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Software Development Engineer Resume

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Bellevue, WA


  • QA Analyst with 7+ years of experience in IT industry, which includes thorough knowledge of System Development Lifecycle experience, Developing, Designing, and implementing Test plans, Test cases and test processes. My expertise spans around both manual and Automation testing with strong focus onSeleniumframework.
  • Proficient on Automation tools like Selenium (RC/WebDriver/IDE/Grid) & QTP for Testing Client Server & Web based Applications and Appium for testing iOS & Android Apps.
  • Hands - on experience in developing, executing and maintaining test script (manual and automated) using JAVA & Selenium WebDriver.
  • Excellent working experience of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and testing methodologies like Waterfall and Agile/Scrum.
  • Experience in creating Automation Frameworks using TestNG & JUnit with Selenium.
  • Experience in protractor, QTP Automation, load and performance testing tool JMeter, Load Runner and mobile automation testing tool Appium.
  • Experienced in continuous integration using JENKINS to support tools likes CVS subversion, GIT and execute Apache ANT and apache Maven.
  • Experience in Testing Automated Scripts on Cross-Browser Platforms like Desktop, Tablets and Mobiles using Saucelab.
  • Extensive Experience in developing Test Plans and writing Test Cases based on Requirement Document.
  • Experience in generating Emailable HTML Test Reports using Maven & TestNG/JUnit.
  • Experience in using Selenium IDE for recording and involved in developing new Selenium Scripts using Java API to automate Web Application Testing.
  • Involve in creating REST API client using JUNIT test gem and user groups, privileges to the users using repository manager.
  • Extensive experience in working on Keyword Driven, Data Driven and Hybrid framework using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Developed XML test data and implemented Functional and Data Driven tests using SOAP UI.
  • Expertise in developing automation scripts in BDD format using Cucumber and proficient in writing Cucumber scenarios in GHERKIN format.
  • Extensive experience in using Firefox Add-ons like Selenium IDE, Firebug, FirePath, Selenium Builder.
  • Experience with coding in Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax, Angular JS. Good Knowledge on OOPs Concepts.
  • Good experience in Defect Life Cycle Management tools like HP Quality Center (QC), JIRA & Assembla.
  • Extensively worked on data warehousing and decision support systems with relational databases such as Oracle design and database development using SQL, PL/SQL, SQL PLUS and TOAD.
  • Extensive experience working in agile methodology, SDLC, stand-up meetings with Product owner, Scrum master, understanding and writing user stories along with BusinessAnalysts.
  • Experience in Managing the testing Schedules and responsible for the deliverables.
  • Experience in working with various IDE’s like Eclipse, Sublime Text3, NetBeans, Visual Studio.
  • Proficient in Automation tools like QTP. Created, maintained and executed VB scripts in Expert View.
  • Managing Onsite and Offshore teams and developed Status Tracker Report to keep track of Onsite and Offshore assignments.
  • Involved in End-to-End, System, Beta Testing & Performance Testing.
  • Provided weekly and monthly Status reports to Clients and Upper management.
  • Having Excellent Organization, verbal and written communications skills
  • Excellent interpersonal skills, proven team player with an analytical bent to problem solving and delivering under high stress environment.


Testing tools: Selenium WebDriver/RC, QTP, Appium, JUnit, TestNG

Web Technologies: HTML, CSS, Javascript, AngularJS, NodeJS, XML, XSLT, JDBC & REST services

