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Business Analyst Resume

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  • Software professional with over twenty years’ experience managing the overall development life - cycle to provide defect free products that meet all customer expectations.
  • I am particularly adept at business analysis, business process re-engineering, requirements definition, QA, software configuration management, and SDLC analysis using various methodologies including Agile.
  • I am a Scrum Master and a direct communicator who is well experienced at understanding business needs and translating them into defect-free applications.


Business Analyst



  • Contract management
  • Use case development
  • Data modeling
  • Test planning and executing
  • Sprint planning
  • Reporting
  • Backlog Grooming

Business Analyst/Product Manager



  • Identifying candidate databases for migration
  • Verifying database integrity
  • Developing migration procedure
  • Executing procedure
  • Verifying post-migration database integrity

Training Analyst/Business Analyst



  • Developed training item review processes using Power Point
  • Wrote or edited the training documents for this project. These items included training modules, desk procedures and user guides
  • Specified the requirements for a training environment. This environment included a fully-configured copy of the application and a database tailored to training users in the systems new functionality
  • Validated the technical accuracy of training documents against the application in a QA environment and against business processes
  • Maintained minutes for twice-daily status meetings and working sessions
  • Maintained documents in the project Share Point sites of Confidential and the client
  • Revised the structure of the Confidential Share Point site to improve rapid access to needed documentation
  • Conducted daily “stand-ups” and served as Scrum Master

Business Analyst



  • Determined business requirements by conducting JAD sessions
  • Wrote and verified “User Stories”
  • Developed current and proposed system workflows
  • Served as Subject Matter Expert as required
  • Scrum Master
  • Managed “Groomed Backlog”
  • Developed “wireframe” screen mock-ups
  • Wrote clear functional specifications for developers
  • Determined Integration Testing acceptance criteria
  • Tools used included Jira
  • Participated in and conducted daily “stand-up” and Scrum sessions
  • Performed sprint planning
  • Identified “Story Points”

Business Analyst



  • Wrote clear “User Stories”
  • Identified Integration Testing acceptance criteria
  • Conducted JAD sessions to elicit requirements
  • Developed “wireframe” screen mock-ups
  • Identified user roles and associated permissions
  • Participated in testing activities
  • Participated in all “stand-up” and Scrum meetings, Scrum Master

Business Analyst/Configuration Analyst



  • Identified user requirements for configuration management system consolidation
  • Scrum Master for Agile daily “stand-ups”
  • Wrote “user stories” to support requirements
  • Trained users in new, consolidated configuration management system and associated policies
  • Wrote training materials to address typical user questions such as “branch and merge” issues

Release and Deployment Consultant/Business Analyst



  • Conducted JAD sessions to determine user requirements
  • Prepared “wireframe” screen mockups
  • Wrote Mircosoft Batch programs
  • Documented al user requirements
  • Performed integration and acceptance level testing

Configuration Management Consultant/Business Analyst



  • Conducted JAD sessions to elicit requirements from seven different user organizations
  • Authored functional specifications
  • Performed data model referencing
  • Developed and performed acceptance testing processes and procedures
  • Chaired all Scrum and daily work sessions
  • Scrum Master for project

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