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Senior Automation Engineer Resume

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  • Over 7+ Years of Experience in Manual and Automation testing on Client - Server and Web based applications in multiple Domains like HealthCare, Finance, Banking, Telecom, and Retail.
  • Expertise in writing Test strategy, Test Plan Preparation and Implementation, Test Case Design, Test Tool usage, Test execution, Defect Management and Defect Tracking and developed test scripts using Selenium WebDriver with Java.
  • Expertise in Entire Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Test Development Life Cycle (TDLC) in Agile as well as Iterative development environments.
  • Expertise in Web-service testing using SOAP UI.
  • Experience in Planning and execution of Performance, Load and Stress tests for Web applications.
  • Experience in understanding the code written in different programming languages VB Script, Java Script and databases like Oracle, SQL Server.
  • Skill to adopt new methodologies, tools, technologies and domains depending on the job responsibilities.
  • Worked on multiple projects, and Extensively involved in User acceptance testing (UAT), End to end, System Integration Testing(SIT), Functional Testing, Regression Testing, Validation testing, Backend testing, Performance Testing, batch process testing and Cross-Browser testing.
  • Experience in automation testing of native, web and hybrid apps for ios and Android devices using Selenium and Appium.
  • Experience in defect tracking and change management using HP ALM/QC and JIRA, Bamboo,LoadRunner.
  • Hands on Experience on Enterprise Data ware house and Data Mart Development and optimization usingETLtools and PLSQL, to provide quick and efficient database platform for reporting.
  • Involved in automation scripting using Coded UI,C#, MTM.
  • Working experience with defect tracking tools like Clear Quest, Jira, and Test Director/Quality Centre (QC) and Team Foundation Server.
  • Experience programming in Java, JavaScript, HTML, XML and SQL on Windows XP, Vista Operating Systems and UNIX environments.
  • Expertise in performing the Integration Testing, Functional Testing, Regression Testing, for the apps on different platform like Android, Java, BREW.
  • Experience in HealthCare industry, experienced in testing different healthcare ERP solutions such as FACETS, Med Plus, EPIC and other claim processing solutions.
  • Good knowledge of Perl, and Bash scripting
  • ImplementedData Driven Frameworkusing WebDriver.
  • Experience in Black Box Testing also involved in White Box Testing.
  • Programming experience with java, C# and other Microsoft Technologies like VB, VC++, and SQL Server.
  • Done automation testing using automation tools Selenium, QTP.
  • Experienced in Zephyr for managing and scaling your entire testing lifecycle in real-time.
  • Manual testing, Backend testing and creating automation testing environment.
  • Proficient in Bug Severity analysis, Bug tracking system and Bug Reporting. Can prioritize issues based on important, urgent and hot fixes and Proficient in Tracking and Reporting defects using Industry and Internal tracking tools like Quality Center, Jira and Bugzilla.
  • Have built a test automation framework based on Page Object Model, TestNG and Selenium Web driver.
  • Perform testing on Custom inhouse applications including Mobile Applications and on Oracle E-Business Suite Systems
  • Excellent experience with source version control tools such as Subversion (SVN) & GIT.
  • Worked closely with Production Managers, Technical Managers and Business Managers in planning, scheduling, developing, and executing Testing deliverables.


Testing tools: Selenium WebDriver, HP Quality Centre/ALM, Junit, TestNG, JIRA, SOAP UI, QTP, Eclipse IDE, API, Protractor, HP LoadRunner, Manual Testing, Appium, JMeter, Cucumber, Jasmine.

Web Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, XSD, XSL, XSLT, XPATH, AJAX, JSP, Angular JS, jQuery, JavaScript.

Defect Tracking Tools: Quality Centre (9, 10, 11.0), JIRA, Bugzilla, Team Foundation Server (gti 2008, 2010, 2012), Rational Clear quest, Service now

Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, C#, SQL, PL/SQL, Python, UML, VB Script, Groovy.

Browsers: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, opera & Safari

Operating Systems: Windows XP, 7, 8, 10 & server 2003, UNIX and Mac.

Build & Continuous Integration Tools: Jenkins, Hudson, Ant, Maven

Version Tools: GIT and SVN

Web Servers: Tomcat 3.3, Sybase, Apache 1.3, IIS 5.0, OMS

Testing Methodologies: Acceptance Testing, System Testing, Stress Testing, Load Testing, Reliability Testing, Feature Testing, Functionality Testing, Accessibility Testing, Validation, Manual, Automated, White Box, Black Box, Modular Testing, Grey Box, System Testing, Integration, Unit, API, Regression, Test Plan, Test Cases, Matrix Preparation, API Testing, Performance Testing, Load Testing, Localization Testing and Internationalization testing.

