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Qa Mobile Engineer Resume

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Ann Arbor, MI


  • Sr QA Engineer with over 8 years of experience in all phases of the software development Lifecycle including Desing,Development,Testing and Implementation.
  • Experience in working various domains Telecom, Retail, e - commenrce across web and Mobile Platforms
  • Experience working in various SDLC including Waterfall, Agile Scrum, Kanban
  • Expereince in Testing Mobile applications across various platforms IOS, Android and XAP ( windows)
  • Expertise in testing different types of Mobile applications in Native, Hybrid and HTML5.
  • Worked on various Automation frameworks for Selenium webdirver2.0, GRID, Junit.
  • Extensive experience in web-based application testing using Functional testing, Integration testing, Regression testing, UAT.
  • Excellent Application Debugging skills in finding id and xpath for elements for web applications
  • Experience in analyzing business specification documents, developing test plans, defining test cases, developing and automating test scripts.
  • Worked on designingTest Cases/Test Scripts/Test Conditionsfor the Unit Testing.
  • Participated in requirement review meetings, analyzing requirements, developing test plan and test cases.
  • Well versed in analyzing Results, Bug Tracking & Reporting, Detailed status reporting.
  • Experience in test management and defect tracking tools like HP Quality Center, ALM, Jira.
  • Good experience in the IBM Business Objects(BO) generated reports for the production information
  • Good understanding of SOA requirements and SOA Reference Architecture with SOAP UI and Restful Services
  • Tested Web Services, providing required input data to request XML and validated response XML
  • Experience in finding performance bottlenecks, end-to-end performance, and web performance measures like server response time.
  • Experience in preparing Test data by retrieving data from Relational Databases Oracle, MS-SQL.
  • Expertise in Analyuzing JSON Data format and troubleshoot backend data issue
  • Worked on WEBRTC with mobile communication.
  • Worked on monitoring key aspects of the server and web environment using site scope.
  • Worked on the production management after the deployment of the code for the every release to make sure the application works good.
  • Supported production issues after deployments.
  • Excellent Analytical and problem solving skills, Interpersonal and communication skills.
  • Result oriented, committed and hard working with a quest to learn new technologies and undertake challenging tasks.
  • Highly motivated, self-starter able to work independently and collaboratively within a diverse technical team.


Operating Systems: Windows XP/7/8, Unix, IOS, Android.

Testing Tools: Selenium Web driver, Selenium IDE, Zepher, HP Quality Center, HP ALM, IBM (Rational) Test Manager.

Languages: Java, SQL, HTML, XML, Java Script, JSP, VB Script, Visual source safe, Jenkins

Databases: Oracle 9, 10, 11, MS SQL Server, Sybase, and MS Access

Tools: SQL * Plus, Toad, Microsoft Office Suite, WS FTP Pro, WinSCP

App/Web Servers / ETL & other tools: HTML, XML, WebLogic Server, WebSphere, SoapUI, WebServices and Adobe Flex


Confidential, Ann Arbor, MI

QA Mobile Engineer


  • Worked on Mobile application majorly on Ajile environment.
  • Review functional or business requirement documents and use cases. Translation of requirements into test plan and test cases.
  • Acquire from or do knowledge transfer with Developers, Business Analysts, SME and Architect who are expert in the relevant functional domain.
  • Coordinate with other team members like Business Analysts, Developers, and Business people Advice or provide feedback on test activities and deliverables, conforming to appropriate quality requirements.
  • Worked on the Automation testing Using Calabash for Behaviour development for android and ios.
  • Regularly assess testing progress and prepare test status report for management.
  • Communicate with QA manager about testing progress, needs and any organizational/quality/technical risk/issue that might have an impact on the ability of the testing team to perform testing activities.
  • Validate solution, whether it is fits the purpose and supports the complete end-to-end client business process. ested the application under different networks and Internet speeds including while on EDGE, 3G, 4G, LTE and Wi-Fi.
  • Tested the application on iPad and iPhone when the operating system was unveiled and made sure the application was enhanced to be compatible with the Android devices
  • Perform comprehensive analysis of any error using the logs and json.
  • Defect tracking and documentation was done using Jira and MS Office. And review of defects with business users as well as technical team.
  • Learn new technologies as needed and mentor or guide members of the project team, provide examples, and assist them in project deliverables. Can work with minimum supervision.
  • System level tasks like,Uploading applications to handsets using Mac mini- configuration utility for Native. App can be accessed on Mobile, Mobile browser and web browser.
  • Performed Smoke, Functional, Exploratory, Security (Authorization and Authentication, Session management, Encryption checking of users personal data) regression testing, Browser compatibility testing (Google chrome, Firefox, Internet explorer, Opera), Network testing (Wifi, 3G, Offline Mode), GEO Location.
  • Manual testing of web services REST calls using Firefox

