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Sdet Resume

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Pleasanton, CA


  • With 7+ years of professional experience in Software Testing as Software Quality Assurance Engineer on different platforms and environments.
  • Participated in Agile software testing process with regular QA meetings to discuss major features of the applications, test cases and test procedures.
  • Experienced in creating Test Frameworks using Selenium WebDriver with Page Object Module Patterns, Data Driven Testing and UI Mapping using Maven, JUnit, TestNG, Apache POI and Apache Log4j.
  • Experienced in implementing Hybrid Automation Framework using Selenium WebDriver, Cucumber and Java.
  • Experienced in testing both SOAP and REST services using SoapUI, Postman, RESTAssured, HttpClient and tested both XML and JSON formats.
  • Involved in testing Web services and XML with SoapUI and used this tool to locate WSDL file on internet, create Test cases and run them. Groovy Script for functional and data driven scenarios.
  • Experienced in Mobile Automation testing (iOS and Android) using Selenium, WebDriver and Appium.
  • Hands on experience in working with locators using UI Automator and Appium Inspector, Knowledge on debugging services like ADB, DDMS and Logcat with regard to android mobile automation using Appium.
  • Worked on Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery using Git, Gerrit, Jenkins and Google Cloud Platform.
  • Knowledge on working with cloud - based platforms like Sauce Labs and Browser Stack for grid setup.
  • Experienced in using JMeter to scale the performance testing of REST API’S and Web Applications.
  • Familiarity with AngularJS testing framework using Protractor which internally uses Node.js and also with Node npm modules and commands.
  • Expertise in scripting languages such as UNIX Shell Scripting.
  • Experience in Defect tracking tools like JIRA, Rally and HP QC.
  • Created and executed complex SQL queries to the Oracle and MySQL Database to validate and test data.


Operating systems: Windows, Linux, UNIX, Android

Testing Tools: WebDriver, Grid, RC, IDE, JUnit, TestNG, SoapUI, Postman, RESTAssured, Appium, Protractor, JMeter, Cucumber and Sauce Labs

Databases: Oracle, MongoDB and MySQL.

Languages: Java, JavaScript, Groovy Script and SQL

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, XML, XPath, XSLT, AJAX, SOAP and WSDL

Bug Tracking Tool: Rally, JIRA, HP QC



Confidential, Pleasanton, CA


  • Collaborated with product management teams in an Agile environment to develop a comprehensive set of tests for web-based applications.
  • Worked on Hybrid automation framework, using Apache POI for data driven and Page Object pattern along with Keyword Driven approach.
  • Configured Selenium Web Driver with TestNG and created Selenium automation scripts in Java using TestNG prior to agile testing.
  • Used Maven tool for the Project management and for the purpose of compile, run, deploy and to add external dependencies.
  • Worked with Selenium Grid and TestNG to execute parallel testing scripts.
  • Expertise in RESTful Web Services automation testing using HttpClient along with TestNG, also used Jackson library to parse JSON response.
  • Developed test scripts in Appium to test mobile application functionality for iOS and Android devices.
  • Worked in Continuous Integration environment with Jenkins, Maven for build and Gerrit as code review management.
  • Effectively involved in logging bugs, reviewing solved bugs and analyzing test result using Rally.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining automation acceptance test suite using Selenium, Cucumber framework.
  • Created performance test scripts using JMeter to monitor response time and performance of the RESTful APIs.
  • Implemented different logging techniques using Log4j.
  • Have good knowledge in using Shell Scripts on Linux
  • Involved in executing SQL queries and PL/SQL procedures, functions and packages for backend testing.
  • Used SQL Queries to verify the data from the Oracle database.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Agile, Rally, Java, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript, TestNG, Apache HTTP Client, Jackson, JSON, Jenkins, XPath, Log4j, Oracle, SQL, Appium, Shell Scripts, Linux

QA Automation Engineer

Confidential - Pleasanton, CA

Project Responsibilities:

  • Used Agile Methodology for creating user stories, test cases and used JIRA for tracking defects.
  • Maintained the Java and selenium test source code and resources in the GitHub source control repository tool.
  • Worked with creating scenarios in Cucumber for assigned user stories - integrated them with feature files and step definitions.
  • Create, debug and handle exceptions - WebDriver scripts and enhance the scripts to work in Selenium Grid for distributed and parallel test automation using TestNG.
  • Have exposure in Protractor to automate AngularJS application modules.
  • Involved in extracting data from the REST API’s and injected it in Selenium scripts to make dynamic Automation framework.
  • Executed with REST Assured, Commons Http Client and Jackson API for REST API validations and performed api performance using JMeter.
  • Developed Selenium test scripts for identified test cases using Page Object and Data Driven Design Pattern.
  • Responsible to run automation scripts in Sauce Labs.
  • Setup the Automation framework using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG features to run test cases in multiple browsers and platforms.
  • Worked on Tools like Appium and UI Automator which are used for Automation of Android and iOS, Native, Hybrid and Web Apps.
  • Excellent knowledge in working with Maven build tool, GIT and Jenkins as Continuous Integration tool.
  • Used SQL for data integrity testing, captured the SQL statements from the application execution and manually checked the results.
  • Written Shell Scripts to execute test scripts on batch process in UNIX.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Selenium Grid, Eclipse, Maven, JIRA, TestNG, SauceLabs, JMeter, Android, Scrum methodology, SQL, Http Client, Appium, UI Automator, Java, Cucumber, Jenkins, GitHub, AngularJS, Protractor, Jackson, UNIX.

