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Sr. Devops & Aws Engineer Resume

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Pittsburgh, PA


  • Fast - paced software professional with 8+ years of experience in IT industry comprising of Linux System Administration, Middleware Administration, DevOps Engineering, and in automating, building, releasing of code from one environment to other environment and deploying to servers.
  • Extensive experience includes SCM, AWS, Build/Release Management and Cloud Management and Containerization.
  • Strong experience on AWS platform and its dimensions of scalability including EC2, Lambda, Redshift, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, AMI, SNS, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Auto scaling, CloudFront, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, CloudFormation, Terraform, OPS Work, Security Groups.
  • Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations and tools area (Build & Release Automation, Environment Service).
  • Well versed with OpenStack based cloud infrastructure.
  • Have conceptual noledge of Microsoft Azure cloud service.
  • Work experience in Azure App & Cloud Services, PaaS, Azure Data Factory, Azure SQL Data Warehouse, Power BI, Azure Blob Storage, Web API, VM creation, ARM Templates, PowerShell scripts, IaaS, Lift & Shift, storage, network and database.
  • Competent extent of skills on DevOps essential tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Docker, Subversion (SVN), GIT, Hudson, Jenkins, Ant, Maven.
  • Ensured data integrity and data security on AWS technology by implementing AWS best practices.
  • Ability to identify and gather requirements to define a solution to be built and operated on AWS.
  • Configured Inbound/Outbound in AWS Security groups according to the requirements.
  • Used Python fabric for AWS instance provisioning.
  • Extensively experienced in Bash, Perl, Python, Ruby scripting on Linux.
  • Used Python libraries like Beautiful Soap and SQLAlchemy and Wrote Python scripts to parse JSON documents and Load the data in database.
  • Experienced in Branching, Merging, Tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like GIT and Subversion (SVN) on Linux platforms.
  • Used GIT to keep track of all changes in source code
  • Integration, deployment and automation of application servers Tomcat, WebLogic across Linux platforms.
  • Set up Continuous Integration for major releases in Jenkins.
  • Knowledge and experience in creating Jenkins Pipeline.
  • Well versed with many different concepts of Chef like Roles, Environments, Databags, Knife, and Chef Server Admin/Organizations.
  • Used Chef for server provisioning and automating infrastructure.
  • Development and version control of Chef Cookbooks, testing of Cookbooks using Food critic and Test Kitchen and running recipes on nodes managed by on premise Chef Server.
  • Explicit noledge on Ansible Playbooks, modules and roles.
  • Implemented Ansible to manage all existing servers and automate the build/configuration of new servers.
  • Hands-on experience on Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, and proactively manages change.
  • Written Ansible Playbooks to Provision several pre-prod environments consisting of Cassandra DB installations, WebLogic domain creations and several proprietary middleware installations.
  • Experience in AWS Ansible python script to generate inventory and push the deployment to manageable configurations of several servers using Ansible.
  • Deployed and maintained Ansible role-based application servers, including Apache, JBoss, Nginix, and Tomcat.
  • ImplementedSpring JMSmessage listeners to consume messages fromWeb SphereMQ.
  • Experienced with build automation tools like Ant and Maven.
  • Experienced in cloud automation using AWS CloudFormation Templates, Chef, and Puppet.
  • Implemented Puppet modules to automate the installation and configuration for a broad range of services.
  • Experienced with Docker container service. Dockerized applications by creating Docker images from Dockerfile.
  • Used Kubernetes to deploy scale, load balance, scale and manage Docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Strong noledge of Docker and container management systems like Kubernetes and Openshift.
  • Created micro services using REST protocol using Docker andKubernetes.
  • Exposure to Mesos Marathon & Zookeeper cluster environment for application deployments and Docker Containers.
  • Developed Reports and Dashboards using analytics tools like Kibana, Splunk, Tableau, and Microsoft Report Builder.
  • Configured network and server monitoring using Grafana, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, andKibana) stack, and Nagios for notifications.
  • Assisted in configuration, development and testing of Autosys JIL and other scripts.
  • Experience in implementing and administering monitoring tools Splunk, AppDynamics and Nagios.
  • Practical Knowledge in using Bug Tracking tools like JIRA and HP Quality centre.
  • Experience in administrating, deploying and managing UBUNTU and CentOS servers.
  • Strong influenced skills in Agile Testing Methodologies &Software Test Life Cycle (STLC).
  • Experience of the full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Methodologies & Validations to ensure the Quality Assurance Control.
  • Have conceptual noledge of Microsoft Azure cloud service.
  • Extensive experience in UNIX performance tuning and Capacity Planning.
  • Experience in deploying system stacks for different environments like Dev, UAT, and Prod in both on premise and cloud infrastructure.
  • Experience in managing CDN system design, installation and integration which includes origin servers, edge servers and network infrastructure.
  • Strong in building Object Oriented applications using C++ and Java, writing Shell Scripts and Perl Scripts on UNIX.
  • Expertise in creating of Active Directory and Network Fundamentals, Protocols such as TCP/IP, DHCP, DNS and Group Policy.
  • Broad experience in working in Linux, Windows and Mac-OSX environments.
  • Good analytical, problem solving, communication skills and have the ability to work either independently with little or no supervision or as a member of a team.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, strong organizational skills, and a hard-working team player.


