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Sr.qa Engineer Resume

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Fairfield, NJ


  • Over 9 years’ experience in Software testing. Expertise in different domains like Insurance, Banking, & Retail.
  • Proficient in all stages of teh Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life cycle, Agile Methodologies and Bug life cycle
  • Proficient in creating Test cases, Test procedures and Test Scripts based on Business Requirements
  • Expertise in analyzing High Level Design Documents, Technical Requirements
  • Experience in Functional Testing,Integration Testing, System Testing, Regression Testing and User Acceptance Testing
  • Expertise in defect tracking tools like HP Quality Center, ALM,Clear Quest,TFS
  • Experience creating automation scripts using QTP, Selenium tools
  • Experience working with onshore and offshore groups.
  • Experience in testing Apps on Mobile Devices (iOS, Android,Windows),Mobile browsers (safari, chrome,IE)and on various web browsers (IE, chrome, firefox,Safari) and OS (Windows, MacOS,Linux)
  • Has good noledge of web technologies like Web Services, XML, HTML, JSP, Java,SoapJava script,VB script
  • Worked on database testing ( SQL Server) and validating teh applications against teh database
  • Has good noledge of Web Servers, Database Servers, Application Servers
  • Well - rounded educational background in computer applications.


  • QTP
  • Quality Center
  • Eclipse
  • Selenium
  • SQL
  • Java
  • Java Script
  • HTML
  • XML
  • SPS
  • IE
  • Firefox 16
  • Safari
  • Windows 7
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows XP
  • AS400
  • Endeca page builder
  • IBM WebSphere Commerce
  • Target Process
  • Mobile testing
  • eBooks
  • Web services
  • XML



Sr.QA Engineer


  • Worked with developers to setup new QA,Hotfix,Prod and DR Environments both UI and backend
  • Participated in teh sprint planning sessions. Worked closely with Business Analyst and developers to review teh story requirements, provided QA estimates on teh stories for each sprint.
  • Managed Requirements Traceability Matrix, Test plans,testcase creation,execution,logging & tracking issues using TFS
  • Used ALM to manage regression scripts creation and execution.
  • Supported Offshore Automation Team providing test scenarios,Test data,Executing teh scripts & Logging teh bugs in TFS
  • Maintained regression test cases and executed them for each sprint.
  • Responsible for preparing test data and performing Smoke testing,Functional,Integration,Back end, Regression testing on complex Web application
  • Involved in testing Integration jobs & teh migrated data imported to ITRC from multiple sources using teh jobs
  • Used SQL Server to validate data import jobs, teh application against teh database and scheduled weekly summary emails, Automation jobs
  • Participated in daily standup meetings providing updates on teh stories- issues,status of execution and bug fixing, retesting
  • Responsible for providing weekly status reports to teh Business
  • Supported Prod deployments and carried post deployment testing

Environment: ALM,SQL, TFS,.Net, HTML, XML,IE, Firefox 16, Safari11, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP

Confidential, Fairfield, NJ

QA Analyst


  • Participated in sprint planning meetings to understand teh Requirements and provide estimates.
  • Involved in analyzing teh requirements, creating and executing manual test scripts on different environments like QA & UAT.
  • Performed Functional, Integration, Regression,Cross browser testing on QA & Sanity testing on UAT and Prod.
  • Defect reporting and retesting of teh defects done using TFS
  • Involved in setting up teh QA environments,test data for different kinds of testing.
  • Invloved in web services testing by creating different XML requests to validate invoices & authorizations creation, price, part, credit checks. Validated teh response messages and codes based on teh error codes set up in teh backend tables.
  • Maintained regression test cases and executed them for each release.
  • Used SQL Server for backend validations, running teh jobs
  • Supported PROD deployments for different clients
  • Attended project meetings, release meetings, test case review meetings and QA status meetings.

Environment: Java,SQL Server 2012,Java Script, HTML, XML,IE 10, Firefox 22, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, webservices

Confidential, NY

Sr.QA Analyst


  • Involved in analyzing teh requirements,writing Test plans, test cases and executing manual test scripts for both Web and Mobile applications.
  • Performed Browser testing, Sanity, Functional, Integration, Regression, Security testing & documented results in test reports
  • Performed load testing using Visual studio 2010 built in tool
  • Prepared and presented QA findings in project status meetings and worked closely with developers and PMs to solve quality related issues
  • Conducted manual and automation regression testing for each release and patch
  • Involved in Defect Tracking, Reporting, and Retesting teh Defects using ALM
  • Involved in testing different feed data in Content Management System and validated them in front end
  • Created and executed teh smoke tests for each release and also in teh pre-production and "go live" environment
  • Used Content Management System to design teh Landing Pages like Home page, Search results page, Product listing page,Product detail page with different products
  • Involved in testing web applications on mobile devices like iPad,Iphone,Android devices to perform different types of testing like load testing,redirects,functional, performance testing, Orientation, syncronization, different networks
  • Created QA documents and helped teh QA department in identifying teh existing process gaps
  • Attended project meetings, release meetings, test case review meetings and QA status meetings.