Environment: Calabash ios, android, Jira, Share Point, Oracle SQl, Soap UI, REST ful services, Pulse

Confidential, Orlando, FL

Sr QA Engineer/Root Cause Analyst


  • Worked in both frontend and backend applications in the Agile methodology.
  • Worked on Mobile testing in MyAt& Confidential application in both native and web applications across all platforms like Apple, Android, Windows.
  • Actively participated in writing Test Plan and Test cases and creation of automation framework
  • Involved in creation of automation framework using selenium.
  • Configured Selenium RC and Selenium GRID on CART machines.
  • Experience building and maintaining a Selenium Regression test suite.
  • Reviewed the Selenium Scripts developed by the team members
  • Worked majorly on the billing sector of the MyAt& Confidential application and developed testplan testcase for every application.
  • Extensively worked in the Java web based application and HTML 5. Analysed and debugged the code.
  • Expertised in the IBM business objects(BO) and run the query and pulled the reports for the reports for every individual device and application.
  • Analyse the report and Dialy counts for each error code occurring on MyAt& Confidential APP and consolidate the Results and Analysis for all Event Codes for all sections.
  • Performed Web Analytics using Google Analytics and updated to the leadership team based on the BO Reports.
  • Worked on the Backend servers using Unix commands in different kind of servers like LOG4j, BEST and retrived log information for every request and response for causing an issue.
  • Worked in writing SQL Queries, PL/SQL statements and executing SQL queries to perform Backend testing.
  • Worked on using Defect Reporting tools like QC & JIRA and provide updates on Defects by interacting with all the developers.
  • Verified the backend API transcation using SOAP UI tool.
  • Evaluated test results and examined the Java code for Root Cause Analysis.
  • Detected the issues in the problem and analysed and verified the backend code and updated to the development team.
  • Worked on the IBM TeaLeaf tool for the both frontend and backend information and verified the request response.
  • Perform test case development, test execution, test results analysis, and defect reporting.
  • Worked in Production deployment for every release and made sure that every application worked properly.

Environment: Selenium Web driver, Soap UI, IBM TeaLeaf, HP Quality Centre, Jira, Sharepoint, Oracle SQL, Putty, IBM Business Objects, Java, Splunk, Webtrends.

Confidential, Des Moines, Iowa

Sr QA Engineer


  • Worked in Agile methodology. Attended Daily stand-up meetings. Developed Test Plan and Test cases based on the user stories (Functional requirements).
  • Expertise in both manual and automation testing of Web services.
  • Created automation test scripts using Selenium IDE, Selenium Webdriver using JUNIT to test on multiple browsers.
  • Automated testcases using Selenium web driver with javascript, and frequently runned in Jenkins.
  • Executed Selenium test scripts for identified test cases by using data driven, keyboard driven and hybrid framework.
  • Used Excel for creating testcases.
  • Worked on testing different browsers using Selenium Grid.
  • Experience in designingTest Cases/Test Scripts/Test Conditionsfor the Unit Testing, verifying and validating Web based applications, like Boundary Value Analysis.
  • Worked on the both MHTML and App for the dice and tested the application in Android, IOS and Windows.
  • Test GUI and functionality on Android and iOS and worked on the Bootstrap application for all the mobile devices.
  • Detected Defects, Communicated to the developers using Bug Reporting Tool and Tracking the Defects using Atlassian Marketplace.
  • Good experience in Zephyr, which is used to creat test cases and Manage test cycle in each sprints.
  • Performed testing extensively for integration and unit testing of standalone and distributed GUI-based applications and GUI-less SOA Web Services.
  • Developed & Implemented effective Test Plan and Test cases based on the user stories (Functional requirements) related to SOA architecture and Web Services.
  • Verified the transcation of each request and response of API using Advance Rest Cliet.
  • Involved in testing the backend Database retrieved the data from the tables using SQL.
  • Worked on distributed revision controlandsource code managementusing GIT.
  • Performed Whitebox, Blackbox testing, Security Testing, GUI Testing and User Acceptance Testing in every spring release.
  • Worked on testing bootstrap applications in various browsers.

Environment: Selenium WebDriver, IDE, Oracle SQl, Quality Centre, Zephyr, GIT Source tree, Java/J2EE, HTML, Advance Rest client, Jenkins.

