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Devops/ Aws Engineer Resume

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New York, NY


  • 8+ years of experience in IT industry comprising of Development, Systems Administration and Software Configuration Management (SCM) Extensive experience includes SCM, Build/Release Management and Change/Incident Management performing duties such as monitoring, automation, deployment, documenting, support and troubleshooting.
  • Good experience on DevOps tools such as Chef, Vagrant, Virtual Box, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, Maven, ANT, SVN, GIT,TFS and Docker.
  • Experience in Infrastructure Development and Operations involving AWS Cloud platforms, EC2, EBS, S3, VPC, RDS, SES, ELB, Auto scaling, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, Elastic Cache, Cloud Watch, SNS. Strong Experience on AWS platform and its dimensions of scalability including VPC, EC2, ELB, S3 and EBS, ROUTE 53.
  • Written and implemented the Cloud Formation Templates (CFT's) for creating, updating and deleting the stacks on AWS, AWS CLI bundle packages are used as the dependencies and pre - defined commands in the form of bash scripts are given to execute them.
  • Experience in working as DevOps engineer for release automation to achieve Continuous integration, Continuous delivery and Continuous deployment (CI and CD).
  • Creating AWS EC2 instances in secured private subnet and deploying them in load balancing, assigning Elastic IP Addresses for AWS EC2 instances.
  • Experience in Ansibleto manage Web applications, Environments configuration Files, Users, Groups and Packages.
  • Well versed with Ansible Playbooks, modules and roles. Utilized Ansible, Puppet, Git and Rundeck to install and configure Linux environments successfully in production.
  • Expertise with Chef Data bags, Ohai plugin, supermarket, provisioning concepts and all various cookbook components like attributes, definitions, files, libraries, recipes, resources & templates.
  • Developed Chef Recipes to configure, deploy and maintain software components of the existing infrastructure. Used Chef to manage Web Applications, Configuration Files, Database, Users, Mount Points, and Packages.
  • Extensive experience in setting up Chef Workstation, Server and Clients.
  • Efficient in implementing DevOps Automation using Continuous Integration (CI) including designing of automated build systems for work set of enterprise applications on LINUX and Windows environment with Jenkins, Ant, Maven and NEXUS.
  • Expert in orchestrating Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipelines using Jenkins achieving the end to end automation from code check-in to artifacts deployment using various build and deploy jobs.
  • Established Master - slave configuration in Jenkins and making EC2 instances, Docker Container, Windows servers, Mac servers as slaves to offload the load from main server.
  • Troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process.
  • Responsible for defining branching & merging strategy, checking policies, improving code quality, automated Gated Checking, defining backup and archival plans using tools like Subversion (SVN)and GIT.
  • Worked on web servers like Apache and application servers like Web logic, Tomcat, WebSphere, JBOSS to deploy code.
  • Experience in using Nexus Repository Managers for Maven builds.
  • Skilled enough to build deployment, build scripts and automated solutions (using scripting languages such as Python, Shell, Bash).
  • Worked on Bug Tracking tools like JIRA, Quality Center and Bugzilla.
  • Experience in application development, debugging, implementation, supporting dev team, testing of Oracle based ERP using SQL, PLSQL etc.
  • Experience in deploying system stacks for different environments like Dev, UAT and Prod in both on premise and cloud infrastructure.
  • Knowledge on various components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose and Docker Registry.
  • Configured DOCKER Containers for Branching purpose and deployed using Elastic Beanstalk.
  • Working with Docker Marathon, mesos Infrastructure. Deploying Web applications.
  • Expert in writing and gathering the functional requirements, excellent communications skills, management skills and technical documentation skills.


Cloud Computing: Amazon Web Services (IAM, S3, EC2, VPC, ELB, Route53, RDS, Auto Scaling, Cloud Front), Jenkins, GIT, Ansible.

Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef / knowledge on Puppet

Continuous Integration Tools: Jenkins, Hudson / knowledge on Bamboo

Containerization Tools: Docker, Kubernetes / knowledge on Docker Swarm & AWS container service

