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Systems Engineer Tableau Administrator Resume

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To obtain a challenging full time position in the field of Information Systems Technology that utilizes my strong computer/database skills, that will enable me to apply my learning and prior experience as well as gain and enhance my knowledge base.


Accomplished business intelligence, datawarehousing, and data management with over 10 years of extensive, diverse experience working with organizations that are leaders in their specific domain. Consistently focus on BI Governance as the driving force to assure that the investments in BI delivered business value enabling organizations to achieve and maintain a strong competitive advantage. Deep ability to understand business requirements, articulate a vision, evaluate risks and define roadmaps to build and strengthen the organization’s capabilities, processes, and infrastructure/system investments.


Platforms: Z/OS, VM, Windows, Linux, UNIX, Microsoft, CICS, Stored Procedures, Batch

Tools: Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Syncsort, SMP/E, ETL, JDBC, SQLJ

DataPlatforms: DB2, Oracle, MS/Access, Datacom, VSAM, BDAM, BSAM, TCP/IP, DB2II (Federation), EMC

Database Tools: ERWIN, Embarcadero, IBM’s Admin, CA/Platinum, Query Monitor, SQLPA, Automation, DB2 Util, Omegamon, Explain, EEE, BMC



Systems Engineer Tableau Administrator


  • Monitor server activity/usage statistics to identify possible performance issues/enhancements
  • Run cleanup and create backups of the database/ Performance tuning for Tableau server
  • Upgrade server software
  • Enforce policies; assist users with workflows
  • Upgrading servers
  • Production and Developments
  • Adding additional nodes if needed
  • Help analytics teams in building drill - down visualizations as well as prototype dashboards
  • Installation of tableau software unto user laptops
  • Licensing of installed tableau setup
  • Upgrading systems from lower versions of tableau to current versions
  • Monitoring extracts usage
  • Schedule, publish shared data connections
  • Schedule dashboard refresh
  • Monitor dashboard perform




  • Monitor server activity/usage statistics to identify possible performance issues/enhancements
  • Run cleanup and create backups of the database/ Performance tuning for Tableau server
  • Upgrade server software
  • Enforce policies; assist users with workflows
  • Upgrading servers
  • Production and Developments
  • Adding additional nodes if needed
  • Help analytics teams in building drill-down visualizations as well as prototype dashboards
  • Installation of tableau software unto user laptops
  • Licensing of installed tableau setup
  • Upgrading systems from lower versions of tableau to current versions
  • Monitoring extracts usage
  • Schedule, publish shared data connections
  • Schedule dashboard refresh
  • Monitor dashboard perform
  • Develop reports, dashboards using Tableau 8.3 for quick reviews to be presented to Business and IT users.
  • Developed POCs by building reports and dashboards using Tableau to performstatistical analysis of large data.
  • Prototyped data visualizations using Charts, drill-down, parameterized controls using Tableau to highlight the value of analytics in Executive decision support control.
  • Developed Ad-hoc reports using Tableau Desktop, Excel.
  • Developed visualizations using sets, Parameters, Calculated Fields, Dynamic sorting, Filtering, Parameter driven analysis.
  • Performed schema changes in the database per request and met with clientele and with various subgroups for requirement gathering in order to allow self-extracted reports and created critical field reporting tools for Enterprise Data Management customer segments
  • Create/Manage Groups, Workbooks and Projects, Database Views, Data Sources and Data Connections
  • Add/Edit Sites and corresponding administration rights (System vs. Content)
  • Create/Modify/Manage server task schedules
  • Monitor server activity/usage statistics to identify possible performance issues/enhancements
  • Run cleanup and create backups of the database/ Performance tuning for Tableau server
  • Upgrade server software
  • Enforce policies; assist users with workflows
  • Work with program manager as necessary regarding issues such as server down-time, versioning
  • Provide Tableau support to users
  • Approval process of who (guest, Group, etc.) can view what (workbook, Project, etc.)




