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Sr. Test Automation Engineer Resume

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San Francisco, CA


  • A highly motivated and competent professional wif 8 years of experience in teh areas of Software Quality Testing in domain technologies like E - Commerce, Banking and Health Care.
  • Extensive experience in developing scripts for automation using Selenium WebDriver in Java Test Framework like JUnit/ TestNG and Maven for teh web application.
  • Strong working noledge in Web Technologies like Java, XML, HTML, Javascript, XPATH, JSON, CSS.
  • Hands on experience in back-end web services testing for SOAP and REST services using SOAPUI, Postman, Apache HttpClient, Jackson and JAXB parsers.
  • Strong noledge of Software Test Life Cycle (STLC), Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC ), Bug Life cycle and methods like Agile Scrum, Waterfall.
  • Hands on experience in functional testing, unit testing, integration testing, regression testing, black box testing, white box testing, API Testing, GUI testing, back-end testing, browser compatibility testing, in different stages of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
  • Expertise in CI/CD tools like Jenkins for deploying builds for various releases.
  • Proven ability in developing Test automation using Cucumber for Behavioral Driven Development
  • Scheduled jobs via Jenkins (Continuous Delivery) and Continuous Integration for automating teh build and deploy processes allowing significant increase in test automation.
  • Well Experienced in Bug Reporting using JIRA, Quality Center, BugZilla and as defect tracking tools.
  • Reviewed test scripts, defects and test results created by team members and maintained Requirement Traceability Matrix(RTM)
  • Inclination towards learning new technologies and tools.


Languages: Java,SQL, XML, HTML, CSS.

Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver/IDE/Grid, Appium, TestNG, Chrome Developer,AutoIT,SOAP UI,LOAD UI, LoadRunner, NeoLoad,POSTMAN, Apache HTTP Client, Cucumber,JUnit Databases Oracle, MySQL, PL/SQL.

Web Services: REST, SOAP, WSDL, JSON, JAXB parsers.

Build Tools/Coverage Tools: Jenkins, Maven.

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, RallyQuality Center,Bugzilla, Rally.

Version Control Tools: GIT, SVN. Operating System Mac,Windows


Confidential, San Francisco, CA

Sr. Test Automation Engineer


  • Analyze user stories and participate in various meetings like Sprint planning, Scrum Meetings, Review Sessions & Sprint Retrospective.
  • Followed teh Agile Development process and completed teh testing wifin teh scheduled release date.
  • Created test plan, test scenarios and test cases for web testing for mobile and desktop.
  • Develop and Execute test Scripts using Selenium WebDriver/Java, TestNG and analyze Test Results.
  • Involved in developing Selenium Automation Framework wif Java using Data Driven Automation Framework wif TestNG .
  • Perform parallel and Cross Browser testing on different browsers where multiple tests were run at teh same time.
  • Manage teh framework dependency jars using Maven .
  • Use Page object model for ease of maintenance of scripts.
  • Performed REST API Testing usin g Http Client for SOAP/REST web APIs which converts teh JSON data to java Object and vice versa .
  • Manage individual sprints, user stories, Test defect cycle, and tasks using Jira as tracking tool
  • Perform Functional testing as per user stories and perform Integration Testing & Regression, using Selenium WebDriver automation scripts.
  • Tested application compatibility for dynamic and static content under various cross browsers using HTML IDs and XPath in Selenium .

Environment: Selenium Web Driver 3, Agile, Java, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript, Eclipse, Rally, TestNG, Restful API testing, Apache HTTP Client, AWS Cloud, JAXB, Jackson, XML, JSON, Jenkins, xPath, Firebug/ FirePath, JXL, Log4j, Oracle, SQL, Firebug.

Confidential, CA

Automation Engineer


  • Extensively involved in all stages of testing life cycle, Software Development Life cycle (SDLC) using Waterfall, Agile methodologies.
  • Worked on Unit testing which involves mobile devices and desktop testing.
  • Interacted wif business and development teams for requirements and test scenarios reviews.
  • Analyzed user stories and participated in Sprint planning, Review Sessions & Scrum Meetings and developed Test scenarios, Test cases, Test data, Test reports.
  • Developed and Executed Test Scripts using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG, analyzed Test Results.
  • Involved in preparing test cases using Selenium WebDriver to validate all UI components, Popups, Browser navigations, Mouse Movements.
  • Experience in Drag and Drop, Scroll Down, Synchronization, Double Click, CheckBoxes using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Worked on Parameterization and Data Sets of teh automated test scripts in Selenium to check how teh application performs against multiple sets of data. Used Apache POI to read excel data files
  • Performed Selenium Synchronization using Explicit & Implicit waits .
  • Wrote test cases to handle Popups windows and Alerts using WebDriver and Alert interface class.
  • Took teh Application Screenshots and copied teh images whenever exceptions occurred and at important checkpoints of application execution.
  • Used Firebug, FirePath to debug, edit and locate teh objects based on ID, Name, XPath, Css Selector, Link, Partial Link, Attributes and Tags
  • Used Data Driven Framework and extracted data from external Excel files loaded into teh variables in teh scripted code
  • Performed Parallel and Cross Browser testing on different browsers like Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox where multiple tests run at teh same time using Selenium WebDriver, TestNG.
  • Updated teh Requirement Traceability Matrix (RTM), wif Test Case id’s and make sure dat all BR’s (Business requirements), TR’s (Technical Requirements ) and Detail Design Requirements were mapped perfectly and all Requirements were covered wif Test cases.