Version Control Tools: GIT, Subversion / knowledge on Bitbucket

Build Tools: MAVEN, ANT / knowledge on Gradle

Antifactory: Jfrog, Nexus

Web servers: Apache Tomcat, Nginx, Jboss

Languages/Scripting: Shell scripting, Python / knowledge on Ruby

Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Splunk

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA, Bugzilla

Operating Systems: LINUX-RHEL/CentOS/SUSE, Windows 2008/2012R2, Mac OS X

Others: MS Visio, MS Project, MS Outlook


DevOps/ AWS Engineer

Confidential, New York, NY


  • Provisioned non-production environments and handled configuration management to drive software continuous integration and continuous delivery using GIT, Maven, Jenkins, Ansible, Cloud and Docker container services.
  • Experienced with AWS EC2, Route53 DNS, ELB, EBS, AMI, VPC, Cloud Formation Templates, Cloud Watch Monitoring and used Ansible to manage AWS Instances.
  • Configured and maintained an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Public and Private Subnets, NACL’s, Route Tables, Elastic Load Balancer, Security Groups and EC2 instances.
  • Involved in building S3 buckets and managing the access permissions using bucket policies and access control lists (ACL) and dealt with object life cycle management and versioning to automate the object archival.
  • Involved in build and maintain of AWS cloud infrastructure utilizing Ansible with AWS Cloud Formation (CFT) and Jenkins for continuous integration.
  • Configured high availability of applications with AWS Auto Scaling and AWS Elastic Load balancer (ELB) using various subnets in various availability zones, configured security settings and health check for application.
  • Experience in managing DNS using AWS Route 53 service also created AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
  • Utilized Ansible and Ansible Tower as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications and proactively manage change
  • Experience in writing Ansible playbooks for AWS-based deployments. Installing, setting up & Troubleshooting Ansible, created and automated platform environment setup.
  • Experience in Ansibleto manage Web applications, Environments configuration Files, Users, Groups and Packages.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack monitoring using Ansible playbooks and has Integrated Ansible with Run-deck and Jenkins.
  • Worked with Ansible Playbooks for zero-downtime installation, upgrade, downgrade, and uninstall processes (MongoDB, Redis, and MySQL).
  • Hands on experience on Terraform a tool for building, changing, and versioning infrastructure safely andefficiently.
  • Collaborate in the Automation of AWS infrastructure via terraform and Jenkins
  • Created the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user experience, and leading up to building a continuous integration system for all our products.
  • Administered Jenkins continuous integration server installation and configuration to automate application packaging and deployments and implemented the master slave configuration on Jenkins.
  • Good experience using MAVEN as build tools for building of deployable artifacts (jar, war &ear) from source code.
  • Experienced in authoring pom.xml files, performing releases with the Maven release plug-in, and managing artifacts in maven internal repository.
  • Handled the Build and release of software baselines, code merges, branch and label creation in GIT and interfaced between development and infrastructure.
  • Involved in the maintenance of source code in GIT and performed Branching, Creating LABELS, merging of codes on GIT for QA and Testing. Analyzed the builds using the SonarQube.
  • Deployed Docker Engines in Virtualized Platforms for containerization of multiple apps.
  • Worked on Docker hub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Experience working with Docker containers, created and managed a Docker deployment pipeline for custom application images in the cloud using Jenkins.
  • Used JIRA for ticket tracking, change management and Agile/SCRUM development process
  • Experience in monitoring System/Application Logs of server using Splunk to detect Production issues.
  • Good Working knowledge of Build scripts and automated solutions using various scripting languages like Shell, Python, Ruby and YAML.
  • Closely worked with Developers and Analysts to address project requirements. Able to effectively manage time and prioritize multiple projects.

AWS & DevOps Engineer

Confidential, Honolulu, Hawaii


  • Created the automated build and deployment process for application, re-engineering setup for better user experience, and leading up to building a Continuous Integration system for all our products.
  • Worked as a DevOps Engineer for a team that involves three different development teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Worked on different environments like Java, .NET, Visual Basic and Visual C++.
  • Configured an AWS Virtual Private Cloud(VPC) and Database Subnet Group for isolation of resources within the Amazon RDS Aurora DB cluster.
  • Implemented AWS solutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups.
  • Optimized volumes and EC2 instances & Created multi AZ VPC instances. Used IAM to create new accounts, roles and groups.
  • Configured Elastic Load Balancers with EC2 Auto-scaling groups. Provisioned and managed Linux servers (EC2 instances) in AWS and supported DEV and TEST teams.
  • Developed automation scripting in Python, chef to deploy and manage Java applications across Linux servers.
  • Responsible for large-scale Chef Implementation and maintenance, Chef Cookbook authorizing, testing and implementation.
  • Used Chef to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data Base, Commands, Users, Mount Points, and Packages.
  • Responsible for installing Jenkins master node, slave nodes and configured Jenkins builds for continuous integration and delivery.
  • Configured GIT with Jenkins and schedule jobs using POLL SCM option. Maintained and tracked inventory using Jenkins and set alerts when the servers are full and need attention.
  • Worked on integrating GIT into the continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins. Created CI/CD pipeline from dev to production environments using Jenkins.
  • Great understanding and Maven with respect to their Tags, Tasks and Targets, dependencies and co-ordinates to write pom.xml.
  • Created bash shell scripts to support various performances and monitoring tasks. Supported developers and other teams to successfully access and use modified scripts.
  • Managed and optimize the Continuous Delivery using Jenkins and troubleshoot the deployment build issues using the trigged logs.
  • Involved in setting up Jira as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plug-ins for the Jira bug/issue tracker.
  • Used jUNIT unit testing framework for Java and RSpec for ruby, for test driven development.
  • Created and maintained continuous build and continuous integration environments in SCRUM and Agile projects.

