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Software Engineer Resume

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  • me am a Software Engineer with 5 years of experience in agile software development, design and testing. My experience ranges from teh deployment of real - time GIS processing kits to teh management of distributed processing grids with responsive graphic interfaces.
  • me has experience in implementing design requirements as well as maintaining prior work. My skillset is diverse, and me has experience in both data processing pipelines as well as full stack development with enterprise technologies such as teh Spring framework.
  • me am a team player with experience in training and leading teams of developers to ensure projects stay within costs and on-time while meeting customer satisfaction. me has performed in nearly every role in teh information technology work flow from systems administrator to full stack developer.
  • My unique perspective gives me a solid understanding of how to maximize productivity within teh constraints of a goal.


  • Agile Development
  • Scripting and Automation
  • Parallel Programming
  • Training and Mentoring
  • Customer Communication


Languages: Java, Javascript, C/C++, Python, Perl, Bash, Lua, Lisp, PHP, COBOL, Groovy

Frameworks & Libraries: Spring Framework (Security, MVC, Data), GDAL, OpenCV, NumPy, SciPy, X-Ray, Celery, Gnuplot, Matplotlib, Numexpr, Boost, Memcache, Postgis2, Flask, Joomla, Ext JS, J2EE, Primefaces, Eclipselink, Hibernate, Drools/Kie

Testing: JUnit, PyTest, Grails

Mobile: Android, Flutter/Dart

UI: Angular, Bootstrap, jQuery UI, HTML5, CSS3, Ext JS Classic, GWT

OS: Windows, Linux, MacOS, Unix

Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, MongoDB, Redis, Cassandra, Microsoft SQL, Couchbase

Application Servers: IIS, Apache2, Tomcat, Light, Gunicorn, Weblogic, JBoss

DevOps: Jira, Jenkins, Basecamp, Polarion, Spiceworks

Tools: Maven, Eclipse, Git, Spyder, PyCharm, Vim, Jupyter, SOAP, REST, Gradle

Cloud: EC2, EBS, S3, AWS

Agile: Scrum, Pair Programming, Lean, Kanban



Software Engineer


  • Develop and improve GIS solutions for transportation management clients
  • Improve code quality by deploying industry proven solutions such as SonarQube, Linters
  • Modernize and upgrade existing solutions to Java 8/9 standards with MVC patterns
  • Convert existing front-end elements to React and Angular components
  • Update and correct geospatial data for accurate recommendations from Postgis and JBoss Drools systems
  • Oversee integration of real time travel analytic into J2EE applications serving state-wide transportation agencies and implement automated integration tools to increase accuracy of teh integrated data.
  • Technical lead for 511/incident management website government customer


Software Engineer III


  • Develop content rich EBJs and JSFs with primefaces.
  • Manage and develop SOAP XML host message interfaces
  • Develop JPQL queries for interfacing with Microsoft SQL Server
  • Coordinate with controls engineers to automate warehouse distribution and inventory tasks
  • Retrofit depreciated libraries to work with new innovations in order to meet customer satisfaction and requirements
  • Develop user interfaces using jQuery, Primefaces, and XHTML which best meet customer UX expectations.
  • Creation of automation scripts to improve return time on tasks using python, Microsoft Excel, and Jupyter


Software Engineer


  • Develop functionality for teh Tatami application, a social network built using HTML5, AngularJS, Bootstrap, teh Spring Framework, ElasticSearch, REST APIs, and Cassandra
  • Develop contract manager software using Ext JS, Spring, Hibernate full stack and interface with customer to ensure satisfaction while providing technical guidance for improving performance and code cleanliness.
  • Develop human resource application using Spring, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, and Angular.
  • Create services using AWS ebs and s3 api’s.
  • Implement microservice architecture using JHipster
  • Create and work with RabbitMQ services
  • Provide customer guidance on Agile best practices and coordination with dedicated Scrum Coach to ensure customer compliance.


Programmer Analyst


  • Development and design of responsive UI’s using a MVC framework (Spring Framework, Flask)
  • Implementation of a highly extensible framework to visualize data in a web-based environment (Spring Framework, Flask)
  • Training and development of new and current staff members for work with new and emerging technologies allowing organic team building (Spring Framework, Celery, Redis, Scrum, Pair Programming)
  • Optimizations and consulting on Geospatial databases containing millions of rows from 5 minute queries to 15 seconds (MySQL, PHP, Joomla)
  • Development in Android applications allowing better quality assurance in critical environments including navigation for teh vision impaired (Android)
  • Improvement of algorithms and domain decompositions to improve performance by ten- fold (C/C++, Python, NumPy)
  • Investigation of new technologies including new geospatial techniques and SAR data (C/C++, Python, NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib)
  • Technical Expert for High Performance needs attending regular international collaboration meetings with partners abroad
  • Processing of satellite imagery including optimization and statistical analysis/classification (C/C++, Perl, Bash)
  • Lifespan support and maintenance of C++ .NET applications and troubleshooting C# .NET applications for database management
  • Organizing and producing goals and sprints for agile development as well as keeping regular meetings to assess sprint progress
  • Produce documentation and training materials to ensure maintainability
  • Create and manage topics on RabbitMQ systems for managing distributed systems


Programmer Analyst and Intern

June 2011 - February 2014

  • Development of inventory system using web technologies (jQuery, PHP, MySQL, MVC)
  • Support of CAD and Engineering groups (Teamcenter Server)
  • Setup and configuration of Linux and Windows systems
  • Setup and management of Apple OS X systems with puppet and centrify
  • Support and installation of VMWare technologies
  • Correction and remediation of cybersecurity threats

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