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Software Quality Assurance Engineer Resume

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Louisville, KY


  • Around 7+ years of extensive experience in Analyzing, Designing and Implementation of QA Testing strategy for large web - enabled applications using manual testing and Automation testing on Windows and UNIX platforms.
  • Developed/maintained Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Scripts, Black Box/White Box Testing, Defect Tracking and Metrics for both Manual and Automated Test environments.
  • Expert in performing different tests types, QA Methodologies: White Box, Black Box, Front-End and Back-End, Stress & Load, Regression, Configuration, Functional, Installation & Integration, Smoke, and User Acceptance Testing.
  • Expertise in performing different kind of testing such as: Black Box, Sanity, Positive, Negative, System, Functional, Integration, Regression, UAT and Backend testing.
  • Proficient in identifying and reporting defects using bug tracking tools like HP ALM and JIRA.
  • Experienced in writingtest plans,test cases, RTM, developing and maintaining test scripts and documenting all steps of Quality Assurance process.
  • Experienced with automating RESTful web services testing using Java libraries like REST-Assured.
  • Successfully automated process of email notification of daily Smoke tests and Regression in Jenkins by taking code from GIT.
  • Proficient in testing of Web based and Client/Server Applications.
  • Experienced in different management scenarios like Change Control, Quality Assurance, Defect Tracking, System Integration, and Task Scheduling.
  • Experienced in maintaining Java projects using Maven build management tool.
  • Proficient in developing BDD features with GHERKIN language using Cucumber.
  • Prepared the Test Suite with Cucumber framework based on Java and developed thetest scripts using Cucumber annotations.
  • Well versed in creating Cucumber HTML report an JSON reports with scenarios screenshots.
  • Successfully built framework using Page Object Model (POM) with a combination of tools like Cucumber, Maven and Jenkins.
  • Experience in Cross browser testing, categorizingtest cases and ParallelTest execution using TestNG.
  • Experienced in working with multiple Operating Systems such as Windows, Mac OS and multiple browsers such as IE, Mozilla Firefox, and Chrome.
  • Experienced in testing using Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experienced in manual and automated-testing tools in HP ALM/ Quality Center.
  • Proficient in creating, executing tests, generating the test reports and creating graphs using Quality Center/ALM.
  • Proficient in Backend testing by writing SQL Queries.
  • Good Knowledge in performing GUI, Functional, Regression and Data-driven testing using Selenium.
  • Experienced in set up Selenium tools from scratch and configuring various other peripherals tools to perform Selenium Test.
  • Expertise in implementing cross browser and cross platform web testing with Selenium RC and Web Driver.
  • Experienced in using JUnit and TestNG testing Framework as a test runner with Selenium.
  • Experienced in designing automation testing framework for web-based application using Selenium that maintains the work flow as an end-user.
  • Experienced in developing and implementing Data Driven and Keyword Driven automation testing framework with Selenium RC and Web Driver.
  • Experienced in providing the efficient locators strategy like xpath and css to run Web Driver script in stable condition.
  • Hands-on experienced in working on projects with Selenium, VSTS, Coded UI Test, C#, NUnit, Java, JUnit, JavaScript, Continuous Integration, SQL, Web Services, REST, SOAP, JIRA, UFT, QTP, VBScript QA technologies and tools
  • Hands-on experience developing new automation frameworks using Protractor QTP, Selenium, JMeter
  • Experience in web technologies like JavaScript, XML, XPATH, XSLT, AJAX, HTML, CSS, SOAP, and JQuery.
  • Experience in Web Service testing (SOAP) using SOAPUI and Restful Services using Postman.
  • Performed Database testing on Oracle, SQL Server using SQL Developer and TOAD.
  • Experience in iOS and android testing. Developed UI automation scripts for android.
  • Experience with Version Control Tool’s such as Subversion, GIT and Bug tracking tools likes HP ALM/QC, JIRA.
  • Experience in developing software using Waterfall and Agile methodologies (Scrum).
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills and excellent team player with very good analytical & problem solving skills.
  • Highly motivated and team spirited individual with passion for learning and has the capability to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment.


Test Approaches: Agile, Waterfall, V-model, Scrum models

Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver, white-box, black-box testing, TestNG, Selenium IDE, Selenium RC, Selenium Grid, JUnit, Cucumber, JMeter, SoapUI, REST

Test Build& Integration Tools: Maven, ANT, Jenkins, CCD, TSYS

Frameworks: Keyword Driven, Data Driven, BDD, Hybrid, Page Object Model (POM)

Programming Tools: JAVA, Ruby, JavaScript, VB Script, Gherkin, Angular JS, JQuery, SQL, C

