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Scrum Master Resume

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Minneapolis, MN


  • 8+ years of diverse experience in Information Technology with emphasis on Scrum Master Role and Business Analysis.
  • Certified SMC (Scrum Master Certification), SAFe Agilist Certified and ISTQB certified.
  • 7+ years of working knowledge in American Health Insurance Domain with AHM 250 Certification.
  • Facilitated all scrum ceremonies like daily scrums, User story/Backlog grooming, Retrospective and planning meetings.
  • Experience on Scrum, Kanban and XP frameworks within the agile process.
  • Good knowledge on the Burn Down/UP charts, Sprint planning, User Story pointing, User Story Splitting and the PI planning’s.
  • Knowledge on the ATDD, TDD, FDD, Gherkin and Cucumber.
  • Experience in the agile matrices like Burn Down charts, Burn Up charts and the velocity graphs.
  • Hands on experience on Jenkins, CI/CD, and Open shift environments.
  • Working knowledge on the PI planning’s (Program Increment) in SAFe methodology.
  • Worked on the project transformation to agile methodology from waterfall model.
  • Motivated, inspired, and improved the lives and productivity of the scrum team.
  • Experience on both Rally and Jira tools and used them for agile projects.
  • Worked as a Combined Scrum Master and BA/QA in multiple projects.
  • Good knowledge on gathering the requirements, requirement analysis and requirement mappings to the project.
  • Hands on experience in preparing the user stories / use cases as per the requirements and helping the team to understand them.
  • Good in writing both functional and non - functional requirements.
  • Working knowledge on the Use Case preparation as per the system and also preparation of logic/mapping documents.
  • Hands on experience in STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle) and SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) in both Waterfall and Agile process.
  • Having excellent knowledge on the Claims adjudication process, Subscribers, Providers and Payers within the Health insurance domain.
  • Good knowledge in QC, ALM, Jira and Rally and used them widely in the projects.
  • Strong knowledge and experience on HIPAA 5010, SOAP UI Web Services, Rest Client Services.
  • Well accustomed with Health Care process environment and have good hands on experience on various claim platforms like Facets, Cosmos TOPS and EDI transactions.
  • Have excellent intellectual, interpersonal, technical and communication skills.
  • Ability to interact and communicate with personnel from technical to high level executive management.


Technologies: Scrum Master, SAFe, Agile Process, Requirement Analysis, Acceptance Criteria, ATDD, TDD, BDD, Requirements Mapping

Tools: Rally, Jira, Flow dock, Confluence, Planning Poker, HP Quality Center, HP ALM,SOAP UI, AQT, Rest Client, Maven, Sauce Labs, SQL, Gitlab, Jenkins

Database: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL

Languages: Basic JAVA

Business Domain: Health Insurance Domain

Others: MS - Word, MS Excel, MS- PowerPoint


Scrum Master

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Worked as a Scrum master for two Scrum teams, Zeta team and Tesla team.
  • Facilitated the daily scrum calls, grooming meetings, Sprint reviews, sprint retrospective and Sprint planning meetings.
  • Worked on the INVEST criteria for the user stories in the backlog and worked on prioritizing them.
  • Worked on the user story acceptance criteria refinement.
  • Worked on breaking the Epics and Features into the User stories and loaded them into sprints.
  • Responsible to include all the required specifications, links and wire frames in the user stories.
  • Written the Gherkin format (Given, when, then, and) acceptance criteria for the user stories and have worked on ATDD and TDD frameworks.
  • Interacted with stake holders/product owners to gather the requirements and to map them with the User stories.
  • Responsible for the matrix reports like burn down charts, burn up charts and the velocity graphs.
  • Worked with the Scrum team on CI/CD tool Jenkins.
  • Point of contact for any external dependencies or escalations for both the Scrum teams.
  • Worked with the product owner in creating the Features and User stories.
  • Responsible for conducting the Planning poker sessions to point out the user stories during the planning meetings.
  • Updated the sprint progress to the product owner/stakeholders on regular basis.
  • User Story preparations as per the client expectations and help the scrum team to understand them.
  • Ensured that the user stories in the backlog are prioritized and estimated, which includes scheduling and facilitating the planning poker sessions.
  • Worked on the ranking/prioritizing the backlog EPICs and Features for PI planning in SAFe methodology.
  • Monitored the burn down charts on daily basis and removed the impedimentsto the team to maintain the pace of the the scrum team.
  • Proposed the use of Flowdock communication tool in the team.
  • Created and maintained the scrum based flowdock groups and reduced the communication gaps/dependency time.
  • Gathered all the points shared in the retrospective meetings and prepared the Minutes of Meetings and also the action items.
  • Ensured to address the retrospective action items by the scrum team/respective members before the next sprint planning.
  • Facilitated getting the work done without force, assigning, or dictating the work.
  • Helped the senior scrum master/RTE to facilitate the scrum of scrums and the Program Increment (PI) meetings as per SAFe.
  • Gathered and reported the velocity graphs to the stake holders for both scrum teams before each Program Increment (PI) meeting.
  • Helped the team in understanding the agile concepts and the agile practices to improve the team’s delivery.
  • Reviewed the User Stories with scrum team to identify the gaps in the Acceptance Criteria and update them as required.
  • Participated in the bi-weekly Production checkouts and releases along with the team and helped in UAT testing as required.
  • Suggested few changes in communication process and data exchange between Offshore and Onshore which reduced the dependency or wait time between the teams.

