Sr. Java/j2ee / Full Stack Developer Resume
Irving, TX
- IT Professional with 8+ years of referable & strong experience in Design, Development and Deployment of web - based client-server business applications using Java/J2EE Architecture, OO Design patterns.
- Experience in all stages of SDLC including requirement analysis, design, development, testing, deployment and support.
- Thorough on Software development methodologies such as Scrum, Agile, Iterative Waterfall development and TDD environments.
- Experience in applying designpatternslike MVC, Singleton, Factory Pattern, Service Locator, Business Delegate, Data Access Object, Session Facade and Value object pattern etc.
- Strong experience in Web development using Angular JS, React JS, Vue JS, HTML5, DHTML, XHTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Backbone JS, Vanilla JS, XML, XSL, XSLT.
- Expertise inJavaconcepts likeOOP, Java Swing, Java Struts, Spring Framework, Hibernate, Hibernate ORM, JDBC, JMS, JSP, JSF, Servlets, EJB, XML, XSD, XSL, JNDI, JMS.
- Extensive experience in using Amazon Web Services like RDS, EC2, Redshift, SQS, SNS, Cloud Watch and S3.
- Excellent experience with Application Servers like Tomcat, IBM WebSphere, Oracle WebLogic, Glassfish, JBoss.
- Experience in databases such as Oracle, DB2 and MS SQL Server to manage tables, views, indexes, sequences, stored procedures, functions, triggers and packages.
- Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS, AMI.
Languages: Java 1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8, J2EE, UNIX Shell Scripting, Python 3.6.0, Scala 2.12.1, C, C++
Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, DHTML, XML, CSS, Bootstrap, JSF, JavaScript, SERVLETS 3.1, JSP 3.0, JavaBeans 3.0, Java Servlets API 3.0, AJAX
Frameworks: Spring 4.3, Spring Boot, Hibernate 4.3, Angular JS 1.0/1.5/2.0, Struts 2.x/1.x, Log4J
Application/Web servers: Apache Tomcat 8, IBM WebSphere 8.x/9.x, Jetty, Jenkins 2.50, JBoss, Tomcat 5.0/6.0/7.0, Glassfish
Relational Databases: Oracle 8i/9i/10g/11g, SQL server 2012/2014/2016, MySQL 5.7, DB2 11.1
NoSQL Databases: MongoDB, Cassandra, Couch DB
Internet Technologies: HTML 5, JavaScript 1.8, XML 2.0, CSS 3 and CSS 4, jQuery 2.11, Angular JS 2.0, BackBone.JS 1.3.1, Node JS 6.0, Vanilla JS
Cloud Environments: Azure, AWS, Netflix Eureka, Mesos
IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans 8.0.2, IntelliJ 2017.1, Spring Tool Suite (STS) 3.8.3
Operating systems: Windows, MS-DOS, UNIX, Mac OS, Linux and Ubuntu
Testing Tools: Junit 4.12, Win Runner, Jenkins, Selenium WebDriver/Grid, JIRA 7.0., Bugzilla 4.4.12, Jasper Reports 6.0
Methodologies: Agile, waterfall, TDD (Test-Driven-Development), Scrum, SDLC
Build Tools: Ant 1.10, Maven 3.3.9, Gradle 3.4.1
Case Tools: Rational Rose, UML, OOAD, RUP
Confidential, Malvern, PA
Sr. Java Full Stack Developer
- Involved in Agile Sprint methodologies to handle requirements gathering, analysis and planning. Involved in gathering requirements from existing functionality for the custodians.
- Developed the presentation layer written using HTML, CSS3, Angular JS, and client-side validations were done using JavaScript, jQuery, and JSON.
- Wrote code on Typescript and ES6 to implement Angular 4.0 Components and worked on different changed procedures ofAngularJS toAngular4.0.
- ImplementedBootstrapfor responsive UI design, so that application can be used from various browsers and devices.
- Used Spring Core for dependency injection/inversion of control, and integrated AngularJS.
- Performed DOM manipulation using Angular JS, Vue JS and other JavaScript libraries.
- Used APIGEE for API Identification and Resource Definition based on REST principles.
