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Sr. Devops Engineer Resume

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Indianapolis, IN


  • Over 8+ years of IT Industry on DevOps/Agile operations, Linux Administrator, Build/Release Management, Change/Incident Management and Cloud Management. Strong knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle, SCM practices along with Software Build and Release Management methodologies.
  • Excellent understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Methodologies like Agile, Waterfall and other processes.
  • Exposed to all aspects of software development life cycle (SDLC) such as Analysis, Planning, Developing, Testing, and Implementing and Post - production analysis of the projects.
  • Extensive experience with Continuous Integration Tools (Jenkins, Hudson). Worked on cloud-based servers like AWS and OpenStack.
  • AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes EC2, VPC, EBS, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation AWS Config, AutoScaling, Cloud Front, IAM, S3, R53.
  • Architected a Lamp Stack application in AWS using VPC, S3, Route 53, Auto scaling, Elastic Beanstalk, SQS, SNS, RDS MySQL.
  • Experience in DevOps tools like Chef, Puppet and Ansible for Deployment on Multiple platforms.
  • Experience in creating inventory, job templates and scheduling jobs using Ansible Tower and expertise in writing Ansible Playbooks.
  • Experience in working on version control systems like GIT and used Source code management client tools like Git Bash, GitHub, Git GUI and other command line applications etc.
  • Experience on Virtualization technologies like VMware VSphere &XEN.
  • Responsible for build and deployment automation using VMWare ESX, Docker Containers, Vagrant and Puppet.
  • Expertise in using builds tools like MAVEN and ANT for the building of deployable artifacts such as war & ear from source code. Application Deployments & Environment configuration using Puppet & Chef.
  • Worked with optimization of server resources, Amazon Elastic Cloud instances and Website Security, Web services, REST, Amazon AWS, Chef and Puppet.
  • Worked with Puppet Master and Puppet Agents. Defined Puppet Master and Puppet Agents to manage and configure nodes.
  • Extensible experience in setting up Baselines, Branching, Merging and Automation Processes using Shell, Perl and Bash Scripts.
  • Worked with Engineers, QA, Business and other teams to ensure automated test efforts are tightly integrated with the build system and in fixing the error while doing the deployment and building.
  • Strong knowledge of using Routed Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and Connect direct.
  • Expert in deploying the code through web application servers like WebSphere/Web Logic/Apache Tomcat/JBOSS.
  • Experience with SCRUM and Agile methodologies. Expert in integrating various tools and application servers.
  • Hands-on experience in working with CSS, CSS3, HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, JQuery, JSP and Bootstrap.
  • Understanding of various technologies including, applications, databases, networking, telecommunications and connectivity Release Deployment.
  • Excellent communicative, interpersonal, intuitive, analysis and leadership skills with ability to work efficiently in both independent and team work environments.


Build Tool: Cruise Control, Ant, Maven

CI tools: Jenkins/Hudson, Anthill Pro, GIT, SVN, Artifactory, U Deploy.

Web Service Tools: JBOSS, Apache Tomcat, Web logic, IBM Web sphere, IIS Server

Languages/Utilities: Shell Script, ANT Script, Batch Script, Ruby, Perl, C, C++, JAVA, J2EE

Databases: MS Access, MySQL PRO, MS SQL Server, PL/SQL, SQL Plus, Oracle 8i, 10g, 11g.

Operating Systems: UNIX, RHEL/CentOS 5.x/6.x/7, Ubuntu/Debian/Fedora, Sun Solaris 7/8/9/10, Windows Server 2003/2008/2012.

Web Applications: ASP, JavaScript, JSP, HTML, XML, CSSDevOps/Cloud Technologies AWS, Azure, OpenStack, Ansible, Docker, Mesos, Marathon, VMware, Puppet, Chef

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Stash

Virtualization Platform: VMWare ESXi 6, VSphere ESXi 5.5, VM Ware ESX 3.x, VM Ware VSphere 4.x, Virtual Center.

Version Control tools: Bit bucket, GIT, SVN, TFS (Team Foundation Server).


