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Sr. Cloud / Devops Engineer Resume

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Richmond, VA


  • Overall 8 years experince in DevOps including technologies and platforms like UNIX/LINUX, Azure, AWS, Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform, ELK, Maven, Jenkins, CHEF, Ansible, CVS, Vagrant, JBoss, Tomcat, etc.
  • Hands on experience in implementation, architecture, and design with a strong background in Cloud IaaS/PaaS/SaaS, Private/Public clouds.
  • Experienced in Azure Cloud Services, Storage, Web Apps, Active Directory, Application Insights, and Logic Apps.
  • Expertise in Azure Development, worked on Azure web application, App Services, Azure storage, Azure SQL Database, Virtual Machines, Fabric Controller, Azure AD, Azure Search, and Notification Hub.
  • Hands on Experience in managing hosting plans for Azure Infrastructure, implementing, and deploying workloads on Azure Virtual Machines (VMs).
  • Expertise in AWS solutions using EC2, S3, Dynamo DB, EBS, Elastic/Application Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, VPC, ECS, RDS, Security Groups, Route 53, CloudWatch, Cloud Formation, Elastic Bean Stack etc.
  • Experienced in both framework and CloudFormation to automate AWS environment creation along with the ability to deployment on AWS, using build scripts and automate solutions using Shell and Python Scripts.
  • Expertise in solving manual redundant infrastructure issues by creating CloudFormation Templates using AWS’s Server less application model and deploy RESTFUL API’s using API gateway and triggering Lambda Functions.
  • Hands on experience in Terraform for building, changing, and versioning of Infrastructure and wrote Templates for AWS infrastructure as a code using Terraform to build staging and production environments.
  • Managed security groups on AWS, focusing on high - availability, fault-tolerance, and auto scaling using Terraform templates. Along with Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment with AWS Lambda and AWS code pipeline.
  • Expertise in deep development and enhancement of OpenStack components like Cinder, Glance, Neutron, Heat, Nova etc.
  • Extensive experience in installing, configuring, and administering Jenkins CI tool on Linux machines. Used Jenkins Pipeline to drive all Microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
  • Worked with Automated deployments, Scaling, and operations of application containers across cluster of hosts, provided container-centric infrastructure by Kubernetes.
  • Good understanding of Open Shift platform in managing Docker Containers and Kubernetes Clusters. Bootstrapped Kubernetes with Tectonic and used Terraform to deploy highly available clusters.
  • Extensively used Docker for virtualization, run, ship, and deploy the application securely for fasten the build/release engineering.
  • Good knowledge in several Docker components like Docker Engine, Hub, Machine, Compose & Docker Registry.
  • Designed and deployed container - based production clusters using Docker, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, OpenShift and knowledge in Apache Mesos.
  • Experience in configuring and managing the container using Docker, run multiple applications by Docker Compose, and used to Docker Weave for Network Communication between Containers.
  • Worked with Configuration Management (CM) tools like Chef, Ansible, and Puppet. And experienced in setting up Puppet Master, Puppet Agents for managing enterprise policies and configurations.
  • Explicit knowledge on Ansible Playbooks, modules, roles, and used them in Cloud (AWS, Azure, Open Stack) environments and experience with Ansible Tower to manage multiple nodes and manage inventory for different environments.
  • Utilized Ansible and AWS lambda, Elastic Cache and CloudWatch logs to automate the creation of log aggregation pipeline with Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana(ELK) stack to send all our teams logs coming into CloudWatch to process them and send them off to Elastic Search.
  • Hands on Experience with Chef by configuring the chef-repo and setting up multiple Chef Workstations and created Chef Cookbooks and Recipes to automate the deployment process and integrated with Jenkins jobs for Continuous Delivery (CD) framework.
  • Designed Puppet manifests and bootstrap scripts to allow instances for various roles without maintaining AMI’s and worked on Puppet for the deployment of servers with custom scripts Used Puppet for automation of applications such as Tomcat, Apache, Web logic & OEM client.
  • Proficient in creating Jenkins CI pipelines. Experience in Jenkins to automate most of the build related tasks.
  • Extensively used MAVEN and ANT as a Build Tool for the building of deployable artifacts (war & ear) from Source Code.
  • Implemented a continuous delivery framework using JENKINS, CHEF, and MAVEN in Linux environment.
  • Involved in Jira as bug tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plug-ins for Jira bug/issue tracker and integration of Jenkins with Jira/GitHub.
  • Used Shell scripting (Bash), Power Shell, Ruby, Perl, Python based scripts for merging, branching, and automating the processes across different environments.
  • Hands on experience in deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available systems on AWS. Performance monitoring using Splunk, AppDynamics.
  • Experience in installing Firmware upgrades, Kernel patches, System Configuration, Performance alteration on UNIX/LINUX systems.
  • Performed automated installations of Operating System using Jumpstart for Solaris and Kick-start for Linux.
  • Expert in setting up SSH, SFTP, SCP connectivity between Linux hosts and experienced in DNS, NIS, NFS, CIFS, FTP, SAMBA server, LDAP, remote access, security management and system troubleshooting skills.
  • Expertise in supporting Database environments like Oracle, MySQL, DB2. Also, NoSQL databases such as DynamoDB, Cassandra DB, MongoDB, etc.
  • Good understanding of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) like Agile, Waterfall Methodologies.
  • Experienced in troubleshooting and automated deployment to web end application servers like WebLogic, and Apache Tomcat.


