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Senior Business Analyst Resume

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Westlake Village, CA


  • Specializing in personnel management, project management, business, systems, data, and financial analysis, data modeling, query development, research, software and database design, and technical writing
  • Commercial Production Manager
  • Music Producer


Programming Languages: SQL, Teradata SQL, T - SQL, MySQL, PL/SQL, C#, C++, VBA, VB.NET, VB 6, QIK-2

Scripting Languages: Python, VBScript, Unix Bourne Shell/BASH, Unix C Shell, Awk, SAC

Markup and Style Sheet Languages: HTML, HTML5, XHTML, CSS, XML, LaTeX

Database Management Systems: Teradata V14, Teradata SQL Assistant, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2008, SQL Server 2005, Oracle, MySQL Workbench, SQLyog, Microsoft Access, Clarity

Business Intelligence Tools: Microsoft SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS), Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services 2012 (SSRS), Cognos, SAP BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, SAS, Omniture (Adobe Digital Marketing Suite), Google Analytics

Data Modeling Tools: DeZign for Databases, ModelRight, Toad, Visio

Techniques: Data Modeling, Star Schema, Snowflake Schema, UML 2.0, Database Programming, Dashboard Development, Data Lineage Investigation, Statistical Analysis, ETL, Solutions Delivery Management

Software Development Life Cycle Management: Team Foundation Server (TFS), Jira, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Artifactory

Integrated Development Environments: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015, Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2010

Applications: Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Word, SHARES, SAP, AS-400

Web Design, UX, and UI Tools: WordPress, Adobe DreamWeaver, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Audition, Final Cut Pro

Operating Systems: Windows, MacOS X, Unix/Linux, X Window

Development Methodologies: Agile, Waterfall, Hybrid


Confidential, Westlake Village, CA

Senior Business Analyst


  • Ascertainment, interpretation, deliberation, translation, testing, revision, and presentation of business requirements to technical requirements
  • Business correspondence, online meetings, and group face-to-face design review facilitation
  • Development of presentations utilizing diagrams; tables; clear, descriptive, and concise language; aesthetic formatting; and precise and well-developed queries using Visio, PowerPoint, Excel, Word, SQL Server, and WebEx
  • Query development with T-SQL including the use of complex common table expressions, temporary tables, table variables, data variables, flow-control techniques, indexes, numeric and time and date calculations, date functions, text functions, data typing, complex joins, correlated subqueries, complex aggregations, data definition language, data manipulation language, deduplication techniques, and optimization techniques
  • Tracing and documenting data lineage with development of tools using Excel, VBA, and T-SQL; and manual interpretation of C#, C++, and T-SQL code with SQL Server and Visual Studio
  • Mortgage documents analysis using Document Management Portal
  • Financial service and procedure certifications including:
  • Anti-Bribery Anti-Corruption
  • Business Continuity Awareness
  • Enterprise Information Protection
  • Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)
  • Financial Crimes Compliance
  • Foundations of Software Security
  • Global Privacy Awareness and Personal Information Training
  • Introduction to Records Management
  • Privacy and Cross Border Data Movement

Environment: Agile, Waterfall, SQL Server 2014, T-SQL, C#, C++, Visual Studio 2015, Team Foundation Server (TFS), Visio 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Excel 2013, Word 2013, Access 2013, SharePoint 2013, VBA, Windows 7 Enterprise, ODBC Microsoft Open Database Connectivity), Document Management Portal, AstroGrep Grep Utility, WebEx, AS400 (iSeries)

Confidential, Fort Worth, TX

Data Consultant


  • Ascertainment, interpretation, and translation of business requirements to technical requirements
  • Business correspondence and face-to-face meetings
  • Query development with Teradata SQL including the use of volatile tables, flow-control techniques, primary and secondary indexes, numeric and time and date calculations, online analytical processing (OLAP) functions, date functions, text functions, data typing, complex joins, correlated subqueries, complex aggregations, recursive queries, deduplication techniques, and optimization techniques
  • Careful construction and accuracy for multi-million-dollar mailing list campaigns with multiple interrelated requirements
  • Development of report generation techniques for uncommon metrics like those related to shared bookings
  • Development of a program set for repetitive statistical random sampling experiments for control optimization by way of innovation of a synthesized dynamic SQL with effective loop control to be utilized in a restricted-for-security limited-capability data warehouse environment using Excel VBA in conjunction with Teradata SQL
  • Review of SAS validation and visualization models and procedure code
  • Study and analysis of the company data warehouse, Mosaic
  • Report presentation with Microsoft Excel with summaries and formatting

Environment: Agile, Teradata V14, Teradata SQL Assistant, SAS, Excel 2010, VBA, Windows 7

Confidential, Irving, TX

Data Consultant


  • Development of extract, transform, and load (ETL) procedures have been critical for a new health care data and technology company in a startup phase.
  • Also, product performance and invoicing procedures have needed development in service of business operations coalescing around efficiently organized health care services via private medical practices.
  • Additionally, various reporting has been needed in preparation of product development and client partnership evaluation.
  • Database procedures and process tools were developed using SQL Server, T-SQL, MySQL Workbench, Excel, and VBA. Involving:
  • Extensive use and development of scripts and stored procedures, functions, complex queries, process tools, and object-oriented programming.
  • Systems analysis including process design and formulation of complex calculations.
  • Determination and implementation of business and technical requirements through analysis, testing, correspondence, and various types of communication.
  • Maintenance, debugging, revision, and improvement of new tools and systems.

