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Qa Mobile Tester Resume

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Charlotte, NC


  • Around 8 Years of diversified experience in Software Quality Assurance and Testing in various domains such as E - Commerce/Retail/Healthcare/Insurance.
  • Excellent understanding of complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) and various software methodologies including Waterfall, Agile.
  • Experience in reviewing and understanding Business requirements and writing detailed test plans, test cases, and test scripts.
  • Experience in both Manual and Automated Testing Tools such as JIRA, Quality Center/ Confidential ALM, Selenium, Webdriver, and QTP.
  • Experience in working with Windows, Client-Server, Web based as well as Mainframe related applications
  • Hands on experience working with different modules of ALM/Quality Center such as Requirements, Release, Test Plan, Test Lab, Test Cycle, Defects and Dashboard.
  • Experience with Mobile application testing - Iphone, Android, Blackberry and feature phones using Simulator.
  • Experience testing mobile applications on iOS, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone 7 and Android
  • Experience in performing validation regarding Check-out and cart functionality for e-commerce web based applications.
  • Good experience in implementing Selenium tests using TDD (Test-driven development), BDD (Behavior-Driven Development), ATDD (Acceptance Test Driven Development), frameworks.
  • Experience in automating API and UI functional tests using Selenium, Java, TestNG, Maven and Jenkins
  • Experienced in Creating test script in UFT/QTP by recording, without recording, modifying manually and running the script in QTP / QC, saving the results in Quality Center.
  • Developed Automation Scripts using Confidential UFT (QTP) on Test level and Global level.
  • Performed Black Box Testing, Unit Testing, Regression Testing, Integration Testing, Sanity Testing, Smoke Testing, Performance Testing of Web-Based applications and Client/Server applications using Tools.
  • Familiarity with test management tools such as QC, Jira, mobile app testing tools such as Appium, Selendroid.
  • Used extensively SQL to perform backend testing.
  • Experience in performing various types of back-end testing such as data validation, data migration, data conversion, data integrity testing.
  • Excellent Organization, Analytical and Problem Solving skills and ability to quickly learn new technologies.
  • Performed Web Services testing and validated the request and response.
  • Involved in review meetings with project managers, business analysts, developers and process owners during various QA methodology phases.
  • Participated in walkthroughs and defect report meetings periodically.
  • Good communication, interpersonal, and teamwork skills.


Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver, QTP/UFT, SOAPUI, Quality Center/ALM, Jira, Appium, Apache, Cucumber

Web Services: SOAP, REST

Database: Access, Oracle 9i/10g, SQL Server 2005/2008, DB2

Mobile Devices: Iphone, Ipad, HTC, Samsung Android devices, Blackberry, Windows phone

Platforms: Windows XP/2000/NT,7, Linux, UNIX

Software: Microsoft Office Suite, MS Project, Flash, Dreamweaver


Confidential, Charlotte, NC

QA Mobile Tester


  • Creation and execution of the various Test cases and Test scripts.
  • Created test plans and wrote test cases for manual execution.
  • Work closely with members of the Agile team to translate the customers' business needs or Business Cases to a technical solution.
  • Early identification and communication of risks related to assigned Projects.
  • Involved in Mobile Computing testing with iPhone and Android Essentials including cross-browser testing.
  • Involved in developing the automation script for Mobile Native applications (iOS, Android) in Java.
  • Utilized Test Manager to create test plans, run test cases and record and playback
  • Installed and used “Emulator” to perform mobile test execution for IPhone, Android Involved in preparing Test Plan and Test Cases based on business requirements.
  • Tested and coordinated mobile applications in both Native and Web environments and validated the mobile application functionality on physical smart phone hardware devices and virtual device emulators like: Device Anywhere, perfecto mobile and Simulators like: Android, IPhone etc.
  • Work closely agile team to create test scripts and test cases to ensure coverage of all areas of the product/features.
  • Performed browser compatibility and configuration testing on various operating systems such as Blackberry OS, Android OS, IOS etc.
  • Tested the UI of the end product on mobile, PC, Android and Apple platforms to ensure that language translation and Currency conversions were displaying as required.
  • Performed browser compatibility and configuration testing for various operating systems.
  • Executed manual and automated test scripts/plans and provide defect and usability feedback to the Agile/SCRUM team in a timely manner.
  • Demonstrate Agile/SCRUM team features/stories for Management as part of our "definition of done".
  • Meet with the IT Architects/Scrum Masters to get an overview of the project.
  • Created test cases in Quality Center on the basis of the user stories.
  • Created the Traceability Matrix to ensure that all the user stories are being tested and covered in the testing plan.
  • Identify the automation feasible test cases, designed and developed the Test scripts in Java.
  • Created a Test Report in excel that would give an overview of the testing effort for the project over course of different sprints.
  • Executed the test cases manually and through test scripts and logged the results in the test report for every sprint.
  • Participated in Agile/SCRUM team development and maintaining testing environments.
  • Used Quality Center to report and track bugs and impediments.
  • Reported testing progress at the end of every sprint in the Sprint Review Meeting.
  • Participated in the Sprint Planning Meeting before the start of a new sprint to discuss. what can accomplished in it.
  • Created and Maintained Test Matrix and Requirement Traceability Matrix.
  • Participated in Triage Meetings, weekly status meetings with IT and business people.