Devops Engineer

Confidential, Irving, TX


  • Role required Planning, deploying, monitoring, and maintaining Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure consisting of multiple EC2 nodes and Virtual Machines as required in the environment.
  • Installed and configured an automated tool Puppet that included the installation and configuration of the Puppet master, agent nodes and an admin control workstation.
  • Experience in using builds tools like MAVEN for the building of deployable artifacts such as war & ear from source code. Application Deployments & Environment configuration using Puppet.
  • Installed Git, GitHub plug-ins in Jenkins, thus automating the CI process. Automated the build process through web hooks and SCM polling for various intermediate builds with Maven.
  • Automated server builds and web/database application deployments utilizing Puppet and shell scripting Experience migrating traditional data-center applications and databases into public clouds like AWS, Azure, Rackspace etc.
  • Involved in making modules, shows in Puppet utilizing Ruby and mechanized different managerial operands by making modules and shows on various servers utilizing Puppet.
  • Creating test environment and assisting in Change control management.
  • Worked on Shell scripts for automation of daily tasks and created cron jobs& At jobs
  • Installed, monitored and supported Web and Application Servers on Linux environments.
  • Installing and configuring F5 load balancer and firewalls with LAN/WAN configuration.
  • Experience in infrastructure architecture and design of complex distributed systems environments, including failover techniques, recovery/rollback, and application partitioning.
  • Experience in working with the design and the storage teams in EMC.
  • Installed and upgraded servers using the security patches and service packs released.
  • Installed Red Hat Enterprise Linux over the network using Kick start Installation and Solaris using Jumpstart.
  • Creating data volumes, file systems, mount points with the help of shell scripting.
  • Responsible for maintaining and configuring Nfs, Dhcp and scsi servers.
  • Worked with GitHub to manage source code repositories and performed branching, merging, and tagging depending on requirement.
  • Participate in Change management meetings to provide feedback regarding Change related incidents.
  • Installing, arranging and directing Jenkins Continuous Integration instrument on Linux machines alongside including/upgrading modules, Puppet. Troubleshooting Network, memory, CPU, swap and File system issues, TCP/IP, NFS, DNS, and SMTP in Linux servers
  • Maintained the user accounts (IAM), RDS, Route 53, VPC, RDB, Dynamo DB, SES, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.
  • Designed and developed data warehouse and RedShift BI based solutions.

Build & Release Engineer



  • Build, manage, and continuously improve the build infrastructure for software development engineering teams including implementation of build scripts, continuous integration infrastructure and deployment
  • Provided s to users on Subversion (SVN) and Jenkins tool management practices and other tools.
  • Created Documentation for Application Deployment (WAR, JAR, EAR) in Domain and Clustered environments to achieve High Availability and Fail-over functionality.
  • Involved in editing the existing ANT (build.xml) files in case of errors or changes in the project requirements.
  • Implemented and manipulated Shell scripts in conjunction with ANT for release and build automation to suit the requirement.
  • Used Bit Bucket version control system to manage different builds for the system.
  • Installed and configured Subversion server on Linux via the Apache Web Server to provide access over the Http protocol.
  • Participated in the release cycle of the product which involves environments like Development QA and UAT.
  • Implemented & maintained the branching, merging and build/release strategies utilizing Subversion.
  • Configured email and messaging notifications, managed users and permissions, and system settings by using Jenkins/Hudson.
  • Experience working with VMware tools like vCenter and vSphere to manage VM's running on ESX cluster nodes.
  • Administered RHEL 6 which includes installation, testing, tuning, upgrading and loading patches, and troubleshooting server issues.
  • Developed, maintained, and distributed release notes for each scheduled release.
  • Involved in periodic archiving and storage of the source code for disaster recovery.
  • Resolved merging issues during build and release by conducting meetings with developers and managers.

Linux Administrator



  • Installation and administration of RHEL 4.0/5.0 and SUSE 10.x.
  • Wrote UNIX shell scripts for automated installations, to extract logs using C, Bash, Perl.
  • Developed automated processes that run daily to check disk usage and perform cleanup of file systems on LINUX environments using shell scripting.
  • Participated in Java/J2EE and also have the ability to develop XML, HTML, Shell Scripts.
  • Supported infrastructure environment comprising of RHEL and Solaris.
  • Involved in Linux backup/restore with tar including formatting and disk partitioning.
  • Involved in development, user acceptance, and performance testing, production & disaster recovery server.
  • Responsible for setting up Cron jobs scripts on production servers.
  • Perform new builds and decommissions of both physical and VMware servers.
  • Deployed the Java applications into web application servers like Web logic.
  • Responsible for configuring real time backup of web servers.
  • Deployed Enterprise Application Archive (EAR), Web Application Archive (WAR), and Staging production environments.
  • Created and modified users and groups with SUDO permission.
  • Coordinating users for any server activities which may involve major changes on software or any hardware related issues.
  • Applied appropriate support packages/patches to maintain system integrity.
  • Managing the groups and user in Active Directory, installing and configuring send mail and adding servers to domain.

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