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Devops Engineer Resume

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Herndon, VA


  • 8+ years of experience as AWS Engineer/ DevOps Engineer/ Linux system administrator/System Engineer / Storage Engineer in implementation, administration and Application - product support in Linux VMWare and Windows in heterogeneous environments.
  • Proficient working with Amazon Web services (AWS) provided services like EC2, EBS, ELB, S3, RDS, VPC, SNS, Route 53, CloudFront, CloudWatch, CloudTrail, CloudFormation, AutoScaling, IAM, Elastic BeanStalk, Data Pipeline and Security Groups in a highly available and scalable production environment.
  • Experience in Installing, upgrading and configuring RedHat Linux 4.x, 5.x, 6.x and 7.x using Kickstart Servers.
  • Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management)
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) for End to End automation for all build and deployments.
  • 3+ years of experience on various DevOps tools like Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, Docker, SVN, GIT, Bitbucket working closely with developers to integrate automation and managing various applications.
  • Worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for application migration from hard structure to amazon cloud.
  • Created Identity and Access Management (IAM) Accounts on Cloud.
  • Installed, Configured and Administered Jenkins Continuous Integration (CI) Tool, experienced in working with Jenkins to build and test the applications. Configured Jenkins slaves for parallel job execution.
  • Strong working experience in using Nexus and Artifact Repository managers for Maven builds.
  • Experience in Administration and Maintenance of source control management systems, such as SVN, GIT, Bitbucket and knowledge of Clear Case.
  • Expert in Automation of Release and Deploy configuration management to different environments i.e. QA, UAT and production.
  • Deploying and maintaining Micro services using Docker.
  • Using Ansible to Automate the Various deployment using playbooks.
  • Experience with Scripting Python, Bash, Yaml and Java for build automations.
  • Defining Branching strategies and CM build cycle in a complete SDLC for different projects.
  • Good experience in analyzing the code quality using SonarQube during the build phase of the Jenkins.
  • Responsible for designing, administrating creating and documenting the new ACL policies enterprise LDAP.
  • Experience with Linux/UNIX/Solaris environments and scripting for Build & Release automation.
  • Configured and installed Linux servers on VMware workstations 8.0/9.0/12.1 and VMware ESX 4.0 server taken snapshots and reverted as required.
  • Installed and configured Web servers like Apache Tomcat 8.0.
  • Experience automating deployments on Application Server JBoss, Tomcat, WebSphere.
  • Used Zabbix, Nagios, CloudWatch for monitoring the performance of the servers and applications hosted on VPS.
  • Experience with defining release strategy, process and preparing user documentation for software configuration management.
  • Testing experience with Selenium.
  • Strong knowledge of packages in Linux such as Red Hat Satellite.
  • Installed and configured Puppet Master and clients and written manifests.
  • Evaluated and designed the software and the infrastructure for the company-wide private container cloud solution based on Kubernetes.
  • Experience with implementing project change control into software release management in multiple technical environments including UNIX, LINUX and Windows.
  • Created multiple application Instances in minutes and delivered to Production environment.
  • Creation on Load Balancer which serves traffic to Application server.
  • Experience on volume manager (VxVM4.x, 5.x) and VERITAS Cluster suite (VCS 4.x, 5.x).
  • Installed OS watcher 7.3 for server usage logs and Log watch 7.3 to mail and report server status logs on Oracle Linux 5.10, 6.3, 6.5 servers.
  • Installed and configured chef server, workstation and bootstrapped nodes.
  • Written multipleCookbooksinChef. Implemented environments, roles, and data bags in Chef for better environment management and automating deployments via Chef.
  • Experience in RPM and YUM package management (installation and upgrading), Yum Repository creation and management, patching.
  • Experience in using Build Automation using like Maven and Ant Scripts with Jenkins.
  • Good understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experience in handling and generating tickets via Service Now, JIRA, Remedy and Maximo ticketing tools providing day to day resolutions in compliance to SLA cycles.


Operating Systems: Centos 5/6/7, RHEL 4/5/6/7, Solaris Release 2.10/2.9, IBM-LINUX 5.X/6.X/7.1, Windows 98, Windows 2000 and RT.

Hardware: DELL R710/910/920, HP ProLiant, Blade Servers - HS22/HS21, IBM Power Servers P8/P7/P6 Sun Servers e6500, e10k, e15k, e25k, Sun ultra’s, v490, v880, v6800 sun ray (1g ultra-thin client), HP ProLiant DL 380 G4/G5/G6G7, DL 580/680 DL-G5/G6/G7/G8/G8p, LLB’s and Fluke tools.

Web/Application Server: Tomcat, Apache, WebLogic, WebSphere, Nginx, JBoss.

DevOps Tools: Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Docker, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, GIT, SVN and Bitbucket.