- Used Spring MVC for REST API and Spring Boot for micro services.
- Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers.
- Worked onRestWeb services as well as NodeRestframework for backend services.
- Implemented Declarative transaction management usingSpringAOP.
- Deployed Spring Boot micro services Docker container using Amazon EC2 container services and AWS.
- UtilizedAWSLambdaplatform to upload data into AWS S3 bucket and to trigger otherLambda functions.
- All the functionalities were implemented usingSpring IO/Spring Boot andHibernate ORM.
- Implemented Java EE components usingSpring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactionsand Spring security modules.
- Managed and maintained NoSQL (MongoDB) database in production domain.
- Defined and constructed layers, server-side objects and client-side interfaces based on J2EE design patterns. RESTful web services using Jersey for JAX-RS implementation.
- Used Spark streaming with Scala to consume real-time data from the Kafka cluster and run several arbitrations.
- Architected our core processing applications for maximum scalability and availability using test-driven development, Inversion of control, dependency injection, design patterns, trunk-based development.
- Wrote SQLqueries PLSQLStored procedures, functions, triggers, cursors, sequences, and indexes, which are going to be invoked by Batch processes.
- Deployed the Application into Docker container and made easily accessible Confidential runtime using Cloud Foundry and other cloud services like AWS, Netflix Eureka, and Spring Hystrix as fallback method.
- Setup Spring Ribbon for load balancing and a broker service to maintain status using Spring Kafka and Zookeeper.
- Worked on Microservices Registration with Spring Cloud using Netflix Eureka.
- Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, pushing images, integration of spring boot.
- Upgraded theswaggerto new version while maintaining the look and functionality of the UI.
- Worked on MongoDB Installation, Configuring, Monitoring and Designing Shared Environment.
- Involved in CI/CD process using GIT, Jenkins job creation, Maven build and publish, and Fabric implementation.
- Managed source code into Git and Tracked progress of task and defect of existing and future software inIBMRational Team Concert.
- Tested every module extensively using JasmineJS and operated JIRA very closely for bugs brought up by the QA team and handled it appropriately.
- Involved in deploying the application in UNIX and to connect to see logs for fixing UAT/Production defects.
- Developed, executed and maintained Selenium automation scripts for web application.
- Created continuous integration builds using Ant, Jenkins.
- Worked on automation platforms likeAnsible. Deployed Application instance onJBossServer.
Environment: HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON, AngularJS, Angular 4.0, VueJS, Maven 3.0, Java 1.8, Spring 4.x, Mule ESB, Restful Webservices, Rest API, jQuery, Scala, Netflix Eureka, Feign Client, Netflix Ribbon, Amazon Elastic Beanstalk, S3, Soap UI, Jenkins, Git, Elastic search, DOM, JAX-RS, Junit 4.4, Log4j, Apache Kafka, MongoDB, Docker, Agile Scrum
Confidential - Irving, TX
Sr. Java/J2EE / Full Stack Developer
- Involved in Daily SCRUM meetings and weekly Spring Meetings.
- Defined strategic initiatives on Continuous Integration & Delivery (CI/CD) model with AGILE methodology to help, respond quickly to business needs and to ship world class Quality products.
- Implemented and developed UI components using Angular JS features like dependency Injection, Models, data binding and controllers.
- Developed test cases for Angular JS using karma and grunt.
- Developed Interactive web pages using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
- Developed various screens for the front end using Angular JS and used various predefined components from NPM.
- Created an inline-edit and widget-collapse feature for the web page.
- Implemented various features of spring framework such as Dependency Injection, IOC, Annotations and Spring integration with Hibernate.
- Integrated application with Spring Security for form-based authentication and authorization by used spring security to provide UI level spring security.
- Implemented Dynamic job scheduling according to the business need same using Quartz scheduler.
- Implemented the functionalities using Spring IO / Spring Boot, Thyme leaf and Hibernate ORM.
- Implemented Java EE components Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules.
- Exposed the Micro services to base on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
- Developed Applications using Rule Engines, Drools 4.x, and ILOG with corresponding to validate the business User.
- Implemented the application using design patterns such as Session Facade, Business Delegate, Bean Factory, Singleton, Data Access Object, and Service Locator.