Defect Tracking Tools: HP Quality Center ALM, JIRA & Assembla

Build Tools: ANT, Maven

Frameworks: Data Driven, Keyword Driven & Hybrid Frameworks

Languages: Java, SQL

Continuous Integration Tools: Jenkins

Cross-Browser Platform: Sauce Lab and Selenium GRID

Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome & Safari

Databases: Oracle, MySQL, MongoDB

Add-Ons: Fire Path, Firebug, Selenium Builder, Selenium IDE

IDE: Eclipse, Sublime Text, Visual Studio

Version Control: Subversion, Team forge, GIT,CVS,SVN, GITHUB, Source Tree

Operating Systems: Windows XP/7/8, Mac OS, UNIX and Linux


Confidential, BELLEVUE, WA

Software Development Engineer


  • Interacted with Client, Product Owner and Development team to understand the User stories and Acceptance Criteria and gathered Functional and Non-Functional requirements for project release.
  • Identified correct GUI elements using various Selenium Locators like ID, Name, Link Text, Partial Link Text, XPath and CSS locators to find the Web Elements using selenium and creating automation scripts.
  • Involved in testing of application using the Scrum (Agile) methodology.
  • Extensively used Puppet(open source code management tool).
  • Performed Cross browser compatibility testing on Chrome, Firefox, IE browsers using TestNG Unit Testing Framework by adding different annotations.
  • Involved in acceptance testing usingCucumber.
  • Experience working with Calabash for automated acceptance testing in mobiles.
  • Experience working with ALM (Application Life Cycle Management) tools (HP QC).
  • Developed BDD tests using Cucumberby writing behaviour and step definitions & developed required Selenium support code in JAVA for Cucumber.
  • Experience working with JMeter.
  • Hands on experience in testing the RESTFUL Web Service.
  • Developed JBehave framework for BDD(Behavior Driven Development).
  • Hands on experience in usingAppiumEmulators and IOS Simulators for Mobile App Testing.
  • UsedAppiumEmulators and Simulators for testing the application in Mobiles.
  • Implemented simulator for mobile app testing in IOS usingAppiumTool.
  • Hands on experience in testing JSON services.
  • Experience using WireShark for network traffic debugging.
  • Hands on experience working with test case management tools QA Complete and TestRail.
  • Hands on experience working with Spring Rest Web sevices(JSON).
  • Involved in developing the Mobile UI automation framework Calabash.
  • Hands on experience working with Digital Performance monitoring tools NEW RELIC.
  • Eprience working with Load Runner and Jmeter for performance testig.
  • Experience working with Charles Proxy.
  • Executed the test plans on web and mobile (Apple & Android) as per requirements usingAppiumtool.
  • Developed automation script for Mobile Native applications (IOS, Android) using Appium, Java.
  • Identify the Elements usingAppiumInspector, Configuring theAppiumfor the Mobile IOS using selenium.
  • Experience working on UI and IG(Interface Guidelines) of IOS and Android.
  • Experience working with virtualization tools(DevTest).
  • Selected the Test Cases to be automated and performed functional testing of the front end using Selenium (IDE and Web Driver) & created Data Driven framework using JUnit.
  • Raised defects and performed tracking using RALLY and reported to developers and test manager.
  • Worked on Web Technologies using HTML4/5, CSS2/CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, AngularJS, NodeJS, XML and JSON.
  • Performed Data-driven testing by using JDBC as a data source in SOAP UI and configured SQL queries to fetch data from the Oracle database.
  • Used JIRA forIdentifying, logging, tracking and escalating bugs.
  • Performed smoke testing in UAT and production environments for deployment verification.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, ALM, Eclipse, Java 1.8, Maven, TestNG, JBehave, PL/SQL,New Relic, RALLY, CSS, Appium, Load Runner, Calabash, Cucumber, Oracle, SQL, Html, MS Excel, SOAP UI, BDD Framework, Jenkins, CI/CD, POM.

Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Software Development Engineer


  • Involved in the preparation of Test cases and Test Scenarios based on the requirements.
  • Involved in the preparation of Test data.
  • Involved in Executing and Reviewing Test cases.
  • Involved in Smoke, Functional, Integration, Regression Testing, UAT Testing, etc.
  • Documented and reported bugs found during testing process.
  • Involved in the weekly Staff Meeting call and Daily Status report call.
  • Prepared Daily and Weekly Status report.
  • Coordinating with the offshore team.
  • Interacted with Business Analysts to determine functional specifications.
  • Extensively worked on Selenium WebDriver with the preferred Languages Java, C #, Python, Ruby and JavaScript.
  • Involved in automation scripting using Coded UI,C#, MTM.
  • Worked with the Web programming language HTML5,CSS3,XML and selected web element by using Fire bug and Fire path.
  • Responsible for conducting analysis and fixing system integration(Internal servers and azure cloud)issues (API related) and data issues.
  • Performed data driven Web Services Automation Testing with Excel using SOAP UI PRO.
  • Verify Web Services API request, response data validations in REST and SOAP protocols.
  • Responsible for Task breakdown, Task allocation to team.
  • Designed multiple selenium Java scripts for front end GUI testing requirements.
  • Experience mocking test data to satisfy test scenarios required (mocking test data).
  • Performed Data Driven Testing for positive and negative data from external excel file.
  • Identified the Test scripts for Automation and developed the scripts in Selenium WD using Test NG framework
  • Consumed different ASP.Net Web APIs to retrieve customer information and other application related information.
  • Developed BDD and TDD script with Cucumber and written step definition for Gherkin based features.
  • Created automation framework for complex scenarios and performed Functional and Regression Testingfor various releases using Selenium Web driver and TestNG
  • Performed Mobile testing using Appium tool on bothiOSand Android platforms.
  • Good understanding of XPATH, CSS and used tools like Firebug to debugJavaScript.
  • Submitted the Automation results to clients.
  • Status reporting to client on daily basis.
  • Analysis of requirements, Use cases and other artifacts.
  • Preparing and managing Test Cases, Test Data for the Application level functionality.
  • Executing Test cases using the Test data. Managing the Test data.
  • Skilled in performing load, stress and performance testing using ApacheJMeter
  • Performing the Regression and Smoke tests on Web components.
  • Submitted defects and tracked there progress via vendors databases, Qmetry, JIRA and TestDrive.
  • Configuration Jenkins Build job for continues Integration and also for Regression Testing.
  • Performed Load Test to measure determine system’s performance using JMeter.
  • Good experience in coordinating leadership roles in Test Plan, Test case preparation, test case execution, blackbox, whiteboxtesting andgreyboxtesting. Coordinating multiple projects in different environments.
  • Constructed and executed SQL queries to verify data quality.
  • Involved in defect validation and regression testingusing UFT.
  • Developed both Data-driven and Keyword-driven Framework using UFT.
  • Worked on Mongo DBdatabase concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, replication, schema design
  • Involved in using Maven build tools to manage framework dependency jar files.
  • Prepare and submit the deliverables after each test cycle.
  • Review offshore deliverables on daily basis
  • Single point of contact for Onsite Team.

Environment: Selenium Web Driver, Selenium Grid, XPATH, JBehave, Selenium RC, Appium, Cucumber, XCode, Gherkin, Jira, Load Runner, Quality Center, Soap UI, HTML, XML, Oracle, Java Script, Ajax, UNIX and Windows.

