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Senior Performance Tester Resume

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  • Over 10 years of professional experience in Information Technology with extensive experience in performing Manual and Performance Testing.
  • Experience in testing Web - based and Client-Server applications on different environments.
  • Strong knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), QA Methodologies like CMM and RUP.
  • Strong experience in developing Test Plans and Test cases using requirements and design documents while specifying Testing Overview, Approach, Strategy, Scope, Roles and Responsibilities.
  • Expertise in manual and automated testing.
  • Ability to write test plans, test cases, test procedures and test scripts from Requirements and Use Cases.
  • 8 years experience working with LoadRunner as a Performance Tester.
  • Experience in Root Cause analysis of performance issues/bottlenecks.
  • Experience in application Architecture Reviews, Giving Recommendations for the configurations
  • Expertise in setting up Performance testing environment using Loadrunner.
  • Experience in developing VUScripts for performance testing.
  • Experience in setting up performance monitoring over the multitier components using Load runner, Site scope, Perlman.
  • Experience in Analyzing performance test metrics, results, graphs.
  • Actively participated in Performance tuning.
  • Experience in working with Test Harness for performance testing.
  • Experienced in software analysis, Requirements Management, Quality Assurance, Modeling, Configuration Management and Change Management.
  • Experience in conducting automation testing using Mercury Interactive Tools and Rational Suite.
  • Expertise in performing different types of Testing: Black box, Module, Integration, Stress, Load, System, Performance, Regression.
  • Good understanding of Relational Database Management Systems.
  • Extensive working knowledge in UNIX and Windows platforms.
  • Proficient in SQL and PL/SQL Programming for testing database integrity
  • Excellent interpersonal and customer relational Skills. Proven communication, presentation Skills and Leadership Qualities.


Operating Systems: MS-DOS, UNIX, MVS, Sun Solaris, Windows 9x/NT/2000/XP

RDBMS: Oracle 9.x, MS SQL Server.

Web Technologies: HTML, ASP, Java Script, FrontPage, Web logicMainframes and IIS, .NET, VB Script.

Packages: MS-Office, MS-Access, and MS-Excel

Testing Tools: QTP, Winrunner, Quality Center, Loadrunner, Test Director

Test Strategies: Integration, System, Regression, User-Acceptance, White BoxBlack Box

Version Control: Visual Source safe, PVCSMonitoring tools Loadrunner, Sitescope, Perfmon


Confidential, CA

Senior Performance Tester

Environment: HP suite (Load Runner 11.5), Oracle, MS Excel, Java, SAP Bobj, SAP HR, Mobile/Android, SSO, ALM 11.5


  • Involved in developing Performance Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Created the performance test scripts for the SAP BobJ, Access Management SSO applications in Loadrunner.
  • Executed the performance test scenarios in controller module of Loadrunner
  • Executed the performance test scenarios in controller module/performance center of ALM.
  • Conducted Performance, Load, Stress, Endurance tests using ALM.
  • Worked and resolved the issues in setting up Performance test environment using web (http/http).
  • Involved in comparing the performance of applications for basic authentication and Kerberos enabled authentication.
  • Found Performance issue “Connection limit” and helped the Admin team in resolving the issue
  • Analyzed performance metrics that helps finding the root cause of performance issues.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Senior Performance Tester

Environment: Rational Performance Tester, Java, JMS, Web(http), Oracle.


  • Involved in developing Performance Test Plans and Test Cases in Rational Performance Tester.
  • Created VU Scripts for the Point Of Sale application with HTTP protocol and RDP protocol using Rational Performance Tester.
  • Worked with TOP, VMstat to capture and analyze metrics over the Linux environment.
  • Worked and resolved the issues in setting up Performance test environment.
  • Developed the Workload Distribution Test model for Performance test Execution in Rational Performance Tester.
  • .Validated the JMS messages going to Tibco layer (middleware).
  • Created the custom requests in Rational Performance Tester. for hermes captured Messages.
  • Captured the payloads going from user application/GUI to Tibco.
  • Monitored the performance metrics on middleware nodes where Tibco and other application related processes are running.
  • Worked with SOAPUI in sending the SOAP requests to middleware and validated the SOAP response.
  • Configured the SOAPUI to test the destination webservice.
  • Conducted Manual and performance tests using SOAPUI.
  • Identified the Validation Parameters from SOAPUI Response messages.
  • Analyzed the JVM Heap settings and Recommended Optimal Configuration.
  • Monitored JVM Heap and Garbage Collection as part of Endurance testing.