- Administered and deployed applications into JBoss Server.
- Used Java Messaging Services for reliable and asynchronous exchange of important information such as payment status report.
- Worked with JAXB, SAXP and XML Schema for exporting data into XML format and importing data from XML format to data base and JAXB in the web service's request response data marshalling as well as un-marshalling process.
- Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, pushing images, integration of Spring Boot.
- Utilized Hibernate for Object/Relational Mapping (ORM) purposes for persistence onto the Oracle 11g database.
- Integration of automation batch run job with Jenkins. Worked with Continuous Integration tool and Build Tool ANT.
- Involved in JAD sessions to gather requirements from the end clients.
- Used GIT as version management, JIRA for defect management system.
- Used JUnit for unit testing of the application and log4j for logging.
Environment: Java 1.7, Spring 3, Hibernate 4.2, Spring batch, Spring quartz, Spring security, Spring JTA, Spring Boot, JPA, Java Scripts, Angular JS, HTML 5.0, CSS3, JMS, JAXP (SAX & DOM), JBoss, Eclipse, Oracle 11g, SOAP, log4j, Junit, XML, Web Services, GIT, Docker, Agile
Confidential - St. Louis, MO
Sr. Java/J2EE Full Stack Developer
- Worked in Test Driven Development Environment and using Scrum concepts that includes Analyzing, Designing, Coding, Testing, implementation & Production Support.
- Applied J2EE design patterns like Singleton, Data Transfer Object, Data Access Objects, Front Controller and Adapter during the development of components.
- Designed and Developed complex UI screens using HTML, CSS, AJAX, JSP, jQuery, JavaScript for request management and search and filter modules.
- Developed GUI using JSP, Struts, HTML3, CSS3, Swing and JavaScript to simplify complexities of the application.
- Built dynamic and responsive web flow using AngularJS controllers, services & custom directives and AJAX calls.
- Used CSS pre-processors SASS, along with JavaScript task runner Grunt JS for building & rendering stylesheets.
- Used detailed wireframes and developed Mock-up designs as per the requirements of Business.
- Performed client-side validations and server-side validations, client side using JavaScript and server side using in built Struts Validation Framework.
- Developed Application usingSpringDAO,SpringAOPand Hibernate,Springbatch, Web Services like SOAP
- Exposed and consumed SOAP based Web Services to communicate, used SOAP UI for testing.
- Implemented automation using Selenium WebDriver, JAVA, Selenium Grid, and Maven.
- Implemented cross cutting concerns like logging and monitoring mechanism using Spring AOP.
- Adopted J2EE design patterns like Service Locator, Session Facade and Singleton.
- Implemented SOA architecture with web services using SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML.
- Implemented Dynamic batch feature for batch processing with Spring Batch.
- Implemented the data persistence functionality of the application by using Hibernate to persist java objects to the relational database.
- DevelopedSQLandPL/SQLscripts to transfer tables across the schemas and databases Oracle10g.
- Developed SOAP based Web Services for Integrating with the Enterprise Information System Tier.
- Used jQuery for accessing JSON objects received from server side.
- Implemented Unit Tests using Karma and Jasmine and End-to-End Testing using Protractor.
- Used ANT for compilation and building JAR files.
- Used version control systems like SVN to manage all our cloud repositories.
- Deployed applications on Web Logic Application Server and performed required configuration changes.
- Used JIRA for bug tracking, project level issue tracking and environmental issue tracking.
Environment: JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, HTML3, JSP, CSS3, SASS, Angular JS, Grunt JS, Java1.8, J2EE, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Web Services, SOAP UI, XML, WSDL, Oracle10g, PL/SQL, TDD, JIRA processes, SVN, Design Patterns, WebSphere MQ, Selenium, Eclipse IDE
Confidential - Dallas, TX
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Involved in various SDLC phases like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development and the project was developed using Agile based SCRUM Methodology.
- Successfully executed offshore modeling by effective and on time knowledge sharing with offshore project groups through weekly team meetings and daily status update calls.
- Implemented Struts Framework and Hibernate in the new version of the Application.
