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Sr. Aws/devops Engineer Resume

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St Louis, MO


  • A Technocrat around 8 years in various roles as AWS DevOps engineer with excellent experience in Automating, Configuring and Deploying instances on Cloud environments and Data Centers, CI/CD pipeline, Build and Release Engineer, AWS/Azure and Linux/Windows Administration.
  • Designed, configured and managed public/private cloud infrastructure utilizing Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2,
  • Elastic Load - balancers, Elastic Container Service (Docker Containers), S3, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Elastic File
  • System, RDS, DynamoDB, Database Migration Service, VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, X-ray, Cloud Formation, IAM, EMR and Elastic Search.
  • Hands-on experience in Azure Cloud Services (PaaS & IaaS), Storage, Web Apps, Active Directory, Application Insights,
  • Logic Apps, Data Factory, Service Bus, Traffic Manager, Azure Monitoring, OMS, Key Vault, Visual Studio Online (VSO), Cognitive Services (LUIS) and SQL Azure.
  • Proficiency in OpenStack services such as Horizon, Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, Ceilometer and Swift.
  • Experience in OpenStack environments to create and manage users using Keystone, Volume management using Cinder, network and port management using Neutron and VM management using OpenStack.
  • Worked with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as a code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs and Change Automation.
  • Experience in Converting existing AWS Infrastructure to Server less architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis), deploying via Terraform and AWS Cloud Formation templates.
  • Expertise in Implementing a production ready, highly available, fault tolerant Kubernetes infrastructure. Working on Scheduling, deploying and managing container replicas on a node cluster using Kubernetes.
  • Worked on Docker containers snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing Directory structures and managing containers.
  • Expertise in using Docker to run and deploy the applications in multiple containers like Docker Swarm and Docker Wave
  • Expertise in DevOps tools like Chef, Puppet, Salt Stack, Ansible, Docker, Subversion(SVN), GIT, Jenkins, Ant and Maven.
  • Expertise on configuring and integrating the servers with different environment and creating new machines using configuration management/provisioning tools like CHEF (Knife, recipe, cookbook), ANSIBLE (Playbook, inventory)
  • Extensively used Ruby scripting on Chef Automation for creating cookbooks comprising all resources, data bags, templates, attributes and used Knife commands to manage Nodes.
  • Experience working with Puppet Enterprise and Puppet Open Source. Installed, configured, upgraded and managed Puppet Master, Agents & Databases. Integration of Puppet with Apache and Passenger.
  • Expertise in Orchestration and Configuration Management of middleware and applications deployment by writing Ansible Playbooks and pushing them in environments.
  • Experience with Configuration Management/Automation tool Ansible and worked on integrating Ansible YAML Scripts.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins/Hudson/Bamboo/TeamCity by installing, configuring, and maintaining for continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment.
  • Expertise in Java builds tools like ANT, MAVEN for the building of deployable artifacts such as (jar, war & ear) from source code and configured and setup MAVEN Profiles.
  • Expertise in creating and maintaining Ant build.xml’s and Maven Pom.xml’s for performing the build procedures.
  • Written GRADLE, MAVEN Scripts to automate build processes and managed MAVEN repository using Nexus Tool and used the same to share snapshots and releases.
  • Working Knowledge with Version Control tools such as Subversion/Git Branching, Merging Strategies, migrating projects from Subversion repositories to GitHub Enterprise repositories through Team Foundation Server(TFS).
  • Deployed the artifacts in Nexus central repository for internal deployments and managed Nexus repository for the current project created a new repository and provisioned it. Have hands on experience with Bitbucket Server.
  • Proficient with Shell, Python, Ruby, Perl, Power Shell, JSON, YAML, Groovy scripting languages.
  • Experienced in integrating Unit Tests and Code Quality Analysis Tools like Junit and Cucumber.
  • Extensive experience of working with the release and deployment of Java/J2EE Web applications.
  • Experience in Atlassian products such as Bit Bucket, JIRA, Bamboo and Source Tree.
  • Good understanding of OSI Model, TCP/IP protocol suite (IP, ARP, TCP, UDP, SMTP, FTP and TFTP).
  • Experience in database environments like MySQL, Oracle, NoSQL databases like DynamoDB and Cassandra and serverless engine like Lambda. Also have experience in Groovy Scripting for compiling script dynamically to a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
  • Expert in deploying the code through web application servers like Web Sphere/Web Logic/Apache Tomcat/JBoss, Nginx and their installation, configuration, management and troubleshooting.
  • Experience in using different log monitoring tools like Nagios, Sumo logic, Splunk, ELK (Elastic Search, Log Stash, Kibana) to see logs information, monitor, security and get the health notifications from nodes. Automate the installation of ELK agent (filebeat) with Ansible playbook.
  • Excellent understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies like Agile, Waterfall and SCRUM
  • Expertise in installation, Support, Configuration, Red Hat Enterprise Linux(RHEL) 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x Oracle Enterprise Linux (OEL) 5.x, 6.x, SUSE Enterprise Linux Server 10,11, SOLARIS 9,10 and UBUNTU 10,12 & 14 LTS.
  • Building & Configuring Red Hat Linux systems over the network, implementing automated tasks through crontab, resolving tickets according to the priority basis.
  • Team player with excellent interpersonal skills, self-motivated, dedicated and understanding the demands of system maintenance and has good customer support experience and always ready to discuss on latest changes in technology and their automation concepts.