  • Developed strategic roadmaps, delivered a comprehensive data strategy, negotiated system functionality for the financial data warehouse, drafted and communicated architectural design and demonstrated process for continual system improvements allowing finance department to save over $500K in anticipated business intelligence system acquisition cost.
  • Created and maintained the metadata repository, and provided guidance and consultation to multiple business groups to ensure on-going projects were in alignment with the corporate data architecture.
  • Managed the entire BI product lifecycle, conceived, designed, and led the development of comprehensive dashboards, analytical reports, and supporting infrastructure including conversion, funnel, cohort, and lifetime value (LTV) analysis, key performance indicators (KPIs), and an aggregation strategy replacing third party software (Google Urchin and Kontagent) resulting in annual saving of more than $180K per product group.
  • Coached junior business intelligence engineers, supervised team of report writers, and partnered with executives, product managers and analysts to ensure data integrity, resolved data discrepancies and trained stakeholders. Simplify processes and slashed time to complete the development of custom reports and analysis and the resolution of tickets by an average of 80%.
  • Architected A/B and multivariate testing, led the analysis of results, participated in decision making process contributing to an increase in customer loyalty by 25% measured by repeat site visits.
  • Shared best practices to drive continual improvement and served as the subject matter expert for the enterprise Tableau business intelligence system, the ParAccel data warehouse (physical and logical design and development), the Oracle ETL process, the evaluation of Oracle Business Intelligence Executive Edition 11g (OBIEE), and the optimization of SQL for MySQL, PostgreSQL, ParAccel (MPP columnar database) and Oracle.




  • Cleaned, created, massaged & integrated (ETL) Analytics data from Emails, Marketing & SalesForce so clean and relevant data is available for Marketing Dashboard in Tableau, using, Vsql, perl & Shell
  • Created Reports for Marketing and Finance in Tableau based on the all the Analytics Data from Multiple Sources of Data residing in Vertica DB with 35 TB of data.
  • Designed and Developed DB with Tables,Views,Triggers and stored procedures for SalesForce Data for Marketing Dept., updated daily fromSalesForce.com, with scripts in Perl & Unix Shell.
  • Created Daily batch feeds to ingest Data from various Data Sources for Marketing Dashboard.
  • Solely responsible for design and development a system from scratch to automatically create custom reports/data feeds for all external clients, using Excel, Perl, Shell, & VSql
  • Implemented complex requirements with many & multiple types of reports for multiple clients each had specific requirements for data, format, criteria, schedule, dynamic file names etc.
  • All requirements for a report are specified in an Excel File Template by the User.
  • The process developed, takes input requirements from Excel File and outputs multiple data feed files at multiple schedules, file names, and w/without control files, as specified.
  • These Reports are verified and published to the clients per specified schedule.
  • Integrated this Custom Report System with existing infrastructure that generates all the data
  • Worked with MongoDB for data in json to extract and convert Ad data to Structured Data.
  • Designed and Created Process as a POC for Real-Time Analytics with Apache Kafka & Storm.
  • Further after POC, created Real-Time Analytics system getting Apache WebLog data into HP-Vertica DB, using
  • Apache Kafka & Storm.
  • Licensing of installed tableau setup
  • Upgrading systems from lower versions of tableau to current versions
  • Monitoring extracts usage
  • Schedule, publish shared data connections
  • Schedule dashboard refresh
  • Monitor dashboard perform
  • Develop reports, dashboards using Tableau 8.3 for quick reviews to be presented to Business and IT users.
  • Developed POCs by building reports and dashboards using Tableau to performstatistical analysis of large data.
  • Prototyped data visualizations using Charts, drill-down, parameterized controls using Tableau to highlight the value of analytics in Executive decision support control.
  • Developed Ad-hoc reports using Tableau Desktop, Excel.
  • Developed visualizations using sets, Parameters, Calculated Fields, Dynamic sorting, Filtering, Parameter driven analysis.
  • Performed schema changes in the database per request and met with clientele and with various subgroups for requirement gathering in order to allow self-extracted reports and created critical field reporting tools for Enterprise Data Management customer segments
  • Create/Manage Groups, Workbooks and Projects, Database Views, Data Sources and Data Connections
  • Add/Edit Sites and corresponding administration rights (System vs. Content)
  • Create/Modify/Manage server task schedules
  • Monitor server activity/usage statistics to identify possible performance issues/enhancements
  • Run cleanup and create backups of the database/ Performance tuning for Tableau server
  • Upgrade server software
  • Enforce policies; assist users with workflows
  • Work with program manager as necessary regarding issues such as server down-time, versioning
  • Provide Tableau support to users

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