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Sr. Java Developer Resume

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Dublin, CA


  • Around 6 Years of experience in Designing and Development of Enterprise solutions based on Java/J2EE Technologies, Agile Methodology and Test - Driven Development (TDD) Technique
  • Strong development experience in Java, Spring, JPA, Hibernate, Micro Services, Restful Web Services, Servlets, JDBC, Java Beans, JMS, Multi-Threading, Concurrency, Collections, JNDI, XML, XML Schema, Groovy, Jersey, AJAX, JUnit, ANT, Log4j, HTML5, JavaScript and JSON.
  • Experience in working with Service Oriented Architecture using SOAP(JAX-WS) and RESTful (JAX-RS, Spring MVC) webservices using Jersey, Spring Framework (Dependency Injection, Spring Core, Spring DAO, Spring Transaction, Spring MVC, Spring AOP) and Hibernate
  • Expertise in application development using various Application Servers like WebSphere Application Server (WAS), JBoss, WebLogic Server, Tomcat
  • Good knowledge on deploying application on AWS (Amazon Web Services) CodeDeploy.
  • Experience in developing front end/User Interface using HTML, Angular Js, Bootstrap, CSS and Java Script.
  • Expertise in working with J2EE design patterns such as Adapter, Command, MVC, DAO, Singleton, Factory
  • Experienced in Defining and creating Technical, Design and Functional documents.
  • Created unit test cases to test the application with more than 75% test case coverage using JUNIT, TestNG, Mockito, Spring Test, Selenium and used Groovy for writing service automation scrips
  • Expertise in Relational Databases like Oracle SQL, MySQL and proficient in writing complex SQL Queries (Joins and Triggers), Stored Procedures, Triggers using PL/SQL
  • Experience on working with Maven, Ant, Jenkins, Log4J, Slf4j and Shell scripting
  • Experience in converting business specifications to UML diagrams
  • Expertise in using version controls to manage the code and merge the code.
  • Having excellent debugging skills to identify the root cause of the issue or defect.
  • Excellent in communication, analytical, presentation skills and a quick learner


Technologies: Java, Android, Groovy, Servlets, EJB, JPA, JMS, JDBC, JAXB and JAX-WS, JAX-RS

Application Servers: WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, Tomcat & Apache

Web Services: Apache Axis, JAX-RPC, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, REST API, SOAP Web Services

Web Technologies: Angular JS, JavaScript, NodeJS, CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, Grunt

Testing & Code Quality: JUnit, Mockito, Groovy, Selenium, Fortify

Methodologies: Agile Scrum, Waterfall SDLC.

Database Technologies: Oracle (8i/9i/10g/11g), PL/SQL.

Frameworks/Rules Engines: Spring, Hibernate, Apache Axis.

Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux & UNIX

Business Modeling Tools: UML, MS Visio, Rational Rose.

IDEs / Clients / Tools / Debuggers/ Profilers / Other Tools: RAD, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Net Beans, JDeveloper, SoapUI, TOAD, SQL Developer, Jira, Rally, Spring Tool Suite, HP Quality Center (QC), Fortify, Jenkins, LDAP, Active Directory(AD), Confluence


Confidential - Washington, DC

Sr. Software Developer


  • Developed RESTful services using Spring (Annotations, Dependency Injection, AOP, MVC, Core, Transaction, Security), Hibernate, core java concepts like collection framework, OOPS and Exception Handling
  • Developed the application using Design Pattern like DAO, DTO, Model View Controller
  • Developed the UI pages using Angular JS, Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript
  • Experience is coding Angular Modules, Services, Controllers, Factories and Custom Directives
  • Worked extensively on generating PDF reports using Jasper, such as generating payment receipts, case summary memo etc.
  • Worked on Attachment module to upload the attachments to Documentum, which is repository to store the uploaded attachments for the cases
  • Worked on payment module to make Credit Card/ Debit card/ ACH payments using Pay.gov
  • Developed a workflow process for processing case, worked on Quartz scheduler for triggering multiple cron jobs with specific time intervals
  • Significant experience in using tools like Firebug and Chrome Inspector Tools and console logs for debugging
  • Deployed the application in Development, SQT(QA), UAT environments
  • Experience in writing Stored Procedures and calling those stored procedures though the application.
  • Worked on consuming JMS Queues when there are any updates performed on other applications
  • Developed authentication module using LDAP authentication manager (LDAP policy, Active Directory) and spring security, User Registration and Forgot Password module for the external users
  • Worked on Log4j to write the application related logs to a specific folder.
  • Migrated the project from Java 6 to Java 8 and migrated the project from WebLogic server to IBM WebSphere 8.X.X/9.X.X for application deployment.
  • Followed Agile Methodology with daily Scrum Meetings and Retrospective
  • Used Jira as a Project Management Software for Agile to log work, estimation of tasks associated with the User Stories in each sprint and track bugs.
  • Used SOAP-UI to test the web service request and response messages.
  • Deployed the application in Web Sphere Application Server v8.5.5 and Web Logic Server
  • Participated in downstream & upstream application team meeting and application performance meetings
  • Used Maven to build projects, and automated deployments using Jenkins
  • Performed Peer code reviews