Confidential, Vacaville, CA

Performance Test Lead

Environment: HP suite (Load Runner 11), Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, AIX, Java, J2EE, Websphere, IIS), Tibco. SOAPUI, ALM


  • Involved in developing Performance Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Involved in setting up the Performance test environment.
  • Benchmarked the existing Staging test environment.
  • Created the performance test scripts for OLS/SFO Functionality using ALM.
  • Created VU Scripts with HTTP protocol in Loadrunner/ALM
  • Validated the JMS messages going to Tibco layer (middleware).
  • Captured the payloads going from user application/GUI to Tibco using SOAPUI.
  • Validated the Payload requests and responses in SOAPUI.
  • Imported the SOAPUI requests into Loadrunner.
  • Created the VU Scripts for the WSDL files.
  • Monitored the performance metrics on middleware nodes where Tibco and other application related processes are running.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Performance Center.
  • Monitored JVM Heap and Garbage Collection as part of Endurance testing.
  • Conducted the Capacity Planning Tests using Performance Center.
  • Maintained the Performance Results and Analysis documents.
  • Developed the Performance Scripts using VuGen.
  • Actively participated in Root cause analysis to find out performance issues / bottlenecks and also in performance optimization / tuning processes.

Confidential, West Lake Village, CA

Performance Tester

Environment: HP suite (Load Runner9.51, Performance Center 10.0), Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, AIX, Java, J2EE, TOMCAT, IIS, Web Services), IBM Tivoli, SOAPUI, ALM


  • Involved in developing Performance Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Developed the Workload Distribution Test model for Performance test Execution in Loadrunner.
  • Created the performance scripts for the applications BMS Nemo/ WellQuote, MUWS, POIT, Sales Tool (eHP), IAS, IES, SECA, Eportal in Loadrunner
  • Monitored the Performance resources over Weblogic, Oracle, TomCat, AIX layers.
  • Performance tested large scale internet website of customer facing application.
  • Created VU Scripts with HTTP and web services protocols.
  • Monitored the app layers with Sitescope.
  • Validated the Requests and Responses in SOAPUI.
  • Analyzed SOAPUI Response logs for authentication information and time taken for the authenticatioin.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Loadrunner
  • Conducted the Performance, Load, Endurance and Capacity Planning Tests using Performance Center/Loadrunner.
  • Maintained the Performance Results and Analysis documents.
  • Developed the Performance Scripts using VuGen.
  • Worked with and Coordinated Offshore team for performance test execution purposes
  • Identified functionality and performance issues, including: database connectivity problems, and system crashes under load.
  • Extensively used Wily introscope for finding out memory leak pattern (root cause analysis).
  • Monitored and Analyzed Garbage collection using Wily introscope and also participated in tuning/optimization of performance.

Confidential, Irvine, CA

Performance Engineer

Environment: HPy suite (Quality Center9.0, QTP9.5, Load Runner9.51, Performance Center 9.50), Oracle, MS Excel, FLEX, SAP, UNIX, AIX, Java, J2EE, TOMCAT, IIS, Web Services), Weblogic, SiteScopeProjects Worked: Echo, OMS, Clear Case/Clear Clear Quest, Remedy, Wisdom, SOAPUI


  • Involved in developing Performance Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Test Conditions were developed based on Use-Cases and Requirements in Quality Center
  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan.
  • Developed the Workload Distribution Test model for Performance test Execution.
  • Conducted the Capacity Planning Tests using Performance Center.
  • Created the performance scripts for the applications Echo, OMS, Remedy, Wisdom that are in web services, FLEX, Web, Siebel Environments.
  • Validated SOAP requests and responses using SOAPUI.
  • Created Performance test scripts in combination of Loadrunner and SOAPUI.
  • Performance tested large scale internet systems of internal and external user applications.
  • Created VU Scripts with HTTP protocol, webservices, Flex, Siebel.
  • Monitored the Performance resources over Weblogic, Oracle, TomCat, AIX layers.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Performance Center
  • Identified functionality and performance issues, including: database connectivity problems, and system crashes under load.

Confidential, Pleasanton, CA

Senior Performance Tester

Environment: Mercury suite (Quality Center9.0, QTP9.0, Load Runner9.51, Performance Center), Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, Java, J2EE, TOMCAT, IIS, Peoplesoft), Weblogic, SiteScope, PeopleSoft.


