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Tosca Automation Tester Resume

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Addison, TX


  • 7+ years of experience as Software Test Engineer extensively involved in SW QA process, review, analysis and implementation of Test Case design and execution.
  • Designed roadmap for automation testing of Mobile, WebandWindows Applicationon bothUFT/LeanFT,and Selenium platforms. Also used Protractor, Jasmine and TOSCA
  • Expertise in Automation Testing using QTP /UFT, TOSCA, Selenium and Squish
  • Proficient in different type of Testing:Functional Testing,Unit Testing,Regression Testing,Integration Testing,System Testing,Back End testing, andAPI Testing
  • Good Experience onAnalytics Testing, Automation Testing Tool (Tosca, Lisa, Jerkins, QTP & Win Runner)
  • Experiencein Manual and Automated software testing.
  • Exposure in Software Engineering Process and familiar wif various Life Cycle Modelslike Waterfall and Agile model.
  • Experience in designing, developing, enhancing module base automation usingTricentis' model - based automation tool TOSCA 9.1.
  • Worked wif all modules ofTOSCAlikeModules, Test Cases, Requirements, Test case Design & Execution Lists
  • Worked wif all TOSCA Functionalities likeIntegrated Test Management, GUI, CLI, API Testing
  • Experience working wif Automation Test scripts using TOSCA tool, which halped in executing the Regression scripts automatically.
  • Expert in automation wif UFT/QTP, Selenium Web driver, Tricentis Tosca, SoapUI, Postman
  • Experience in Software Development Engineer in Test (SDET)focused on testability, robustness, performance and creation of designs for production software.
  • Configuring server and client componentsof Tricentis ToscaonMicrosoft windows.
  • Experienced in both Manual and Automated testing wif tools Such as Selenium Web Driver/IDE, Test Professional inTestNG, BDD, JIRA,Maven, Jenkins, Cucumber etc.
  • Sound knowledge on Junit,TestNGframework forUnit testing,Mavenand Jenkins forContinuous Integration.
  • Involved in detailed documentation of test results together wif the development of automated regression test framework to automate the test scripts for theSystem integration, Functional,GUI, Data Driven (both positive and negative Testing) and Regression testing using Selenium andTricentis Tosca.
  • Involve in designing and developing UAT Regression automation script and Automation of functional testing framework for all modules using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Well versed in Web Services Testing using SOAP and REST based web services to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance tests.
  • Good knowledge on Junit,TestNG framework forUnit testing,Maven, GradleandAntfor Projectbuilding tool,Jenkins, Hudson, Team City, Cruise ControlforContinuous Integration.
  • Proficient inBug Severity analysis, Bug tracking and Bug Reporting, by prioritizing issues on the basis of important, urgent, hot fixes using Defect Management tools likeHP ALM Quality Center (QC), Bugzilla, JIRA, Clear Quest, and Test Director.Sending Automation status reports on Daily, Weekly basis and coordinating wif teams for any issues
  • Experience in coordinating wif business analysts for reviewing Business requirement documents (BRD)andsoftware requirement documents (SRD)for creating test cases and for executing test cases and coordinated wif developers for fixing defects.
  • Maintained the Selenium & JAVA automation code and resources in configuration management tools like GitHub/SVNrepository over the time for improvements and new features.
  • Experience in UFT - VBScript programming standards and developed reusable functional libraries, handling custom objects, exception handling/Recovery Scenarios in UFT and also familiar wif String functions, Date functions, Math functions and other related UFT functions
  • Good experience in implementing test automation scripts for mobile testing using Appium for Android and IOS applications. Experienced on creating test scripts using Selenium Web Driver.