Operating systems: Linux, Red Hat 4.x, 5.x, 6.x,7.x, WINDOWS … VISTA/7, CentOS, UNIX - Sun Solaris v 9, 10, Ubuntu 12.x, 14.x

Hardware: DELL PowerEdge 1350, 1750, 1850, 2850, 6450, HP ProLiant, HP-460C Blade, IBM F-series P-series RS6000

Software: Firewall, PIX Firewall, Samba, VERITAS Volume Manager … VERITAS Net backup 6.0, VERITAS File System, LDAP

Programming languages: Shell scripting, Unix Bourne shell, Korn shell, RUBY, C, XML, HTML, PERL, Python, POWERSHELL, and WLST.

Monitoring Tool: Nagios, Splunk, AppDynamics, Datadog, Dynatrace and Cloud Watch

Networking/Protocol: TCP/IP, HTTP/HTTPS, DNS, Subnetting, DHCP, NFS, Cisco Routers, LAN

Web/Application Servers: Apache Httpd, Apache Tomcat, Web Logic, Web Sphere, JBOSS, PostgreSQL, Mongo DB, MS Access

Clustering software: Red Hat Cluster Suite, VERITAS Cluster

Tools: Chef, Puppet, Hudson/Jenkins, Bamboo, XLDeploy, XLRelease, Maven, CVS, SVN, Git, GitHub, Tortoise SVN, Nexus, Nagios, Vagrant, Docker, Ansible, Autosys, Splunk, Grafana, LogRhythm.