Network Protocols: DHCP, DIG, DNS, SNMP, SMTP, Ethernet, IOS, netstat, NFS, NIS, nslookup, RIP, OSPF, LDAP, TCP/IP, and tcpdump.

Cluster Environment: Red Hat Cluster - Redhat 5/6/7 and VERITAS Cluster Servers 4.1,5.0

Programming Languages: SQL, MongoDB HTML, PHP, XML, Shell Programming and Python.


Confidential, Herndon, VA

DevOps Engineer


  • Working in DevOps/Agile Scrum methodology having 4 sprints as a release.
  • Worked on designing, building and deploying many applications utilizing almost the AWS Stack (EC2, S3, IAM, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, ELB, Cloud Trail) with focus on high-availability, scalability and fault-tolerance.
  • Defined AWS Security Groups which acted as virtual firewalls that controlled the traffic allowed to reach one or more AWS EC2 instances.
  • Used Ansible for creating IAM users, subnets, security groups, route tables and ACL’s for VPC creation and deploying EC2 instances on AWS.
  • CreatedS3bucketsandsettingpermissionsforbucketsusingAnsiblerolesandplaybooks.
  • Experience in scripting the Ansible modules and playbooks for automating the Continuous Deployment using Python and YAML scripting.
  • Using Docker for automating the deployment of applications inside software containers.
  • Configuring and Administrating Nexus for Maven build. Extensively used Nexus and S3 as a common artifacts repository to publish Jar/War files and distributed them across teams.
  • Experience in Blue-Green deployments on Elastic Beanstalk for Micro services using EBdeployer and Docker.
  • Experience in running LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack and ELK stack by using Ansible.
  • Involved in setting up Fault tolerant Jenkins server for multiple teams across the group using AWS Cloud Formation templates.
  • Installed, Configured and Administered Jenkins Continuous Integration (CI) Tool, experienced in working with Jenkins to build and test the applications. Configured Jenkins slaves for parallel job execution.
  • Using Jenkins to Build, Test and Publish the project artifacts and also implemented Build Per Branch as part of CI process to run unit and integration tests to help improve the pipeline efficiency.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using Maven as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins to analyze the existing code and make further code enhancements for achieving a better code quality.
  • Integrated Docker container-based test infrastructure to Jenkins CI test flow and set up build environment integrating with GitHub to trigger builds usingWebhookand Slave Machines.
  • Installed and Configured Jenkins as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process and troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process.
  • Installed and configured the Nexus Repository Manager for storing the artifacts within the organization.
  • Deploying the artifacts stored in the Nexus to the Nginx web server using Docker and Ansible on AWS cloud.
  • Perform Deployment of Release to various DEV, QA and UAT in Linux environments.
  • Responsible for the Plugin Management, User Management, Build/Deploy Pipeline Setup and End-End Job Setup of all the projects.
  • Performed Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools GitHub and Bitbucket.
  • Build release of Cloud based products containing Linux and Windows environments, using Bash Shell, Yaml and Python Scripting.
  • Jenkins is used as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process.
  • Build and release software baselines, code merges, branch and label creation and interfaced between development and infrastructure.
  • Implemented Subversion branching and merging operations for Java Source Code.
  • Setup different environments for build (Development, Test, Pre-production and Production).
  • Deployment of the Business processes by creating JAR, WAR and EAR files to WebSphere servers.
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming Designing and implementing for fully automated server build management, monitoring and deployment By Using DevOps Technologies like Ansible, Chef and Puppet.
  • Worked with Development Team Leads and testing teams to establish a build schedule, execute the builds and troubleshoot build failures, if any.
  • Responsible for the Parent Pom.xml, which will be inherited by 120 different applications.
  • Produce weekly activity reports, oral presentations, briefings, standard operating procedures (SOPs), software development life-cycle (SDLC) documents and checklists, risk and issues, logs and required artifacts.
  • Involved in migrating the architecture from regular VM’s to AWS Cloud Management.
  • Continuous integration, testing and automated deployment and management using Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, Maven, Selenium, Puppet or comparable tools.
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources VPC EC2, S3, Route53, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
  • Experience with web deployment technology specifically Linux/Nginx/Apache/Tomcat/Java.
  • Redesigned infrastructure for high availability using multiple AWS availability zones.
  • Experience in manual, validation testing and integrating SonarQube for code quality analysis
  • Created the Users on Puppet-server to setup the workstation on Centos.
  • Solved the various NTP, Selinux and firewall issues for puppet-clients, workstation and server.
  • Writing Shell and Python Scripts for managing day-to-day transactions & for automation of routine tasks.

