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Senior Automation Engineer Resume

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Saint Luis Park, MN


  • Seeking a responsible and challenging position in a growth - oriented progressive institution where my QA experience and skills will significantly contribute to the overall success of the organization and provide opportunities for my career growth.


  • 7+ years of professional experience as a QA Analyst/ Engineer.
  • Experienced in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and Software Development Methodologies such as Agile Scrum, Iterative, Waterfall etc.
  • Well experienced in the creation of Test Plan, Test Cases Preparation, Execution, Traceability matrix, Bug analysis, Defect tracking and reporting using ALM/HP Quality Center/JIRA etc.
  • Expertise in performing different kinds of testing like Smoke, GUI, Backend, Functionality, Integration, Regression, Black Box, and User Acceptance (UAT) of web and client/server applications.
  • Strong experience in developing automated test scripts using VBScript, Descriptive programming, object repository, Object spy, Databases, Environment variables, Ordinal identifier, Child objects, Collection objects in QuickTest Professional (QTP)/UFT.
  • Used advanced Object Identification Techniques like XPath, CSS, Visual Relation Identifier, Web Table, HTML DOM Windows Shell Script etc.
  • Expertise in creating different types of frameworks (data driven, keyword driven & Hybrid) in QTP/UFT using VBScript.
  • Experience in automating Web Application testing using Selenium WebDriver with TestNG framework and Selenium Grid.
  • Writing Test cases using Element locators, WebDriver methods, Java programming features and TestNG Annotations.
  • Strong skills in Backend testing using SQL Queries for various databases in Oracle, SQL server etc.
  • Used SVN and Jenkins for Continuous Integration with automated test execution.
  • Experience of UNIX Server with respect to Operating System and variety of commands.
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks and work independently as well as in a team, having strong analytical and problem solving skills.
  • Excellent interpersonal communication skills, functional and technical documentation.


Testing tools: QuickTest Professional(QTP)/UFT, Quality Center/ALM, JIRA, RTC, TAF, Jenkins, SVN, Putty, Selenium, Mainframe.

RDBMS: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, DB2, WSS, ESP Database, Barracuda Database, MS-Access.

Languages/Scripting: SQL, PL/SQL, Visual Basic, VBScript, Java, JavaScript

Web Technologies: ASP.NET, VB.NET, XML, HTML.

Servers: IIS, Web Logic Application Server, Tomcat.

Operating Systems: Windows 7, Windows 10, UNIX, Linux.

Microsoft Tools: MS Office.


Confidential, Saint Luis Park, MN

Senior Automation Engineer


  • Involved in preparing Test plans that included Testing strategies, test scripts and test data for Integration, Functional, User, Security requirements of the application.
  • Created Scenarios and performed scenario based testing.
  • Designed QC/ALM, updated and reviewed Test Cases.
  • Involved in Functional, System, Integration, Regression and User Acceptance testing.
  • Created test data, executed test cases & test interfaces.
  • Performed End-End Testing manually before automated Testing.
  • Logged and tracked defects in QC/ALM that include business impact and track testing progress.
  • Reported bugs, communicated notifications to the developers using defect tracking tool.
  • Advanced knowledge of VBScript features such as file system objects, dictionary object, class Object, UFT functions such as descriptive programing, recovery scenarios, regular expressions.
  • Used advanced object identification techniques such as XPath, CSS, HTML DOM, Visual Relation Identifier, Windows ShellScript.
  • Experienced in creating validations points using VB Script features and creating customized HTML test result reports to attach to ALM.
  • Developed automation test scripts in UFT for all testing stages such as functional testing, Integration testing, regression testing and smoke testing.
  • Defect reporting, analyzing, tracking and report generation using HP ALM.
  • Designed simple and complex SQL queries to be used for debugging and analysis.
  • Used Data Driven framework for web applications, Mainframe application (MSP) testing using VBScript in UFT.
  • Used source control tool (SVN) to manage UFT automation scripts where version is managed.
  • Continuous integration tools like Jenkins where Automation scripts use to run.
  • Worked with developers and project managers to prioritize and resolve issues during testing phase.
  • Provided training to the team members in Automation project and Manual Testing Process.