Virtualization: VMware ESX, ESXi, vSphere 4 and vSphere 5.x

Documentation tools: Media Wiki, Atlassian Confluence, Share point, Jira


Confidential, Pittsburgh, PA

Sr. DevOps & AWS Engineer


  • Responsible for CI/CD Automation in all categories of application development like Versioning, Building, Testing and Deployment.
  • Migrating and Maintaining build and test environments into the Cloud Infrastructure.
  • Worked on automation platforms like Ansible, Chef. Worked on jinja2 templates which recreated Cisco config files.
  • Used Ansible for configuring and managing computers, combining multimode software deployment, and ad hoc task execution and configuration management.
  • Experience in writing and deploying various Ansible playbooks and modules in the Production and pre-production environments.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with PythonSSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.
  • Maintained high availability clustered and standalone server environments and refined automation components with scripting and configuration management (Ansible)
  • me wrote the Ansible playbooks which is the entry point for Ansible provisioning, where the automation is defined through tasks using YAML format.
  • Run Ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers.
  • Developed Ansible playbooks to configure, deploy and maintain software components of the existing/new infrastructure.
  • Used Ansible to manage Web Applications, Environment configuration Files, Users, Mount Points, and Packages.
  • Created inventory in Ansible for automating the CD.
  • Automated AWS infrastructure via Ansible and Jenkins - software and services configuration using Ansible Playbooks.
  • Written Ansible playbooks for configuration management and multi-machine deployment.
  • Upgrading the web server one at a time and erasing the current web server using Ansible.
  • Worked on creating inventory, job templates and scheduling jobs using Ansible tower and writing Python modules for Ansible customizations.
  • Created Ansible Playbooks for different environments for release and converted Puppet scripts into the Ansible Playbooks.
  • Implemented Continuous integration and Continuous Delivery process using Git/SVN, Jenkins, Maven, Chef and Rundeck.
  • Created Git repositories, imported projects into newly created subversion repositories as per the standard directory layout.
  • Extensively worked on GIT as a source code management and created various branches in GIT, Merged from development branch to release branch, created tags for releases.
  • Configured and setup Maven profiles. Configured Maven user settings in ‘settings.xml’ file for users in their home directory.
  • Created Jenkins jobs for continuously building the projects. Scheduled jobs to build upon every checkin into subversion. Setup shell script in Jenkins jobs to do pre and post build operations.
  • Evaluating Docker container technology to replace some virtual environments.
  • Worked on Docker hub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Used Kubernetes for automated deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts.
  • Worked on creating Docker image though a Dockerfile via Jenkins and deploying the Docker image on Openshift.
  • Involved in designing and deploying multiple applications using the almost all the AWS cloud infrastructure focusing on high availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling of the instances.
  • Expertise in AWS Cloud IaaS stage with components VPC, ELB, Security Groups, EBS, AMI, CloudWatch, CloudFront& Direct Connect.
  • Utilized S3 Data pipeline to move data to AWS Redshift and application deployment and data migration on AWS Redshift.
  • Worked on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Cloud technologies to migrate over from their current data enter to virtual environments.
  • Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, Node.js, Python and Ruby on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.
  • Creating the AWS Security groups to enable firewall.
  • Used AWSLambda for continuous scaling by running code in response to each trigger.
  • AutomatedAWSvolumes snapshot backups for enterprise using Lambda.
  • Use AWS Code Pipeline to design and implement a Continuous Integration and Delivery pipeline on AWS.
  • Managed AWS Code Commit source control service for hosting private GIT Repositories using GIT CLI.
  • Responsible for writing JSON or YAML format Cloud Formation templates that describe all the AWS resources needed to deploy to run the application.
  • Automate middleware tasks using UNIX shell-scripting, python.
  • Performed system administration functions that include installation, configuration, monitoring, automation, JVM tuning and code deployments.
  • Configured domains using WebLogic Scripting Tool, templates etc.
  • Wrote Ansible playbooks to provision a WebLogic Application server domain on Linux platform.
  • Experienced in performance tunings of JVM using AppDynamics or other JVM monitoring tools.
  • AutoSys Administration, Implementation, Upgrade, Knowledge Transfer, Production Support.
  • Experience working with and supporting Confidential Workload Automation AE in with both UNIX and Windows environments.
  • Managed and monitored the servers, services and all network infrastructures using Nagios.
  • Configured network and server monitoring using Grafana, ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, andKibana) stack, and Nagios for notifications.
  • Splunk and Log Rhythm were used to collect all the logs from application.

Environment: & Tools: Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Python, Maven, App/Web servers, Chef, AppDynamics, Splunk, GIT, AWS EC2, Lambda, S3, Redshift, Auto-Scaling, ELB, ELK, Shell Scripts, Unix/ Linux environment.