Confidential, Milwaukee, WI

DevOps Engineer


  • Worked on User administration setup, maintaining account, Monitor system performance.
  • Activities include User administration; startup and shutdown scripts, crontab, file system maintenance, backup scripting and automation using Perl, Bash Shell scripting for Red Hat Linux systems.
  • Created the Users on Puppet-server to setup the workstation on Centos.
  • Experience in testing software used load runner.
  • Expertise in scripting for automation and monitoring using Shell, PHP, Python & Perl scripts.
  • Managing Linux, VMware and servers/VMs. Major work is related to the datacenter migration which includes setting up a new Puppet infrastructure to manage more than 3000 nodes, setting up Ansible for AWS, EC2, S3, Route53 instances, building new servers using kickstart, deploying applications, building and managing netapps and migrating volumes across netapps, production support and On call support.
  • Migrated various applications from on-premise to the AWS cloud using Cloud Formation templates and using interfaces directly with Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3).
  • Experience in installing, integrating, tuning and troubleshooting Apache and Tomcat application server.
  • Performed application installation and management on Linux servers for applications like JBoss 4.2.x, 5.x, Oracle
  • Configuring, administering and troubleshooting of NFS, AutoFS (Direct and Indirect Maps), NIS (master, slave and client) and DNS in multi-platform networks.
  • Automated data from different sources for manipulation.
  • Experienced in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management).
  • Experienced on various DevOps tools like Ansible, Puppet, Chef, Jenkins, Docker, SVN, GIT working closely with developers to integrate automation and managing various applications.
  • Experience in automating, configuring and deploying instances on AWS and Data centers, also familiar with EC2, S3, Elastic IP’s and managing IAM, security groups on AWS.
  • Worked with Amazon Web Services (AWS) for application migration from hard structure to Amazon cloud.
  • Used Amazon Route53 to manage DNS zones and also give public DNS names to elastic load balancers IP's.
  • Used Puppet to organize and execute configuration plans on servers.
  • Worked with Puppet for application deployment and environment configuration.
  • Experience implementing end-end automation using Jenkins.
  • Build the deliverable artifacts using Maven as a build tool in Jenkins for PHP applications and deploy them to various environments.
  • Solid Experience in MongoDB.
  • Designed the software and the Infrastructure for the company-wide private container cloud solution based on Kubernetes.
  • Installing, configuring Ansible on Linux, CentOS clients.
  • Used Ansible server and workstation to manage and configure nodes. Managed Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles. Used file module in Ansible playbook to copy and remove files on remote systems.
  • Experience in working with GIT to store the code and integrated it to Ansible Tower to deploy the playbooks.
  • Expert knowledge and experience with Software Version Control systems: GIT and SVN.
  • Installation and administration ofJIRA, Confluence, Stash, Bamboo, Crowd, Fisheye.
  • CustomizeJIRAthrough Script runner and development of custom plugins.


Linux Administrator


  • Installed and Configured RHEL 2.1/3/4 Solaris 10 and Red hat on Intel and AMD hardware.
  • Monitoring of Linux, Solaris servers using tools like vmstat, iostat, SAR, top, free etc.
  • Install, Update and erase the required packages to provide services using rpm and yum.
  • Partitioning disks using Disk Druid, fdisk with raid options and multipathing with power path on SAN devices.
  • Configured the scheduling of tasks using cron.
  • Experience in using shell scripts for Applications, Backups and scheduling.
  • Responsible for maintenance of development tools, utilities and to maintain Shell, Perl automation scripts.
  • Specialized in Configuring Physical Volumes, Volume groups, logical volumes and file systems on Red hat, Ubuntu and SuSE Linux.
  • Expertise in Adding and Migrating Physical volumes, Importing and Exporting volume groups, Paging space and Mirroring using LVM.
  • Configure and managing LVM on Linux using tools like lvextend, lvcreate and resize2fs.
  • Suggesting system Upgrades, planning & implementation.
  • Enhanced performance using the ITIL technology.
  • Implemented load runner on the server.
  • Performed virtualization on different types of servers.
  • Integrating WebLogic 10.x and Apache 2.x and deploying EAR, WAR files in WebLogic Application server.
  • Worked with product deployment in servers, mail servers, monitoring tools & shell scripts, networking, SQL/MySQL.
  • Providing administration and troubleshooting user related problems.
  • Installed & configured the Chef-server.
  • Written the Cookbooks for Various applications.
  • Worked in user management, process management, software management and daemon management.
  • Installing and configuring for Oracle, Sybase, SQL Server, and Informix Databases.
  • Constant Monitoring of System Performance and managed file systems.
  • Coordinating with vendors to solve the hardware and software related issues.
  • Creating new file system, mount file system, monitoring free space, disk usage, locating files and checking & clearing of log files.
  • Working with NOC (Network Operations Center).
  • Administrative tasks such as System Startup/shutdown, Backup strategy, Printing, Documentation, User Management, Security and Network management
  • Provide responsive off-hours support in a 24 / 7 environment and ensure maximum availability of all servers and applications.