QA Automation Engineer

Confidential, Hayward, CA


  • Analyzed the Business Requirements and prepared Test Plan and Test Strategy to approach testing in an effective and efficient manner using Agile Methodology.
  • Interacted extensively with the business analysts, developers and data architects to understand the application workflow, functionality and its interaction with the database.
  • Used the method of flowcharts to build a robust Test Strategy that will carefully cover all the different scenarios.
  • Developed automated scripts using Selenium WebDriver, Java and TestNG using Eclipse IDE to perform functional and regression testing for web-based applications.
  • Expertise in Maven and performed different operations on POM.xml file to gather required dependencies and plugins to run numerous test scripts.
  • Used TestNG framework for batch execution of smoke and regression automation test cases.
  • Validated Web Services request and response XML using SoapUI tool. Worked on SoapUI mock services using Groovy Script.
  • Done SOA testing for Payments API's using SoapUI and Postman plugins.
  • Responsible for maintaining Hybrid Test Automation Framework build using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG and Maven technologies under Java platform utilizing industry leading harness design patterns and approaches.
  • Experience in creating build scripts for Continuous Integration and Scheduled builds periodically using Jenkins tool.
  • Mobile automation of android app using Appium.
  • Performing Load and Performance Tests using JMeter and analyze results with system analysts and engineers.
  • Identified and documented the defects in JIRA.
  • Coordinated meetings with the business analysts, developers and testing team members to discuss and prioritize open and newly found defects.
  • Used Application Lifecycle Management ALM to log and track defects and enhancements, especially during break fixes.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Java, SoapUI, JMeter, SQL, XML, JIRA, Postman, ALM, Maven, Eclipse, Appium, TestNG, Agile, Jenkins, Groovy

QA Engineer

Confidential - Cincinnati, OH


  • Participated in collecting and analyzing the business requirements.
  • Performed Manual Testing of this Web application and automated it by using Selenium RC.
  • Experienced in Software analysis, design, development, Testing and Maintenance with strong understanding of SDLC and STLC.
  • Prepared detailed Test cases in QC with Use-Case Design under which system will be tested.
  • Involved in generating Test Scripts using Quick Test Professional (QTP) for different transactions to execute
  • Developed cases and VB scripts using Quick Test Pro for Functionality, Security and Regression Testing
  • Performed front end, back end, GUI, Functionality, Security testing on the application.
  • Performed database testing by writing queries in SQL.
  • Experienced in both Manual and Automated testing tools using HP Quality Centre and QTP with VB Script
  • Rigorously used SQL Server for database testing.
  • Used Excel to track test trends and report them to PM team
  • Quality-focused professional with extensive experience in manual software testing and knowledge in automated testing.
  • Used XML Spy for testing web-services and XML, XSL/XSLT, JMS based applications.
  • Used Quality center to organize and manage all phases of the software testing process, including planning tests, executing tests.
  • Involved in developing and executing automated test scripts to support testing requirements using Quick Test Professional (QTP).
  • Developed and executed SQL joins to validate the results in Web Services and Frontend with Database.

Environment: Oracle Database, Excel, QTP, VBScript, ASP, SQL Server, Windows, JavaScript, HTML, XML, JMS

QA Analyst

Confidential, NJ


  • Analyzed system requirements and developed a Test Plan for System Testing.
  • Analyzed requirements documents and Use Cases to prepare the detailed Test Plans and Test CasesInvolved along with test manager on providing inputs to test estimation and test strategy preparation.
  • Converted manual tests into Automated test scripts using JavaScript
  • Enhanced theQTPScripts in expert mode in order to implement efficient test scenarios.
  • Responsible for regression testing by executing batch test cases using Test Batch Runner and via Quality Center.
  • Developed automated test scripts, functions and sub-routines using JavaScript.
  • Executed Test Cases for Web Application hosted on a Web Logic Server and validated response.
  • Defects were tracked, reviewed, analyzed and compared using Quality Center.
  • Ensured that all the test cases are updated in the Quality Center along with Master test plan.
  • Created test cases and scripts in Quality Center test plan module and linked them with requirement.
  • Generated Oracle SQL scripts to validate large scale data migration from existing system to new environment.
  • Tested the product in various platforms, UNIX, and Windows
  • Used UNIX shell scripts for monitoring the servers during testing sessions.

Environment: Scrum Methodology, QTP, Quality Center, Test Batch Runner, UNIX, SQL, Windows, Oracle, JavaScript

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