Cloud Environments: Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Open Stack

Configuration Management Tools: Ansible, Chef, Puppet

Build Tools: ANT, Maven, Gradle

CI/CD Tools: Jenkins, Bamboo, Spinnaker

Monitoring Tools: Splunk, Nagios, CloudWatch, Elastic Search, Log Stash, Kibana (ELK), New Relic

Container Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift

Scripting Languages: Python, Shell (PowerShell/Bash), Ruby, YAML, JSON, Perl, Groovy

Version Control Tools: GIT, SVN. Subversion, Bit Bucket & CVS

Operating Systems: Windows, UNIX, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, & SOLARIS

Databases: SQL Server, MYSQL, Oracle, NoSQL, MongoDB, Dynamo DB, Cassandra

Change Management: Remedy, Service Now & PVCS Tracker

Testing/Ticketing Tools: Jira, Selenium, SonarQube, ConnectWise

Web/Application Servers: Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, Oracle Application Server

Virtualization Tools: Oracle Virtual Box, VMWare, vSphere, ESXi, vCenter, Vagrant, Citrix


Confidential, Richmond, VA

Sr. Cloud / DevOps Engineer


  • Experienced in migrating On-premises Instances or Azure Classic Instances to Azure ARM subscription with Azure site Recovery.
  • Involving in various aspects and phases of architecting, designing, and implementing solutions in IT infrastructure with emphasis on Azure cloud and hybrid solutions.
  • Configured Azure web apps, Azure app services, Azure application insights, Azure application gateway, Azure DNS, Azure traffic manager, Azure Network Watcher, implementing Azure site.
  • Created RDD’s extracting the data from Azure Blob Storage (Blobs, Files, Tables, & Queues) and making transformations & actions.
  • Managed Azure infrastructure Azure Web Roles, Worker Roles, SQL Azure, Azure Storage, Azure AD Licenses, Office 365. Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault using Azure Power Shell and Portal.
  • Used Azure Terraform to deploy the infrastructure necessary to create development, test, and production environments for a software development project.
  • Designed and configured Azure Virtual Networks (VNets), Subnets, Azure Network Settings, DHCP address blocks, DNS Settings, Security Policies and Routing.
  • Deployed Azure IaaS Virtual Machines (VM’s) and Cloud Services (PaaS role Instances) into secure VNets and Subnets.
  • Experienced in setting up Azure Virtual Appliances (VM’s) to meet security requirements as software-based appliance functions (Firewall, WAN optimization and intrusion detections).
  • Hands on experience with extracting data from Azure Data Lake into HDInsight Cluster (INTELLIGENCE + ANALYTICS) and applying spark transformations & actions and loading into HDFS.
  • Designed and developed data model and schema on SQL Azure.
  • Experienced in Private Cloud and Hybrid Cloud Configurations, Patterns, and Practices in Windows Azure and SQL Azure and in Azure web and database deployments.
  • Implemented Micro-Services using Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) platform build upon Spring Boot Services and created workflows on TeamCity for setting up pipelines for CI/CD with PCF.
  • Hands on experience with building and installing servers through Azure Resource Manager Templates (ARM).
  • Hands on experience in using tools like Docker Compose, Kubernetes etc., for orchestrating, linking, and deploying the services related to the containers.
  • Hands on experience with Spinnaker for Continuous Deployment with Kubernetes. And used OpenShift for container orchestration with Kubernetes, Container Storage, automation, to enhance container platform multi-tenancy.
  • Based on Ansible for a wide range of server types designed and developed automated deployment and scaling processes. Also, including application tiers such as Elastic Search, Zend PHP, and IIS Clusters.
  • Designed and developed continuous deployment pipeline. Created Jenkins Jobs using Jenkins REST API.
  • Performed Integrated delivery (CI/CD) using Jenkins, Nexus, Yum, Branching, Tagging, release activities on Version Control tools: SVN, GitHub. Used NFS and FTP services for transferring files to various00 machines.
  • Automated weekly releases with ANT/Maven scripting for compiling Java code, debugging and placing builds into Maven repository.
  • Proficient in Linux Utilities: KICKSTART, SSH, FTP, AUTOFS, User Management, Disk Management and Swap Partition/Filesmanagement.
  • Worked as system administration activities using used NFS, NIS, DHCP, FTP, Send mail, and Telnet for Linux.
  • Deployed the java application into web application servers like Apache Tomcat. Involved in the installation and configuration of NIX as a web server.
  • End to end cloud infrastructure monitoring which included monitoring and deployment of core components like Fabric, Storage, RDFE, MDS, SLB, Portal and Billing etc.
  • Worked on ELK and Nagios for server monitoring, also used Net scalar and monitoring tools like Nagios for Load Balancing and Controlling flow of traffic.
  • Good understanding & usage of Atlassian tools (Bamboo, Nexus, Jira). Worked with JIRA tool to track all the defects and changes related to all the environments.
  • Followed Agile/Waterfall methodologies for project development.