Cloud Environments: AWS, Microsoft Azure, Open Stack

AWS Services: EC2, ELB, VPC, RDS, AMI, IAM, Cloud Formation, S3, CLI, Cloud Trial, SNS, SQS, EBS, Route53, Auto Scaling, AWS Lambda, Aurora, DynamoDB, Redshift, X-ray, Database Migration Service, Cloud Watch

Programming Languages: C#, Java/J2EE, .Net

Scripting: Shell Scripting, Python, Ruby, Perl, VB Scripting

Web Technologies/Frameworks: XML, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JQuery, JavaScript, Angular JS, Bootstrap, Node JS, React JS

Version Control Tools: SVN (Subversion), GIT, GIT Hub, Bit Bucket, TFS

Configuration Management: Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt Stack

CI Tools: Jenkins, Hudson, Bamboo

Build Tools: ANT, MAVEN, Gradle

Containerization: Docker, Kubernetes

Monitoring Tools: Splunk, ELK, Nagios, Cloud Watch

Orchestration Tools: Terraform, Cloud Formation

Methodologies: Agile, Scrum, Waterfall

Web/Application Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere, Apache, Tomcat, IIS, Jboss

Testing Tools: Junit, Cucumber

Operating Systems: Unix/Linux (Red Hat 5/6, CentOS, SUSE), Solaris 9/10, Ubuntu 14, Windows, Mac, Debian

Network Protocols: TCP/IP, SMTP, SOAP, HTTP/HTTPS, DNS

Databases: Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, Dynamo DB, Mongo DB, NoSQL

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Bugzilla, HP Quality Center, Remedy