Mobile Testing tools: Appium, AndroidSDK, IOS

Other tools & Applications: Visual Studio, Pycharm, VMware, Share point, Rapid SQL


Senior Automation Engineer



  • Developed and maintained automated regression test cases in Selenium Web Driver and Appium Mobile Automation using Java programming language.
  • Developed and executed software test plans in order to identify software problems and their causes.
  • Tested unlaunched Android application using Appium and reported debugs via JIRA to the developers.
  • Coordinated with developers and record defects in JIRA to track until they are resolved.
  • Analyzed the results & reported bugs using JIRA.
  • Understanding different components of application from the business requirements.
  • Monitor bug resolution efforts and track successes.
  • Implemented Automation scripts for Cucumber BDD framework to test key Business Processes Scenarios.
  • Create or maintain databases of known test defects. Plan test schedules or strategies in accordance with project scope or delivery dates.
  • Primarily responsible for overall Functionality Testing, White Box testing, Black box Testing, System testing, and primary point of contact for User Acceptance Testing.
  • Designing and developing test strategy, test plan, test cases and generating test reports and defect reports.
  • Created and executed detailed test cases with step by step procedure and expected results and maintained the test logs, test reports, test issues, defect tracking using JIRA.
  • Conducted test case reviews and presented the test cases/test scenarios to the team members for all iterations.
  • Carried out functional tests to increase the speed and cost effectiveness of application development and delivery using UTF.
  • Used JMeter for Performance Testing.
  • Created test scenarios and Test Cases based on BRD (Business Rules Documentation).
  • Prepared Traceability Matrix to show the test coverage requirement vs. Test scripts.
  • Performed Smoke and Functional testing on every build of the application.
  • Developed test scripts to automate process of testing in Selenium Web Driver.
  • Performed End to End Mobile Testing on Android using Appium.
  • Created desktop-based Applications using QTP/UFT tools.
  • Tested web services’ providers using REST API.
  • Used TestNG Framework for creating Selenium scripts.
  • Integrated the automation scripts into the Jenkins tool for continuous script execution after build.
  • Communicate test progress, test results, and other relevant information to client.
  • Responsible for assigning tasks and managing the offshore team.
  • Participated and Initiated Team meetings on a regular basis and involved in active discussion in order to improve the testing quality by better strategies and testing approach.
  • Used Git as version controller.
  • Participated in daily SCRUM meetings and gave the daily status of testing.

Environment: Appium, Selenium Web Driver, Cucumber-BDD, TestNG, JIRA, Java, Jenkins, Oracle SQL, SOAP UI, UNIX, Eclipse, Tomcat, Windows, MAC, QTP/UFT, Git.

Senior QA Automation Engineer

Confidential, NY


  • Involved in understanding and reviewing requirements, creating the use cases, documenting all the requirements with each use case number and linking test cases with the requirements.
  • Integrated Automation scripts (Selenium WebDriver API) in Continuous Integration tools (Jenkins) for nightly batch run of the Script. Created Project plan on Jenkins, configured scheduled using Cronjob.
  • Created automated Test Suite using Selenium and WebDriver.
  • Performed the White box testing using Java.
  • Developed Session beans and Web components (Servlets, JSP) using WSAD.
  • Contributed in Test Planning, writing Test Scenarios, and other various quality-tracking docs.
  • Involved in Test execution involving System Testing, System Integration testing, Regression Testing, Smoke Testing and many more.
  • Raising the defect in QC and closing with appropriate reason.
  • Wrote test cases from requirements documents and functional specifications using Quality Center.
  • Performed integration testing and system testing.
  • Performed Backend Testing of the application by writing SQL queries.
  • Wrote Ant build scripts to automate the compilation and execution of JUNIT test cases/suites for Lens Measurement screen, Lens Type Screen, Aftercare screen and two eye replication screens.
  • Developed Test Frameworks in Selenium for UI Regression Test Automation and when necessary, and potentially execute Unit Test Automation (Java / Junit).
  • Created automation scripts in SoapUI using Groovy Script for web services testing.
  • Performed the testing of Restful web services for mobile apps for the Using SOAP UI.
  • Used ANT to build and run the Selenium automation framework. Once the script got over, framework used to send the automation reports over email.
  • Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily SCRUM meetings and testing each SPRINT deliverables.
  • Managed individual test cycles, reported bugs and worked with analysts and developers to resolve Automated the functionality and interface testing of application using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Used Quality Center for bug-reporting, tracking and to create and execute various scenarios, generate graphs, overlaid graphs for comparison, and analyzed the results.
  • Updated Requirement Traceability Matrix for additional requirements that were brought to scope for each iteration.