  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan.
  • Created the test data required for PeopleSoft performance scenarios.
  • Developed the Workload Distribution Test model for Performance test Execution
  • Worked on setting up the data for Pharma Business units.
  • Worked with SQL queries to validate the data in Oracle database.
  • Defect tracking using Bugzilla.
  • Imported the
  • Created and Maintained Performance Test scripts and Test Suites.
  • Created Virtual User scripts using loadrunner
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using loadrunner
  • Extensively Monitored Application Server resources, Database resources against Virtual User Load using Loadrunner monitors and SiteScope.
  • Analyzed Performance, Response Vs. time, CPU Utilization, Memory, I/O, and Throughput graphs.

Confidential, Miami, Fl

Senior Performance Tester

Environment: Mercury suite (Quality Center9.5, LoadRunner9.5, Performance Center), Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, Java, ASP.net, VB.NET C#, SOAP, SoapUI, XML, WSDL, IIS, SiteScope, PeopleSoft, WebServices


  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan
  • Involved in setting up the Stand alone, Networked machines (Load Balanced), Image server configurations to reproduce the real user environment.
  • Extensively worked with performance testing using Load Runner.
  • Developed the VU scripts using Loadrunner “Web Services” protocol.
  • Developed the Performance scripts for SOAP messages (XML messages).
  • Validated the SOAP messages using SOAPUI.
  • Developed the Performance VU scripts Using SoapUI and VU Gen for SOAP messages.
  • Developed the VU Scripts for WSDL files
  • Extensively worked with SOAP requests and Web Custom Requests while creating VU Scripts in loadrunner and using SOAPUI.
  • Extensively Monitored Application Server resources, Database resources against Virtual User Load using Loadrunner monitors and SiteScope.
  • Analyzed Performance, Response Vs. time, CPU Utilization, Memory, I/O, and Throughput graphs.

Confidential, Sacramento, CA

Senior Performance Engineer

Environment: Mercury suite (Quality Center9.0, QTP9.0, Load Runner9.5, Performance Center), Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, Java, J2EE, TOMCAT, IIS, PeopleSoft), SiteScope, PeopleSoft, jprofiler


  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan.
  • Involved in setting up the Stand alone, Networked machines (Load Balanced), Image server configurations to reproduce the real user environment
  • Involved in Performance tuning Oracle Database.
  • Involved in giving Recommendations for optimal performance of the machine configurations.
  • Extensively worked with performance testing using Load Runner.
  • Created and Maintained Performance Test scripts and Test Suites.
  • Created Virtual User scripts using Vuser Generator
  • Installed Loadrunner, Load generator, Controller.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Load Runner
  • Identified functionality and performance issues, including: database connectivity problems, and system crashes under load.
  • Configured Loadrunner Performance Counters and SiteScope counters to the Controller.
  • Extensively Monitored Application Server resources, Database resources against Virtual User Load using Loadrunner monitors and SiteScope.
  • Analyzed Performance, Response Vs. time, CPU Utilization, Memory, I/O, and Throughput graphs.
  • Worked in finding out the Performance Bottlenecks, Memory leaks of the application.
  • Also Conducted Load, Stress, Endurance, Capacity planning tests using Load Runner.

Confidential, Oakland, CA

Senior Performance Tester

Environment: Mercury suite (Test Director9.0, QTP9.0, Load Runner9.0, Filenet, Performance Center), Websphere, Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, Java, J2EE, CVS Tracker, VBScriptEAMS: (Electronic Adjudication Management System): EAMS is an application that helps DWC (WCIS) to automate the tasks between their district offices and other DWC related offices.


  • Involved in developing Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Test Conditions were developed based on Use-Cases and Requirements in Quality Center
  • Tested the GUI of the application.
  • Set up the Batch environment for QA Team
  • Extensively tested the Filenet Integration and Batch Process involved in submitting eforms and updating ORACLE database.
  • Extensively analyzed Batch logs.
  • Extensively Validated the database records after the Batch is run
  • Worked with SQL queries to validate the data in Oracle database.
  • Defect tracking using Quality Center.
  • Extensively worked with Data Creation with a tool called GoldLoad (Benthic Software).
  • Extensively worked with performance testing using Load Runner.
  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan.
  • Created and Maintained Performance Test scripts and Test Suites.
  • Created Virtual User scripts using Vuser Generator
  • Installed Loadrunner, Load generator, Controller.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Load Runner
  • Monitored the performance of WEBLOGIC machine using Loadrunner monitors
  • Analyzed the metrics CPU utilization, Memory of WEBLOGIC machine.
  • Identified functionality and performance issues, including: database connectivity problems, and system crashes under load.
  • Configured Loadrunner Performance Counters and SiteScope counters to the Controller.
  • Extensively Monitored Application Server resources, Database resources against Virtual User Load using Loadrunner monitors and SiteScope.
  • Analyzed Performance, Response Vs. time, CPU Utilization, Memory, I/O, and Throughput graphs.
  • Worked in finding out the Performance Bottlenecks of the application.
  • Also Conducted Load, Stress, Endurance, Capacity planning tests using Load Runner.
  • Extensively used Performance Center to pinpoint root cause of bottlenecks and memory leaks.
  • Worked in close interaction with Business Analysts, Development team, Functional team to gather Performance Requirements and to resolve the performance related issues