Environment: Agile, SQL Server 2014, T-SQL, MySQL Workbench, Excel 2013, VBA, Windows 7

Confidential, Pasadena, CA

Data Consultant


  • Requirements for quality control of health care services billing, surveying, and logging for Revenue Cycle Integrity include design, development, maintenance, revision, and reporting for databases and tools using Microsoft Access, VBA, SQL Server, T-SQL, Excel, and Clarity. Involving:
  • Extensive use and development of stored procedures, complex queries, and object-oriented programming.
  • Systems analysis including examination, assessment, and reconciliation of health care revenue cycle integrity business procedures, coding and categorization procedures, quality control, survey and reporting tools integrity, capability, and connectivity, queries, and data mapping.
  • Determination and implementation of business and technical requirements through analysis, testing, correspondence, and various types of communication.
  • Maintenance, debugging, revision, and improvement of existing tools and systems.
  • Reporting analysis and development with formulas, complex queries, programming, graphical interface design, and business analysis.

Environment: Waterfall, SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, Access 2010, Excel 2010, VBA, Windows 7, Clarity

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Data Consultant


  • Database design and implementation using MySQL Workbench.
  • Writing of complex stored procedures for processing data and calculations using MySQL.
  • Writing of Excel VBA macros for automated processing and organizing of calculated results.
  • Creation and development of highly precision oriented graphical, tabular, and numerical reports using Excel and Photoshop.
  • Analysis of mathematical data.
  • Presentation strategy and conceptual consultation.

Environment: Waterfall, MySQL Workbench, Excel for Mac 2011, VBA, Adobe Photoshop, Mac OS X

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Data Analyst


  • Data modeling based on existing structure and usage, using DeZign for Databases.
  • Writing of data dictionary definitions through data analysis, research, and interviews.
  • Composition of subject area executive summaries through data analysis, research, and interviews.
  • Development of procedures for merging models and retaining formats, relationships, and definitions through model updates and iterations, using Excel VBA macros.
  • Data analysis using SQL queries and Excel features and formulas like SUMIFS.
  • Documentation publishing using Atlassian Confluence.
  • Product testing and evaluation of data modeling tools: DeZign for Databases, Toad, ModelRight, and Visio.
  • Internal business networking through meetings, electronic and telephonic communication, and corporate events.
  • SQL query writing: querying and analysis of SQL Server and Oracle databases.
  • Stored Procedure evaluation.
  • VB.NET code evaluation.
  • Evaluation of XML and HTML documents.

Environment: Agile, Waterfall, DeZign for Databases, Visual Studio Ultimate 2010, SQL Server 2005, T-SQL, Oracle Database 11g, Excel 2007, HTML, XML, Windows 7

Confidential, Westlake Village, CA

Business Analyst


  • SQL query development and modification.
  • Stored Procedure testing and evaluation.
  • Auditing template preparation including reverse engineering of tens of thousands of lines of SQL code and translation to simplified summaries and step-by-step presentations.
  • Loan case procedure analysis and investigation involving SQL code analysis and examination of loan servicing details.
  • Problem solving and troubleshooting with ever-changing procedures, code updates, and environment parameters.
  • Quality Assurance with appropriate debugging, revision, and evaluation for all scripts, reports, presentations, and procedures.
  • Reports presented in Excel Pivot Tables.
  • Use of complex Excel formulas for data validation and date parameter checks.
  • Financial service and procedure training including:
  • Unfair, Deceptive, or Abusive Acts or Practices (UDAAP)
  • Service members Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
  • Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)
  • Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
  • Elder Financial Abuse
  • Information Protection and Privacy
  • Fair Lending
  • Anti-Money Laundering and Sanctions

Environment: Waterfall, SQL Server 2008, T-SQL, Excel 2010, AS400, Loan Admin Mortgage Portal (LAMP), Loan Modification Portal, HomeSaver, Home Base, Windows XP

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Reporting Analyst


  • Daily performance reporting to top executives and investors.
  • Vendor invoice verification, reconciliation, reporting, and analysis.
  • SQL query and stored procedure development and modification.
  • System error and discrepancy analysis.
  • Performance modeling.
  • Data modeling using star schema and snowflake schema techniques.
  • Excel VBA macro development for automation of reporting processes.
  • Reports presented in Excel Pivot Tables.
  • Use of Excel functions such as SUMIFS, COUNTIFS, and VLOOKUP.
  • Use of Omniture and Google Analytics for A/B testing, data extraction, reporting, and analysis.
  • Analysis of television, radio, and SEO and SEM ad campaigns.
  • Analysis and reporting of cash flow and ROI.
  • Team-oriented solutions and collaboration.