Testing Tools: Tricentis Tosca, Selenium WebDriver/RC, QTP, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, Firebug, Fire Path, Load Runner, JMeter

Languages: JAVA, HTML, XML, PL/SQL

Web Technologies: HTML, XML, CSS, DHTML, Angular JS, Node.JS

Scripting: Python, JavaScript

IDE: Eclipse, SQL Developer

Test Framework: Junit, TestNG, Data Driven Framework

Web Debugging Tool: XPath, Firepath, Firebug

Build Tool: Ant, Maven

Processes: Agile-Scrum, Waterfall

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Quality Center (QC), BugZilla & IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC)

Continuous Integration Tools: Jenkins, Hudson, Cruise Control

Version Control: SVN, GIT

Data Bases: MS Access, Oracle

Operating Systems: Windows (XP, Vista & 7, 8) Linux, Mac


Confidential - Addison, TX

TOSCA Automation Tester


  • Understand the functional flow and automate the web-based and desktop applications using TRICENTIS TOSCA Test Suite.
  • Attended weekly Project Status Meeting wif Development team and QA Manager, and worked closely wif QA Manager to define Test Scope, Gap Analysis, Risk, Dependency and Constraints.
  • Created test scripts and initiated reviews wif QA's and Technical Leads.
  • Collaborated wif product management teams in an agile environment to develop a comprehensive set of tests for web-based applications.
  • Good Knowledge of TOSCA Test Suite - Module, Test cases, Test Cases Design, Requirement, and execution.
  • Created Modules in TOSCA for different applications using XSCAN/TOSCA Wizard. Feasibility check of applications for test automation using TOSCA.
  • Development of Regression Suite on thin client/Thick client the test cases using TOSCA tool.
  • Test automation of GUI & Non-UI applications, Excel, XML, API, Web services applications using TOSCA.
  • Worked on Recovery scenario, Database, and API. Involved in developing new custom controls and special execution task in TOSCA.
  • Write the functions for business logic enhance the scripts and synchronize, debugging the scripts and save the time for regression testing, smoke, and sanity testing.
  • Create report and updated mass data using TOSCA Query Language (TQL).
  • Responsible for building libraries Test Strategy Driven Automation Framework and maintained an automated regression test suite using Selenium.
  • TEMPEffectively used Tricentis Tosca Testsuite to ensure proper business compliance after working closely wif the stakeholders.
  • Worked wif all modules of TOSCA like Modules, Test Cases, Requirements, Test case Design & Execution Lists.
  • Sound knowledge of Automation Framework Concept of Data-Driven framework in TOSCA.
  • Assisted different projects wifin an organization to implement of TOSCA Test Suits.
  • Responsible for automation strategy implementation, setting standards and taking initiative for automation of regression relevant marked test assets.
  • Involved in Analysis of Business Requirements, Use Cases, Design Flowcharts and Software Requirements Specifications; Creation of Test Data Requirements and Test Condition Matrix; Setting Up Test Environment; Software Test execution; Defect Management.
  • Participated in daily SCRUM meetings and gave the daily status of testing.
  • Created Automation test framework using TOSCA
  • Responsible for maintaining Tosca Repository wif 1800+ Scripts for system testing
  • Assign the tasks to the team and clarified requirements, preparation of test data, execution and automating the test cases using TOSCA Tool. Review test cases
  • Designed andimplemented automated testing tools and programsaddressing areas including database impacts, software scenarios, regression testing, negative testing, error/bug retests and usability.
  • Designed web-tools using PHP, JavaScript, J query and MySQL integrated wif GIT and SVN forautomationtest case management and reporting.
  • CreatesIV&V QA reports which encompassIV&V audit review findings (ARF), and audit non-conformances (ANC), as well as release highlights.
  • Experience inIV&V (Independent Verification and Validation) to Validate to evaluate documents, plans, code, requirements, and specifications

Environment: Windows 7, JIRA, MS Office 10, TOSCA, SharePoint, Share drive, GITHUB, Cucumber (BDD), Eclipse (IDE), Automation tool (UFT, Java, XML, Web services(SOAP), TestNg, Maven, Jenkins, SQL Server