Environment: Quality Center, Java, DB2, UNIX, SQL, J2EE, Emulator, Android, Windows, Mobile, IOS, Blackberry OS, Agile/Scrum.

Confidential, Austin, Texas

QA Analyst


  • Analysis of Business and Requirement Specifications.
  • Designing Test Lab and formulation of Test Strategy, Test Plans Performed functional testing to identify various critical points in the application and automated it by using Selenium WebDriver.
  • Performed Manual Testing and then automated it by using Selenium.
  • Developed automation scripts for new enhancements using Selenium WebDriver and TestNG.
  • Used Selenium WebDriver using TestNG and Eclipse for automation in Hybrid model.
  • Implemented Automated execution of tests (nightly and need based) using Maven and Jenkins.
  • Configured Selenium WebDriver, Maven tool and created Selenium automation scripts in Core Java using TestNG prior to agile release.
  • Created automation framework in Selenium WebDriver using behavior driven approach like Cucumber.
  • Involved in implementation of Test Automation Framework build using Selenium WebDriver, protractor to handle Angular JS, TestNG and Maven technologies under Java platform utilizing industry leading harness design patterns and approaches.
  • Extensively used Selenium locators like (XPath, CSS Selectors, Fire Bug, Fire path locator) and WebDriver to test the web application.
  • Tested request and response XML's based Web Services interfaces using SOAPUI.
  • Performed Web Services Testing and XML validation by creating test case suite using SOAPUI.
  • Created whole test framework using Selenium for further test creation and execution.
  • Regression Test cases were written and automated using Selenium WebDriver.
  • Prepared Traceability Matrix to ensure the adequate coverage of the test cases.
  • Tested compatibility of application for dynamic and static content under various cross browsers using HTML IDs and XPath in Selenium.
  • Performed API Level testing for Web Services, enhanced the Test harness and developed many Test suites using XML and Python.
  • Uploaded test cases executed test cases and logged defects in Mercury Confidential Quality Center.
  • Reported software defects in Confidential Quality Center and interacted with the developers to resolve technical issues.
  • Connected to database to Query the database using SQL for data verification and validation.
  • Performed back end testing on Oracle Database by writing SQL queries.
  • Created SQL views to aggregate data before moving to targeted database from legacy database to simulate results.
  • Followed Agile testing methodology, participated in daily SCRUM meetings and testing each SPRINT deliverables.
  • Validated SOAP response using various Assertions such as XPath, Contains, SOAP Fault, Schema Compliance etc.
  • Tested applications in different types of browsers and versions, such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome to simulate production environment.
  • Participated QA weekly meetings and various other meetings and discussed Enhancement and Modification Request issues and defects in the application.

Environment: Java, C#, Selenium WebDriver, Test NG, SOAPUI, Cucumber, JavaScript, Maven, Eclipse, Jenkins, Fire path, Firebug, Python, HTML, XML, agile, Confidential Quality center, SQL, Oracle.