Confidential, St. Louis, MO

Sr. AWS/DevOps Engineer


  • Leveraged various AWS solutions like EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer(ELB), Security Group, Auto Scaling and RDS in cloud Formation JSON templates
  • Defined AWS Lambda functions for making changes to Amazon S3 buckets and updating Amazon DynamoDB table.
  • Created snapshots and Amazon machine images (AMI) of the instances for backup and created Identity Access Management(IAM) policies for delegated administration within AWS
  • Creating Python scripts to fully automate AWS services which includes ELB, Cloud Front Distribution, EC2, Security Groups and S3. This script creates stacks, single servers and joins web servers to stacks.
  • Wrote python scripts to manage AWS resources from API calls using BOTO SDK also worked with AWS CLI.
  • Used AWS Route53, to route the traffic between different availability zones. Deployed and supported Mem-cache/AWS Elastic Cache and then configured Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) for routing traffic between zones.
  • Used IAM to create new accounts, roles and groups and policies and developed critical modules like generating amazon resource numbers and integration points with DynamoDB, RDS.
  • Used EBS volumes management and snapshots for backups using script. Worked in configuring Elastic Bean Stalk for developers to quickly deploy applications for testing and pushing developed code for testing.
  • Maximized the through put between the CPU and drives and improved the performance of data processing with the help of Amazon Redshift
  • Dealing with multiple terabytes of mobile ad data stored in AWS using Elastic MapReduce and Redshift Postgresql
  • Worked on AWS Code Deploy and Auto Scaling Groups to implement Blue Green Deployments for the various releases moving forward.
  • Creating custom Cloud Watch dashboards for monitoring CPU utilization, Network In-Out, Packet In-Out and other parameters of the instances.
  • Configured RDS instances using Cloud Formation and Terraform and used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identified network issue.
  • Worked on AWS Cloud Trail to setup auditing for our AWS account.
  • Build Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repos containing Terraform code and administered/engineered Jenkins for managing weekly builds
  • Designed and distributed private cloud system solution using Kubernetes (Docker) on CoreOS and used it to deploy scale, load balance and managed Docker containers with multiple name spaced versions.
  • Created custom Docker images to streamline porting of legacy applications to Open Shift.
  • Working on Docker- Compose, Docker-Machine to create Docker containers for testing applications in the QA environment and automated the deployments, scaling and management of containerized applications across clusters of hosts using kubernetes.
  • Created Docker Images using a Docker file, Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes.
  • Installed Chef-Server enterprise On-Premise/WorkStation, bootstrapped the Nodes using Knife and worked with Chef Enterprise Hosted as well as On-Premise.
  • Wrote Recipes and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef-server, managed On-site OS/Applications/ Services/ Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2/S3/Route53 & ELB with Chef cookbooks.
  • Wrote Chef Cookbooks to install and configure IIS7, Nginx and maintained legacy bash scripts to configure environments and then converted them to Ruby Scripts.
  • Working with GITHUB to store the code and integrated it to Ansible Tower to deploy the Playbooks.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible Playbooks and has integrated Ansible with Jenkins.
  • Wrote CI/CD pipeline in Groovy scripts to enable end to end setup of build & deployment using Jenkins.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks using Python SSH as Wrapper for Managing Configurations of my servers, Nodes, Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.
  • Created and maintained continuous Integration (CI) using tools Jenkins/Bamboo over different environments to facilitate an agile development process which is automated enabling teams to safely deploy code repeatedly.
  • Integrated Jenkins with Hashi Corp Packer and Vagrant files for creating the test environments which includes same configurations of our Prod, Non-prod environments do.
  • Designed the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins for Continuous Integration and deployment into different Web/Application Server.
  • Integrated JaCoCo with Jenkins for code coverage analysis in Java VM based environments.
  • Worked on branching, labeling and merging strategies for applications in GIT.
  • Created Snippets using Atlassian Bitbucket that allows developers to share code segments.
  • Installed and configured Nexus Repository Manager to share the artifacts between the teams within the company
  • Created SonarQube reporting dashboard to run analysis for every project.
  • Written GRADLE, MAVEN scripts to automate build processes and managed Maven repository using Nexus Tool and used the same to share snapshots and releases.
  • Managed Maven project dependencies by creating Parent-child relationships between all projects.
  • Used Ansible to Setup/teardown of ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Log stash, Kibana) and troubleshooted the build issues with ELK and work towards the solution.
  • Working on Deployment and Configuration of ELK stack for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring.
  • Configured network and server monitoring using Grafana, ELK stack with Logspout and Nagios for notifications.
  • Developed Splunk queries and Splunk dashboards targeted at understanding applications performance and capacity analysis.
  • Installed, configured, modified, tested & deployed applications on Apache Webserver, Nginx & Tomcat, JBoss app servers.
  • Maintained JIRA for tracking and updating project defects and tasks ensuring successful completion of tasks in a sprint.
  • Planned release schedules with agile methodology & coordinated releases with engineering & SQA for timely delivery.

Environment: AWS, S3, EC2, ELB, IAM, RDS, VPC, SES, SNS, EBS, Cloud Trail, Auto Scaling, Chef, Jenkins, Maven, JIRA, Linux, Java, Kubernetes, Terraform, Docker, AppDynamics, Nagios, ELK, SonarQube, Nexus, JaCoCo, JBOSS, Nginx, PowerShell, Bash, Ruby and Python.