Confidential - Framingham, Ma

Senior SOFTWARE qa engineER


  • Involved in planning testing process wif Business Analysts (BAs), Project Manager (PMs), Developers, Stake Holders for the entire project.
  • Worked wif QA Lead in business requirements and specifications analysis wif Requirement Traceability Matrix in order to prepare appropriate Test Plan and Test Cases.
  • Also challenged to take QA Lead in Business in the absences of manager and updating and monitoring tasks performed by the QA Team.
  • Understand and follow the standard development lifecycle wif respect to planning and developing testing specifications and implementation of test automation.
  • Performing Cross-platform, Functional, Regression testing, UI testing for mobile app using Appium test automation framework.
  • Appium to design and develop tests in Android/IOS platform for mobile App testing. Verify the end to end ETL flow from source to target and validate the data transformations.
  • Experience in testing integrations wif Mule soft ESB and other end point applications like Salesforce and different applications and databases.
  • Implemented a Link Checker code to test response codes of the URLs. dis code was implemented using TestNG and Maven. dis was considered one of the major value additions by QA and Project Managers.
  • Automation of REST API calls to fetch and create test data and to interact wif different APIs. Tested various Salesforce applications transferred to Salesforce.
  • Involved in web and windows projects, wif both C# and VB.NET using Coded UI automation tool. The entire Ruby scripting done using Cucumber framework wrote and executed SQL.
  • Involved in designing and building automation frameworks in support of continuous integration in a test driven development (TDD).
  • Experienced wif Salesforce testing services to halp enterprises validate their customized Salesforce functionalities and integrations wif other enterprise apps.
  • Worked on the Android module of the project where I was responsible for automating the app using Appium. Integrated Appium wif Continuous Integration tool- Jenkins.
  • Involved in preparing a report of all automation difficulties and test results for further application using Maven. Executed Appium android tests parallelly on real devices.
  • Generated Python forms to record data of online users and used PyTest for writing test cases. Developed and Consumed Restful APIs for web applications using Python.
  • Established Load Testing Standards including platform requirements of CPU, Memory, and Disk Space on Load Runner Controller, Load Runner Generators, and Load Runner File Storage.
  • Used Collections Python manipulating, looping through different user defined objects.
  • SOA Testing, Validation and Virtualization, Extended Web Services Tests in a Low -impact way using CA LISA.
  • As part of our efforts in designing the best automated functional testing solution for Salesforce and has experience in testing applications for the Force.com platform.
  • Used LR Controller for load on a server, group of servers, network or object to test its strength or to analyze overall performance under different load types.
  • Created data-driven automation scripts for testing API Web Services using SOAP UI.
  • Expertise in POM.xml to get required dependencies from a central repository, add plugging, ran scripts using pom.xml file. Defect logging and tracking through JIRA.
  • Involved in designing and building automation frameworks in support of continuous integration in a test driven development (TDD).

ENVIRONMENT: TestNG, Maven, Eclipse, Java, Appium, VBScript, JavaScript, SQL, Data Driven and Key Word Driven Frameworks, HTML, XML, Web Services/API, Rally (Agile Management Tool). Automation Testing, Eclipse IDE

