Sr. Devops/aws Engineer Resume
East Lansing, MI
- Over 7+ years of experience in IT Industry with 5+ years of experience in AWS DevOps/Build and Release Management, Configuration Management, Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Delivery (CD), Continuous Deployment, Continuous Monitoring services, Automation process of Code compilation, Packaging, Building, Debugging, Managing, Tuning, Deploying code across various environments.
- Experienced working in AWS EC2, RDS, security groups, auto - scaling, load balancers (ELBs), Software Configuration and Build/Release Management Maven, Chef, Puppet, Jenkins, Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Splunk, OpenStack, Ant, Maven, GIT, CVS, SVN etc.
- Experienced in Cloud Automation using AWSCloudFormation, Terraform templates.
- Experienced in AmazonCloud (EC2) Hosting and AWS Administration including S3 and IAM Services.
- Configured RDS instances using Cloud formations and Terraform.
- Experience withVisualStudioBuild Professional, NANT and MSBUILD.
- Plan, deploy, monitor and maintain Amazon AWS cloud infrastructure consisting of multiple EC2 nodes and VMWare Vm’s as required in the environment.
- Used AWS, Creating, Importing and launching volumes, EC2, RDS, Lambda, securitygroups, auto-scaling, loadbalancers (ELBs), NACL in the defined VPC.
- Build application and database servers using AWSEC2 and create AMIs as well as use RDS for Oracle DB.
- Created and design the Terraform templates to create custom sized VPC, NATsubnets, for deployment of Web applications and database templates.
- Experienced working with GIT repository implementation. Defined branching strategies in GIT and implementation of best practices.
- Built Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repos containing Terraform code.
- Installed and Configured Jenkins for Continuous Integration.
- Experience in designing the project workflows/pipelines using Jenkins as CI tool.
- Wrote Maven and Gradle Scripts to automate the build process. Managed the Maven Repository using Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
- Experienced in using Build Automation scripting like MAVEN, ANT and MSBuild as build tools for building of deployable artifacts (JAR, WAR) from source code.
- Experienced in using Ansible to manage Web Applications, Config Files, Data Base, Commands, Users Mount Points, and Packages. Also used Ansible to assist in building automation policies.
- Experienced in Chef, Puppet, Ansible and OpenStack for Deployment on Multiple platforms.
- Deployed and configured Chef Server including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning. Created roles, recipes, cookbooks and data bags for server configuration.
- Developed cookbooks to configure Nginx, tomcat, apache.
- Configuring Nginx, tomcat, apache through cookbooks. Working with Cloud Trail.
- Extensive experience includes SCM, DevOps Build/Release Management like Ant, Maven, Jenkins/Hudson, Bamboo and CloudManagement.
- Experienced with principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, Scrum, and Waterfall methodologies.
- Experienced on creation of Puppet manifest files to install tomcat instances and to manage configuration files for multiple applications.
- Created infrastructure in a coded manner (infrastructure as code) using Puppet and Chef for configuration management of virtual environments, and Vagrant for virtual machine and resource control.
- Managed different infrastructure resources, like physical machines, VMs and even Docker containers using Terraform.
- Developed procedures to unify streamline and automate applications development and deployment procedures with Linux container technology using Docker swarm.
- Good understanding of Open shift platform in managing Docker containers, Kubernetes Clusters, Mesos.
- Experienced with log monitoring tools like Monit, Splunk, Nagios andAppDynamics.
- Experience in database environments like MySQL, Oracle andNoSQLdatabases like DynamoDB, Lambda and Cassandra.
- Experienced in deploying the code trough web application servers like WebSphere/WebLogic/Apache Tomcat/JBOSS and Mail servers like Send Mail, Confidential Lotus Notes, Microsoft outlook.
- Experienced in using bug tracking systems like JIRA, Remedy, HP Quality Centre and Confidential Clear Quest.
- Experienced in working on DevOps operations and tools area, Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management.
- Experienced in Configuring, Managing and Scheduling CRONTABs for App Accounts and Backup management on a regular basis.
