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Senior Software Qa Tester Resume

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New York, NY


  • Detailed - oriented, collaborative software QA Tester wif 7+ years experience in the software industry.
  • Skilled at writing test cases from specifications, and extremely effective at troubleshooting, and problem-solving.
  • Excel at interacting positively wif customer support analysts and development programmers.
  • Patient, dependable, quick learner who is dedicated to meeting client’s requirements.


  • Highly experienced in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) process and current QA Methodologies.
  • Expert in Quality Assurance and software testing activities and STLC process for validation.
  • Experience in analysis of Software Requirement Specifications and development of Test Scenarios, Test Plans, Test Scripts and Test Cases.
  • Have a good understanding of Waterfall, Iterative and Agile Scrum test methodology.
  • Performed Black Box, Smoke, Functional, Positive, Negative, Integration, System, Regression Testing.
  • Possess excellent skills in Manual Testing along wif skills in Automation Testing using.
  • Experience wif defect tracking tools such as JIRA, Bugzilla, and TFS and expertise to design test cases, log defect, and generate report using HP Quality Center / ALM.
  • Experience wif Automation tools such as Cypress, Nightwatch and Unified Functional Testing(UFT).
  • Expertise in Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) and working experience in writing complex SQL queries.
  • Performed Functional and API Testing.
  • Performed User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and interacted wif client/ end-users to support UAT sessions.
  • Experience in Data Analysis, Developing Source to Target Mappings and ensure data integrity.
  • Good understanding of application build in .NET, C++, Java, AJAX, Web Services, HTML, XML.
  • Worked closely wif the BA to understand the business processes and developed various Test documents.
  • Strong written and verbal communications skills wif clear understanding of team building.

Areas of Expertise

  • Test Case Development
  • Automation Test Development
  • Agile/Scrum Expertise
  • Manual Testing and Automation
  • Automation wif Cypress, Nightwatch, Katalon,UnifiedFuntional Testing
  • Defect log and Impact analysis
  • User Requirement Gathering
  • Javascripting and VB-scripting
  • Automation Frameworks
  • Web and Client-server based app
  • Maintenance and Regression Testing
  • Project Management
  • Test Plan and Test Estimation
  • Debugging and Analysis


Domain: Insurance, Banking & Finance, Retail, Healthcare, Media-Network.

Platform: Windows (98, XP, 7, 10), Unix, Linux, iOS, Mobile (iOS, Android & Windows)

Methodologies: Agile (Scrum), Waterfall, Iterative, Hybrid

Testing Tools: HP QTP/UFT, HP ALM/QC, Rally, Jira, TFS & MTM, Team Track

RDBMS: DB2, MS SQL Server, Oracle, Toad, SQL Developer, MS Access

App Technologies: HTML, DHTML, CSS, XML, PHP, Java, C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET


Senior Software QA Tester

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Involve in analyzing User stories, Functional Specifications, and Design Specification Documents to understand the Application properly.
  • Responsible for creating Test Plan, Test Scenarios and Test Cases for various kinds of testing.
  • Coordinate for creating detailed Test Plan to efficiently test the application using different browsers and for various States.
  • Create Test Subject and design Test Steps for each business functionality for positive/negative test scenarios, in the Test Rail using Jira.
  • Use the Test Rail to execute test cases by creating Test Sets, manually testing each Test Step, and updating the Status (Pass/Fail/Blocked/Not Run) and logging defects for all the failed tests.
  • Use Jira to raise and assign defects, track defects, retest the defects fixed and monitor the defects until closure.
  • Create test case coverage metrics and requirement coverage metrics and check test case run, pass or fail, not run, not run due to defect, total number of open defect and total number of closed defect.
  • Generate Defect Status Report, Test Execution Report, and Test Summary report using Jira.
  • Attend weekly status meeting wif Developers, Project Manager and Business Analyst to discuss the defects, fixes and overall testing status.
  • Write Test Cases for User Acceptance Testing using Use-Case Models, Process Flow Diagrams and Business Rules.
  • Perform Functional, Regression, Integration and End to End testing using Cypress and Katalon wif automation testing team.
  • Responsible to create, maintain, modify and execute Automation Test Scripts for Regression Testing using Cypress and report the deviation to the development team.
  • Following linear, modular, data-driven, and hybrid framework create script using javascript and alot of script command and methods.
  • Participate sprint planning, daily scrum, demo, and retrospective meeting wif clients and team members. Communicate wif developers and business analyst daily basis for clarifications and solve defect