Confidential, Birmingham, AL

Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer


  • Worked on Amazon Web Services (AWS) provisioning and used AWS services like EC2, S3, Glacier, ELB (Load Balancers), RDS, SNS, SQS, and EBS etc
  • Written Cloud Formation Templates (CFT) in JSON and YAML format to build the AWS services with the paradigm of Infrastructure as a Code (IaaS).
  • Configured AWS virtual private cloud and data base subnet groups for isolation of resources with in the amazon RDS in Aurora DB cluster.
  • Creating S3 buckets and managing policies for S3 buckets and utilized S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.
  • Created functions and assigned roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and AWS Lambda using java to perform event driven processing. Created Lambda jobs and configured Roles using AWS CLI.
  • Implemented and maintained the monitoring and alerting of production and servers/storage using AWS Cloud watch.
  • Used AWS IAM to grant permissions to users and groups for accessing AWS resources.
  • Worked on connecting Redshift database and Databricks. Also set up SAML single sign on authentication to Databricks
  • Created cloud watch dashboards for monitoring CPU utilization, Network In-Out, Packet In-Out and other parameters of the instances and notified them using SNS.
  • Hands on experience in Azure cloud services, Azure storage, Azure active directory, Azure Service Bus. Create and manage Azure AD tenants and configure application integration with Azure AD.
  • Converted .Net application to Microsoft Azure Cloud Service Project as part of cloud deployment. Migrated SQL Server 2008 database to Windows Azure SQL Database and updating the Connection Strings based on this.
  • Worked with security team to make sure azure data is highly secure and configured BGP routes to enable Express Route connections between on premise data centers and Azure cloud.
  • Currently leads an active integration effort for building out PaaS with RedHatOpenShift, Docker and working with developers on application containerization effort
  • Created visualizations, Dashboards in Kibana. Configured Kibana Watcher for automatic generation of Kibana reports.
  • Used Splunk for log analyzing and improving the performance of servers. Wrote several custom Splunk queries for monitoring and alerting
  • Installed and configured monitoring tools Nagios for monitoring the network bandwidth and the hardware status.
  • Experienced in installing applications on Docker containers. Created Docker volumes in Docker to share data among multiple running Docker containers.
  • Created multiple isolated Docker projects and related test environments such as QA, test, UAT on a single host using Docker compose tool.
  • Created Docker Registry for test images. Stored Docker images in Docker hub to share with others.
  • Configured Chef Environment attributes such as default and overrides to specify the node settings.
  • Configured Chef Kitchen to automatically test Chef Cookbook data across any combination of platforms and test suites.
  • Defined Chef Cookbook recipes in Domain Specific Language(DSL) format to provide the desired configuration of the node.
  • Used Ansible as Configuration management tool to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploys critical applications, proactively manages change and well versed with Ansible Playbooks, modules, and roles.
  • Used Ansible Tower, which provides an easy-to-use dashboard and role based access control, so that it's easier to allow individual teams access to use Ansible for their deployments
  • Maintained and executed build scripts using Maven by coordinating with development and quality assurance teams in Linux and Windows Environments.
  • Developing Maven Build Scripts based on the requirements.
  • Set up Jenkins server and build jobs to provide continuous automated builds based on polling the GIT source control system.
  • Configured various plugins in Jenkins for automation of the workflow and to optimize and smooth running of build jobs and implemented continuous integration and deployment.
  • Responsible for performing tasks like Branching, Tagging, and Release Activities on Version Control using Git.
  • Imported and managed multiple corporate applications into GitHub code management repo.
  • Experienced in working with Ticketing & Tracking Tools like JIRA, Remedy, and ServiceNow.
  • Experience is using Tomcat, JBOSS, WebLogic and WebSphere Application servers for deployments.
  • Created and wrote shell scripts (Bash), Ruby, Python, Groovy, Yaml and PowerShell for automating tasks
  • Strong knowledge of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies such as Agile, SCRUM and waterfall models and TDD (Test Driven Deployments).
  • Provided production support in an on-call rotation in a 24x7 environment

Environment: AWS, S3, EBS, ELB, Lambda, SNS, SQS, Glacier, RDS, IAM, CLI, CFT, Cloud Watch, Splunk, Git, Maven, Jenkins, Azure, ELK, Open Shift, Ansible, Chef, Docker, Nagios, JIRA, Agile, Remedy, SCRUM, Python, Shell Scripting, Service Now.