Confidential, Plano, TX

Sr. DevOps & Cloud Engineer


  • Worked on Amazon AWS EC2 cloud services for installing, configuring and troubleshooting on various Amazon images like Amazon Linux AMI, Red Hat 4.x, 5.x.6.x, 7.x, Ubuntu 12.x, 13.x, 14.x, 15.x.
  • Developed Cloud Formation scripts to automate EC2 instances.
  • Used BOTO and Fabric for launching and deploying instances in AWS.
  • Hands on experience in Amazon Web Services (AWS) provisioning and good noledge of AWS services like EC2, S3, and Glacier, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, SNS, SWF, and EBS.
  • Managed storage in AWS using Elastic Block Storage, S3, created Volumes and configured Snapshots.
  • Utilized AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets, EBS and create nightly AMIs for mission critical production servers as backups.
  • Utilized Ansible for configuration management of hosted Instances within AWS. Configuring and Networking of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  • Deployment and scaling processes based on Chef for a wide range of server types and application tiers, including Elastic Search.
  • Used CloudFront to deliver content from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
  • Used AWS Elastic Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, Node.js, Python and Ruby on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using CloudWatch.
  • Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
  • Created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
  • Worked with DevOps practices using AWS, Elastic Bean stalk and Docker with Kubernetes.
  • Managed network security using Load balancer, Auto scaling, Security groups and NACLS.
  • Involved in building real time data pipeline usingKafka andSparkwith storage as Cassandra DB.
  • Automated AWSinfrastructure via Ansible and Jenkins - software and services configuration using Ansible Playbooks..
  • Design and Deploy Azure Cloud,ActiveDirectory,Windows, Hyper-V and Office 365 Infrastructures.
  • Build a presentation to present the design of hosting architecture on Windows Azure.
  • Deployed and Azure instance for a hybrid based authorization and encryption system.
  • Responsible for all AD, IIS, SSL, SSO, SQL, Load Balancing, NSG’s, and VPN configurations for Azure.
  • Hands on experience in Azure cloud services, Azure storage, Azure active directory, Azure Service Bus. Create and manage Azure AD tenants and configure application integration with Azure AD. Integrate on-premises Windows AD with Azure AD Integrating on-premises identity with Azure AD.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Subversion/GIT, Stash Repositories, views, and the access control strategies.
  • Analysed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for SVN and Git.
  • Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool to automate the build process and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
  • Used ANT and Maven as a build tools on java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Designing and implementing CI (Continuous Integration) system: configuring Jenkins servers, Jenkins nodes, creating required scripts (Perl & Python), and creating/configuring VMs (Windows/Linux).
  • Automated the deployment process by writing Perl, Python scripts in Jenkins.
  • Configured Git with Jenkins and schedule jobs using POLL SCM option and also integrated to automate the code checkout process.
  • Configuring Jenkins as a common CI engine to build and promote applications to DEV, QA and STAGING to Linux environments.
  • Installed Chef-Server Enterprise On-Premise/WorkStation/ Bootstrapped the Nodes using Knife.
  • Managed Nodes, Run-Lists, roles, environments, Data Bags, cookbooks, recipes in Chef.
  • Implemented Auto-Scaling with Chef and Assign chef roles to EC2 instances.
  • Deployed and configured Chef Server and Chef Solo including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning.
  • Highly involved in Configuring, monitoring and multi-platform servers by defining Chef Server from workstation to manage and configure Chef Nodes.
  • Experience in setting up the Chef repo, Chef Workstations and Chef Nodes.
  • Created Docker images using a Dockerfile, Worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.
  • Changing the AWS infrastructure Elastic Beanstalk to Docker with Kubernetes.
  • Openshift enterprise 3.x and AWS as platforms with Dockers and Kubernetes as the orchestration engines on RHEL 7.X.
  • Expert Knowledge in Bash Shell Scripting, Automation of Cron Jobs.
  • Version control through GIT. Writing new plugins in Nagios to monitor resources.
  • Implemented and ConfiguredAppDynamicsAPM tool for various .Net, Java, IOS, Android applications.
  • Configuration of theAppDynamicstool including REST configuration and bash scripting.
  • Contracted to serve as the JIRA Systems Administrator for the international JIRA/Confluence infrastructure, including all associated programs, plugins and systems.
  • Expertise in installing and configuring network infrastructure using routing and switching strategies, TCP /IP network services.

Environment: & Tools: Java, RHEL 6/7.2, Python, Maven, Nexus, Chef, Ansible, Jenkins, Docker, Nginix, Nagios, Splunk, GIT, AWS EC2, Route 53, S3, VPC, SQS, Auto-Scaling, ELB, ELK, Shell Scripts, ANSIBLE, Unix/ Linux environment.

