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Software Engineer Resume

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  • Currently I work as a key contributor in an agile software development group inside of a large organization. I am extremely proficient at adapting to new code bases, concepts, and frameworks quickly and efficiently.
  • Developed a Menu Management tool for creating client facing Menus using NodeJS and Angular all in a compressed timeline.
  • Developed a VOD Asset Tracking tool using node, Angular, and Mongo.
  • Developed a tool for Triaging millions of assets using Java8, Spring, ElasticSearch, and AngularJS


Languages: Java (1.4 - 1.8), JavaScript, Coffeescript

Technologies: Spring, Hibernate, JPA, NodeJS (express and hapi), and AngularJS

Software Tools/Utilities: Eclipse, IntelliJ, Maven, GIT, Gulp

Database Technologies: Oracle 8i-11g, Mysql, SQL Server 2005, Postgre (Postgis), and Mongo.


Software Engineer



  • Time has been focused on working to develop, maintain, and enrich applications used for the delivery of Charter’s VOD Content.
  • This work drives the menus and guides for millions cloud connected set-top boxes and applications around the country.
  • It also has helped find numerous inconsistencies in the data itself.
  • The APIs developed while at Charter are all RESTful, complete with HATOAS for self-discovery and endpoints documented using swagger.
  • All of the software developed at Charter is deployed in AWS using RDS (auto-scaling MySql cluster), elastic-load-balancer, and auto-scaling.
  • Most applications developed while at Charter used some if not all of the following technologies: Spring-Boot, Spring, Java (1.6 through 1.8), Spring-Data, Maven, Jackson, Jersey, AngularJS, and/or NodeJS.
  • Worked with a small team in a short deadline to deliver a new application for driving rich menu structures to all of Charter’s customer applications.
  • The core management API is comprised of a series of node.js modules using Express, mongodb.
  • Frontend was developed using Angular 1.5, using Angular 2.0’s component patterns.
  • The edge/client API consists of a series of Amazon Lambda Micro-Services
  • These edge services are designed to handle up to 30k simultaneous requests.
  • Worked alone to develop a VOD Asset Triage System using spring-boot, java 8, mongo, ElasticSearch, and AngularJS.
  • Worked across multiple teams to deliver Video over IP functionality to a plurality of client facing applications.
  • Triaged numerous issues in heavy asset provisioning.
  • Worked alone to develop a various small POCs to track day-to-day deltas of assets in given menu paths.
  • Leveraged HapiJS, joi, mongo, and AngularJS to get these projects completed quickly.

Sr. Java Developer


  • All of the projects while at Level3 leveraged Rally for tracking tickets, with ClearCase for code management.
  • Mostly worked on a monolithic series of legacy applications that focused on handling voice-provisioning for almost all the active phone numbers in the United States.
  • Applications ran using Java 6 with and some if not all of the following: Struts, EJB 2.0, Spring 2.0, Hibernate, and JSF.
  • Added changes to the Least Cost Routing Algorithm to calculate to better calculate call cost and quality using PLQL and Java 1.4.
  • These changes resulted in a savings of approximately 90k a week




  • Worked with a small team to develop an Over the Air Device Management console using Spring, MySQL, iBatis, and jQuery.
  • Developed a commercial RESTful network services platform called the Sprint Services Framework.
  • Built using Java 6.0, JAX-RS, Hibernate (later migrated to myBatis), with a jQuery management frontend. In a microservices architecture with a java based dispatcher for managing.
  • Built a mocking service using ruby, active record, and jquery to allow users to simulate device activity on a network.
  • Developed developer facing guides and documentation.
  • Worked with external teams deliver an unreleased Titan Mobile OSGi platform for Android.
  • Developed many of the debugging tools specific to Android, including the custom logging bundle used for all of our OSGi Bundles.
  • Developed guides, proofs of concept, and sample bundles using Eclipse and the Titan SDK
  • Developed and released numerous prototypes and management tools using Ruby on Rails.
  • Leveraged the Google App Engine and Google Web toolkit to build an analytics framework.
  • Acted as the Android Subject Matter Expert for Sprint’s Application Developer Program.
  • Wrote several android specific proofs of concept and prototypes, ranging from location aware applications to OSGi Bundles.
  • Wrote, published, and edited several guides on developer.sprint.com pertaining to Android/Android Development.

Software Engineer



  • Maintained various advertising campaign management tools for Sprint and Embarq using j2ee, struts2, tapestry, mootools, and iBatis.
  • Developed and released a CMS/Bid management system for a large commodities trading firm.
  • Developed nightly processes for a large engineering and construction firm to migrate data from their Fox-Pro based asset management system to SQL Server 2005.
  • Designed and developed a digital web asset audit tool using Ruby-on-Rails.
  • The tool was utilized to track down “off-brand” web-assets after a major merger for a fortune 100 Company.
  • Assisted with the development and fine-tuning of a large data-mining system built in Oracle 10g for predicting stock trends.

Consulting Java Developer



  • Fixed numerous zero-day defects for the final release of the project across all tiers of the application.
  • Developed daily donations reporting systems using JASPER reports and spring.
  • Developed message/ticket tracking system for the “request a prayer” module used by unity parishioners using java mail and spring.

Software Engineer



  • An address verification system for surveyors in the field, that would synchronize with a series of restful web-services using asp.net, C#, and postGIS when connectivity was available.
  • Developed simple plugins in ArcObjects (.net) to populate the address info from the afore mentioned web-services.

Jr. Application Developer



  • A monolithic n-Tier Enterprise Java Application that started using Struts 1 and EJB 1 and quickly migrated to Struts 1.5 and EJB 2 with Xdoclet.
  • Worked closely with senior staff help design, develop, and deploy EIS (Enterprise Information System).
  • Created numerous web pages and registration forms utilized by Kansas State University's Division of Continuing .
  • Used Swing, regular-expressions, and jdbc to develop a simple desktop utility to import the existing RTF Document based course catalog to our database.

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