Linux Administrator


  • Installation, administration, configuration of RHEL 5/6 including package management, patch management, regular system administration tasks.
  • Installed RedHat Linux on bare metal servers and virtual machines using kick start and hardening the servers
  • Participated in migrating environment from 4.x to latest 5.x version.
  • Worked with design and features of the system architecture.
  • Work with DB team / MongoDB
  • Creating logical volumes, extending the file systems using LVM.
  • Perform daily maintenance routines on Linux servers, monitoring system access, managing file space and tuning the system for optimum performance.
  • Respond to all UNIX systems problems 24x7 as a part of On call rotation and resolving them on a timely basis.
  • Strong experience in Enterprise Security Domain. In-depth knowledge of LDAP and Identity & Access management products.
  • Set up User and Group login ID, printing parameters, network configuration, password, resolving permissions issues, user and group quota.
  • Converting Android platform Experience.
  • Updated DNS configuration based on the new servers that are rolled out.
  • Worked and performed data-center operations including rack mounting, cabling.
  • Configuring multipath, adding SAN and creating physical volumes, volume groups, logical volumes.
  • Worked on various applications and improving their performance by performance tuning and analysis.
  • Responsible for change management, troubleshooting and resolution of server issues for end users support.
  • Installing and configuring Apache and supporting them on Linux production servers.
  • Used the scripting languages like Shell and Perl scripting.
  • Writing Shell script for Automated Back- ups and Cron Jobs.
  • Tuning kernel parameters for optimum performance.
  • Experienced in Troubleshooting critical hardware and software issues and other day-to-day user trouble tickets.
  • Installation and administration of RHEL 4.x and CentOS.
  • Configured kickstart server and updating/applying patches to the servers using Redhat Satellite server.
  • Remote system administration using tools like SSH, Telnet, and Rlogin.
  • Planning and implementing system upgrades including hardware, operating system and periodical patches.
  • Applied appropriate support packages/patches to maintain system integrity.
  • Performed capacity analysis, monitored and controlled disk space usage on systems.
  • Monitored system activities and fine-tuned system parameters and configurations to optimize performance and ensure security of systems.
  • Installed and configured network-based services such as NFS, DHCP, DNS, FTP, SFTP, SSH.
  • Expertise in implementation and designing of Disaster Backup and Recovery Plan.
  • Experienced in working with different teams such as Network Engineering, Database team& Application teams to resolve the issues and provide customer satisfaction.
  • Experience in automating jobs using Shell scripts.
  • Adding servers to domain and managing the groups and user in AD, installing and configuring send mail.
  • Responsible for maintenance of development tools and utilities to maintain shell, Perl automation Scripts.
  • Installed and configured Virtual I/O Server V1.3.01 with fixpack8.1.
  • Installed, configured, cloned VMs on VMware 5, configured ESX hosts, creating vswitches, templates, migrating VMs across ESX hosts.
  • Designing Firewall rules for new servers to enable communication with application.
  • Working on Volume management, Disk Management.
  • Organized various meetings with teams as mentioned above for tracking their requirements as inputs to get this done and designed the plan/steps involved and took user approvals.
  • Setting up network environments using TCP/IP, NIS, NFS, DNS, SNMP agents, DHCP and Proxy.
  • Set up user and group login ID's, printing parameters, network configuration, password, resolving permissions issues, user and group quota.
  • Creating and maintaining user accounts, profiles, security, rights, disk space and process monitoring.


Linux Systems Engineer


  • Experience working on Logical Volume Management (LVM) administration on Linux. Created VGs, LVs, PVs and disk mirroring.
  • Controlled and managed disk space via LVM.
  • Installed and deployed operating system and security related patches and fixes.
  • Installation and configuration of number of Web Sphere Application Servers (WAS) 5.1/5.4/6.0 instances on development, QA and production environment.
  • Responsible for migration and configuration of IBM web sphere application (WAS) 5.4 to 6.0.
  • Good knowledge of applying online updates, patches & service packs for Linux SuSE & RHEL.
  • Developed Shell scripts for automating these batch jobs.
  • Involved in Storage management, LVM, File system management, User account management, data backups, data automation and user’s logon support.
  • Involved in testing of products and documentation of necessary changes required in this environment.
  • Expert in configuring and troubleshooting TCP/IP, VPN network services.
  • Involved in Building and configuring Red Hat Linux Servers using Kickstart server as required for the project. Maintained maximum uptime and maximum performance capacity for Enterprise Production, QA, and UAT/Staging.
  • Configured, tested and troubleshoot newly built Linux servers with nic card configurations, TCP/IP and applications that ran off TCP/IP stack.

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