Confidential, Durham, NC

DevOps & AWS Engineer


  • Responsible for maintaining 4-5 Different Testing/Dev Environments and erection of the PROD Environment in AWS.
  • Strong understanding of secure-cloud configuration, (CloudTrail, AWS Configuration), cloud-security Technologies (VPC, Security Groups, etc.) and cloud-permission systems (IAM).
  • Platform design, implementation and operations in CloudIaaSandPaaSenvironments (major in Cloud).
  • Created functions and assigned roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and AWS Lambda using java to perform event driven processing.
  • On-premise to Azure and On-premise to AWS for different tools and DB's.
  • Worked onAWSAPIGatewayfor custom domain and Record sets in Amazon Route53 for applications hosted inAWSEnvironment.
  • Building Docker images and checking in to AWS ECR forKubernetesdeployment.
  • Created a workstation/control host and installed AWS CLI and python.
  • Setup Log Analysis AWS Logs to Elastic Search and Kibana within EC2/Elastic Load balancer, also Manage Searches, Dashboards, custom mapping and Automation of data.
  • Building massively scalable network-oriented software for the Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) service.
  • Maintained DNS records using Route53. Give public DNS names to Elastic Load Balancers (ELB) IP’s.
  • Configured S3 versioning and lifecycle policies to backup files and archive files in Glacier.
  • Worked with S3 CLI tools and backed up S3 database instances periodically to save snapshots of data, and sync these contents with remaining S3 backups, by creating entry for AWS S3 sync in crontab.
  • Performed S3 buckets creation, policies and on the IAM role based polices Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC and customizing the JSON template.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers/storage using CloudWatch.
  • UsedCloudFrontto deliver content fromAWSedge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
  • Used Python Boto SDK for creating custom monitoring scripts to maintain tagging Standards for AWS resources.
  • Managed network security using Load balancer, Auto scaling, Security groups and NACLS.
  • Well Versed with Configuring Access for inbound and outbound traffic RDS DB services, DynamoDB tables, EBS volumes to set alarms for notifications or automated actions.
  • Redshift to analyze, visualize real time data and to perform data analytics.
  • Creating an AWS RDS MySQL DB cluster and connected to the database through an Amazon RDS MySQL DB Instance using the Amazon RDS Console.
  • Worked on Chef Recipes and cookbooks using Ruby framework to provision the required patches, ELK stack.
  • Written Chef Cookbooks and recipes in Ruby to provision several pre-prod environments consisting of Cassandra DB installations, WebLogic domain creations and several proprietary middleware installations.
  • Implemented rapid-provisioning and lifecycle management for Ubuntu Linux using Amazon EC2, Chef, and custom Bash scripts.
  • Responsible for design and maintenance of the Git, Stash Repositories, views and the access.Used automated code check-outs in Git and created branches.
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Servers.
  • Deployed J2EE Web and EJB modules usingWebLogicCommand Line Deploy tool andWebLogicAdmin Console.
  • Configured security and system in Jenkins added multiple nodes to Jenkins and configured SSH for continuous deployments.
  • Enabled Continuous Delivery through Deployment into several environments of Test, QA, Stress and Production using Jenkins.
  • Used MAVEN as a build tool on java projects for the development of build artifacts like war or ear files on the source code.
  • Maintained build related scripts developed in shell for Maven builds. Created and modified build configuration files including POM.xml.
  • ConfigureSplunkfor all the mission critical applications and usingSplunkTEMPeffectively for Application troubleshooting and monitoring post go lives.
  • Implemented Ansible to manage all existing servers and automate the build/configuration of new servers. All server's types where fully defined in Ansible, so that a newly built server could be up and ready for production within 30 minutes OS installation.
  • Wrote Ansible playbooks to shutdown/start-up ec2 in the Openshift environment. And also wrote Ansible playbooks to deploy Openshift environment.
  • Created Docker images using a Dockerfile, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.
  • Virtualized the servers using the Docker for the test environments and Dev-environments needs. Configuration and automation using Docker containers.
  • Implemented Docker automation solution for CI / CD model.
  • Developed microservice onboarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services.
  • Experience in managing cluster of containers using Docker Swarm, and deployed spring boot applications.Worked on several Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and Docker Registry.
  • Expertise inAppDynamicsController administrative activities like user management, application management, monitoring controller performance etc.

