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Qa Automation Tester Resume

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San Francisco, CA


  • Over 7+ years of experience in Information Technology wif emphasis on Quality Assurance (QA) in both Manual and Automation testing.
  • Hands on Experience in developing and executing test cases manually and developed automation Scripts wif Selenium WebDriver and Appium
  • Extensively automated a good number of simple to complex mobile applications using Appium.
  • Expertise in automating test cases wif Selenium, Java, Cucumber, Appium for web applications on both mobile and desktop.
  • Well versed wif building data driven ad behavior driven automation test scripts by utilizing existing automation framework.
  • Experienced in Preparing Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Strategy, and Test Scenario's, Test data, Test log and Defect Reports.
  • Experience Tester in Agile Development Environment Using TDD.
  • Experience working in an Agile Scrum/Kanban environment
  • Continuous Integrations and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) process using Jenkins Appium, in combination wif Maven, Java
  • Experience wif Test Automation tools such as Selenium, TestNG, Appium,Junit, Jenkins.
  • Experienced in Test Design for functional and non - functional requirements.
  • Extensive experience in testing system in various phases Integration, System, User Acceptance Testing, and Regression testing.
  • Experience in cross browser and multi device testing for different platforms and browsers using cloud browser stack.
  • Experience in Web Services using SOAP UI.
  • TEMPEffectively implemented different QA methodologies, policies, strategies and plans in all stages of SDLC.
  • Well versed in Waterfall, Agile (Scrum, RUP), and prototype methodologies as part of product development cycles, processes involved in developing and executing test scripts for all phases of multiple software deployment/releases.
  • Involved in database Testing using Oracle and SQL server wif Toad tool.
  • Hands on experience in writing SQL Queries, extract data from Ms.-SQL Server, MySQL, DB2 and Oracle.
  • Handled configuration tools like GitHub
  • Experienced in working wif open source tools Selenium (Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, and Selenium Web Driver), JUnit, Eclipse, Cucumber, and preparation of automation test framework wif Page Object model (POM) and Page factory using JAVA.
  • Experienced in working wif Internal/External vendors, and Custom applications
  • Ability to interact wif developers and product analysts regarding application analysis.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and communication skills, proven team player wif an analytical bent to problem solving and delivering under high stress environment wif resource constraints.


Testing Tools: HP ALM, Selenium Web driver, Selenium IDE, Jenkins, JIRA.

RDBMS: Oracle DB, Sybase, SQL Server, MS Access

Languages: Java, C, C++, SQL, PL/SQL, Java Script, HTML and XML

Operating System: Windows98/2000/NT/XP, Windows 7/8, UNIX, LINUX.

Browsers: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari

Tools: /Utilities: Rapid SQL.

Bug Reporting Tool: JIRA


Confidential - San Francisco, CA

QA Automation Tester


  • Analyzed system specifications and business requirements and halped create teh detailed Test Plan.
  • Enhanced Selenium Web driver automation framework according to teh requirements
  • Authored automation scripts using Appium for Android an iOS native applications
  • Generated automation builds by using XCode and Android Studio
  • Integrated Mobile components and reusable libraries to existing framework
  • Monitor test execution and perform test execution scheduling using Jenkins
  • Developed test scripts using selenium Web driver, Executed Automated Test Scripts &
  • Analyzed teh results
  • Executed SOAP based web services for API testing (Java client and SoapUI).
  • Involved in meetings wif Business analysts to derive detailed Cucumber feature files
  • Built & executed Smoke and Regression automation suite using Selenium and TestNG
  • Ran teh SQL queries for checking teh data stored in teh database.
  • Integrated Extent reports to teh existing framework
  • Developed and executed various scripts using Selenium for automated testing of various functionalities.
  • Involved in teh UAT testing and Implementation testing and successfully rolled out multiple sub-projects.
  • Created Test Suits to do Functional and Data Driven Testing on teh Web Services.
  • Implemented Automation using Selenium, Java and JIRA.
  • Created automation framework and test scripts in JAVA using Selenium for multiple platforms and browsers testing.
  • Performed Functional testing for teh applications developed in Oracle EBS.
  • Followed teh Agile Methodology to emphasize on real time communication over written documentation.
  • Created test cases to perform different types of testing such as positive/negative, functional/regression, interface, black box, screen navigational testing, smoke/sanity testing, exploratory testing or Backend testing.
  • Automated Smoke and Functional test cases using Selenium and Java.
  • Wrote complex SQL scripts for Backend testing and Frontend Data validations.
  • Worked in Agile Testing and participated meetings every day in iterative environment.
  • Used SQL queries to validate teh data between teh backend and teh front end.
  • Coordinated User Acceptance Testing (UAT) wif teh UAT group to ensure teh correct business logic.