Confidential, Indianapolis, IN

Sr. DevOps Engineer


  • Used Agile development methodology and an iterative approach in a fast-paced environment.
  • Creating the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system for all our products.
  • Deployed using AWS code Pipeline the on multimode with High availability environment and built a new CI/CD pipeline with Jenkins as CI tool with Maven as a build tool, Nexus as storage Artifactory, Junit Testing for unit testing and Selenium testing as regression testing, and deployment automation with Docker, Kubernetes and Ansible, and Monitored using Cloud watch.
  • Experience in IaaS managing Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure with automation and configuration management i.e., Ansible.
  • Experience involving configuring S3 versioning and lifecycle policies to backup files and archive files in Glacier.
  • Worked with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change Automation and extensively used Auto scaling launch configuration templates for launching amazon EC2 instances while deploying Micro services.
  • Configured Ansible to manage AWS environments and automate the build process for core AMIs used by all application deployments including Auto scaling, and Cloud formation scripts.
  • Experience in building new application and deployment through Ansible and managing them in production environment.Created Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes.
  • Worked on deployment automation of all the micro services to pull image from the private Docker registry and deploy to Docker swarm cluster using Ansible.
  • Virtualized the servers using Docker for the test environments and dev-environments needs, also configuration automation using Docker containers.
  • Conducted auto deployment of software applications in secured and managed environment using container technology Docker.
  • Experience in creating Docker Containers leveraging existing Linux Containers and AMI's in addition to creating DockerContainers from scratch.
  • Openshift containers for the build and deployment of the applications for UI embedded with tableau dashboards.
  • Installed and Configured the Nexus repository manager for sharing the artifacts within the company.
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labelling/naming conventions using GIT source control.
  • Managed GIT and Subversion (SVN) branching and merging for older projects in multiple simultaneous releases, Involved in the migration of code from Subversion (SVN) to GIT.
  • Provided end-user training for all GitHub users to effectively use the tool.
  • Automated Weekly releases with Maven scripting for Compiling Java Code, Debugging and Placing Builds into Maven Repository.
  • Designed and implemented container, managed unit and integration test framework using Jenkins and GIT.
  • Installed and configured Jenkins for Automating Deployments and providing an automation solution. Integrated GIT into Jenkinsto automate the code check-out process.
  • Installed, Deployed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x/7.x, CentOS and installation of packages and patches for Red Hat Linux Servers.

Environment: SVN, GIT, Ansible, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Docker, Jenkins, Tomcat, UNIX/Linux, Python, Shell Scripts, ANT, Maven, Terraform, Nexus RHEL, CentOS, OpenShift.

Confidential, Woonsocket, RI

Sr. DevOps Engineer


  • Responsible for design of different Release Environments for new projects.
  • Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Ansible, Maven & Nexus in Linux environment.
  • Configured S3 versioning and lifecycle policies to backup files, and archive files in Glacier. Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer and Auto scaling groups.
  • Configured Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) with EC2 Auto scaling groups.
  • Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
  • Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, GitHub and AWS.
  • Utilizing AWS services such as EC2, VPC, Auto Scaling, Elastic Load Balancing and IAM to set up infrastructure. Creating Cloud Formation templates to manage environments like migrating infrastructure settings from one AWS region to another.
  • Familiarity with Cloud Computing: AWS APIs, AWS Networking tools: hands-on with experience with EC2, ELB, VPC, AWS Orchestration.
  • Designed and implemented fully automated server build management, monitoring and deployment by UsingDevOpsTechnologies like Ansible.
  • Experience in working with Ansible versions 1.8 & 2.0 Tower version 2.1.
  • Experience in working with GIT to store the code and integrated it to Ansible Tower to deploy the playbooks.
  • Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing directory structures and managing containers.
  • Experience with container based deployments using Docker working with Docker images Docker HUB and Docker registries.
  • Worked on creation of Dockercontainers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycleKnowledge on Docker Hub creating Dockerimages and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Implementing new projects builds framework using Jenkins & Maven as build framework. Troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process.
  • Developing pom.xml files for Maven build scripts. Used SVN for branching, tagging, and merging.
  • Worked as a system administrator for the build and deployments process on the enterprise server and automation of daily tasks using Shell scripts.
  • Scripting in multiple languages on UNIX and LINUX - Python, Shell scripts etc.
  • Coordinating the resources by working closely with Project Managers for the release and for all the Operational Projects.
  • Build, configured and support application team environments.

Environment: SVN, CVS, GIT, Ansible, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Docker, Jenkins, Tomcat, UNIX/Linux, Python, Shell Scripts, ANT, Maven, Nexus.

Confidential, New York, NY

Devops Engineer


  • Release Engineer for a team that involved different development teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to the agile process.
  • Participated in weekly release meetings with Technology stakeholders identify and mitigate potential risks associated with the releases.
  • Managing AWS infrastructure with automation and configuration management tools such as Puppet designing cloud-hosted solutions.
  • Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on AWS & configuration management using Puppet.
  • Developing AWS cloud formation templates and setting up Auto scaling for EC2 instances.
  • Responsible for distributed applications across hybrid AWS and physical data centres.
  • Architected and implemented automated Cloud infrastructure using Puppet.
  • Designing and implementing fully automated server build management, monitoring and deployment by using technologies like Puppet.
  • Installed/Configured/Managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge. Upgradation or Migration of Puppet Community and Enterprise.
  • Worked inDevOpsgroup runningDockercontainer with EC2 slaves in AWS cloud configuration.
  • Experimented with Docker, by using Docker-Compose, on configuring and updating JSON files to create new stacks for deployment using Docker marathon.
  • Managed Docker Orchestration using Docker Swarm. Creating Docker clusters using Docker Swarm and managing to run the multiple tomcat application clusters using Docker compose.
  • Developed Perl and Shell scripts for automation of the build and release process.
  • Managed Maven project dependencies by creating parent-child relationships between Projects
  • Jenkins is used as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process.
  • Created and maintained Python scripts for Automating Build and Deployment Process and Creating Web Based Application by Using Django Framework.
  • Handled the development of reporting metrics and to provide reports to Management on different levels of statistics. Worked with Source Control Tools such as GIT, GIT Stash.
  • Experience in migration of consumer data from one production server to another production server over the network with the help of Bash and Perl scripting.
  • Deployed JAVA/J2EE applications to Application servers in an Agile continuous integration environment and automated the whole process.
  • Created and maintained the python deployment scripts for Web Sphere web application.
  • Documented the entire build and release engineering process and provided on call support.
  • Participating in 24x7 production on-call support of Linux and provided technical support to users.