Environment: Java, Selenium WebDriver, Junit, SoapUI, Web Services, XPath, Eclipse, Quality Center, Jenkins, JavaScript, HTML, Ant, SQL, PL SQL, SQL Server, Windows, MS Office Suite.

QA Engineer

Confidential, Tinton Falls, NJ


  • Developed and executed test plans and test cases based on business requirements and functional specifications.
  • Involved in framework design and modifications of the project, user story analysis, identifying the requirement and accepting criteria gaps.
  • Used Ruby Mine IDE and wrote Gherkins/scenarios and generated step definitions and methods using ruby/ Cucumber, for different functionalities of the above applications.
  • Performed regression tests to validate the changes for different functionalities, found defects and reported them to development using Quality center.
  • Worked in an agile environment, and involved in writing Test plans, Test cases, Feature testing, Bug verification and regression test.
  • Contributed to the functional automation suite. Analyzed failed test runs and fixed the scripts.
  • Created web UI tests using Cucumber, capybara, gherkin, Selenium Web Driver (tests written in ruby). Made use of gems like R-spec, Watir web driver, Page-Object, Cucumber, Watir-web Launcher etc.
  • Used Q-trace to document manual test steps for automation.
  • Developed scripts for Performing Data Base Automation using Ruby DBI module, sequel gem and data load validations using SQL Queries.
  • Experience in Monitoring, troubleshooting and maintaining all the existing automated scripts and worked independently and managed own deliverables to ensure deadlines are met.
  • Conducted manual tests and automated regression testing to ensure that new code, functionality, or new releases have not introduced errors to existing functionality.
  • Developed test cases according to Functional Design Document (FDD), created frame work for automating enterprise applications like performance, HR information systems and HR WEB self-services in different environments.
  • Used Git for version control.
  • Responsible for scheduling and running batch jobs, debugging and reporting defects in QC.
  • Executed automated test scripts, analyzed the results and reported bugs in Quality center (QC).
  • Experienced in reading data from excel spread sheets, converting them to XML files and supplying the same to the automation scripts.
  • Actively worked in agile environment and presented the updates to my managers every week on sprint retrospective, and sprint review meetings.
  • Worked in a fast-paced environment in close association with Developers, requirements analysts (RAs) Automation and manual testers.
  • Excellent Multi-tasking skills and prioritize effectively and Report timely and accurate status to management.

Environment: Cucumber, Ruby, FDD, Jenkins, QC, POM, Watir, selenium, SQL, GIT, Ruby Mine IDE, XML, CD/CI tools

QA Analyst

Confidential, Wilmington, DE


  • Background includes analysis, development, implementation, testing & maintenance of Complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) projects.
  • Involved in analysis, design, Implementation andtestingphases of SDLC.
  • Project is developed using agile methodology.
  • Performed functional testing on Patron reports and report generator.
  • Performed stress test on data migration from Titanium to SQL database.
  • Used HP application life cycle management 11.0 for test design, execution and defect tracking.
  • Partner with development to resolve defects.
  • Implemented Recovery Scenario to handle unexpected events or errors.
  • Implemented SOAP UI for Web Service Testing.
  • Created Selenium test case in Visual Studio by codingC#.
  • Handled test cases on Android and iOS for mobile testing scenarios.
  • Create automated regression test suites usingseleniumand C#.
  • Worked on data driven framework andMVCfor automation test scripts.
  • Developed Data Driven Tests using SOAP UI and automated functional testing.
  • Performed load testing to expose the defects in application related to buffer overflow, memory leaks and mismanagement of memory.
  • Implemented open source web test tool Selenium WebDriver for cross browser and cross platform web testing.
  • Managed Test results and defects usingJIRAdefect tracking tool.
  • Extensively use JDBC to performDBtesting from Java.
  • Used Selenium WebDriver to test search results of Meta search engine.
  • Responsible for documenting the Automated Test results using SOAP UI and QTP.

Environment: Selenium, SOAP UI, JIRA, C#, ASP.NET, Oracle, TOAD, UNIX, MS Office, HTML, Windows XP/Vista, Internet Explorer 6.0, Jenkins, GIT, TestNG.