Confidential, Denver, CO

Sr. QA Automation Engineer


  • Development of Manual and Automated test cases by decomposing use cases for specific functional requirements. Tests are run in Continuous Integration Server.
  • Working with Business Analysts to define and design test scenarios and test data & LINQ Pad to test web services and validate XML.
  • Created Reusable Actions, Functional Libraries with parameterized functions, managed Shared object repositories, dynamic web tables, and dynamic web frames in QTP/UFT.
  • Developed automated scripts for functional and regression testing utilizing HP's Quick Test Pro (QTP).
  • Conducted Functional, Regression and GUI testing and developed programs in VBScript for data driven tests and key word driven test through QTP/ UFT.
  • Tracked the defects using HP Quality Center and generated defect summary reports.
  • Using Guidewire Software applications for maintain customer’s relations.
  • Supported the team by developing new test automation scripts using HP ALM UFT and BPT where applicable.
  • Used Git and Stash to re-modify files and for software development.
  • Created and maintained server-side integration tests, JSON documents, running with every build with Git and Jenkins.
  • Validated web services manually and through Automation using SOAP.
  • Conceptualized, designed, and implemented automated functional API test cases using SOA test and SoapUI.
  • Automated mobile applications using Appium.
  • Developing Appium Scripts for Native Android/IOS Apps using Java.
  • Identifying objects of App using UI Automator tool for Android and Appium Inspector for IPhone.
  • Interaction with Business teams and Developers to understand business requirements and bug fixes.
  • Worked with developers to reproduce errors and resolve software anomalies.
  • Coordinated communication between various teams to ensure consistency and accuracy across test plans, user manuals and training materials
  • Worked with collaborative testing with developers as per the SCRUM meeting.

Environment: QTP, Quality Center, MS Office, XML, VB Script, Oracle, PL/SQL, HTML, JavaScript, UNIX, J2EE, Web Logic, XPath, Firebug, SOPA, HP ALM, JIRA.

Confidential, Richmond, VA

QA Analyst


  • Analyzed Test Cases and contributed in creating Test Strategy for the project.
  • Used customized Assertions in Groovy scripts to validate XML messages in SOAPUI Pro.
  • Closely interacted with designers and software developers to understand application functionality and navigational flow.
  • Using Jenkins for nightly build execution and sending status mail if build fails to QA team.
  • Deployed builds in various mobile platforms using SVN and performed build validation.
  • Utilized it for reporting and logging defects found during functional and regression testing.
  • Detected, Reported and Tracked bugs using Clear Quest/ Quality Center.
  • Involved on testing the new functionality based on test cases and coordinated with development team in fixing the issues, Defect Management by Logging and Tracking bugs during execution in Test lab.
  • Prepared QA reports by collecting, analyzing and summarizing test results.
  • Extensively used RALLY to write Test Cases and logging defects.
  • Involved in testing Webservices REST and XML.
  • Performed database testing by passing PL/SQL queries and also executed the regression test cases before handed over to UAT.
  • Executed test cases compared with expected values and pass/fail reports updated through Quality Center.
  • Involved in UAT Testing and Used Quality Center to report bugs.
  • Involved in Reviews of test cases and automation test scripts.
  • Participated in Sprint planning, Retrospective and Estimation meetings.
  • Worked with development teams investigated and corrected software bugs and deficiencies based on the testing results.

Environment: Quality Center, Java, Test Manager, HTML, XML, Agile, DB2, Oracle, SQL Server, Rally, Rest, SVN.


Software Tester


  • Involved in writing Test Scripts for the main application functionality such as validation, business workflow.
  • Prepared Test data for Test Cases after detailed analysis of client requirements and functionality.
  • Participated in Functional, GUI, Regression and Ad-hoc Testing.
  • Reviewed Business Requirements Documents and involved in developing the Test Planning Document.
  • Developed Test Cases, Test Scenarios, Test Plans and Defect reports for enhancements.
  • Performed defect tracking using QualityCenter and later the defects were linked to specific test cases for traceability.
  • Involved in End-to-End Testing and performed User Acceptance Testing for the applications.
  • Scripted and worked on SQL statements to perform verification and validation of the data.
  • Resolved issues with the coordination of testing and development teams.
  • Actively participated in Weekly Review meetings and Weekly status meetings.
  • Manually checked with the results from the application execution and captured the SQL statements.
  • Coordinated in whole UAT process and also involved in UAT documentation preparation.
  • Worked on HP Quality Center to raise and track the defects.
  • Performed Back-End testing by writing and using SQL queries.
  • Developed and maintained Function Libraries, Object repositories and Descriptive programming techniques in automation testing.

Environment: Manual Testing, Quality Center, QTP, UNIX, VBScript, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, MS Outlook.

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