Operating Systems: Linux (Red Hat 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, 7.x), WINDOWS NT/2000/2003/XP/ VISTA/7, UNIX - Sun Solaris v 9, 10, Ubuntu 12.x,13.x,14.x,15. x.
Virtualization: VMware ESX, ESXi, vSphere 4 and vSphere 5Citrix.
Version Control: SVN, CVS, Clear Case, GIT
Build Tools: ANT, MAVEN, Gradle.
Continuous Integration tools: Jenkins, Bamboo
Scripting Languages: Bash, Shell scripting, Power Shell, Ruby, Python
Configuration Management Tools: Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Salt Stack.
Automation/Deployment Tools: Docker, Vagrant, Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, Mesos.
Web Servers: WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Apache, Nginx.
Repository Management Tools: Jfrog Artifactory, Nexus
Cloud Environment: AWS, Google Cloud.
Monitoring Tools: Nagios, Splunk, Grafana.
Databases: Oracle 9i/10g, 11g, DB2, SQL Server, Mongo DB.
Confidential, East Lansing MI
Sr. DevOps/AWS Engineer
- Involved inDevOpsmigration/automation processes for build and deploy systems.
- Managed Amazon Web Services like EC2, RDS, EBS, ELB, Kinesis, Auto scaling, AMI, IAM throughAWS console and API Integration with Chef Code.
- Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch.
- Designed the Architecture for Micro-Service Platform usingElasticBeanstalk, Configured the EC2, RDS, ELB and Auto-scaling group onElasticBeanstalk.
- Performed systemadmintasks such as system monitoring, performance usage, networksupport for approximately 100 Linux and windows based servers.
- UtilizedKubernetesand Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, tests deploy.
- Responsible for setup and management of a new test lab for Developers with about 100 physical servers, including the network setup.
- Involved in Installation, configuration and administration of Weblogic Server 11g/12c on Red Hat Linux 5.x/6.x/7.x and Windows environment.
- DeployedWeb-applications using CI/CD tools like Jenkins and Chef in clustered environments.
- Automated theclouddeployments using AWSCloudFormationtemplates and Terraform.
- Used Terraform Interface between Jenkins andAWSto implement auto scaling, cloudwatch in Jenkins.
- Created Docker file for each micro service and also changed some of the Tomcat configuration file which are required to deploy Java based application to the Docker container.
- Developed networking policies for Docker containers. Worked on open source development tools like Docker Containers, Mesos and Kubernetes.
- Work in migrating code from SVN to Git repo (stash/BitBucket), clean the git repo (purging files).
- Implementing new projects builds framework using Jenkins&Maven as build framework tools.
- Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, CHEF and Maven in Linux environment.
- Developed and maintained the Continuous Integration and Deployment systems using GIT, Jenkins, ANT, Maven, Nexus, Nagios and Chef.
- Creating a fully Automated Build and Deployment Platform and coordinating code builds promotions and orchestrated deployments using Jenkins/Hudson, and GitHub.
- Experience in using Deployment tools like Rundeck, Udeploy etc. for deploymentorchestration.
- Written wrapper scripts to automate deployment of Chef Cookbooks on nodes and running the chef client on them in a Chef-Solo environment.
- Configured and maintainedBambooto implement the CI process and integrated the tool with Ant and Maven to schedule the builds. Took the sole responsibility to maintain the CIBamboo server.
- Supporting different projects build & Release SCM effort e.g. branching, tagging, merge etc.
- Evaluated Chef Framework and tools to automate the cloud deployment and operations.
- Performed system administration and operations tasks using Chef.
- Deployed Puppet for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
- Performed Server configuration management via Puppet. Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) implementation.
- Implemented multi-tier application provisioning in Amazon cloud Services, integrating it with Puppet.
- InstallingNoSQLDatabases (Cassandra ) and configuring Monitor tool (OpsCenter)experience in build automation using JENKINS, MAVEN.
- Automated Nagios alerts and email notifications using python script and executed them through Chef.
- Managed Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles.
- Implemented CI/CD Tools (TeamCity, Jenkins, GitLab nexus, JIRA and docker registry/daemon) configuration management and automation using Ansible.