Environment: UFT 14, ALM 12.53, Mainframe, SQL sequel server, SQL Oracle developer, Windows 7, Windows 10, SVN, Jenkins, MS Office, IE, MS Edge, HTML, XML.

Confidential, Boston, MA

Software QA Engineer


  • Analyze epics and user stories to gain a better understanding of the requirements documentsand prepared the test plans, writing the test cases, executed test cases & test interfaces.
  • Involved in defect tracking, defect reporting, analyzing results and documenting using Quality center/ALM.
  • As part of Agile methodology extensively interacted with users, developers, business analysts on daily basis and created the testing strategy.
  • Created automation test scripts in UFT for all testing stages such as functional testing, integration testing and regression testing
  • Verified actual results against the expected results in Oracle Toad, Squirrel, and database automation tools.
  • Used source control and continuousintegration tools like Jenkins.
  • Strong knowledge of Java programming, Selenium WebDriver, JUnit and TestNG.
  • Professional experience in designing test frameworks and developing test scripts and suites for UNIX environments.
  • Worked in Agile methodology (Scrum) and attended daily stand up, Sprint planning, Demo and retrospective meeting etc.
  • Manage the Scrum team's work through IBM RTC. Used Kanban Board to monitor the progress of work in Iteration.
  • Worked on testing status, reporting to the higher management and retesting the fixes.

Environment: QTP/UFT, Quality Center/ALM, IBM RTC, TAF, UNIX, Oracle SQL Developer, Squirrel, Oracle Toad, Jenkins, Selenium, Eclipse, Putty, Windows 7, Oracle 11g, MS Office, XML.

Confidential, Washington, D.C

Systems QA Analyst


  • Involved in creating Test plans, writing test cases for different components within the project.
  • Performed various kinds of testing, such as smoke, regression, integrated, system, backend validation wrote SQL queries and end to end testing.
  • Generated detailed bug reports, pass fail reports, and communicated notifications to the developers using defect tracking tool Quality Center/ALM.
  • Developed hybrid framework for web application using VBScript in Quick Test Pro (QTP)/UFT.
  • Modified and maintained Test cases and QTP/UFT scripts due to changes in the application.
  • Coordinated with the UAT testing and Project management teams and performed user acceptance testing with the users.
  • Provided training to other team members in Automation frameworks and the manual testing Process.

Environment: UFT/QTP, QC/ALM, SQL Server, Maven, SVN, MS Office, Visual Basic, HTML, JavaScript, Windows, Web Logic, Apache Server, IE.

Confidential, Bronx, NY

QA Automation Engineer


  • Analyzed the business requirement document (BRD), HLD documents and involved in preparing test plans, prepared test cases, executed test cases and test interfaces.
  • Performed functional testing, regression testing, integration testing, smoke testing and user acceptance testing.
  • Performed end to end testing manually before automated testing.
  • Participated in the daily bug meeting and Prioritized and retested the bugs in HP QC/ALM.
  • Wrote SQL queries to test the database and validate the data integrity.
  • Developed and maintained QTP/UFT test scripts to support regression testing whenever a change request is completed.
  • Modularized test cases and create data driven tests using QTP/UFT.
  • Actively participated in discussions with the onshore and offshore development teams, Business, and portfolio analysts, to make sure the testing efforts were covering change of scopes, updated user stories and other functional requirements and modifications.

Environment: XML, HTML, JavaScript, PL/SQL, HP QC/ALM, QTP/UFT, Oracle, Windows XP, SOAP UI and MS Office.

Confidential, Houston, TX

QA Test Analyst


  • Involved in preparing test plans that included testing strategies, test scripts and test data for Integration, functional, and user requirements of the application.
  • Prepared test data for data driven test cases and tested the entire application regarding the Requirement of a system.
  • Involved in defect tracking, defect reporting, analyzing results and documenting using JIRA.
  • Interacted with developers and business Users to communicate the defects and actively participated in replicating the bugs and performed regression testing using JIRA.
  • Extensively used SQL Queries for data validation.
  • Used Data Driven framework for automating web applications.
  • Developed the automated test scripts from manual test cases for regression testing based on the requirement documents using QTP.

Environment: QTP, JIRA, SQL Server, MS Office, UNIX, Share Point, JavaScript, Windows XP.

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