Confidential - Dublin, CA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed RESTful and SOAP service (top-down approach) using Spring, Hibernate and core java concepts like collection framework, OOPS and Exception Handling
  • Developed user interaction microservice to use across enterprise
  • Developed generate alerts microservice using a set of business rules light weight mechanisms & docker container this microservice is an independent deployable service
  • Developed various UI pages using Angular JS (Modules and Controllers), Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax and deployed in Development, HINT(Integration), HQAB(QA), HPPB(Pre-Prod) and PROD
  • Worked on Docker Containers (Web Sphere v8.5.5) for deploying micro services, worked on Linux VM(Virtual Machine) for development using RAD (Rational Application Developer) and Continuous Integration(CI/CD) setup for automated deployments on Jenkins.
  • Developed SOAP and REST service client for consumers to access the services
  • Worked closely with QA team and fixed UI defects as well as production issues with a quick turnaround time.
  • Worked on Amazon Web Service(AWS)
  • Followed Agile Methodology with daily Scrum Meetings and Test-Driven Development (TDD) technique to develop the application.
  • Used multi-threading to handle sub processes.
  • Worked closely with Business and Application Architect during the Sprint Planning Sessions in gathering the requirements and played a key role in sizing, assigning ranks to the User Stories
  • Used Rally as a Project Management Software for Agile to track the Burn Down graphs, estimation of tasks associated with the User Stories in each sprint and HP Quality Center and SharePoint to track the bugs
  • Developed the application using Design Pattern like Command pattern, DAO, DTO, Adapter pattern
  • Created Response and Request Validators and Request and Response Transformers
  • Defined beans in xml for dependency injection using Spring IOC/Core/MVC, used Spring JDBC for backend connection
  • Used SOAP-UI to test the web service request and response messages.
  • Used Maven to build projects, Subversion, Tortoise SVN for code repository, used log4J, maintained 75% Junit test coverage and worked on UNIX shell scripting
  • Used MS-Visio in designing Sequence and Class diagrams as per the User Stories assigned and documented the approach and the web service contract in Wiki pages.
  • Actively participated and presented the completed specifications during the code reviews to ensure the development is complete and follows the corporate standards.
  • Provided technical expertise in code reviews.

Confidential - San Francisco, CA

Sr. Java Developer


  • Developed RESTful web service (using Jersey, Spring Inversion of Control, Spring Core annotations and Dependency Injection and core java concepts like collection framework, OOPS and Exception Handling) to show list of providers for members of Confidential of California
  • Worked on Linus Virtual Machine to develop the RESTful web services
  • Developed propagation filter which gets the username and password from the HTTP Servlet request required for calling other backend services through Data power
  • Developing the web interface by writing respective modules in JavaScript and Angular JS, which can interact with backend services developed to get the provider list information and detail view.
  • Implemented the application using various design patterns like Factory, Singleton and used EJB to talk to different DAO components
  • Used Hibernate to perform JDBC processing using templates and worked on Oracle SQL
  • Developed applications to client’s coding standards, quality, involved in bug fixes, acceptance testing and code reviews
  • Developed various UI (User Interface) components using Angular JS, Bootstrap and deployed into development, Release test environment (Pre-Prod), Stage environment (Business Validation) and production environment.
  • Used advanced JavaScript to create interfaces and help manage cross browser compatibility.
  • Developed Login/Registration/Edit of user profile using HTML5, Bootstrap and JavaScript.
  • Worked with designers to create mockups for the client screen according to the provided wireframes.
  • Developed web presentation layer using front end technologies like JavaScript, Angular JS according to internal standards and guidelines
  • Worked on hibernate for database connections and created JSON request validator for validating the service request
  • Debug and monitor error logs to identify issues and developed Exception handling framework and used log4J
  • Follow Agile / Scrum Development Process and used Jira to track the work and defects
  • Implemented TDD by writing unit test cases using JUnit and SOAP UI to test the services
  • Involved in designing UML Diagrams like Class Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams
  • Configured and deployed applications on WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP server and worked on Jenkins
  • Maven is used as a build tool, used Tortoise SVN as version control and worked on UNIX shell scripting
  • Worked closely with QA to fix the issues and meeting the deadlines


Java Developer


  • Developed dynamic web site design and programming using HTML, CSS,JavaScript.
  • Developed presentation layer using JavaScript, HTML and Environment: HTML, DHTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JavaScript and Dreamweaver.
  • Designed and developed web pages using JSP, HTML and used JavaScript for client-side validation.
  • Involved in design and development of the application and used JDBC for backed connections
  • Improved GUI design and data accessibility for better navigation.
  • Responsible for Data retrieval through Dao's to interact with Database.
  • Used the properties files to map the respective class files.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application
  • Developed Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using UML
  • HP Quality center is used to log and track the Bug (Defects) fixes
  • Involved in Unit, System and Integration testing cases and results.
  • Ability to effectively diagnose, debug and resolve complex defects
  • Used Eclipse as the development tool and Apache Tomcat server. CVS as source control tool
  • Used JDBC calls to handle database operations and Java Script for client-side validations

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