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Senior Firmware/test Engineer Resume

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Santa Barbara, CA


  • Embedded Software/Test Engineer


  • 10+ years of experience in developing firmware/embedded system.
  • Proficient in C/C++. Experience in Java and Assembly.
  • Proficient in Real - Time OS VxWorks. Skillful programming in Embedded Linux.
  • Firmware/Embedded System Developing


IDEs: Tornado for VxWorks, Microchip MPLAB for PIC, Metrowerks CodeWarrior for PowerPC and MC68, and Microsoft Visual Studio (C++ and .Net), QT4, Borland C++, LabView.

SCM/Versioning/tracking systems: Subversion, Perforce, CVS, ClearCase and VSS.

Various test strategy and profile: unit, regression, integration, automation and system test and Software QA.

Networking protocol: 802.3-TCP/IP, HTTP, Telnet, FTP and SNMP. 802.11 WiFi.

Scripts: JavaScript, PHP, Python, Perl, Shell, Tcl/Expect.

Languages/Model/ Techniques: Java, JSP, HTML, XML, DOM, AJAX, CSS.

Framework/Pattern: Java web Start.

Database: MySQL, Oracle.

IDEs/Tools: Eclipse, JBuilder.

Network Analyser/Sniffer: WireShark.


Senior Firmware/Test Engineer

Confidential, Santa Barbara, CA


  • Design, implement and maintain automation which test the functionality of WiFi modules for whole production process (PRO/EVT/DVT/PVT/MP). C/C++, Labview, Perl, Linux/Windows shell scripts, Networking, XML/HTML.
  • Data Analyzer for WiFi test result on RSSI, Noise Floor, Phy: Java, XML.
  • Troubleshoot with the HW, RF and manufacturing teams for failure issues.
  • Develop highly praised automation of RF calibration utility (AutoCal), which optimizes and improves the test process and coverage. Java. Multithreading, networking, swing. Eclipse. MS SQL, XML.
  • Develop POST (memory, Ethernet) in U-Boot.
  • Maintain Linux WiFi device drivers for Qualcomm/Atheros AR9xxx.
  • Simulate & analyze WiFi test data packets by 802.11 protocol and MAC frame.
  • RF Analyzers: LitePoint IQxel/IQView, Atheros Radio Test (ART2) Utility. 802.11 Network Analyzer WireShark + AirPCap.
  • Document test specification and plan.
  • Version control: Perforce, Subversion. Use Jenkins as continuous integration service for software development.
  • Work in Agile Environment. Plan, track and release software by JIRA tool. Code Reviewboard.

Embedded Software / Prime Firmware Engineer



  • Develop Bootloader firmware for Microchip PIC based power control board .Port PIC18 based Bootloader and application to PIC32MX360F256L (MIPS core) + MCP2515 (CANbus controller) from scratch. Bring up hardware components including ADC, PWM, INT, Flash, UART, SPI, I2C and Timer.
  • Web Control Console in the low level development of communication core with the Generator controller. Web GUI design and implement. HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, Ajax. HTTP server, MySql database. Linux/PHP Inter-Process Communication(IPC).
  • Introduce and develop the prototype of web test automation for QA team in CPI by using C#.Net/Watin (Web Application Testing in .Net). Automation to create test cases by XML.
  • Develop Python script and C++.Net DLL interface to CPI Toolkit for QA engineers to use this interface to do test automation for the X-ray Generator system.
  • Develop Linux device drivers with GPIO, RTC, NVRAM and DAC.
  • Develop Windows GUI - Flash Program Utility for downloading. Visual C++.Net and QT4, RS-232 interface. C++, STL and multithreading.
  • IDE and Debuggers: MPLAB IDE, GDB/DDD. ICD2/3, Oscilloscope, wave form simulator.
  • CVS and Perforce as software configuration management tool.
  • Documentation for Software Requirement Specification, Software Design Document and software User Guide. Rick assessment. Code review.

Test Software Engineer, contractor



  • Troubleshot and bug fixing for VxWorks BSP/Device Drivers (FCC, TSEC, PHY Transceiver, Flash Disk, Bootload decompression) on PowerPC MPC8560.
  • Developed diagnostic testing software with VxWorks multitasking, intertasking communications, and networking in C.
  • Developed Tcl/Expect automated test scripts on Unix/Cygwin and did unit, regression and sanity testing for builds.
  • ClearCase version control. Code inspection and Bug tracking.
  • RTOS VxWorks5.5/Tornado IDE 2 for MPC8560 (PowerQuiccc III).
  • Debug tools: CodeWarrior 8 IDE for PowerPC and PowerTap JTAG.