Environment: Java, Java Script, HTML, XML, Content management System,IE, Firefox 16, Safari, Chrome,Mac,Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Test Manager,ALM,Load testing using visual studio 2010 built in tool,Mobile devices

Confidential, NY

QA Manual/Automation Tester


  • Involved in analyzing teh teh Agile User Story & Functional Requirements Document to create teh test cases.Used Quality center to write and execute test cases,Requirements Traceability Matrix, maintain documentation of test results, managing teh Defects as per teh Business requirements,defect reporting and monitoring teh defects, create a comprehensive defect report
  • Involved in developing automation scripts using QTP and Selenium to support Regression for each release
  • Involved in different kinds of testing like Cross Browser ( IE, Fire Fox, Chrome, and Safari), Sanity, Functional, Integration, Adhoc, Backend, Regression,mobile & UAT
  • Involved in TEMPeffective communication with developer and project team to escalate issues and timely resolution plans.
  • Worked on IBM WebSphere Commerce for Catalog uploads, creating Marketing content, Promotions, Espots and validated them in front end
  • Used AS400 to validate teh orders placed in COOL and to validate teh promotions.
  • Involved in web services testing and testing various tags and events like IGO digital and OMNITURE on different pages like product detail page,shopping cart,collection page,check out page,home page,order confirmation page.
  • Used SQL to get teh test data like coupon codes,expiry dates,catalog product details
  • Supported PROD and STAGE deployments
  • Involved in co-coordinating teh offshore team for regression testing
  • Involved in executing teh ETL jobs to see teh catalog upload changes and validated teh results
  • Worked on Page Builder to build and manage teh Landing Pages like Home page, Search results page, Collection page, Flyer page and grade level pages
  • Involved in testing teh native application on different mobile devices(iPad,Iphone/Android devices) to perform different types of testing like installation,functional, performance testing, Orientation, syncronization, different networks
  • Followed teh Agile process for 2 week sprints-writing & executing teh test cases for user stories and creating teh automation scripts using teh selenium for regression.
  • Attended Agile Sprint meeting, Test Planning meeting, User Story Review Meeting and Sprint Demo. project meetings, release meetings, test case review meetings and QA status meetings.
  • Responsible for QA documentation including QA status reports, defect logs, QA PASS approval form, maintaining QA traceability matrices and reports

Environment: QTP, Quality Center, Eclipse,Selenium, OMNITURE,SQL, Java, Java Script, HTML, XML, SPS, IE, Firefox 16, Safari, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, AS400, Endeca page builder, IBM WebSphere Commerce, Target Process,Mobile testing,eBooks,Web services,XML

Confidential, Buffalo,NY

QA Tester


  • Involved in analyzing teh Changed Request documents that were delivered from 4S.
  • Involved actively in writing and executing manual test cases using Quality Center for Regression testing and UAT based on CR’s.
  • Involved in testing different Air and Ocean Scenario’s like Door - Door, Door - Port, NSIB, NSOB, port - port, port-Door manually with different sets of data.
  • Worked on a traceability matrix associating functional requirements with their corresponding test cases & scripts.
  • Involved in developing a hybrid framework.
  • Developed teh function libraries using descriptive programming and associated them to teh driver script to automate different scenarios.
  • Involved in Defect Tracking, Reporting, and Retesting teh Defects.
  • Involved in Track and Trace, early visibility testing.
  • Involved in Financial testing generating teh Invoice’s (Billing), Purchase Invoice’s (Payables) to Customer’s, Carrier’s and Vendor’s and posting teh Profit /Loss both for Air and Ocean.
  • Involved in tracking and verifying teh eTrans Log, retesting teh defects and reporting teh defects in Quality Center.
  • Involved in testing help desk tickets related to application, supporting end users and 24/7 production support.
  • Worked with eCustomers and AES(Automated Export System)application
  • Worked with 4Soft BA’s and Developers to resolve test issues and re-tested them.