Confidential, VA

Quality Assurance Analyst


  • Involved in the all phases of Software Test Lifecycle activities.
  • Involved in testing the migrated data fromFACETS4.71 to FACETS 5.01
  • Evaluated and tested newly modifiedHL7interfaces.
  • Worked on Membership, Providers, Claims, Configuration and Payment Modules of Facets
  • Work in Agile, scrum, and sprint environment in order to change the requirements and features set.
  • Written and executed test cases for ICD 9 codes and charges validation
  • Tested the HIPPA EDI 820,834, 837/835 transactions according to test scenarios and verify the data with FACETS on different modules.
  • Validate the date from EDI transaction in the front end as well as back end.
  • Identifying issues with System testing Support and Defect tracking
  • Executing SQL Queries for the reports before mass and after mass reports to check for claims routing
  • Responsible for testing and validated of HL7 transactions
  • Involved in validating SOAP XML specifications as per the standards.
  • Functionally validated Web Services delivered in SOAP XML format as provided in specification document
  • Development of SQL queries as per the request from the business team in SQL server.
  • Performed the functional testing of HL7 transaction XML format messages.
  • Prepared automated scripts for Maintenance and Regression testing using QTP.
  • Done the API testing Using SOAPUI tool creating customers and Validate in Back end and front end systems
  • Wrote complex SQL queries to perform Back-End testing.
  • Conducted Validations for different FACETS modules Providers, Claims and Membership
  • Interacted with programmers to identify and resolve technical issues.
  • Tested the claims processing with EDI transactions (270, 271, 835, and 837) in HIPPA andHL7 Environment.
  • Played a major role in Interface testing both functionally and manually.
  • Assigned problems to appropriate software development team for fixes.
  • Developed strategies with Quality Assurance group to implement Test Cases in Quality Center.
  • Used Quality Center documentation management and defect tracking.

Environment: Facets, QTP, SOAP UI, HL7, Quality Center, SQL SERVER, Internet explorer, Windows, Oracle, MS Office

Confidential, Tampa, FL

QA Analyst


  • Developed Test Plans, Test Cases to test the Screens and workflows for Quality Assurance.
  • Expert in writing test scripts manually.
  • Identify the client/organizational needs and provide suitable agile system based solutions
  • Tested application under the agile, scrum and sprint development and process.
  • Ability to work using cross functional using agile Methodology.
  • Performed testing of the application on various browsers.
  • Reviewed extensive SQL Queries with complex multi-table joins and nested queries
  • Created and managed system testing schedule.
  • Running smoke tests and daily health checks in QA environment to ensure services are up and running
  • Performed functional testing to validate the objects and its response using QTP.
  • Provided test team status reports on weekly basis to the project manager
  • Carried out extensive testing of various situations along with the implementation team, resolving all issues.
  • Reviewed extensive SQL Queries with complex multi-table joins and nested queries.
  • Involved in reviewing complex SQL queries, views, functions and stored procedures and spotting issues before/during code migration.
  • Performed regression testing on new builds/versions.
  • Documentation of Defects found out during the process of testing using the Defect tracking Tool called JIRA
  • Participated in bug review meeting to discuss resolution of issues

Environment: Quality Center, QTP, Crystal report, Regression Testing, JAVA, J2EE, MS SQL Server, etc.

Confidential, FL

QA Tester


  • Formulated detailed Test Plan, Test Cases and Testing Procedures, which included Test Cases/Scripts, capturing Test Results and capturing and resolving Test Anomalies.
  • Responsible for Manual Testing and Automation Testing.
  • Performed configuration/ compatibility and user interface testing manually.
  • Have experience designing and writing training manual templates, design formatting, and project planning and writing technical documents.
  • Executed automated test scripts as batch tests, analyzed the results and reported the bugs in Quality center
  • Performed Data driven testing, designed Input/output check points to validate the data and develop effective Automated Scripts.
  • Performed Smoke and Sanity testing.
  • Performed Positive and Negative Testing
  • Participated in conducting System testing and End to End testing manually.
  • Extensive UAT Testing Manually.
  • Performed Usability and Integration testing manually.
  • Used Quality Center for bug tracking and reporting, also followed up with development team to verify bug fixes, and update bug status.
  • Documented bugs found out during the process of testing.

Environment: Quality center, UNIX, Oracle, HTML, TOAD, SharePoint, MS Virtual Rooms.

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