Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Resume
Brownsville, TX
- 7 years of professional experience in design, analysis, development and testingof web and distributed n - tier applications usingJava/J2EE technologiesin different domains.
- Worked with complete Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) process which incorporates Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Designing, Developing, Testing, Implementing and Documenting the whole life cycle by utilizing different approaches like Agile, Scrum and Test-Driven Development.
- Widely used various open source frameworks like Struts, spring and ORM Technologies like Hibernate and MyBatis.
- Expertise in developing GUI using Web-Development technologies like HTML, DHTML, DOJO, JavaScript, CSS, HTML5, Angular JS, Node JS, Bootstrap, JSF and jQuery.
- Worked on SOA and Web Services technologies like JAX-WS&JAX-RS, AWS using different frameworks like Apache Axis2, Spring-WS, Apache CXF and Jersey.
- Hands on experience with Microservice Architecture (MSA) in implementing micro-services using Spring Boot.
- Good knowledge on Lambda expressions, Time APIs and Java 8 core features
- Strong working experience with Spring Framework, which includes usage of IoC/Dependency Injection and different spring modules like Core Container, Data Access/Integration, Web and AOP inWeb applications.
- Good experience with Core Features of Angular JS such as Dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking.
- Worked on Node.js Fundamentals including Modules, Callbacks, Events, Streams and Error Handling by making use of its Core Features like Event-Driven, Single Threaded model and Non-Blocking I/O model.
- Hands on Java and Linux platform development experience
- Hands on experience with Bootstrap Core Layout Components like Dropdowns, Navigation Elements, Navbar, Pagination, Labels, Badges, Page Headers, Alerts, Panels and Media Objects.
- Used Spring Security to provide features for applications like HTTP authentication, access control, custom login, password hashing and logout.
- Worked on Ehcache framework integrated with spring in implementing in-memory caching for Java applications.
- Good Understanding of security using SAML and OAuth in XML and HTML
- Understanding the design and features (Collection APIs and bulk data streams) of Java 8
- Good experience with implementing encryption algorithms such as MD5, AES and TwoFish Cipher in financial and transactional related applications.
- Experience in usingJPA and Hibernate ORMwithHibernate Query Language (HQL).
- Worked with various JSON-Binding Providers including Jackson, Google-Gson, Flex json and JSON-lib.
- Expertise in developing SOA (Service Oriented Architectures) and Microservice architectures using J2EE web services based on Restful (JAX-RS), SOAP (JAX WS), JAX-RPC and JAXR(Java API for XML Registries) using frameworks like Apache CXF, Jersey, Apache Axis.
- Worked on XML technologies with JAXB, JAXP, XSD, SAX and DOM parsers. Experience with multiple Web/Application Servers such as Apache Tomcat, Jetty
- Expertise working with Java Design Patterns including Singleton, Session Facade, Front Controller, DAO, DTO and MVC.
- Strong experience in RDBMS using Oracle 11g, SQL Server, Schema development, PL-SQL programming, including experience in Oracle fine tuning, utilizing SQL Loader utility and MySQL replication setup.
- Good experience with different IDE’s, build & automation tools like Eclipse, STS, IntelliJ, NetBeans, Maven, Ant, SVN, CVS and GitHub
- Involved in developing test cases and test plans using testing frameworks like JUnit, TestNG and also used API testing tools like SoapUI, Advanced Rest Client and Postman.
Programming Languages: JAVA, SQL, JavaScript
J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, EJB 3.0, JM Sand JDBC
Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, JSON, jQuery 2/1, Node.js 0.11/0.10, AngularJS 4/2, HTML5and Bootstrap 3.3/3.0
Frameworks: Apache Struts 2, Spring 4/3, JSF, Hibernate 4/3, MyBatis, iBatis
Web Services Stack: JAX-WS, JAX-RS, AWS, SOA, MSA, Kafka, Apache CXF, Jersey, Apache Axis2 and Spring WS
Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat 6/7, Jetty 9, Glassfish 3, OAuth, WebLogic11/10g, JBoss
Databases (SQL and NoSQL): Oracle 11g, MS SQL, MySQL, PostgreSQL, DB2, Mongo DB
Operating Systems: Windows 2000/NT/XP, UNIX, Linux
Version Control Systems: CVS, SVN and GitHub, AccuRev
Bug Tracking Systems: JIRA, Bugzilla, Rally, HP Quality Center
Build Automation Tools: Maven 2.0/3.0,Gradle 1.0, Ant, Jenkins, Hudson, TeamCity
Sr. Java Full Stack Developer
Confidential | Brownsville, TX
- Responsible for gathering and understanding the system requirements by interacting with the business users and client.
- Designed and developed user interface using JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL), custom tag libraries, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS, Angular JS, JQuery and AJAX.
- Responsible for setting up AngularJS framework for UI development. Development html views with HTML5, CSS3, JSON and AngularJS.