Confidential, Naples, FL

DevOps/AWS Engineer


  • Experienced and a strong passion for the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL& PHP) development stack
  • Created AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for instance RDP/SSH logon, worked, with teams to lock down security groups
  • Configured AWS Data Migration service to move SQL Server database to Redshift cluster.
  • Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, Node.js and Python on familiar servers such as Apache, and IIS.
  • Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on Amazon web services (AWS) & configuration management using Puppet.
  • Designed Java API to connect the AWS S3 service to store and retrieve the media files.
  • Implemented horizontal auto-scaling using OpenStack components such as OpenStack Heat, OpenStack Ceilometer.
  • Delivered Network-as-a-service in virtual computes environments using OpenStack Neutron.
  • Experienced in working with OpenStack object store Swift to store lots of data efficiently, safely, and cheaply and storing unstructured data that can grow without binding.
  • Created proof-of- concept using responsive web design Node JS, modernizer JS, HTML5 and CSS3.
  • Responsible for large scale Puppet implementation and maintenance and instituted AWS automation through Puppet and Ansible environment.
  • Deployed DevOps using Puppet dashboard and Puppet DB for configuration management to existing infrastructure and developed the Puppet manifests creation, testing and implementation.
  • Executed the automation from commit to deployment by implementing a CD pipeline with the help of Jenkins and Chef.
  • Written/Developed Chef Cookbooks to automate the entire deployment process as well as infrastructure admin tasks in both Windows and Linux Environment
  • Integrated Jenkins SonarQube plugin to centralize the configuration of SonarQube server connection details in Jenkins global configuration.
  • Designed delivery pipeline in Jenkins based on different Environments like Dev, UAT and Production and implemented Jenkins as a continuous integration serve
  • Build scripts using ANT and MAVEN build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Built and Deployed Java/J2EE to Tomcat Application servers in an agile continuous integration process and automated the whole process using Maven.
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using Subversion (SVN) and Git source control.
  • Worked on Client-side hooks such as GIT committing and merging, server-side hooks run on network operations such as receiving pushed GIT commits.
  • Managed Nexus repository for the current project created a new repository and provisioned it. Have hands on experience with Bitbucket server.
  • Configured Team Foundation Server(TFS) to run Continuous Integration of builds and execute unit test on all check-ins for .net web applications
  • Developing Applications through configuration management tool Salt stack Automating the applications and monitoring the performance of tools within the environment.
  • Knowledge of Splunk content development with the ability to create queries and dashboards.
  • Implemented the monitoring tools like Nagios to monitor services like CPU, Hard Drive, Memory, Users, HTTP and SSH etc.
  • Worked in development, testing, and production environment using SQL, PL/SQL procedure, python, Ruby, PowerShell and shell scripts and managed to host the servers like Tomcat, Apache and NGINX
  • Handled automated deployments, rollbacks and blackout solutions for Tomcat and Mule containers using Jenkins, Bash and Groovy scripting
  • Scheduled the Linux Cron jobs and Jenkins jobs for build automation.
  • High exposure to REMEDY, BUGZILLA and JIRA defect tracking tools for tracking defects and changes for change management.

Environment: AWS, S3, MFA, Open Stack, Puppet, Jenkins, Git, Maven, Ant, SonarQube, Chef, Java/J2EE, Nexus, Subversion, JIRA, Tomcat, REMEDY, Bugzilla, SQL, PL/SQL, Python, Ruby, Nginx, Apache, Bitbucket, Nagios, PHP.

Confidential, Dallas, TX

Build & Release Engineer


  • Responsible for versioning the source code, releasing binary files, creating and applying labels on source files and release file
  • Well versed with administering and automation using Puppet and SaltStack for deployment on multiple platforms.
  • Efficient in tracing complex build problems, release issues and environment issues in a multi component environment
  • Analyze and resolve complication and deployment errors related to code development, branching, merging and building of source code.
  • Creating the AWS Security groups to enable firewall.
  • Test cloud level deployments in AWS (Amazon Web Services) for future cloud deployments.
  • DeployedMicro-services as RestfulJavaWeb Services on AWS Elastic Beanstalk. Used AWS S3 for configuration files.
  • Managed Linux staging and testing environments and automated application packaging and deployments.
  • Supported Puppet master server and around 500+ Clients by installing agents and managed multiple modules and manifests
  • Defined instances in code, next to relevant configuration on what running and then created the instances via Puppet.
  • Involved in editing the existing ANT/MAVEN files in case of errors or changes in the project requirements
  • Connected continuous integration system with GIT version control repository and continually build as the check-in’s come from the developer.
  • Integrate GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
  • Used both GIT and BIT bucket source control systems to manage code.
  • Responsible for User Management, Plugin Management and End-to-End automation of Build and Deployment process using Jenkins
  • Experience with Build Management tools like Maven for writing build.xml to Pom.xml.
  • Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
  • Automated Linux production server’s setup using Puppet scripts. Documented release, builds and source control processes and plans
  • Created multiple Python scripts for various application level tasks.
  • Configured and managed Nagios for monitoring over existing AWS Cloud platform, Cloud Watch.
  • Build Nagios monitors for new services being deployed
  • Worked with Oracle Database Admin to keep all the specified tables as assigned by developments in sync for every release
  • Used Oracle to connect to various databases and to check for the invalid objects after and before each release.
  • Build and maintain SQL scripts and execute different scripts for different environments.
  • Created Instances in Apache WebServer and JBOSS Application server in QA and Production environments
  • Developed PowerShell scripts to automate the project creation, setting permissions for users, groups in TFS.
  • Documented the SCM process and policies of the company and recommended some process changes.
  • Worked with scrum and development team in overseeing bug tracking, test prioritization, test automation and releases.
  • Maintain and enhance current build procedures for all software development projects.