Environment: Tortoise SVN, Nagios, Stash, Jenkins, Docker, GIT, Java/J2EE, ANT, MAVEN, AWS, Puppet, Web Sphere, Perl Scripts, Shell Scripts, LINUX, UNIX, JIRA, Python Scripting, Postgres-Server.

Confidential, Pleasanton, CA

Build & Release Engineer


  • Designed and implemented GIT metadata including elements, labels, attributes, triggers and hyperlinks.
  • Implemented & maintained the branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT.
  • Performed all necessary day-to-day GIT support for different projects.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Subversion/GIT Repositories, views and the access control strategies. Build servers using AWS, importing volumes, launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
  • Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services (AWS) & configuration management using Puppet.
  • Used the continuous integration tool Jenkins/Puppet to automate the daily processes.
  • Designed Puppet Modules to manage configurations and automate installation process.
  • Automated centralized configuration using Puppet.
  • Created and updated Puppet manifests and modules, files, and packages stored in the GIT repository.
  • Involved in periodic archiving and storage of the source code for disaster recovery.
  • Worked closely with developers to pinpoint and provide early warnings of common build failures.
  • Used ANT and MAVEN as build tools on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Automated the build and release management process including monitoring changes between releases.
  • Deployed the Java applications into web application servers like Web logic.
  • Performed Installation, configuration and administration of WebLogic application servers and Oracle System Bus (OSB).
  • Provides escalated support, leads troubleshooting, problem resolution for Middleware Application systems (OSB), and document root cause report for management.
  • Executed user administration and maintenance tasks including creating users and groups, reports and queries.
  • Worked as a system administrator for the build and deployments process on the enterprise server.
  • Documented project's software release management procedures with input decisions.
  • Developed, maintained and distributed release notes for each scheduled release.
  • Provided periodic feedback of status and scheduling issues to the management.
  • Kept track of all the releases and request of the developers through Infrastructure management tool.
  • Created views and appropriate meta-data, performed merges, and executed builds on a pool of dedicated build machines.

Environment: Subversion, GIT, Jenkins, ANT, Maven, ANT, MAVEN, UNIX/LINUX, AWS, Puppet, Web logic, MY SQL, Perl Scripts, Shell scripts.


Build and Release Engineer


  • As member of Release Engineering group redefined processes and implemented tools for software builds, patch creation, source control, and release tracking and reporting on UNIX platform.
  • Automated continuous delivery based on business need, end-to-end installation, configuration, and deployment of EAR applications on JBoss servers hosted inAWSservers using Chef.
  • Implemented and maintained Chef Configuration management spanning several environments in VMware and the AWS cloud.
  • Worked with Subject Matter Expert to Build and Release Management methodologies, hands-on experience creating and managing the various development and build platforms, and deployment strategies. Builds and deploys JAVA/J2EE application in Web Sphere.
  • Automate the manual installations using Chef Cookbooks and Python scripting.
  • Written Chef Recipes to automate our build/deployment process and do an overall process improvement to any manual processes.
  • Deployed and configured Chef Server including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning. Created roles, recipes, cookbooks and data bags for Nginx, tomcat, apache server configuration.
  • Experience in writing Chef Cookbooks and Recipes to automate the deployment process and to integrate Chef Cookbooks into Jenkins for a continuous delivery framework.
  • Integrated GITHUB into Jenkins to automate the code checkout process.
  • Build and maintain SQL scripts and execute different scripts for different environments.
  • Assist with maintaining current build systems, developed build scripts, and maintained the source control system.
  • Managed the source codes repository of multiple development applications using SVN version control tools. Worked with Jenkins for Continuous Integration Builds.
  • Worked with HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery UI and Angular JS for developing user interface.
  • Merged release branches to the trunk after the production release and resolved the conflicts if any during the merge in Subversion.
  • Created analytical matrices reports for release services based on Remedy tickets.
  • Performed weekly and on-call deployments of application codes to production environments.

Environment: Jenkins, Maven, GIT, SVN, Chef, Web Sphere, AWS, Unix/Linux, HTML5, CSS3, XML, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, Java/J2EE.

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