Markup Languages: HTML, XML, XPath, JSON, CSS Selector

Databases: AWS, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server

Browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, LINUX

Defect Tools: HP Quality Center, JIRA, HP QC, ALM

MS Office Tools: Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, MS Access

Utilities: Eclipse, GIT, SVN, Firebug, Fire Path, Visual Studio


Confidential, Louisville, KY

Software Quality Assurance Engineer


  • Use Automation Testing Tools such as Windows UI Automation, Selenium, and Protractor to write end to end testing scripts for windows and web applications
  • Developed Windows UI Automation Tests for windows applications using C# and developed Selenium test scripts for automation of web apps using Selenium and WebDriver using the Page Object Model Design Pattern
  • Worked on API Testing Tools such as Postman, SOAP UI and SQL Performance Testing for Stored Procedures- Extended Events - Memory Grants, Traces, Reads, and Writes
  • Responsible for Deployments, Hot Fixes to bugs in production, and Promoting apps to upstream environments.
  • Set up Test cases, Test sets, and Defects in Quality Center.
  • Worked on Procedures, Functions using Oracle PL/SQL.
  • Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily status meetings and testing each deliverable.
  • Tested applications in different types of browsers (cross-browser testing) and versions, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome to simulate production environment.
  • Converted all manual test cases intoSeleniumautomated scripts using Java.
  • Wrote and executed automated test cases usingSelenium Web Driver to automate manual testing solutions.
  • Presented progress of the testing process at walkthroughs and inspections.
  • WorkedwithDevelopers, Business analysts and Project managers to determine requirements (H/W specs, Test Cases, Test Data).
  • Executed test scenarios manually and verified the Web Pages validity against the expected result sets.
  • Executed test cases to validate UI functionalities, web elements, dynamic contents, and reported defects promptly & accurately.
  • Involved in requirement analysis, test planning and execution for the stories identified during Sprint Planning.
  • Developed synchronization using implicit and explicit wait conditions.
  • Involved in the complete Performance Test Cycle promoting it to the User Acceptance Testing.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Software Quality Assurance Engineer


  • Analyzed business requirements and functional documents, created the test strategy document that define the test environment, phases of testing, entrance and exit criteria into different phases of testing and resources required to conduct the effort.
  • Responsible for working within a team to create, document and execute testing strategy, test plans, test cases and test scripts in support of a set of global tools, systems, and databases.
  • Performed agile testing, reviewed the stories and participated in Daily Scrum, Iteration Planning and Release Planning meeting.
  • Performed the build and maven dependencies using Maven build tool.
  • Developed applications and design patterns through problem solving techniques.
  • Supported designing and development of software with C#.NET applications.
  • Implemented mobile and embedded platforms such as Android for user interface systems.
  • Provided feedback related to code architecture and coding techniques to junior staff.
  • Coordinated with internal and external customers for completion of software development projects.
  • Provide hands-on, expert-level technical assistance to developers
  • Coach and mentor junior developers and configurators; own responsibility for ongoing technical development of developers on Sitecore projects
  • Act as a Development Manager and Mentor for assigned technology staff
  • Manage the technical delivery of custom development, integrations, and data migration elements of a Sitecore implementation.
  • Extensively worked in Regression testing, Parallel Processing usingSeleniumWeb driver in TestNG.
  • Developed test scripts for Web elements by identifying the locators using Firebug and Fire Path Firefox plugins.
  • Developed custom libraries forautomationusingJAVA&SeleniumWebDriver.
  • Involved in Web Application GUIautomationcreating regression suites usingSeleniumWeb Driver, JUnit/TestNG, Eclipse.
  • Developed automated test scripts using TestNG annotations like Group, parameter, Data provider.
  • Involved in test approach & test case walkthrough, review with peers and test leads. The workgroup consists of business system analysts, developers and architects.
  • Used XPath and DOM to work with dynamic and static objects inSelenium.
  • Created test approach and test cases for logging module.
  • Reviewed and analyzed the existing test scripts.
  • Developed HTML TestNG reports for analyzing the output of test using Extent Reports API.
  • Maintained user documentation with TestNG output screenshots for User acceptance testing (UAT).
  • Developed synchronization using implicit and explicit wait conditions.
  • Incorporated the test data in Test scripts from Excel using Apache POI API.
  • Createdautomationscripts usingSeleniumHybrid and Data-driven development framework.
  • DevelopedBack-end testingusing complex queries to retrieve the user information to cross validate in UI and databases.
  • Maintained the Java and selenium test source code and resources in the SVN source control repository tool.
  • Analyzed test results, tracked the defects and generated reports using JIRA.
  • Prepared the data to cover various scenarios and wrote SQL scripts to verify the database updates, inserts and deletion of the records.
  • Maintained continuous test integration and automatic build by using Jenkins and mailed the build outputs to the team members.
  • Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily status meetings and testing each deliverable.
  • Tested applications in different types of browsers (cross-browser testing) and versions, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome to simulate production environment.
  • Developed features and test scripts using BDD (Behavior driven development) in Cucumber.
  • Developed Cucumber HTML, JSON test reports for analyzing the test outputs.
  • Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and discusses enhancement and modification request issues and defects in the application.

