Devops Engineer Resume
New York, NY
- Cloud Technologies including Amazon Web Services, Open - shift, Open-stack.
- DevOps Microservice Engineer (Creating and maintaining using Docker, Kubernetes, Java microservices, Angular JS, Node JS, NPM)
- Extensive experience withAWS - EC2, ELB, EBS, AWS CLI, S3, RDS Oracle, Cloud Watch.
- Extensive experience installing and maintaining Jenkins in EC2 Instances in AWS Cloud from Scratch with Master & Slave full CI - CD flow for App Dev Team.
- Extensive experience in Docker Containerization and cluster management in Kubernetes
- Experience with Docker Swarm
- Experience with Kubernetes on Openshift Platform Cluster Development and Deployed Environments as IaaS.
- Extensive experience on configuration management using Ansible.
- Experience with configuration management in CHEF
- Extremely knowledgeable about CI/CIT/CID Integration
- Setting up a deployment pipeline for CICD
- Dedicated to optimization - optimizing the operations workflow so that the Developers can deliver code to customers faster
- Actively worked with teams in the creation of Several New Scrum Teams on the Initial phase of the projects.
- Worked closely with the application team to onboard their application and troubleshoot issue pertaining to their own respective technologies like Java, spring, Angular JS, Node JS.
- Understanding & handling all app team requirements, with Architects, Tech Leads and Sr. Developers
- Setting-up automated deployment to all environments: E1, E2 & E3 (dev, staging and production) using XL Release Management Deployment tool.
- Monitoring Service including IBM Tealeaf, App Dynamic, Dynatrace, Splunk
- Production Support, ITSM Process, Service Now, RFC, & IMR; and Jenkins, Powerbroker, XL, Platform Setup, Architecture Flows, Runbook Development, Mission Control Mapping, Deployment, Openshift, I Rule, SAP, load Balancing and Vanity URL services, etc.
- Was involved in the creation of the Release Management Process and Branching Strategies based on Product Planning
- Extensive experience on Ansible Configuration Management tools. Helped the team reach the goal of “Infrastructure as a Code”
- Automation using Shell/Bash Scripting on UNIX, Linux - Red Hat Linux (Cent OS) Ubuntu and Mac
- Automation using Python
- PowerShell with windows
- Well-versed with the Agile Methodology for Software Development Processes and Methodologies
- Part of the Scrum Team from its initial Maturity Level of 1 to a Mature Team of Level 4
Languages: Phython,Shell/Bash
Web Technologies: HTML 4, HTML 5, JavaScript, Angular, Node JS, PrimeFaces, RichFaces, JSF
Dev Tools: Atom, WebStorm, Sublime, Eclipse
Operating Systems: Linux (Red-Hat,Ubuntu)
Application Servers: Apache Web Server, Nginx
Software Development Methodology: Agile TDD, Devops, Waterfall, Agile Scrum
DevOps Tools: AWS, Docker, Jenkins, Appdynamics, Dyntrace, Splunk, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Kubernetes, Openshift, jfrog Artifactory, Nexus, GIT, XL Release Management, Jenkins, Service Now, ITSM, RFC IMR Mgmt., WorkGroup Mgmt, WebServices
Confidential, New York, NY
DevOps Engineer
- DevOps engineer for Amex Tier 1 Applications.
- Helped setup the Infrastructure for the application team from scratch
- Helped create and maintain multiple microservice instances in AWS
- Was part of the initial Scrum team which was at maturity level 1 till it reached maturity level 4 in 6 Sprints.
- Created both Release Management plan and Branching strategies for the new teams.
- Helped migrate applications to public cloud AWS as a part of the POC till the decision was made to move only to private cloud using Openshift
- Involved in doing POC for tools like Chef, Ansible, XL Release, Openshift and Docker.
- Helped migrate legacy applications from old IBM infrastructure to the new PAAS infrastructure in Openshift
- Responsible for the creation CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins
- Worked on creating automation scripts in Shell-Bash and Python.
- Created multiple Splunk dashboard and Alerts to monitor the health of the infrastructure.
- Helped application teams create custom Dashboards and Alerts in Splunk to suit their requirements
- 2+ years of extensive experience in all monitoring service with tools of IBM Tealeaf, App Dynamic, Dynatrace, Splunk.
- 1+ Years extensive experience on Production Support, ITSM process, service now, RFC, IMR etc. Jenkins, powerbroker, XLR, platform set up, architecture flows, Runbook development, mission control mapping, deployment, Openshift, I rule, load Balancing and vanity.
- Extensive experience in implementing Release Management Process and Branching strategies for the individual teams.
- Implemented Ansible for Server Provisioning.
- Onboarding on Monitoring Services like App-Dynamics, Gomez and Splunk.
- Helped containerize our node and java application in Docker
Environment: Jenkins, Splunk, AWS, Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CLI, S3, RDS, Cloud Watch, Openshift, OpenStack, Kubernetes, Redis, Chef, puppet, Ansible, XL Release, Docker, Git, stash, App-Dynamics, Gomez, Tealeaf, Java JDK 6.0/7.0/8.0, HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, JQuery, Node JS, Angular JS.
Confidential, Columbus, OH
Devops Engineer
- Helped implement and maintain AWS infrastructure
- Extensively Used AWS to create multiple EC2 instances as required by the development team
- Created fault tolerant Applications in AWS with Auto Scaling
- Set up monitoring services for the Applications in Splunk
- Created alerts and Dashboards for the health of the applications
- Created automation scripts in Shell/Bash
- Used both Chef and Ansible for Server Provisioning.
- Implemented CICD using Jenkins
- Also Completed POC for CICD using AWS Code Pipeline
- Played a lead role in migrating the code base from SVN to Git Stash
- Was primarily responsible for implementing Atlassian tools such as JIRA, Confluence and Stash in AWS
- Used various libraries of JavaScript like Angular.JS, J Query, and node.js
- Heavily involved in Setting up Splunk Logging for the new application.
- Participated in development of AML (Anti-money Laundering) with Actimize
- Was part of a mature Agile team with a 2 week Release cycle (1 Sprint)
Environment: AWS, Elastic Beanstalk, AWS Code Pipeline, Java, Spring AOP, Actimize, Git, Jenkins, Splunk, Chef, Ansible, XL Release, Node JS, Angular JS, S3, EC2, EBS, Cloud watch, Splunk
Programmer Analyst - Intern
- Primary technologies used in this project was Java 1.5, JSF, jQuery, Prime faces, Rich faces Spring, Hibernate
- Was involved in Requirement gathering, Development and testing if the new application
- Was heavily involved in the Release Management Process and would often conduct release calls
- Improved web application consisting of JSF Framework. Developed user interfaces using JSP, HTML5, CSS3 and AJAX
- Worked on jQuery, Toolkits for building Rich Internet Applications (RIA’s) with Dialogs, Toolbar, Menus, Grid, Form, Combo Box
- Designed an Error Handling Framework to handle exceptions across different integration systems.
- Involved in the Database Design and requirements gathering for database tables, columns and constraints.
- Developed Few Dash board applications for maintaining the records and used States based User Interface to implement complex interface and to simplify the complex event handling code.
- Involved in complete development of ‘Agile Development Methodology’
Environment: Java 1.5, JSP, Servlets, JSF, PrimeFaces, Richfaces, Shell/Bash Scripting, Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Maven, Jira, Subversion(SVN), Apache Struts, Oracle, Jenkins, Red-Hat, Cent OS, Debian, SVN/GIT