QA Engineer



  • Reviewed Functional Requirement Specifications and created test cases based on test scenarios drawn from functional requirements.
  • Involved in using Quality Center for managing the defect. Performed manual Back-End testing by writing SQL Queries for validating user information in the tables.
  • Performed Functionality Testing and Integration testing using HP Quick Test Pro (QTP).
  • Determined test approaches for various testing strategies like Functional, System, Regression, Usability testing, Alpha, Beta testing.
  • Extensive experience with all stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).
  • Responsible for Setting up Web Services project using WSDL in SOAP UI and provided setup help to other team members.
  • Performed functional testing of SOAP and RESTFULL Web Services using SOAP UI Tool.
  • Involved in SOAP & REST based web services testing using SOAP UIPRO web services testing tool.
  • RESTful web service testing usingJMeter.
  • Designing and executing the automation scripts usingSquish. Run the Automated Regression suite and analyzed results and file bugs.
  • Helped in preparation of test plans in accordance with the business requirements.
  • Experience in manual testing and automated testing using different tools likeQTP/UFT, Quality Center, Performance Center and Developed, executed Functional testing of various modules of the application.
  • Effectively participated in every day agile scrum stand-up meetings and participated in Iteration planning and retrospective meetings.
  • Executed positive and negative scenarios.
  • Functional, regression and integrationtestingof a work management, web-basedSaaSapplication.
  • Performed key role in identifying and tracking defects using HP Quality Center and analyzing progress andtraceabilitymatrix.
  • Created Visualforcepages and VisualForceCustom Controllers onForce.com Eclipse IDE to customize the view and functionality of the page as per the organizational needs.
  • Used field level security along with page layouts to manage access to certain fields.
  • Used Force.com developer toolkit including Apex Classes, Apex Triggers and Visualforce pages to develop custom business logic.
  • Performed Manual Testing of this Web application and automated it by using QTP/UFT.
  • Participated in various meetings, discussed Enhancement and Modification Request issues.
  • Worked under Agile Scrum Methodology.
  • Used QTP Checkpoints and Regular Expressions for checking web pages, images, texts, and tables.
  • Developed Test Plan, Test Cases, Test Scripts, Test Strategy, Test Scenarios.
  • Reported defects using Quality Center and interacted with the development team to resolve any defects/issues.
  • Performed Positive and Negative Testing using Data driven tests.
  • Generated Test Data for Automation Scripts in Excel from QTP.
  • Tracked bugs and reported them through Remote defect reporter using Quality Center.
  • Designed and implemented SQL queries forQAtesting and report / data validation.Performed Integration, Regression, smoke testing.
  • Responsible for updating and maintaining Quality Center for all the defects found during functional and regression testing and follow up the bug life cycle.
  • PreparedQASign off Document based on the Test Plan approved by Project Manager, Developers andQAManager and organized weekly Project status and Task Review meetings.

Environment: QTP/UFT, SQL, IOS, Android, Quality Centre/ALM, SOA, Business Objects, TOAD, TestNG, Apex Classes, Visualforce, SoapUI, SQL Server, HTML, XML, Java Script, Windows XP, VB Script, Bamboo, SVN, C#.

Manual Tester



  • Created test plans & test cases for system and integration testing of the application and execute manual test cases and automate test scripts.
  • Developed a Test Plan and Test Cases based on system requirements and Software performance standards.
  • Performed manual Black box, Functional, GUI, Regression, Integration testing.
  • Involved in user acceptance testing (UAT) & general site validations of web page objects such as HTML links & images.
  • Involved in running the scripts, modifying them if necessary and if there is some error in application then submitting a defect through Bugzilla.
  • Analysed test specifications and converted them into Manual Test Cases.
  • Attended Weekly Status Meetings, discussed and interacted with team members.
  • Performed End to End Testing and involved in User Acceptance Testing.
  • Performed Security Testing (Authorization Testing, Access Control Testing).
  • Worked on SQL statements in checking the validity of the Backend.
  • Work with release management for regular releases, smoke-testing each release.
  • Identify, analyze and communicate any defects discovered during testing, meticulously documenting defects and ways of recreating defect in ticketing system.
  • Testing in an e-commerce/SaaS environment.
  • Participated in meetings with project teams to ensure that the functionalities of the applications are feasible and can meet requirements.

Environment: Bugzilla, SaaS environment SQL, Oracle and Windows, Quality Centre, JAVA, XML, HTML, PeopleSoft HRMS, MS SQL Server 2005/2000, SQL, Android, UNIX.

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