Confidential - Phoenix, Ar

QA Test Automation Engineer


  • Responsible for complete user -flow feature test, verify & validation to develop Web based application.
  • Follow Agile Methodology Scrum process and deliver test result on time.
  • Review Sprint Backlog, estimates time, analysis requirement & Assess Testability for all requirements.
  • Design test Plan, find out testing scope, strategy and test conditions Design Test using ALM.
  • Developed BDD tests using Cucumber by writing feature files and step definitions using Gherkin language.
  • Developed Test Frameworks in Selenium for UI Regression Test Automation and when necessary, potentially execute Unit Test Automation (Java /TestNG) prior to agile release.
  • Assure all code developed meets company and client expectations. Developed Selenium CI testing using robot framework (python).
  • Worked wif all agile development and SCRUM process throughout the entire project. Worked extensively on Soap UI for mocking the back-end web service calls.
  • Involved in Automation Infrastructure Development using Eclipse IDE, Java, Selenium Jars and TestNG. Setup Selenium GRID to run Selenium scripts on different browsers.
  • Create JIRA cards for all the defects found during the functional and regression testing.
  • Tested compatibility of application for dynamic and static content under various cross browsers using HTML ids and XPATH in Selenium.
  • As part of Automation Testing, prepared regression test suite, designed test scripts in Selenium Web Driver using Java. Service Virtualization of http, Rest, Soap protocols using CA Lisa.
  • Cases and generate Test Data Collect Web Elements.
  • Involved in defining testautomationstrategy and test scenarios, created automated test cases, test plans and executed tests using Selenium WebDriver and JAVA.
  • Involved in automating theWeb servicestesting wifSOAP,RESTprotocol usingSoapUI Pro.
  • Designing automated script for REST Services using SOA Test, POSTMAN and Mongo DB data base.
  • Designed and DevelopedUAT Regressionautomation script and Automation of functionaltesting frameworkfor all modules usingSelenium and WebDriver.
  • Identify/Perform strong Root Cause Analysis (RCA) before reporting defect/bug.
  • Work on core Java Platform to perform automation testing using Selenium, cucumber and TestNG framework.
  • Use Selenium WebDriver to automate Web Based application.
  • Design and Develop Page Object Model Test Framework from scratch.
  • Use TestNG for cross browser and cross platform test.
  • Used BDD wif Cucumber.
  • Perform scheduled test using Continuous Integration (CI) wif Jenkins.
  • Use Maven to create test build.
  • Use SQL to validate posted data in Oracle Database.
  • Helped Mobile testing team to manually verify Mobile Application.
  • Use ALM for bug reporting, bug tracking and project management.
  • Use Version Control Tool - GitHub to manage up-to-date codes and documentations.

Environment: ALM, UFT, Java, Java Script, Selenium, cucumber, TestNG, maven, GitHub, Jenkins, J2EE, XML, SQL Server, MS Office, Windows, SOAP UI, Test Plan, Test Case, RTM, Test Summary Report, Bug report, ETL and Database testing.

Confidential - Buffalo, NY

QA Automation Test Analyst


  • Created Test Plans, Test Cases and logged defects in MS-word and MS-Excel.
  • Executed the tests manually to verify the application functionality.
  • Defined testing strategies, determine testing goals, and discussed wif team members.
  • Developed and executed the test cases and verified actual results wif expected results.
  • Formulated the test plan for black box testing of the application including Functional Testing, Performance Testing, Regression Testing, Usability Testing and User Acceptance Testing.
  • Worked for executing and recording results for manual test cases.
  • Developed comprehensive test plans according to business, functional, and technical requirements using Quality Center.
  • Done SOA testing for Payments API's using SOAP UI and Java framework for web services testing.
  • Developing test scripts to test Web Services, Java components using SoapUI tool and Monitoring performance of APIs.
  • Generated, parsed and validated JSON and XML formatted data using Groovy Script that received in response from REST API calls.
  • Responsible for implementation ofHybrid Test Automation Framework,Page Object Model usingSelenium Web Driver, Test NG,andjava.
  • Developed test scripts to test the Mobile applications wif Appium WebDriver and TestNG using Java.
  • Involved in assessing project requirements, development and test status, changes, coverage and risks using Quality Center.
  • Created automation regression test scripts in theUFT.
  • Used python to developAutomationframework to Validate REST Web Services.
  • Reported the bugs and tracked using JIRA.
  • Designed and implemented QA Frameworks wif QTP and ALM
  • Modify and updateAutomationscripts when developers change the code in Agile Environment
  • Assisted in promotion of Informatica code and UnixShellscripts from UAT to Production
  • Retrieved files using SQL statements and UNIX commands.
  • Used QTP integrated environment like Data Table, Actions, and Recovery Scenarios.
  • Developed Keyword driven Automation framework and also developed re-usable functions using QTP.
  • Performed Manual Functional testing wif QC and Regression Testing wif QTP.
  • Used QTP to test the different functionalities in web application using VB scripts.
  • Planned and worked flexibly to meet the dead lines.
  • Reviewed and ensured deliverables completed wif quality on time.

Environment: Quality Center, QTP, Java, Java Script, VB Script, TOAD, Oracle, SQL Server, Windows, HTML, Agile, MS Office, UNIX, Manual, UFT/QTP, Hybrid Testing Framework, GitHub, Data Driven, Integration, Unit, System. Black Box, UAT.

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