Confidential, Atlanta

Senior Performance Tester/Senior QA Tester

Environment: Mercury suite (Quality Center, QTP, Load Runner), BEA Weblogic HTML, Oracle, MS Excel, UNIX, Java, J2EE, CVSTrackerPEMS is a Web-based application developed for CDC Agencies and employees. PEMS is a reporting application that will also help in maintaining funds allocated to the agencies and enter the Client’ data enrolled for HIV Test.


  • Involved in developing Test Plans and Test Cases.
  • Worked with development team in resolving the defects.
  • Defect tracking using Quality Center.
  • Extensively worked with performance testing using Load Runner.
  • Involved in giving Recommendations for optimal performance of the machine configurations.
  • Created and Maintained Performance Test scripts and Test Suites.
  • Created Virtual User scripts using Vuser Generator
  • Installed Loadrunner, Load generator, Controller.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Load Runner
  • Performance tested the ETL processes that are extracting data from Mainframe legacy system.
  • Developed the Performance Testing Plan.
  • Worked with and Coordinated Offshore team for performance test execution purposes
  • Created and Maintained Performance Test scripts and Test Suites.
  • Conducted Ramp-up and Ramp-down Tests using Load Runner
  • Extensively used Load Runner to Performance Monitor Application Server resources, Database resources against Virtual User Load.

Confidential, Iowa

QA Tester

Environment: Mercury Suite (QTP, Test Director, Winrunner, Load Runner), HTML, VB, ASP, IIS, SQL Server, MS Excel, ANSI C, VB.NET, VBScript, SOAP, XML, WSDL, Windows NT 4.0.and Unix, White Box.


  • Wrote and Executed Test Plans and Test Cases using the Test Director as Test Management tool
  • Test Cases were designed based on Use-Cases and Requirements in Test Director
  • Tests were planned and managed using Test Director.
  • Used Test Director to store all testing results and metrics
  • Conducted functional, Regression testing using Winrunner.
  • Designed and administered Load/Performance benchmarks with Load Runner.
  • Responsible in providing regular test reports to the management.
  • Used SQL to perform data integrity test.
  • Verified the "fixes" for the reported bugs.
  • Logged the traced defects in Test Director and created Test Metrics to analyze the defects
  • Tracked and Reported Defects using Test Director

Confidential, MA

QA Tester

Environment: Rational suite (Requisite Pro, Test Manager, Robot, Clear Case, Clear Quest), UNIX, Java, IIS, SQL Server 2000, MS Excel, UNIX and Windows NT 4.0.


  • Writing and executing software System test plans and Test cases. These Scripts were developed after reviewing the business requirements document, and technical specifications document
  • Documented Test cases corresponding to business rules and other operating condition in TestManager.
  • Tested the backend database using SQL queries.
  • Involved in Developing Test Plans, Test Cases & Test Scripts.
  • Tested the browsers under specific conditions, such as with Java script enabled and disabled.
  • Involved in the functional testing of web pages using Robot.
  • Performed Data pool tests using Robot.
  • Conducted Performance test for web applications using Robot.
  • Designed and administered Load/Performance benchmarks with Rational Robot.
  • Conducted performance test, Load Test, Stress Test using Rational Robot.
  • Performed End-to-End testing manually.
  • Extensively used UNIX shell scripts.
  • Responsible for GUI Testing, System Testing, Regression Testing and Acceptance Testing using Robot.
  • Prepared status summary reports with details of executed, passed and failed test cases.
  • Made extensive use of MS Office tools to create and maintain documents such as test plans, test execution and test results documents.
  • Responsible in providing regular test reports to the management.
  • Conducted browser compatibility test of application

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