Environment: Azure Cloud, Linux, Git, Ant/Maven, Terraform, Jenkins, Chef, JIRA, Apache Tomcat, Bamboo, Docker, Kubernetes, SVN, Windows Azure, SQL Azure, Nexus, Agile, Waterfall methodologies, Shell, Python, Java.

Confidential, Memphis, TN

Cloud / DevOps Engineer


  • Designed and deployed a large application utilizing AWS stack resources (including EC2, S3, RDS, Dynamo DB, SNS, SQS, IAM, ECS, Lambda) focusing on high availability, and auto-scaling in AWS cloud formation.
  • Involved in Architect, build and maintain highly available secure multi-zone AWS cloud infrastructure utilizing Chef with AWS cloud formation and Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
  • Created Load balancers (ELB) and used Route53 with failover and latency options for high availability and fault tolerance.
  • Designed and developed cloud instances running Linux and Windows on AWS, experience with Elastic IP, Security Groups and Virtual Private Cloud in AWS.
  • Managed network security using Load balancer, Auto-Scaling, Security groups and NACL.
  • Created a Python Script to stop all the instances with a specific tag in AWS instance using Lambda functions and made it into Cloud Watch Scheduler to schedule it every night.
  • Installed and configured Splunk to monitor EC2 Linux instances with Puppet automation. Created indexes and generated reports.
  • Used Chef for configuration management of hosted instances within AWS, Configuring and Networking of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).
  • Setting up Kubernetes (k8s) Clusters for running microservices and Pushed microservices into production with Kubernetes backed infrastructure. Development of automation of Kubernetes Clusters via Playbooks in Ansible.
  • Installed and Configured Kubernetes, Chef Server/Workstation, and nodes via CLI tools and wrote Docker files to create new images based on working environments for testing purposes before deployment.
  • Created Docker images using a Docker file, worked on Docker container Snapshots, removing images, and managing Docker Volumes.
  • Focused on Containerization and immutable infrastructure. Docker has been cored to this experience, along with Kubernetes.
  • Experienced in using Docker Swarm and deployed Spring boot applications.
  • Developed Chef Cookbooks to manage system configuration and for Tomcat, MYSQL, Windows applications and versioned them on GIT repositories and Chef Server.
  • Wrote CHEF recipes for automated uDeploy agent installs/updates, uDeploy agent relays install/update and configuring the same with the uDeploy server.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins CI/CD pipeline jobs for end-to-end automation to build, test and deliver artifacts and troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process.
  • Built Scripts using ANT and MAVEN build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to another environment.
  • Experienced in migrating build.xml into pom.xml to build the applications using Apache MAVEN.
  • Hands on experience with Python programming for deployment of Java applications and implementation and automation of Shell scripts for release and build automation.
  • Installed RedHat Linux using Kick Start and applied security policies for hardening the server based on company’s policies.
  • Performed Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tool GIT (GitHub).
  • Managed all the bugs and changes into a production environment using Jira ticketing tool.
  • User, Group creation, monitoring, and maintaining logs for system status/health using Linux commands and Splunk system monitor. Writing new plugins in Splunk to monitor.
  • Created ELK dashboards and searches and parsing logs in Graylog, as well as malware hunting through Kibana and Graylog.
  • Experience in setting up MongoDB, MYSQL, SQL on AWS and worked with various scripting languages like Bash, Perl, Ruby, PHP, and Python.