Environment: & Tools:AWS, GIT, ELB, VPC, EC2, S3, DNS, Web API, Docker, Jenkins, Maven, JIRA, Chef, Ansible, Maven, shell scripting, python, Load- balancing, Splunk, AppDynamics.

Confidential, Milwaukee, WI

DevOps/System Engineer


  • Worked closely with Project Managers to understand a code/configuration release scope and how to confirm a release was successful.
  • Interacted with client teams to understand client deployment requests.
  • Using Chef deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch.
  • Experience using WebLogic application servers and apache tomcat web server for deployments.
  • Configured application servers (JBOSS) to deploy the code.
  • Experienced in troubleshooting, Configuring and deploying various enterprise applications in WebLogic, WebSphere and Tomcat.
  • Identify new tools and technologies that will make the release and SCM process more efficient, repeatable, reliable and cost TEMPeffective.
  • Manage Code Repository by maintaining code repository in GIT, improve practices of branching and code merge to custom needs of development team.
  • Maintained and administered GIT source code repository, GitHub is used as remote system.
  • Initially used Ant for writing build.xml for building Java/J2ee applications later on migrated to Maven.
  • Maintained settings.xml in MAVEN for permissions to users and deploying the artifacts directly to Nexus Repository.
  • Defined dependencies and Plug-ins in Maven pom.xml for various activities and integrated Maven with GIT to manage and deploy project related tags.
  • Edited existing pom.xml files and Managed Dependencies.
  • Created Jobs for Builds and Deployments, installed several plug-ins in Jenkins to support multiple tools required for the implementation of projects.
  • Installed Jenkins and perform troubleshooting during installation to implement the CI process for the java application builds.
  • Developed entire frontend and backend modules using Python on Django Web Framework.
  • Automated the deployment process by writing Python scripts in Jenkins.
  • Responsible for Plugin-Management in Jenkins according to requirement Upgrading and Degrading Plugin Versions.
  • Experienced in setup of Puppet Agents, Puppet Master both in Puppet Enterprise, Open Source and developing Catalogs using Puppet language.
  • Responsible for creating Puppet modules and manifest files from scratch and experience in editing existing puppet manifests and automated manual installation process using puppet.
  • Involved in several Production Implementations and managed deployment process via DMS and puppet.
  • Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge.
  • Upgradation or Migration of Puppet Community and Enterprise.
  • Managed deployment automation using Puppet, Roles, Profiles, MCollective, Hiera, and Custom Puppet modules, Ruby.
  • Used Puppet to manage Web Applications, Configuration Files, Database, and Packages.
  • Used Puppet Enterprise to Manage Application configurations in both a large VMware environment, as well as a new SOA environment - built completely in OpenStack.
  • Involved in Scrum Meetings, product backlog and other scrum activities and artifacts in collaboration with the team.
  • Configured automated VM migrations using automated scripts in PowerShell. Standardized network cable runs for VMware hosts across multiple data centre.
  • Automated Integration testing with custom VMWare scripts and custom frameworks using Microsoft Coded UI
  • Worked with system, network, security, & storage engineering teams to prepare & configure new servers for the VMware ESX environment.
  • Installed and configured OracleWebLogicServer 11g in various environments.
  • Monitor and managing theWebLogicserver instances using WLST and also for the automation purpose.
  • Installed, tested and deployed monitoring solutions with Splunk services.
  • Splunk implementation, configure, maintain, troubleshooting Splunk/Linux systems.
  • Developed Splunk infrastructure and related solutions as per automation toolsets.
  • Worked on MS SQL database objects tables, views, sequences, triggers, Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Cursors, Exceptions Partitions, analytical functions, views, Indexes and global temporary tables etc.

Environment: s & Tools: GIT, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet, VMWare, WebLogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, Splunk, Python, MySQL, JAVA.