Confidential, Hillsboro, OR

Automation Tester


  • Responsible for analyzing business, functional and IT requirement documents and prepare complete Test Plans including system test plan, integration test plan,QAproject plans and resource planning and allocation.
  • Extensively involved in writing and testing the test cases using JUnit.
  • Utilized testing tool JUnit extensively for the integration testing and unit testing.
  • Designed and Developed Test Cases for automated testing usingSelenium, JUNIT and Eclipse IDE.
  • Setup and Configured the testing environmentwithEclipse, JUNIT,SeleniumRC server and SeleniumJava client driver.
  • Involved in Writing Maven build dependencies to automate the compilation and execution of JUNIT test cases/suites.
  • Converted all manual test cases intoSeleniumautomated scripts using Java.
  • Wrote and executed automated test cases usingSelenium Web Driver to automate manual testing solutions.
  • Involved in the complete Performance Test Cycle promoting it to the User Acceptance Testing.
  • Worked on Agile/SCRUM environment.
  • Stored the flow details of Selenium Automation in a file using Log4j.
  • Created the Execution result sheet, Execution plan, Completion report documents for Functional testing.
  • Presented progress of the testing process at walkthroughs and inspections.
  • WorkedwithDevelopers, Business analysts and Project managers to determine requirements (H/W specs, Test Cases, Test Data).
  • Implemented .NET testing procedures through code designing and capabilities.
  • Suggested preparation and modifications for automated tests cases through interactive tools.
  • Conducted User Acceptance Test (UAT)withusers and customers and wrote issues log based on outcome of UAT.
  • Wrote BDD UAT using Gherkin format and implemented the step definitions using Cucumber.
  • Involved in the daily standup meetingswithSr. Business Analyst and managers and understood various process plans, business process, and functionality in detail.
  • Initiated and participated in conference calls, walkthrough and review meetings.

Confidential, Sanjose, CA.

QA Analyst


  • Performed functional, UI, UAT, Smoke, regression testing and recorded issues along with product enhancements and coordinated with Developers to troubleshoot problems and inconsistencies.
  • Implemented Test Automation Framework build using Java, Selenium Web Driver, JUnit and automated test suites using Maven and Jenkins.
  • Extensively used Selenium features like (Data-driven, XPath locator) to test the web application.
  • Built up a Selenium test support framework against an AJAX/JavaScript heavy web application utilizing JavaScript Executor and Page Object pattern.
  • Wrote Manual Test Script in HP ALM and executed them.
  • Set up Test cases, Test sets, and Defects in HP Quality Center.
  • Worked on Procedures, Functions using Oracle PL/SQL.
  • Perform Database testing using DB to test the data is properly populated in the database
  • Responsible for creation and execution of Selenium test scripts on different browsers.
  • Conversant in identifying the correct GUI elements for creating automation scripts using Selenium locators such as name, ID, Link Text, CSS Selector and Xpath.
  • Experienced in functional testing using Selenium using JUnit testing framework.
  • Extensively used Selenium to add more flexibility in automationtesting cases.
  • Responsible for creating UI Object Info, Functions, Test Data and Test Suite.
  • Involved in design and implementation of Selenium automationframework for regression test suites.
  • Performed Web Services Testing usingSoapUIfor Viewer Measurement Metrics Services.
  • Performed Rest Web APIs testing using JUnit and Spring Rest Template.
  • Performed Backend Java API testing using SpringJUnit4Runner and Mockito.
  • Developed and executed SQL statements for the database testing
  • Developed, maintained and executed load and stress test with JMeter.
  • Experience with troubleshooting using firebug and tail application logs (for any exceptions) while testing.
  • Created and executed JMeter scripts that simulated 4 times the current production load and monitored ROR log, SQL slow logs and monitored server using VM Monitor.
  • Investigated bug reports by black box testing and examining code to track down the source of issues for documenting in our bug tracker to help developers.
  • Responsible for deploy latest build and services on different stages for testing and developer purpose
  • Experienced in automation project continuous integration (Jenkins with Maven).

Confidential, PA

QA Analyst


  • Involved in analyzing Business Requirement documents and Prepared Test Plan, developed Test cases and setup milestones for each phase of the testing.
  • Reviewed build release notes execute functionality test cases to validate each build against the requirements.
  • Mapped the requirements to test scenarios and ensured proper test coverage.
  • Executed test scenarios manually and verified the Web Pages validity against the expected result sets.
  • Executed test cases to validate UI functionalities, web elements, dynamic contents, and reported defects promptly & accurately.
  • Involved in requirement analysis, test planning and execution for the stories identified during Sprint Planning.
  • Created automation frame work design for Portal UI, and business processes, executed automationtest scripts and performedtest scripts maintenance.
  • Performed Test Data Management such astest data setup, and data masking for the QA validations acrosstest environments.
  • Reviewed, analyzed, and ensured the quality of data loaded into the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File Systems), Big data and Jethro database system by utilizing T-SQL queries, and JSON data structures.
  • Validated map reduce logics for the data transformations, reported code issues and debugged during root cause analysis in TFS.
  • Logged defects discovered during testing and defect management in the JIRA project tracking tool.
  • Performed testing on web services using SOAP UI.
  • Responsible for logging defects, monitoring their status and tracking them using HP Quality Center.
  • Performed Cross Browser Testing to check the compatibility of the Application with different Browsers (IE, AOL, Netscape).
  • Conducted regression tests on batch processes, data updates to support online features.
  • Conducted backend tests and constructed and executed SQL queries to extract data from various tables.
  • Prepare Test Status Reports, Defect reports and product status reports.

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