Confidential, Hoffman Estates, IL



  • Worked in an Agile development environment.
  • Developed & Implemented effective Test Plan and Test cases based on the user stories (Functional requirements), analytical and technical specification in data warehousing (DWH) environment.
  • Specifically worked on E-commerce and retail development team.
  • Tested and reported test results on store equipment.
  • Testing POS applications on a variety of platforms, e.g., terminals, mobile devices, integrated in-store systems, web-based system interface
  • Setup the Automation framework using Selenium WebDriver to run test cases in multiple browsers and platforms.
  • Used Selenium WebDriver and TestNG to run the parallel testing.
  • Validated GUI functionality and automated for regression testing. Performed integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing(UAT).
  • Used Excel to create data driven scripts.
  • Worked with a developer in back-end services which coded in JSON, RESTful
  • Validated the server logs for Exstream server errors which are running on UNIX boxes by using Putty.
  • Executed shell scripts in Unix/Linux. Involved in complete QA Life Cycle.
  • Created a QA testing environment (test bed) and seeded test data by executing SQL queries.
  • Added checkpoints and regular expressions for handling windows with different names.
  • Interacted with offshore team to resolve defects and functional issues of the application.
  • Executed SQL queries to validate Back end Testing.
  • Extensively used Quality Center for test planning, bug tracking and reporting.
  • Uploaded Business requirements, test scenarios, test cases and defects in Quality Center and SharePoint.
  • Identified the defects, filed the defects in Quality Center, Communicated to the developers and Tracked the Defects using Quality Center.
  • Expertise in QA Testing in distributed Unix/Windows Environment and Oracle databases as back end & performed end-to-end testing.
  • Participated in RTM - Requirement Traceability Matrix / Test case walk-throughs and defect report meetings.

Environment: Quality Center / Linux, Web Services, Java/J2EE, Rally, Oracle, TOAD, SoapUI, XML.

Confidential - Dallas, Texas

QA Analyst


  • Developed Test Plan and Test cases on the user stories (functional and technical requirements), based on the solution requirement specification (SRS) documents.
  • Conducted Unit Testing (Module Testing), Integration Testing, Regression and Smoke Testing.
  • Mapping documents from Business analyst and technical design documents from Developers.
  • Worked on setting up sitescope alets and reports.
  • Responsible to verify data completeness, data transformation, data quality, integration testing, UAT & regression testing.
  • Worked on monitoring key aspects of the server and web environment using site scope.
  • Worked closely with the developers within the SCRUM team.
  • Executed regression test scripts along with testing new enhancements by using QTP and analyzed results.
  • Performed PVT/End to end testing in UAT and production after deployment.
  • Executed SQL queries, joins and stored procedures.
  • Executed test cases and test scripts for manual and automation testing.
  • Defects are raised in the HP Quality Center/HP ALM for logging, tracking and reporting bugs in the application.
  • While testing Web Services, providing required input data to request XML and validated response XML by comparing the data in database and GUI.
  • Automation scripts helped to test different versions of Web Services in each release.
  • Integrated Salesforce CRM and the legacy system using Cast Iron Integration Systems.
  • Tested Point of Sale functionality in Siebel CRM.
  • Developed test strategies, use cases for the price plan, products on Siebel CRM.
  • Validated the middleware by testing Web Services with SOAPUI.
  • Coordinated with developers to fix the bugs and conducted Functional (Positive and Negative), and Integration Testing.
  • Participated in weekly meeting with the management team and walkthroughs.

Environment: Quality Center, QTP, Web Services, SOAP UI, XML, Java/J2EE, Salesforce, HP ALMSiebel CRM

Confidential, LA

Manual & Automation Tester


  • Worked in Agile methodology. Attended Daily standup meetings.
  • Developed Test Plan and Test cases based on the user stories (Functional requirements)
  • Executed manual test cases and identified the test cases to be automated.
  • Extensively used Quality Center for test planning, bug tracking and reporting.
  • Uploaded Business requirements, test scenarios, test cases and defects to Quality Center
  • Detected Defects, Communicated to the developers using Bug Reporting Tool and Tracking the Defects using Quality Center.
  • Performed end-to-end testing, functional testing, regression testing, database testing, integration testing.
  • Tested Web Services and XML using SoapUI.
  • Worked on JRuby test automation framework.
  • Developed test scripts for Data driven testing using parameterization in QTP by using Excel sheet for test data and Database Queries based on the functionality.
  • Converted manual test scripts to automated test scripts in Quick Test Professional, enhanced the scripts by adding user-defined functions.
  • Played a lead role in developing Test Cases in a spreadsheet and uploaded them to Quality Center Test Plan module and executed them in QC/ALM test lab for various source systems.
  • Involved in testing the backend Database retrieved the data from the tables using SQL.
  • Executed shell scripts in Linux.
  • Worked on Metadata repository, the source database and their content, gateway descriptions, warehouse schema, view, dimensions, hierarchies, pre-defined queries and reports.

ENVIRONMENT: Java/J2EE, Quick Test Professional (QTP), JRuby, Quality Center, WebLogic application server, UNIX, MS Office, Oracle, Web Services, SoapUI.

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