- Involved in coding for the presentation layer using Struts and JavaScript.
- Developed Action classes, Dyna Action Forms and used Validation framework.
- Used EJB Stateless/Stateful session beans to implement business logic, session handling, and transaction and deployed Enterprise Java Beans both Session and Entity on WebSphere Application Server.
- Implement modules into Node JS to integrate with designs and requirements.
- Developed real time tracking of class schedules using Node JS ( based on socket technology, Express JS framework).
- Extensively used Java Scripts to enforce client-side validations and used jQuery for Ajax processing.
- Involved in development/ maintenance of various web services using IBM WebSphere to interact with other Applications.
- Involved in unit testing, troubleshooting and debugging. Modifying existing programs with enhancements.
- Developed the UNIX shell scripts to automate jobs.
- Developed Entity Beans as Bean Managed Persistence Entity Beans and used JDBC to connect to backend database DB2.
- Involved in fixing bugs the bugs or defects in the application.
- Used version control systems like CVS.
Environment: Jakarta Struts Framework 2.0, Core Java, Hibernate 3.0, EJB, Web Services, CSS, Node JS, Eclipse, CVS, WebSphere Application Server 6.5, JUnit, UNIX, JavaScript, JSP, JDBC, jQuery, DB2
Java/J2EE Developer
- Implemented Web Services to handle data from third party interfaces, used tool like axis 1.4 to create web services.
- Developed AJAX based web UI framework. Used JSON and XML formats to transfer data from the server.
- Worked extensively with the backend which comprised of Spring, Hibernate and JPA.
- Created simple user interface for application's configuration system using MVC design patterns and Swingframework.
- Developed JSP for performing CRUD operations on domain specific entities.
- Developed Service Layer using POJOs and Spring IOC.
- Developed Data Access Layer using Hibernate and DAO Design Pattern.
- Used Java Message Service for loosely coupled, reliable and asynchronous exchange of user and real estate information among J2EE components and legacy system
- Involved in working with J2EE Design patterns (Singleton, Factory, DAO, and Business Delegate) and Model View Controller Architecture with Spring IOC.
- Used Apache POI API to generate excel document for data in each grid in the application.
- Extensively used Spring IOC architectural model to inject objects based on the selection of components like setter injection and Interface injection to manage the object references.
- Involved in the development of the application based on backend Spring MVC architecture.
- Utilized Spring MVC framework to implement design patterns like IOC, Spring DAO, Data Transfer objects, Business objects, ORM Mappings.
- Used the Spring DAO to handle exception for database transaction like open connections, no result, connection aborted, closing the connections etc.
- Utilized the concept of Lazy initialization and Eager fetch based on the requirements and increase the performance within the session of objects.
Environment: Spring MVC, IOC, DAO, Hibernate, Java, Swing, Oracle, Maven, Eclipse, AJAX, JSP, HTML, CSS, Java Script, XML, Design Patterns, Apache POI, Web Services
Sr. Java/J2EE Developer
- Designed Use Case and Sequence Diagrams according to UML standard using Rational Rose.
- Developed Session beans for functionality as per the requirement.
- Used Spring MVC framework for implementing the Web tier of the application.
- Used different Design patterns like MVC pattern, DAO pattern, and singleton to achieve clean separation of layers.
- Used Hibernate API to perform database operations.
- Used Oracle 10g for database connectivity
- Used various core java concepts like Multi-threading, Exception Handling and Collection Framework.
- Worked on Hibernate persistence tier. This involves developing mapping files and Hibernate (POJOs/ DAOs)
- Used Lo4j debugging tool to monitor the Error Logs.
- Involved in developing SQL queries, stored procedures, and functions.
- Prepared Unit test cases for existing functionality as per the requirement and execute the same.
- Developed Custom tag libraries to separate presentation and processing logic.
- Involved in the Integration testing support and involved in bug fixing.
- Responsible for writing detail design documents and class diagrams and sequence diagrams.
- Involved in tracking and resolving Production issues.
Environment: JSP 2.1, spring, JDBC, Core Java, JavaScript, HTML, PL/SQL, SVN, Hibernate 3.0, WebLogic 7.0, Oracle, Rational Rose