Environment: Jenkins, Maven, GIT, Puppet, SQL Scripts, Python, Nexus, Oracle 10g, Apache, JBOSS Application Server, Cloud computing tools, Subversion, ANT, Maven, Java/J2EE, Hudson/Jenkins, Apache Tomcat, UNIX, JIRA, Perl Scripts and Shell Scripts


Systems Engineer


  • Managed Source code using SVN/GIT and used the concepts of branching, merging and tagging for release
  • Supported development team to resolve build failures related to environments, tools and scripts.
  • Worked on setting up Jenkins server for build & test applications and maintained ant build script including build.xml and pom.xml.
  • Worked with IT operational readiness team to design and implement build and release scripts using UNIX.
  • Developed and facilitate release/deployment management processes across environments in support of releases and used Build Forge/Cruise Control to deploy project. ear files to appropriate environments in accordance with weekly schedule.
  • Worked on maintenance of Continuous Integration using Maven and managed Maven pom files.
  • Used repository management tools such as Arti factory and Nexus.
  • Created and maintain build automation shell, manage building fixes, merges, release cuts as needed, written scripts for environment changes in Bash and Perl for WebSphere mapping modules to the enterprise application.
  • Revolutionized the traditional build process with the automated Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tool. Installed Jenkins CI to production, Development and test areas.
  • Utilized mixed opensource and other tools such as Nagios for network monitoring, backups with BackupExec, SNORT for IDS, EndPoint for Antivirus/Anti Spyware, WSUS for patch management.
  • Integrated Gerrit tool to git for code review which helped in the reduction of the code defects.
  • Created maintenance branch to apply patches for critical fix.
  • Archived build and placed it in a secure server to retrieve if needed in future.
  • Developed script such as jobclone.sh to clone Jenkins job from one server to another
  • Developed scripts like sendmail.sh to send email notification to the group if server is down
  • Developed script spacecheck.py to check and report the free space on the build servers
  • Created scripts such as laucher.sh to start build process and sequencer.sh to launch build in sequence
  • Experiences updating Java JDK in all Linux, Solaris and Windows machines
  • Experience Installing eclipse with ANT to build JAVA based application, compilation and packaging

Environment: Git, SVN, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Gerrit, Code Collaborator, Jenkins, Ant, Maven, Java JDK, Java/J2EE, Citrix XenCenter, Bash, Python, Perl, Apache, Tomcat, WebSphere


Linux Administrator


  • Responsible for installation (using Kickstart), configuration of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.x/5.x at other data centerover the network.
  • Administered and maintained Red Hat 4.x/5.x, troubleshoot hardware, operating system, applications & network problems, and performance issues.
  • Developed, customized and build RPMs on Linux for deployment on various servers through software DevelopmentLife Cycle.
  • Performed automated installations of Operating System using Kickstart for Linux.
  • Primary support to all kind of issues for all Linux platforms.
  • Developing/executing test strategies and test plans, troubleshooting/analyzing problems.
  • Patch and Package administration to keep the servers updated with the patches and that implementing packages developed for deployment
  • Installed and configured SSH to enable secure access to the servers.
  • Firmware upgradation and deployment of Patches in Linux servers.
  • Worked on creating, maintaining and troubleshooting LVM and file management
  • Mounting and Unmounting NAS share and extending file system (using LVM) in Linux
  • Installation/Administration of TCP/IP, NIS/NIS+, NFS, DNS, DHCP, NTP, Auto mounts, Send mail and Print servers as per the client's requirement.
  • Acquired Strong Skills in installing & Configuring LDAP (Server & Client), creating admin, migrating users to LDAP server and configuring database to LDAP server.
  • Coordinating with SSL team for the certificates to be installed in the system.
  • Experience in resolving Incident Tickets in ServiceNow.
  • Monitor ticket queue to attend user and system calls, attend team meetings, change control meetings to update installation progress, and for upcoming changes in environment
  • Worked on 24X7 off-hour rotation support team.

Environment: Shell and PERL Scripting, Python, UNIX, Linux, LVM, TCP/IP, NFS, VMware, SSH, SCP, RPMS, Patch, SELinux, DHCP, KVM, DNS, ServiceNow

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