Confidential, Austin, TX

Build and Release Engineer


  • Installed, Deployed Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.x, CentOS and installation of packages and patches for Red Hat Linux Servers.
  • Developed a fully automated continuous integration system using Git, Jenkins, MySQL and custom tools developed in Python and Bash.
  • Installed/Configured/Managed Puppet Master/Agent. Wrote custom Modules and Manifests, downloaded pre-written modules from puppet-forge. Up gradation or Migration of Puppet Community.
  • Migrated VMWARE VMs to AWS and Managed Services like EC2, S3 Bucket, ELB and EBS Etc. with Opcode Puppet modules/manifests.
  • Responsible for Co-ordinate with Development group and testing teams.
  • Knowledge of solving compilation errors.
  • Responsible for Branching and Merging of code.
  • Designed TEMPeffective planning for SCM and implemented the setup of the Environment.
  • Maintained Subversion repositories on Windows.
  • Maintained and version controlled Backend database using SVN/Ant scripts.
  • User support for Subversion issues.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and maven as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Managed the defects and changes using Remedy.
  • Worked on Installation/Configuration/Administrated and migrated existing servers into VMware Infrastructure.
  • Adopted Install Shield scripts, written scripts and used them to package builds and releases for different environments as defined in SDLC.
  • Written Perl scripts for the automation of daily support tasks.

Environment: s & Tools: ANT, Subversion, Jenkins, Python, Perl, Script, VMware, AWS, Linux (Red Hat), and Puppet.


Release Engineer


  • Participated in the release cycle of the product, which involves environments like Development, QA, UAT and Production.
  • Responsible for the build and Release management process.
  • Responsible for Automated Build Scripts.
  • Responsible for resolve the build issues.
  • Used Perforce for Source Control.
  • Involved in creating and Maintaining Branches and Tags based on the requirement and schedule.
  • Coordinating with development teams to perform builds and Resolve Build Issues.
  • Used Cruise Control for automation and CI related build and deploy activities.
  • Perform biweekly build cycle and testing processes on Solaris.
  • Coordinated with developers, Business Analyst and Mangers to make sure that code is deployed in the Production environment.
  • Troubleshoot tickets on the halpdesk tracking system.
  • Used Remedy for IM/CR/SR tickets.
  • Used HP QC for ticket tracking and Change management.
  • Deployed Artifact into Web logic Servers.

Environment: & tools: Perforce, ANT, Web logic, Cruise Control, Java/J2EE, Shell Scripts, UNIX, Ubuntu LINUX, Windows XP.


Linux Administrator


  • Installation, configuration and upgrade of Red hat Linux 4/5/6, HP-UX 11i, Solaris 8/9, CentOS 3/4/5 and IBM AIX operating systems.
  • Configured and installed Solaris, HP-UX and Red hat Linux Servers using jumpstart, Ignite and kick start.
  • Disk and File System management through Solaris Volume Manager, Logical Volume Manager and VERITAS Volume Manager.
  • Built high-end servers, creating and loading images on Solaris, HP-UX and Linux servers using System Imager tool.
  • Installed and configured Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) in Solaris, HP-UX and Linux servers.
  • Expertise in Global File System (GFS), Creating, configuring and managing clusters in Red hat Linux Servers using GFS
  • Installed, configured and managed Red hat Cluster Suite in Linux servers.
  • Performed configuration and troubleshooting of services like NFS, NIS, DHCP, FTP, LDAP, Web servers, Samba server, and Apache server.
  • Planned and implemented migrations from lower end to higher end in OS level and Hardware level in Solaris, HP-UX and Linux servers.
  • Configured and managed Red hat satellite Network server, performing package management tasks and errata updates
  • RPM package administration using RPM Build.
  • Performed Data Backup and Recovery using VERITAS Net Backup (VNB).
  • Update the systems using Red hat Enterprise Network (RHN), Managing and monitoring through RHN.
  • Worked on installing and configuring VMware/ESX Servers for virtualizations.

Environment: & Tools: Solaris 8/9, Red hat Linux 4/5/6, HP-UX 11i, AIX, Sun Enterprise Servers E5500/E4500, Sun Fire V 1280/480/440, Sun SPARC 1000, L, N class Server, HP blade servers, Dell blade servers, IBM RS/6000, p Series servers, VMware ESX Server.

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