasks (cron jobs and task scheduler) for the scripts for various purposes.
  • Involved in support databases and performed MS SQL upgrades running on Windows servers.
  • Troubleshooting and analysis of hardware and software failures for various Solaris servers (core dump and log file analysis)
  • Installed/Configured/Maintained/Administrated the network servers DNS, NIS, NFS, SENDMAIL and application servers Apache, JBoss on Linux.
  • Extensive use of Logical Volume Manager (LVM), creating volume groups, logical volumes and disk mirroring in HP-UX and Linux.
  • Working with storage team on EMC Storage issues and getting the EMC storage devices for new file systems.
  • Supporting application team, storage team, DBA team at OS system level.
  • Extensive knowledge of Linux/Windows based systems including hardware, software and applications.

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