Senior Software QA Tester

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Follow agile scrum methodologies and attend sprint planning and release planning for user stories, time estimations and derived the QA tasks.
  • POC for QA Offshore Team and primary contact to Dev Team, Business Analysts and the Project team in a Banking Domain Application for Financial Crime Technology including AML, Bribery and Corruption.
  • Analyze User stories and design document, Test plans, Test Cases, Test Data for manual testing of the functionality, GUI, Compatibility, Usability, and User Acceptance (UAT) of the application.
  • Perform Requirement Analysis by gathering both functional and non-functional requirements based on interactions wif the process owners, document analysis and represented them in Requirements Traceability Matrix (RTM).
  • Design all manual test cases step by step in Microsoft Excel and imported to HP Application Life Cycle Management (ALM) in the Test Plan section.
  • Working in Web-based Testing including GUI Testing, Functional Testing, Smoke Testing, Integration Testing, Regression Testing, System Testing, Performance, Stress Testing, End-to- End Testing, and UAT Testing.
  • Analyze, test, and validate all processes, changes through HP QC/ALM site administration, and defects through JIRA to mitigate risk of errors and the effect on other processes.
  • Conducted bug triage meetings wif Developers and Business Teams.
  • Conduct Backend Testing using SQL queries wif select, insert, update etc. to validate and manipulate data from the database and, used SQL queries for retrieving data from Oracle database for executing user specific test cases.
  • Write complex SQL queries using various kinds of joining and sub-queries to retrieve complex data from the RDBMS.
  • Automation Testing using UFT /Quick Test Professional QTP and TOSCA Tricentis in development, maintenance, and execution of automation scripts, creation of automation framework Data Driven, Keyword Driven and Hybrid Frameworks.
  • Agile development - Participated in daily scrum meetings to report daily progress of Automation activities and Sprint Planning for test planning activities and Automation Effort estimations.
  • Migrate manual test cases into Katalon and HP Unified Functional Testing (UFT) scripts for Regression testing using Web add-ins and advanced functions using VB Script..
  • Create and executed QTP/UFT test scripts suites for daily regression runs in nightly basis.
  • Write variety of QTP scripts through Descriptive Programming, dynamic parameterization using DataTables and Database Tables, Excel and File System Objects to handle excel and text files.
  • Create function libraries wif functions having arrays and dictionary objects as parameters, create, and manage shared object repositories.
  • Create public reports using Dashboard, Excel Reports, and Document Generator in Quality Center to halp the QA Manager and Project Manager in reporting Project status reports.
  • Trained the team on how to use the developed framework, quality standards, implement the change management system in the automation suites and prepare the user friendly documentation for the scripts.
  • Develop reusable Generic and Application functions using VB script. These functional can be used anywhere in the test scripts.