Environment: Agile, SQLyog, MySQL, Omniture (Adobe DMS), Excel 2010, VBA, Windows 7

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Application Developer


  • Application development using charts, graphics, complex formulas, and VBA.
  • Use of various controls such as drop downs/combo boxes, option groups, and check boxes.
  • Use of combinations of referencing functions such as VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, OFFSET, INDEX, and MATCH.
  • Use of database functions such as DCOUNT, DSUM, DMAX, DMIN, and DGET and the corresponding complex criteria with multiple combination “and” and “or” querying functionality.
  • Use of Advanced Filtering with complex criteria.
  • In-depth development of efficient data transfer and table generation within VBA and Excel, using loops, arrays, and the Excel Resize Range object along with timing and progress reporting.
  • Design and implementation of an integrated structure amendable and extensible according to adjustable parameters.
  • Relational database and database engine implementation.
  • Implementation of statistical significance testing.
  • Aesthetic dashboard presentation with graphic design.
  • Presentation strategy consultation.

Environment: Waterfall, Excel 2007, VBA, Power Point 2007, IBM SPSS Statistics, PASW Statistics 18, Windows 7

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Project Manager


  • Software design for original mathematical algorithm using C++.
  • Presentation strategy, design, editing, and creation of artwork, graphical and numerical figures, text, and layout.
  • Liaison and collaboration with publishers and field experts.
  • Conceptual consultation.

Environment: Waterfall, C++, Xcode, LaTeX, Excel X for Mac, Grapher, Adobe Photoshop CS, Adobe InDesign CS, MacOS X

Confidential, Glendale, CA

Project Manager and Database and Application Developer


  • Design and creation of a relational database and end-user application to improve efficiency and accuracy of daily record keeping of employee projects and hours, administer ease-of-use, and encompass managerial oversight, using VBA, MS Access, and complex T-SQL queries using SQL Server 2005 Management Studio.
  • Object-oriented software development.
  • Database-incorporated software development.
  • Report generation using T-SQL queries and Access and Excel Forms, Datasheets, and Pivot Tables.
  • Application security administration.
  • New employee and manager set-up functionality with accompanying security and group organization.
  • Information security, validation, and strategic accessibility structure and logic.
  • Conceptual consultation and naming and creative artwork design.
  • Creation of training and presentation materials utilizing MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.
  • Documentation of procedures and development specifics.

Environment: Waterfall, SQL Server 2005, Access 2003, VBA, Excel 2003, Power Point 2003, Windows 2000

Confidential, Pasadena, CA

Project Manager and Database and Application Developer


  • Analysis and creation of business and information models used in a large international organization.
  • Design and creation of a relational database and aggregate applications to streamline efficiency and improve accuracy of processing using MS Access, HTML Data Access Pages, and VBA.
  • Security administration for database Application, data, access, and workgroup permissions.
  • Development of automated functions and reporting strategies for business efficiency.
  • Formal and personal presentation and nationwide corporate training on using database system.
  • Creation of training and presentation materials utilizing MS Excel and MS PowerPoint.
  • Documentation of procedures and development specifics.

Environment: Agile, Access 2003, Excel 2003, VBA, SQL, Windows XP

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Programmer Analyst


  • Processing of digital reporting errors by downloading, organizing, correcting, requesting corrections, automating reports, and ad hoc reporting and usage of various formulas and functions including VLOOKUP.
  • Design and creation of software to increase the efficiency and accuracy of processing using MS Access and VBA.
  • Co-design and creation of automated statistical reporting with graphic and tabular products using MS Excel and VBA.
  • Design, creation, and maintenance of databases for error corrections and procedural parameters.
  • Creation of complex queries and complex formulas used in analysis using Access, Excel, and VBA.
  • Documentation of procedures.

Environment: Agile, Access 2003, Excel 2003, VBA, SQL, Windows XP, PBS AS-400, Cognos, SAP/ESP

Confidential, Los Angeles, CA

Programmer Analyst


  • Automating everyday procedures of Foreign Exchange Call Center.
  • Assessing and correcting problems in data reporting procedures.
  • Analyzing, organizing, and delivering graphical and tabular presentations of various banking transaction data and their appropriate statistics, and usage of various formulas and functions including VLOOKUP.

Environment: Agile, Visual Studio, VB.NET, Excel 2003, VBA, VBScript, Avaya CentreVu Supervisor 9.0, Windows XP

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