Environment: Quality Center, Mercury Screen Recorder Add-in, Web Logic, JAVA, J2EE, Servlets, EJB, EDI, Java Script, SQL,HTML, QTP, Hybrid framework, descriptive programming, VB Script, XML, Excel, Unix


QA Analyst


  • Set teh Environment for Manual and Automation Testing.
  • Involved in testing of INGENIUM Business Processes
  • Involved actively in writing and executing manual test cases for Build Verification Test, System Integration Testing, Business Process Testing, Smoke testing, UAT
  • Set up Automation test environment with mercury Tools like Quick Test pro
  • Developed more TEMPthan 100 automated test scripts to test different functions of INGENIUM using e-Tester and QTP.
  • Developed automated test scripts from manual test cases for UAT using Quick Test Professional
  • Developed, executed and maintained automated test scripts to support UAT and participated actively in UAT.
  • Developed Custom VB code in all teh scripts to display Test case number, Cycle number, PolicyID, Actual result and Expected results.
  • Captured teh system generated messages and displayed them in teh Result Report.
  • Team Track, Rational Clear Quest tool are used for Defect Reporting and tracking.
  • Worked with CSV files filled it with teh required data to feed teh scripts.
  • Worked with System Test Review Team and Developers to resolve system test issues and re-test.

Environment: e-Tester, QTP, Quality Center, VB Scripting, VB, Windows XP, Java, J2EE, JSP, EJB, LotusNotes, TeamTrack, CSV, MS Office, eManager, UNIX, Rational Clear Quest

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

QA Analyst


  • Analyzing teh user/business requirements and functional specs documents.
  • Involved in entire QA Life Cycle, which includes Designing, Developing and Execution of teh entire QA Process and documentation of Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Procedures and Test Scripts
  • Worked on a traceability matrix associating functional requirements with their corresponding test cases & scripts.
  • Involved in Design and development of test plans
  • Involved in writing test cases and executing them to test teh application manually in Quality Center.
  • Involved actively in IST and UAT
  • Defect Tracking and Reporting(Test Summary Reports) was done by using Quality Center
  • Worked with teh SQL statements to extract data from Oracle tables and verify teh output data of teh reports
  • Written complicated SQL Queries manually for validation of data
  • Attended project meetings, release meetings, and QA status meetings.
  • Worked closely with BA’s and Developer’s.

Environment: Test Director 8.0, TOAD, ETL, Quality Center, UNIX, Oracle, .Net., SQL Server 2000/2005, Data Warehousing, MS Office, Lotus Notes

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

QA Analyst


  • Involved in Design and development of test plans
  • Set teh QA Environment for Manual Testing as well as for Automation
  • Set up Automation test environment with Mercury Tools like Quick Test Pro
  • Written test cases to test teh application manually in Quality center.
  • Documented test cases, test results, test procedures and reported to Team lead
  • Involved in testing of Web-application screens
  • Involved actively in UAT
  • Worked on TYSYS
  • Developed automated test scripts to test teh links in web applications using Quick Test Professional
  • Involved in executing Test Cases and Test Sets in Quality Center.
  • Developed, executed and maintained automated test scripts
  • Defect Tracking and Reporting was done by using Quality Center.

Environment: Test Director 8.0, QTP 9.0, Oracle, VBscript, MS Office, Java, J2EE, WindowsXP, Outlook, TYSYS, Mainframes

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

QA Analyst


  • Analyzed teh user/business requirements and functional specs documents.
  • Involved in Design and development of test plans
  • Set up Automation test environment with mercury Tools like Quick Test Pro.
  • Extensively used Quick Test Pro FileSystemObject methods to automate teh Web-based and GUI applications like Compass(Portfolio Management), Party, LVTS
  • Written and executed manual test cases for Regression testing and UAT.
  • Worked on flat files to compare teh data.
  • Developed automated test scripts from manual test cases for Regression testing based on teh requirement documents using Quick Test Professional
  • Developed, executed and maintained automated test scripts to support regression testing and participated actively in regression testing.
  • Created database checkpoints to check teh contents of teh database and also worked with standard output value.
  • Attended project meetings, release meetings, and QA status meetings.

Environment: Test Director 8.0, QTP 9.0, Oracle, DB2, VBscript, Java, J2EE, WindowsXP, Lotus Notes, Rational Clear Quest, Sybase, Excel Macros

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