Scrum Master

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Worked on the agile transformation of this project from Waterfall methodology.
  • Actively conducted daily scrums, grooming, team planning’s and the retrospectives as per the agile methodology.
  • Conducted trainings to the scrum team to understand the Agile/Scrum process as the team is new to agile methodology.
  • Provided all support to the team using a servant leader and lead the team by examples.
  • Worked on the Epics, Features and prepared the user stories based on them.
  • Worked and monitored the burn down and burn up charts to update the progress of the sprint to Product owner on daily basis.
  • Worked closely with scrum team to ensure that all user stories are completed before the end of the sprint and helped the Testing team to Demo the stories.
  • Conducted the Planning poker session during the sprint planning’s to point/size out the user stories.
  • Worked on the user story acceptance criteria refinement along with Product owner and the scrum team before the start of each sprint.
  • Prepared the Minutes of meetings after retrospective meetings and shared it with the scrum team and all the stakeholders.
  • Prepared the Action items from each retrospective meeting and worked with the team to close/answer the action items.
  • Recognized and appreciated scrum team members in the retrospectives for the work done in the sprints.
  • Tracking the defects in Rally and communicating them to Dev team and follow up on closing the defects as per the priority within the sprints.
  • Worked on the POC for ATDD and TDD implementation in the projects.
  • Worked on JIRA and Confluence tools during the initial stages of this project.
  • Prepared few user stories in JIRA and had used Confluence for communication and files sharing.
  • Created the Flowdock groups to communicate between the scrum teams.
  • Worked closely with the team and tried to remove the impediments/blockers within the team or due to external dependency.
  • Worked with the product owner to get the details of the User story (to Include in the description and acceptance criteria) before the User Story grooming meetings.
  • Written the acceptance criteria for the User Stories in Given, When, Then, And Format (Gherkin Format).
  • Worked on CI/CD tool Jenkins in the project.
  • Participated in the Production checkouts and releases for all the releases.
  • Helped the testing team with the prior experience of testing knowledge.

Test Engineer

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Worked on all the major parts of the application in different forms of testing like UAT, Regression, Performance, GUI Test, Web Application and SOAP UI testing.
  • Worked on SOAP UI Tool to test the web services for ePUF and SURF.
  • Tested the 270/271,835 and 837 EDI transactions from Facets that are integrated with the Linx project.
  • Worked on both Functional test cases and the regression test cases.
  • Created and executed manual test cases using Quality Center/ALM and reviewed test cases developed by other testers.
  • Created test scripts and test data files for the HIPAA 837/835 (Claims Processing /Claims Payment) based on the ANSI X12N HIPAA standards.
  • Also submitted the 837 electronic claims by modifying the Keyword files on Facets.
  • Test Coordination to review status & issues of other testers.
  • Mentoring new joinees to help them gain familiarity with the project.
  • Prepared the test strategy and test planning documents.
  • Responsible for Complete End to End Testing of Commercial and Government Business.
  • Defect Logging and Defect Tracking till closure.
  • Responsible for running batch job.
  • Member of the OHBS Core QA Team.

Associate Test Engineer

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Created and executed manual test cases in Quality Center (QC).
  • Defect Logging in HP ALM/QC and follow up till closure.
  • Developed SQL queries and used the test data for the project execution.
  • Created test data files for the EDI 837 (Professional, Institutional, and Dental Claims) transaction based on the ANSI X12N HIPAA standards.
  • Worked with X12/EDI transactions and validated the specifications/mapping for 837 transactions for Institutional and professional claims and 835 responses.
  • Creating Functional test cases in ALM tool and executing them in the test lab of ALM.
  • Validated the data coming from EDI/X12 4010/5010 (837, 835) interfaces.
  • Primary Resource to work on SOAP UI Tool.
  • Generated the XML results from SOAP UI tool and saved them for the review with the clients.
  • Preparing Knowledge Management Documents and basic understanding documents for the Project and maintaining Knowledge Repository.
  • Test result reports creation and updating the same to the team.
  • Participated in the test strategy and test planning documents preparation.
  • Prepared the test data as per the project need.
  • Participating in UAT Reviews.

Associate Test Engineer

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN


  • Worked on the requirement review.
  • Creating Functional test cases and execution of test cases and in HP ALM/QC
  • Test Data Preparation as per the project need.
  • Compared the 5010 files responses with the earlier 4010 files results.
  • Written SQL queries to retrieve test data from the database required for test execution.
  • Logging the defects in HP QC/ALM and follow up till closure.
  • Test Coordination to review status with the team.
  • Worked on Regression Testing during the release.
  • Requirement understanding and documenting.
  • Coordinating and understanding development of a project and functional implementation
  • Participated in the Production checkouts and releases along with the Sr. Engineers and understood the process.
  • Attended session on Test Data Preparation and the database SQL queries.

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