- Have extensively used JQuery, CSS3 and HTML5 for the front end.
- Worked on AngularJS framework to develop interactive websites based on client needs.
- Implemented Struts 1.3 framework for front end development and presentation logic.
- Created reusable modules and custom directives in Angular 2.0 used in our application
- Developed JavaScript for all client-side validations and developed GUI using CSS, JSTL and XSL
- Implemented action controllers, action forms, validation framework, tag libraries and look up dispatch action.
- Implemented Struts encouraging application architectures based on the Model View Controller (MVC) design pattern.
- Involved in Agile processes like SCRUM daily standup meetings, Sprint planning and Sprint retrospectives
- Used Spring Framework for Dependency injection & integrated Hibernate for interacting with Oracle Database.
- Used spring beans to encapsulate business logic and implemented application MVC architecture using spring MVC framework.
- Integrated Spring Security with JDBC to manage user registration and login.
- Migrating existing application into micro services architecture using Rest APIs, spring boot.
- Integrated Hibernate with spring to construct persistent layer using Hibernate Template class to retrieve asset data and investment order history data from Oracle database.
- Utilized Hibernate-ORM to map order data with database table and enabled Hibernate second level cache using EhCache to enhance the performance of history order data retrieval.
- New library development with micro services architecture using Rest APIs, spring boot
- Developed HQL queries for CRUD (create, read, update and delete) operations and to update order status once back office processed trading order.
- Worked with JPA and Hibernate 4.0 for developing persistence layer and have written custom DAOs to merge and retrieve records.
- Configured and used JMS to send messages from one application to other application internally.
- Used SOAP UI tool to test exposed web service methods and perform load testing.
- Developed SQL queries and PL/SQL stored procedures, functions to interact with the Oracle database.
- Developed the application on IBM RSA 8 and deployed the application on IBM Web sphere.
- Worked with IBM Rational ClearCase version controller and used ClearQuest for defect tracking.
Environment: JDK 1.8, J2EE, Struts 1.3, Spring 3.2, MVC design pattern, Hibernate 4.x, RESTful Service, Tomcat 7, JPA, HTML 5, CSS, JavaScript, XML, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, EJB, IBM RAD, UML 2.3, ClearCase, JMS, Junit, SQL Developer, WebSphere 7.x, Angular 2.0.
Sr. Full Stack Developer
Confidential | Reston, VA
- Actively involved in the various phases of SDLC to analyze business requirements, analysis, design, development, testing, and support.
- Worked on AWS cloud services like EC2, S3, RDS, ELB, and EBS for installing, configuring and auto-scaling.
- Object storage service Amazon S3 is used to store and retrieve media files such as images and Amazon Cloud Watch is used to monitor the application and to store the logging information.
- Involved in the development of presentation tier using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS and JSP.
- Configured Swagger-UI registered Microservices with Eureka server to monitor service health check etc. from Spring Boot admin console.
- Built a web frontend using Spring MVC Framework with JSP, HTML, CSS, AJAX, and JavaScript.
- Designed and developed various modules of the application with J2EE design architecture, Spring MVC architecture using IOC, AOP concepts.
- Integrated Spring Security Delegating Filter Proxy filter chain in web.xml to secure the application and limit access privileges to the users
- Created and maintained the configuration of the Spring Application Framework (IOC) and implemented business logic using EJB.
- Expertise in Web-Development technologies like HTML, DHTML, JavaScript/jQuery, CSS, XML and XSL and AJAX.
- Good knowledge of EJB Session beans with JNDI mapped naming &JMS message-driven beans.
- Extensively used several interfaces and features provided by Spring MVC framework for new web applications like Handler Mappings, Controllers, View Resolvers, Multipart file resolver, Handler Interceptor, Handler Exception Resolver, Locale Resolver, Theme Resolver, Annotations, and Validators.
- Used Spring Core Annotations for Dependency Injection Spring DI and Spring MVC for REST APIs and Spring Boot for micro-services.
- Created architecture towards a micro-services approach using RESTfuljavaweb-services framework.
- Wrote SQL Queries, stored procedures, triggers, packages on Oracle Database.
- Coded soap and Rest web services using spring boot to rewrite existing application to micro web application.
- Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, Sharding, replication, schema design.
- Involved in writingjavaAPI for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services.
- Configured and managed AWS Glacier, to move old data to archives based on retention policy of databases/ applications.
- Developed REST Web services to expose the business methods to external services in the project.
- Used SQLDeveloperframework to write SQL queries and used JDBC to access database and implementation of connection pooling.
- Worked with Gradle build tool to build and deployed the application on JBoss application server.
Environment: JDK1.8, J2EE, JDBC, Servlets, Spring, Spring JDBC, IBM Informix, Oracle 11g, SQL Assistant, XML, XSD, Eclipse, Tomcat Application Server, Kafka, Load Runner, JBoss, GIT, Source Tree, Maven, Windows OS, Log4j, JUnit, JMockit, AWS.