Quality Assurance Analyst/ QA Analyst

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Directly Co-ordinated wif Developer, Business analysts, and architects and others members of the project involved in the software development life cycle (SDLC) and QA life cycle and provide feedback to staff involved in writing and updating technical documentation such as user manuals, system documentation, and training materials.
  • Developed and implemented all kinds of documents such as Test plan, Test scenarios, Test cases, Test scripts, defect analysis report, RTM by following Agile (Scrum) Methodologies wif large scrum team.
  • Performed Functional, Nonfunctional, Integration, Regression, Smoke, End to End, Boundary, GUI, Positive and Negative Tests for the Application under Test (AUT).
  • Used test management tool HP Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) to design and execute Test Cases for various modules of the application under test (AUT), log defect and tracking change request and management metrics well as generating Test Analysis Reports and Graphs.
  • Participated in automation testing along wif automation testing team using automation tool HP Quick Test Professional (QTP/UFT).
  • Involvedindeveloping VB Scripts User-defined function to perform the Data-driven Testing using Quick Test Professional for dynamic AUT.
  • Developed test scripts for Functional testing, System testing, and Regression testing using Quick Test Pro.
  • Enhanced the scripts by writing descriptive programming, creating Actions, Checkpoints, Synchronization points, and data-driven test and modular test in QTP.
  • Extensively used SQL and TOAD/SQL Developer as an analyzer tool for Backend testing purpose.
  • Performed User Acceptance Testing and provide training to the end users about the new application.
  • Involved in the team meetings wif representatives from Development, Database Management, Configuration Management, and Requirements Management to identify and correct defects.
  • Participated in troubleshooting complex problems and provided customer support for software operating systems and application issues also analyzed and prepared reports on analyses, findings, and project progress.

QA Tester

Confidential, Roseland, NJ


  • Gatheird and Reviewed the Business Requirements document wif the business and development team to understand the architecture and functionality of the application.
  • Conducted meetings wif Subject Matter Experts (SME) to understand, elicit the business workflow and their application processes.
  • Conducted analysis of business requirements, and developed testing scenarios and wrote highly detailed test plans and test cases using Quality Center which were linked back for requirements coverage.
  • Applied and maintained test documentation (test plans, test cases and automated test scripts).
  • Performed integration testing, ad hoc testing, internal verification and acceptance testing throughout the system development and test life cycle.
  • Used automated test scripts, user-defined functions to check the different functionalities of the application using Quick Test Professional as well modified and enhanced the existing Hybrid Framework.
  • Performed GAP analysis to derive requirements for existing systems enhancements.
  • Worked wif Customer Care Representatives to analysis frequent issues and gather technical and functional requirements.
  • Actively involved in analyzing the technical specifications of the current system and the infrastructure needs.
  • TroubleshootedUNIX and Database related problems.
  • Extensively executed SQL Queries on Oracle tables to verify the database.
  • Reported, Tracked, reviewed, analyzed and compared bugs using a Defect Tracking Database in Quality Center.
  • Developed documentation for User Acceptance Testing and trained the users about the system.
  • Tested the SOAP requests and responses using the tool called SOAPUI
  • Validated operationslikes User Account based on SSN number, address zip code, member id using SOAP-UI.
  • Attended bug review meetings and test coverage discussions.

Junior Software Tester

Confidential, Lexington, KY


  • Reviewed Business requirement documents (BRD), Software Requirement Specification (SRS), change request.
  • Involved in Requirement assessment in order to prepare the requirement document for writing test plans and test cases.
  • Involved in developing test cases based on requirement specification and Design Specifications (use-cases).
  • Translated requirements, designs and functional specifications into Test plans for each individual module and Test cases for functionality in the modules specified in the requirements documents.
  • Verified the correctness of the software calculations and created test data files to thoroughly test program logic and system flow.
  • Helped to design and develop of a comprehensive Test Strategy, Test Plans, Test Requirements using conventional QA methodology and HP testing tools, such as Quality Center.
  • PerformedSmoke, Usability, Functional Testing, Regression Testingand Integration, UAT testing for each build of the applications.
  • Managedrequirements using Requirement Plan Manager of Quality Center.
  • DocumentedTest Cases corresponding to the business requirements in Test Plan Manager of Quality Center.
  • UsedQuality Center to write test cases and execute, bug tracking and reporting, also followed up wif the development team to verify bug fixes and update bug status.
  • Data Analysis activities by using TOAD, SQL Developer
  • Responsible for creating weekly status reports regarding the progress of the testing process.
  • Prepared and presented progress reports and attended all meetings as required.

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