Full Stack Developer Resume
Myrtle Beach, SC
- Strong software experience in design, development and deployment of web - based Client-Server business applications using UI authoring and web technologies.
- Experience developing modern web applications using MEAN (MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js)
- Strong experience developing User Interface (UI) Applications and professional Web Applications using Web Standards, HTML5, CSS3, Object Oriented JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular2, React.js, Node.js, MongoDB, JQuery, Bootstrap3, Ajax Concepts, CSS3 Media Queries.
- Extensive experience building single page applications (SPA) using AngularJS with expertise in creating User Controls, Web Forms and client side validations using JavaScript, jQuery and AngularJS.
- Used Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage the modules and used it to install useful tools
- Experience developing SPA web UI using Angular2, typescript 1.8 and JQuery and expertise in developing, maintaining and debugging Rails framework.
- Extensive experience developing Node.js applications using MVC frameworks and installation of client side dependencies using Bower.
- Hands-on experience consuming RESTful Web services using AJAX (Angular $http, $resource and jQuery) to exchange (request / responses) information with databases such as MySQL and Oracle.
- Experienced in building applications for the cloud using Amazon Web Services (AWS). Deploying on EC2 instances and connecting to the Databases on RDS. Configuring AWS Security Groups and Elastic IPs.
- Experience with Elastic Block Storage (EBS), S3 and Elastic Load Balancing (ELB).
- Experience in various Agile methodologies like Test Driven Development (TDD) and SCRUM.
- Extensive experience working with Continuous Integrations tools Jenkins, Bug tracking and Issue Tracking using JIRA.
- Working experience with Non-Relational Databases like MongoDB (NoSQL).
- Used AngularJS and Springboot on recent projects.
Confidential, Myrtle Beach, SC
Full Stack Developer
- Participate in the analysis, design, and development and testing phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
- Agile methodology for Software Development.
- Develop and integrate REST web services to display data or search results.
- Use Data Access Object (DAO) pattern to introduce an abstraction layer between the business logic tier (Business object) and the persistent storage tier (data source).
- Use Spring; write Java Bean classes, with get and set methods for each property to be configured by spring.
- Add new features to a virtual store by using Node.js (CompoundJS) + MongoDB in CentOS platform, and a rich client AngularJS UI.
- Use D3.js to support data visualization to create reports and charts.
- D3JS based dashboards and reports.
- Graphing using SVG.
- Use Mongo DB plugin to connect to Mongo DB to manage Node modules.
- Write JavaScript for Node JS applications to help interaction between the server and network applications.
- Develop dashboard using Node JS, Express as server side framework and HTML5, Javascript, Angular JS as front-end technologies.
- Use Sequalize ORM in backend to connect to Postgres DB.
- Write queries into Postgres DB.
- Error Handling, Exception handling and worked on logs.
- SPRING MVC framework, AngularJS and Eclipse IDE for development.
- Design, develop, and integrate REST web services to Front End.
- Use JUnit framework for unit testing of application.
- Use Log4J for logging and Eclipse for Development.
- Use AngularJS as the development framework to build a single-page application.
- Prepare Low level Design, High level Design, Unit tests Results documents and Reports on the project.
- Use AngularJS MVC, HTML5, Bootstrap CSS to develop front GUI.
- JSON is primarily used to transmit data between server and web application.
- Interact with team lead and team members for design improvements and bug fixes.
- Actively participate in daily standup team meetings and weekly status meetings.
Environment: Spring, Java, Eclipse, Spring 4.1.1, Spring Boot, Hibernate, SVN Version Control, Mongo DB, Angular JS, D3 JS, Node.JS, PostGres SQL, HTML5, Bootstrap, Docker, Maven, Oracle, Restful, Spring Boot, JQuery, Amazon Web Services (AWS), EC2, RDS, AWS Security Groups, Elastic IPs, Elastic Block Storage (EBS), S3, Elastic Load Balancing (ELB).
Confidential, Richmond, VA
Full Stack Java Developer
- Designed and build web pages using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.
- Created a tabbed panel where - when a client clicks on individual tabs - the content inside swipes back and forth to animate the content that corresponds to the tab.
- Applied progressive styling enhancement techniques to the tabbed panel to enhance the user experience.
- Created a rotating Carousel containing a series of investment plans with jQuery plugin called Roundabout, as client clicked on the individual items in the carousel, they rotated to the front with a caption and associated content.
- Tested AngularJS for developing dynamic web pages.
- Integrated Hibernate ORM framework with Spring framework for data persistence and transaction management.
- Interacted with the Oracle10g database to store user information and retirement planning guidelines
- Coded, maintained, and administered Servlets and JSP components to be deployed on the application server.
- Used Maven automated build scripts to compile and package the application.
Environment: HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, jQuery, AngularJS, Node JS, Bower, JSP, Servlets, MySQL, Hibernate 3.5, and Spring 3
Confidential, RI
Web Developer
- Redesigned the application utilizing HTML5, CSS3 for rich look and feel.
- Developed the application as Responsive Web Application using CSS media queries and Bootstrap.
- Used HTML5 created forms and tables to display client's personal information which is fetched from back-end by using AJAX.
- Developed the Application as Single Page Application using AngularJS MVC Framework for risk management module and did some custom form validation using JavaScript.
- Created Node JS middleware application server to encapsulate modern JS widget framework
- Created Angular Custom Service such as Factory and service for sharing different reusable functions and objects across the whole application.
- Created Angular JS custom directive for displaying claim updates.
- Implemented visualization for generating reports using JQuery Fusion Charts.
- Consumed RESTful services and processed JSON data to render on UI.
- Implemented Persistence layer using Hibernate 4.3.x to interact with the MySQL database, used Hibernate Framework for object relational mapping and persistence
- Used JavaMailSender for sending detailed notifications depending upon the success and failure once the backend process is complete and also for mailing administrator for any system related problem in the messaging and alerts module.
- Used Agile Development Methodology and Scrum team structure for the development process.
- Created and executed unit test cases with Jasmine.
- Used CVS for version control.
Environment: Restful Web Services, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JQuery, bootstrap, Angular JS, Node JS and Junit.