Java Developer
Confidential | Kansas City, MO
- Involved in the complete SDLC including design of System Architecture, development of System Use Cases based on the functional requirements.
- Involved in Daily Scrum (Agile) meetings, Sprint planning and estimation of the tasks for the user stories, participated in retrospective and presenting Demo at end of the sprint.
- Expertise in implementing Micro Services using spring, spring boot and spring cloud.
- Designed and developed Micro Services business components using Spring Boot.
- Developed Restful Web services using Spring Framework.
- Analyzed the volume of existing batch process and designed the Kafka Topic & partition.
- Developed Kafka Producer & Consumer components for real time data processing.
- Designed and developed Usage Analytics System using Elastic search.
- Extensively used JSON to parse data from server side to satisfy the business requirement.
- Refactored existing messaging and storage implementation to use AWSSQS and S3.
- Involved in provisioning AWSS3 buckets for Application data & backup of application logs.
- Implemented Entities Auditing using Hibernate Envers.
- Integrated Hibernate ORM with Spring Framework to facilitate Hibernate Criteria Queries and representing object-database mapping.
- Extensively used JPA named queries, JPA Query Language (JPQL), Optimistic Locking and Caching to process the data from the database.
- Involved in the Development of User Interfaces using AngularJS, JavaScript, and CSS.
- Utilized the HTML5 DOM local storage features to store data locally client-side processing.
- Used JIRA tool for tracking stories progress and followed agile methodology.
- Involved in Unit Testing by Using Mockito Framework to make app easy to test & integrate.
Environment: Java 8, spring 4, REST, AngularJS, JPA, AJAX, JSON, GIT, Cassandra, MySQL, CSS3, HTML.
Java Developer
- Involved in business requirement gathering and technical specifications and developed specs that include Use Cases, Class Diagrams.
- Created User Interface (UI) to gather data and communicate with Business Layer by using HTML, CSS, JSP, JSP Tags Lib, JSTL andJavaScript.
- Utilized AJAX to increase web page's interactivity, speed and functionality.
- Implemented MVC architecture using Spring MVC framework and enhanced the design using Stateless Session Beans for the Middle Tier Development.
- Extensively used Spring IOC to inject objects based on the selection of components like setter injection and Interface injection to manage the object references.
- Used Hibernate for storing buyers’ and sellers’ information in database.
- Used Java/J2EE Design patterns like Business Delegate, Session Façade, Data Transfer Object (DTO) and Service Locator in the project extensively, which facilitates clean distribution of roles and responsibilities across various layers of processing.
- Wrote POJO's and configuration files using the Hibernate API and annotations to persist Java Objects to the backend database.
- Implemented Object-relation mapping in the persistence layer using Hibernate frame work in conjunction with Spring Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) functionality.
- Implemented Data Access Object (DAO) adapter pattern to communicate with Business Layer with Database by using Hibernate Template class.
- Developed Database Objects like PL/SQL packages, Stored Procedures and Materialized Views.
- Worked on MySQL as the backend database.
- Integrated PayPal payment Gateway - Website Payment Pro (Direct Payment and Express Checkout), Amazon payments, and Google checkout.
- Used Git as a documentation repository and version controlling tool.
- Developed Restful Web Services as End point to share the data with the other products using JSON as messaging medium.
- Used ANT scripts for build creation and to push onto various environments.
- Used JUnit for extensive functional and unit testing code and Log4J for logging.
- Configuration, deployment and setup of Application on WebLogic Application Server with Windows environments.
Environment: Eclipse, Git, PL/SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JSP, Hibernate 3.0, Java 6, AJAX, JSON, Spring2.5, JUnit, Web Services, MySQL, WebLogic, ANT, Log4J, Windows.
Java Developer
- Designed and Developed web interface for admin module using Struts MVC framework to Search, reset password, lock/unlock the user accounts.
- Extensively used Struts Validator for server-side validations and JavaScript for client-side validations.
- Developed Stored Procedures, Queries to extract the Customers data from the database.
- Used Subversion for Version Control Management.
- Extensively used the Struts tag libraries (Bean Tags, Logic Tags and HTML Tags etc.) and Custom tag libraries.
- Used connection pooling for optimization using JDBC interface.
- Flexibly used J2EE design patterns like Value Object, Data Access Object and Singleton.
- Prepared Use-Cases from the given requirements and interacted with clients for requirements gathering and clarifications.
- Wrote POJO's and configuration files using the Hibernate API and annotations to persist Java Objects to the backend database.
- Worked with Gradle build tool to build and deployed the application on JBoss application server.
- Wrote SQL Queries, stored procedures, triggers, packages on Oracle Database.
Environment: Java, JSP, Struts Framework 1.2, JDBC, UML, JavaScript, HTML, Oracle 9i, WSAD, Maven, Subversion, Log4J, Web Sphere and Windows / NT.