Environment: Selenium Webdriver, Maven, TestNG, Jenkins, HTML, XML, JIRA, Cucumber, Eclipse, JUnit, Agile, Git, Web Services, SOAP UI, WSDL, Quality Center, Oracle, SQL, Windows.

Confidential, CA

Automation Engineer


  • Participated in Agile software testing process wif regular QA meetings to discuss major features of teh application, test cases to write and execute.
  • Responsible for preparation of Test cycle/progress reports, analysis of defect metrics & implement improvement actions for next iterations.
  • Responsible for fixing and maintaining regression automation test scripts for end to end testing using Selenium WebDriver (using Java ).
  • Designed and Developed UAT Regression automation script and Automation of functional testing framework for all modules using Selenium Web Driver.
  • Created Data Driven Framework to test wif different sets of test data.
  • Designed and executed teh Automation Test Scripts using Selenium WebDriver and JUnit. .
  • Tested request and response XML based web services interfaces using SOAPUI.
  • Involved in Web Services Testing using SOAP and REST based web services to create and execute automated functional, regression, compliance tests.
  • Used Http Apache Client wif various Http methods.
  • Worked on distributed test automation execution on different environment as part of Continuous Integration Process using Selenium Grid and Jenkins.
  • Worked on creating test cases for data-driven framework for selenium web driver.
  • Performed manual testing of various test cases wif respective test scripts on Selenium and generate analysis report wif Quality Center .
  • Closely involved wif development team, maintenance team and business team regarding changing requirements, builds and releases.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, Apache POI, Maven, Eclipse, Web Services, REST API, Apache HTTP client, TestNG, JAXB, GSON, XML, JSON, SOAP, WSDL, SOAP UI, Rally, Quality Center, Toad, SQL, GIT, Oracle, Linux.

Confidential, Austin TX

Automation Test Engineer


  • Analyzed teh User stories, Editorial, Comps and teh Wireframes to understand teh requirements.
  • Responsible for creating test cases in teh Quality Center.
  • Performed various types of testing such as Sanity Testing, Functional testing, Automation testing, Regression testing, pre-production and Post production testing, u sability testing, UI testing.
  • Automated functional test cases of teh web application using Selenium WebDriver/Java/TestNG .
  • Executed SOAP based web services API testing.
  • Created teh Test Plans and Test Cases based on teh business requirements.
  • Analyzed teh issues, reported and tracked teh bugs in Quality Center .
  • Manual testing for mobile and desktop
  • Active use of teh Android SDKs.
  • Active Participation in resolving teh Production/ Pre-production issues.
  • Used SourceTree/GitHub for checking in our automation scripts.
  • Used Jenkins as a continuous integration tool .
  • Conducted user acceptance testing to ensure dat developed systems satisfied teh needs of business clients

ENVIRONMENT: Manual Testing, Selenium, Quality Center, HTML, JavaScript, SOAP, SQL, Oracle, Window


Software Test Engineer


  • Worked as QA Manual and Automation Test Engineer for various projects including Asset Tracking, RFID based Visitor Management
  • Identified high severity f unctional defects, created Test Plan, Test Cases, reports and delivered application wif high proficiency
  • While working on Patient health card & Patient Tracking for Wockhardt Hospital India as our client Implemented automation scripts using Selenium Webdriver and Java wif Page Object Model(POM) design pattern
  • Used TestNG test framework
  • Automated various UI Test Cases across multiple browsers (IE,Firefox,Chrome) using Selenium Web driver
  • Utilized NeoLoad as a Load and Stress Testing to measure performance of web application. Worked on how application perform
  • Under load by creating virtual users and analyzed teh response time Worked closely wif developers to resolve and troubleshoot issues.
  • Documented and reported various defects found during test process.

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