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Production Support Resume

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Project manager, System Engineer and UNIX administration.


  • Design and deliver all IT components for enterprise applications on Unix system. Tasks include establishing host components, networking, backup storage, HA, sendmail, and monitoring tools. Provide LEAN and Agile support as a SME for production requirements.
  • Working with system architect and engineers to evaluate, plan, design, build and deliver enterprise solution distributed computing environment. Provide hardware support for UNIX environment: Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, Linux AS and HP, support for enterprise backup: Netbackup DataCenter, support for Windows: Exchange and Windows 2000 servers.
  • Working as the project lead in research, specify, evaluate, test and recommend a CAD/CAM/CAE solution for Confidential in Confidential - 18 maintenance project. Work with vendors and suppliers, provide a package of capacity planning, performance management, configuration management, user training, hardware/software maintenance contract, security and networking, disaster recovery. Skill sets include: communication planning with daily, weekly, monthly reports; coordination between functional groups, conflicts management, requirement and directive management, WBS, time and tracking, schedule and milestone control, critical path report, leading meeting, negotiate with internal and external customers, risk management, cost estimate, transaction management and presentation
  • Work as the lead system administrator with a team of 5 for enterprise applications such as Websphare, DB2, Oracle, Epiphany, Qicware, BMC Remedy AR, ClearCase, Confidential and Samba.
  • Program and support scriptings in C, perl, shell and AWK. Provide 7/24 support for system hardware and O/S monitor. Stay abreast in O/S patches and new technologies for enhancing operation effectiveness.


Production support



  • Daily system support, implementation and debugging
  • . Remedy, Oracle and Unix code design and promotions.
  • Computer Lab configuration and installation.
  • Programming for production operation and monitor.
  • Supported software includes BMC Remedy AR, Oracle, ClearCase, Unix (Sun Solaris), Perl, TOAD and shell scripts

Sr. IT Consultant



  • Websphere installation, admin, debugging, application deployment and policy making.
  • Veritas Netbackup support.
  • Linux system admin and Confidential .
  • Configure, install and implement Websphere and DB2 as part of Confidential project.
  • Tasks include WebSphere Network deployment, JMSserver, node, data source, Java heap setting, MQ implementation, and clustering and system maintenance.
  • Hardware includes IBM p690 and p5 570 servers, Shark data storage and Red Hat Linux.

Lead System Administrator



  • Netbackup configuration of an enterprise system, implementation, policy, retention and disaster recovery planning.
  • Configure, install and maintain the AIX RS6000, Sun Solaris and RedHat Linux hardware.
  • System performance tuning, troubleshooting, scripting.
  • Websphare and DB2 configuration, installation and maintenance.
  • Qicware application and system support
  • Datastorage support and planning

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