Prime Firmware Engineer, contractor

Confidential, Rochester, New York


  • Designed and developed Linux device drivers for hardware components: I2C, GPIO, UART/RS-485, Ethernet, and J1708. CLI/Menu by Curses. Shell scripting to test drivers. ARM9 toolchain. C/Assembly.
  • Developed Windows GUI based Pulse Signal Simulator by using parallel port to simulate bus odometer to IOP. C++ .NET.
  • Designed and developed PMM firmware from scratch and brought hardware up including I2C, A/D, Timer, Interrupt, I/O pins, LED, Flash. C/Assembly. CodeWarrior IDE for MC68.
  • Lab tools: oscilloscope, signal simulator.

System Analyst, Unique role, contractor

Confidential, Tampa, Florida


  • Network Management System(NMS) for Confidential xDSL modems
  • Developed device-specific views by SNMPc BitView script.
  • Designed new SNMP MIB tables with ASN.1.

Prime Firmware Engineer



  • Traffic Sign LED Display System using PowerPC and PIC18
  • Developed LED device driver with PWM, SPI, Timer, Interrupt, A/D, UART, RS-232/485 and Pin I/O functions by IAR workbench and Microchip MPLAB/ICD2 IDE for PIC18F452 microcontroller. C/Assembler.
  • Ported RedBoot and eCos to MPC866T based prototype. Brought hardware up. Developed device drivers and BSP for Fast Ethernet Controller. SDRAM, CPM, UART and I2C.
  • Ported U-Boot to FP10K GII controller from scratch. Developed device drivers and BSP for FEC/MII, SCC, Flash, SDRAM and I2C. Embedded Linux Development Kit and PowerPC toolchain.
  • Debugging Tools: CodeWarrior IDE for PowerPC. BDM. Oscilloscopes.

System Designer, contractor



  • Web Based Element Manager(EMS) for Enterprise PBX System
  • Big contribution to the maintenance overlay UI as much generic as possible. C, HTML, XML, DOM, JavaScript, CSS.
  • Created test plan and did unit and regression test.
  • ClearCase version control system and Solaris Unix working environment

Software Engineer



  • Network Management System (NMS) for UBS Connection Radio
  • Designed new MIBs in ASN.1 notation.
  • Involved in the SNMP client and 2 kind of NMS:
  • Developed Linux Net-SNMP based SNMP client for both MPC860 and ColdFire 5272. C, Multithread, IPC.
  • Designed and developed Windows SNMP based Element Manager System (EMS) by using Visual C++.Net, MFC, Win32, with functionalities such as configuration, performance and fault management. Built software release disk by InstallShield.
  • Designed and developed web based NMS. JavaScript, HTML and C.
  • Developed test automation software for the Radio by LabView/CVI.
  • Wrote test plan and did regression, unit and system integration test
  • Java/Web Based Network View Tool for UBS Wireless RF products
  • Designed and developed Network View tool for UBS MMDS wireless RF products.
  • Coded for server side with C/Perl/Html/JavaScript as CGI in the environment of RedHat Linux 9/Apache/Nagios/Net-SNMP/Socket.
  • Automated test scripts by Perl.
  • Coded for client side with Java (J2SE/JFC/Swing/Socket for Network View GUI (JBuilder 8 as IDE), and used Java Web Start.
  • XM Satellite Radio Repeater
  • Developed, created and maintained system control and communication codes in Motorola M68360 VxWorks environment with NMS based on SNMP over PPP. Maintained M68360 BSP. Tornado IDE. Signal generator.
  • Designed test cases, documented test plan, software maintenance and user manual.
  • Regression test and system test.
  • Web based Element Manager for Digital Audio Broadcast(DAB) Multiplexer
  • Maintained and developed DAB control code in the VxWorks Web Server environment. C/C++, HTML, JavaScript. Motorola M68360. Tornado IDE.
  • Wrote test plan and did regression and system test.

Java Developer



  • On-Line B2B E-Commerce Transaction System
  • Developed Java Servlets for Internet online transaction system. SQL, JDBC on Oracle 8i. J2SE. JBuilder.

Firmware Engineer/Senior Engineer/Team Lead



  • Real-time Control Application For Data Acquisition System
  • Designed software architecture for the system.
  • Developed middleware with VxWorks and iRMX. C, Assembly.
  • Implemented UDP/IP, Ethernet protocols for iRMX on NE2000 network processor.
  • Developed the system testing applications with socket and multithread by Windows/Visual C++.
  • Mentored junior engineers and did project management.
  • Published 7 papers about computer applications
  • Got 10 more job awards and honour certificates from the company and nation.
  • Mathematical Researcher
  • Studied and researched applied mathematics.
  • Published 12 papers in applied and concrete mathematics, genetics.

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