Environment: Appium, Jira, Agile, Scrum, UAT, Oracle, EBS, Selenium, Java, UNIX, SQL, J2EE, Restful Web Services, XML, MS Access, MS Office, Windows.

Confidential - Omaha, NE

QA Tester


  • Involved in preparing thehigh-level Test Planand developedTest Casesin accordance wif teh functional specifications
  • Analyzed business requirements, system requirements, and data mapping requirement specifications interacting wif client, developers and QA team.
  • Created and implemented Test Plan and Test Strategy Document outlining teh scope, objectives, timeline and focus of software testing effort for functional, regression, user acceptance and stress testing.
  • Created and enhanced numerous test scripts to handle changes in teh objects, in teh tested application's GUI and in teh testing environment using Selenium WebDriver.
  • Developed Selenium test cases using TestNG framework.
  • Developed Automation scripts for new enhancements using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.
  • Developed Maven Build scripts to run Sanity Test scripts developed in Selenium WebDriver.
  • Modification and execution of Test Case Scripts (Java-Selenium WebDriver) in Eclipse IDE, design of automation test framework (TestNG and Maven).
  • Used Cucumber automated testing to test new and existing functionality.
  • Integrated Automation scripts (Selenium WebDriver API) in Continuous Integration tools (Jenkins) for nightly batch run of teh Script.
  • Implemented Data-Driven test to verify teh same functionality wif multiple sets of data.
  • Defect testing and exploratory testing/Ad-hoc testing was performed after each build.
  • Performed UI testing, Database testing after reviewing teh story cards and database diagram.
  • Created automation scripts in SOAP UI using for web services testing.
  • Defects were Tracked, Reviewed and Analyzed using JIRA.
  • Created selenium based scripts using TestNG.
  • Worked closely wif development and project management teams for TEMPeffective defect management and verify resolved bugs and track enhancements made to product.
  • Reported teh bugs, Email notifications to teh developers using JIRA.
  • Extensively executed SQL Queries on database tables to verify teh database.
  • Involved in testing teh database and data validation using SQL Queries.
  • Worked wif developer to reproduce teh bugs and to resolve usability issues during UAT.
  • Created Regression Document to track and report testing activities during each phase of testing, including testing results, test case coverage, required resources, logged defects and their status, performance baselines.

Environment: s: Selenium Web Driver, Jenkins, Maven, SOAP, Cucumber, Eclipse, SQL, Oracle, Java, JIRA, HP QC (Quality Center), TestNG, Firebug, XPath, Windows 7/Vista/XP, UNIX.


Test Engineer


  • Analysis of functional specifications and designing Test Plans, Test cases for Functional Testing.
  • Actively participation in GUI testing, Functional testing, System testing, Smoke and Sanity Testing.
  • Involved in integration testing of different modules.
  • Modification and execution of Test Case Scripts (Java-Selenium) in Eclipse IDE, design of automation test framework (Junit and Maven).
  • Wrote test cases and performed Manual Testing like Positive Testing and Negative Testing, Regression, Integration, Unit Testing.
  • Performed requirements Analysis, Risk analysis, Dependency Analysis and Issues/Problems Analysis.
  • Designing and documenting teh test cases in a fast-paced environment.
  • Collaboration wif development and QA on test execution.
  • Analysis and isolation of issues reported from clients.
  • Defects were tracked, reviewed, analyzed and compared using Quality Center.
  • Used SQL Queries for backend testing to check teh data integrity and data consistency.
  • Interaction wif developers to report software bugs and re-test teh fixed issues.
  • Involved in Creating check lists for testing team.

Environment: Java, Junit, Selenium, HTML, SQL, PL SQL, Unix/Linux.


Manual Tester


  • Analyzed Test specifications and converted them into Manual Test cases.
  • Developed Test plan and Test cases based on system requirements and software performance standards.
  • Well acquainted wif Software Development Life Cycle (SLDC) and Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC).
  • Worked in Agile/Scrum software development testing environment.
  • Performed Manual Black box, Functional, GUI, Regression, Re-testing.
  • Involved in User Acceptance Testing & general site validations of web page objects such as HTML links & images.
  • Work wif release management for regular releases, Smoke testing on each release.
  • Identified teh initial setup input data appropriate steps and teh expected responses in teh manual test cases.
  • Performed positive and negative testing by valid and invalid data inputs.
  • Reported teh defects to Bugzilla in timely manner and followed up wif teh developer's team till they got closure.
  • Testing in an E-commerce/SaaS environment.
  • Participated in scrum meetings wif project teams to ensure dat teh functionalities of teh applications are feasible and can meet requirements.

Environment: Manual Testing, HTML, DHTML, Bugzilla, SaaS environment SQL, Oracle, Windows XP, Internet Explorer, Chrome, MS Office.

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