Environment: Amazon Web Services, EC2, S3, Route 53, Lambda, RDS, Linux, Git, ANT, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet, Chef, MongoDB, MYSQL, SQL, Docker, Kubernetes, Kick Start, Jira, Docker Swarm, Java, Apache Tomcat, Bash, Perl, Ruby, Terraform, Agile.

Confidential, San Francisco, CA

DevOps Engineer


  • Configured and managed various AWS services including EC2, RDS, VPC, S3, Glacier, CloudWatch, CloudFront, ELB, SNS, SQS, SWF and Route 53.
  • Created S3 buckets, defined lifecycle policies, configured object versioning and Event Notification for S3 bucket.
  • Designed AWS cloud formation templates to create custom sized VPC, Subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of web applications and database templates.
  • Implemented cloud services AWS and implemented Bash, Perl, Python Scripting.
  • Designed and Developed AWS Cloud infrastructure utilizing Ansible with AWS CloudFormation and Jenkins for Continuous Integration with high availability and secure multi-zones and automated end-to-end transit hub connectivity resource deployment in AWS via Terraform.
  • Deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full-text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and CloudWatch.
  • Created and maintained various DevOps related tools for the team such as provisioning scripts, deployment tools and staged virtual environments using Docker.
  • Experienced with deployment automation of all the microservices to pull the image from the private Docker Registry and deploy to Docker Swarm Cluster using Ansible.
  • Extensively worked on using Chef Attributes, Chef Templates, Chef Recipes, and Chef Files for managing and configurations across various nodes.
  • Managed Chef Server in pushing the infrastructure change to client nodes, monitoring the logs and security.
  • Designed, implemented, and maintained Continuous Integration (Jenkins) and delivery environments.
  • Created CI/CD pipeline and configured all the build credentials and users in Jenkins.
  • Managed the Maven repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
  • Worked on GIT (GIT Hub) repositories as Distributed Version Control System.
  • Extensively worked on integrating GIT into the Continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins configured the services using modern DevOps tools.
  • Performed WebLogic Server administration tasks such as installing, configuring, monitoring and performance tuning on Linux environment.
  • Merging release branches back to trunk after the production release and resolving of conflicts during merging in both CVS and Subversion.
  • Installed and configured the Apache Tomcat Application servers for Dev and Integration test environments. Automated the process of deployment to Apache Tomcat Application servers by deploying Perl Scripts and Python Scripts.
  • Configured and administered JMS Server, Connection Factory, Topic/Queue, File Store, and Database Store and Distributed Destinations, JNDI, JDBC Connection Pools, Multi Pools and Data Sources on Web Logic Server.
  • Installed, configured, and maintained Tomcat Application Server 7.x/6.x/5.x on RedHat Linux, AIX 6.1/5.3, Windows 2008.

Environment: ANT, Maven, Puppet, Bamboo, Chef, JIRA, SDLC, Shell, Apache Tomcat Servers, Agile, Junit, Perl, Tomcat Application Server 7.x/6.x/5.x, RHEL 7/6.6/6.7, Java, Python, PHP, Linux, Apache, Shell Scripts, XML, UNIX, GIT Hub, Nexus, CVS, Subversion, SQL Server, Terraform.

Confidential, Chicago, IL

Build and Release Engineer


  • Experienced as a Build and Release Engineer in automating, building, deploying, and releasing of code from one environment to another environment.
  • Responsible for the Plugin Management, User Management, Build/Deploy pipeline setup and end-to-end job setup of all the projects.
  • Created and configured jobs, script builder, custom command builder, agents in Bamboo.
  • Automated large-scale deployments with modern configurations and deployment management systems with Puppet.
  • Used Puppet for Continuous Delivery. Managed CI/CD process and delivered all applications in RPMS.
  • Responsible for setting up CI (Continuous Integration) for major releases in Jenkins.
  • Installed Jenkins on Linux machine and created a Master and Slave configuration to implement multiple parallel builds through a build farm.
  • Automated build and deployment environment end-to-end using Jenkins.
  • Analyzed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for SVN and GIT.
  • Extensively used Ant, Maven, Perl, and Bash Scripts for automating build and release tasks.
  • Installed and configured Subversion server on Linux via the Apache web server to provide access over the HTTP protocol.
  • Proficient in deploying and support applications on WebSphere, Tomcat, Web Application Server. Used Shell/Perl scripts for release and build automation. Manipulated and automated scripts to automate the deployment process.
  • Installed and configured monitoring tools Nagios for monitoring the network bandwidth and the hard drives status as well as SAMBA utility software for sharing files with Windows hosts.
  • Followed Waterfall methodology for application development. Proposed and implemented branching strategy suitable for Agile development in Subversion.

Environment: Linux, GIT, Bit Bucket, Jenkins, SQL Server, Oracle, Puppet, Ant, Maven, Perl, Bash, Python, Web Sphere, Tomcat, Apache Web Server, Web Application Server, Subversion, SVN, Bamboo, Agile/Waterfall methodology.


Sr. Linux Administrator


  • Performed System administration activities using NFS, NIS, DHCP, FTP, Send mail, and Telnet for Linux.
  • Installed and configured Apache web servers on various Linux and UNIX Servers.
  • Extensively worked with UNIX and Linux servers using internal tools such as who, du, df, top, dmesg, free.
  • Administered packages using RPM/YUM on Red Hat Linux and maintaining patching on Solaris servers.
  • Hands on experience in recovering root password. Configuring and Implemented RAID levels (RAID0, RAID1, RAID5), Logical Volume Management (LVM), and Load Balancing.
  • Managed systems backup, scheduling jobs, enabling Cron jobs, enabling system logging, and network logging of servers for maintenance.
  • Installed and configured Oracle 7.x/8.x, Solaris, and Linux servers using JUMPSTART & KICKSTART installation & periodic path upgrading using live upgrade.
  • Worked on LAN/WAN, firewalls, & routing for Internet & Intranet connectivity using different protocols like TCP/IP, DHCP, HTTP/s, FTP, SMTP & SSH.Configured Login management centrally using OPEN LDAP.
  • Installed and maintained protocols like DNS, FTP, NFS, SSL, SSH, TCP/IP, and DHCP. Implemented backup and recovery procedure for system and database.
  • Automated processes including full and incremental backups using tar and star; migrate and enlarge file systems on Red Hat 6.5 and CentOS 6.5.
  • Managed Patches Configuration, Version Control, Service Pack, and reviews connectivity issues regarding security problem and did network management TCP/IP, NIS, DNS, NFS, VLAN.
  • Administered Linux servers for several functions including managing Apache/Tomcat Server, mail server, MYSQL databases in both development and production.
  • Monitored health of infrastructures servers and mission-critical using Nagios XI.

Environment: RHEL 6.3/6.4/6.5, Key Vault, LVM, Load Balancer, UNIX, Oracle 7.x/8.x, Solaris, Jumpstart, Kickstart, LDAP, YUM, PowerShell, MYSQL, Apache/Tomcat server, VMWare, DNS, AD, DHCP, RAID, NFS, NIS, FTP, Telnet, SSH, SMTP.


System Administrator


  • Installation, configuration, and maintenance of RedHat Linux Servers.
  • Designed, Implemented, and maintained Windows, Linux, UNIX, Solaris, CentOS, and Ubuntu systems in a mixed environment.
  • Worked on TCP/IP networking including routing and switching, WAN to WAN, VPN tunnels.
  • Responsible for setting up the managing user accounts, security, rights, disk space, and process monitoring RedHat Linux.
  • Performed user accounts administration and maintained SAMBA server of the client.
  • Used NFS and FTP services for transferring files to various machines.
  • Worked on the Nagios core monitoring tool for alerting the servers, switching, and send data via network through specific plugins. Performed activities using Nagios both on Linux and windows systems.
  • Performed server installation using Network-Based Kickstart and DVD on Physical Servers, VM Ware, and OVM.
  • Proficient in Linux Utilities: KICKSTART, SSH, FTP, AUTOFS, User Management, Disk Management and Swap Partition/Filesmanagement.
  • Installing, configuring hardware, and customizing applications using the latest technologies available to design fully automated operating systems in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).
  • Installation, Configuration & Upgrade of Linux Solaris, AIX, HP-UX, and Windows operating system.
  • Developed Shell Scripts to automate repeatable tasks, used Bash Shell scripting to manage directories, files, users, and applications.

Environment: NFS, FTP, Linux, UNIX, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu, NIS, DHCP, FTP, Telnet, Nagios, Kickstart, SSH, Auto fs, VM Sphere, VMWare, Virtual Box, RPM, and YUM.

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