- Written cookbooks for WebLogic, JDK1.7, and Jenkins, tomcat, JBOSS and deployment automation.
- Rolled out Chef to all servers, and used the chef node database to drive host configuration, DNS zones, monitoring, and backups.
- Responsible for configuring management of different application layer modules.
- Created and managed a Docker deployment pipeline for custom application images in the cloud using Jenkins.
- Installing, configuring and maintaining Continuous Integration, Automation and Configuration Management tools to make theOpenShiftcloud setup.
- Usedcodecoverageplugins such as Emma forcodecoverageto increasecodequality.
- Analyzed code quality of project's source code usingSonarQubecode quality tool by performing a scan on the source code based on set of standard rules for a particular programming language and also by running unit tests MSTest/NUnit/JUnit and code coverage.
- Created JIRA issues to prioritize and take an action on what's important, and stayed up to date with what's going on around the project.
- Used Splunk to monitoring/metric collection for applications in a cloud based environment.
Environment: Visual Studio, AWS, Chef, Puppet, Ansible, Jenkins, SonarQube, Maven, Git, Docker, OpenShift, Nexus, Nuget, Webservices,REST, Jira, BitBucket, Linux, python, ruby, WebLogic, Nagios, Splunk, Bamboo, Terraform, Apache.
Confidential, Indianapolis, IN
DevOps/ AWS
- Build server deployment on Cloud (EC2) servers with help of DevOps tools like Chef.
- Managed AWS cloud resources like IAM, EC2, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, CloudWatch, SES, SNS.
- Developed the automated provisioning of AWS cloud environments using Jenkins and chef.
- Created manifests and deploying using Puppet to completely provision and manage AWSEC2 instances, volumes, DNS, and S3.
- Configured and administered of JDBC, JMS in Weblogic Server 11g/12c
- Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch.
- Responsible for distributed applications across hybrid AWS and physical data centers.
- Created scripts for system administration and AWS using languages such as BASH and Python.
- Used IAM to create new accounts, roles and groups and engaged in enabling lambda functions for dynamic creation of Roles.
- Created end to end workflow using Amazon EC2, Virtual PrivateCloud, Chef,CloudFormation Templates, Jenkins, and Server spec.
- Developed CI/CD process for front-endAngularapplication, using Jenkins and Udeploy for contentious integration and deployment, integrated Sonar for code Quality.
- Located, identified and documented security vulnerabilities and exploits to Java applications utilizing Kali Linux, BlackArch and various penetration and vulnerability testing tools to ensureDevSecOps.
- Involved in DevOps migration/automation processes for build and deploy systems.
- Implemented the Build automation process for all the assigned projects in Vertical Apps domain
- Monitored the UAT/Production Environments for any down time issues by performing regular cron job updates in servers.
- Used AWS Beanstalk for deploying and scaling web applications and services developed with Java, PHP, Node.Js, Python, Ruby and Docker on server such as Apache.
- Maintained JIRA for tracking and updating project defects and tasks.
- Set up the rules to each security groups that associated to instances.
- Involved in configuration and automating the Jenkins Build jobs for Continuous Integration.
- Involved in configuring chefserver, chef-solo along with writing ChefRecipes.
- Configured Nagios monitoring tools using Chef.
- Rolled out Chef to all servers, and used the chef node database to drive host configuration, DNS zones, monitoring, and backups.
- Designed and implemented Chef, including the internal best practices, cookbooks, automated cookbookCI and CD system. Made use of Jenkins for Chef CI, and Rake for style.
- Experience using RESTful andwebAPIservices.
- Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Puppet/Chef, Maven &Nexus in Linux environment.
- Setuppuppetmaster, client and wrote scripts to deploy applications on Dev, QA, production environment.
- Worked on creation of puppet manifest files to install tomcat instances and to manage configuration files for multiple applications.
- Wrote Puppet manifests for deploying, configuring, install shield and managing collected for metric collection and monitoring.
- PerformancetuningtheJVMto suit the specific application needs.
- Developed system-level plans and CHO to simulate standing up the private cloud and provision multi-tier topologies based onTOSCAtemplates, contractual, and binding documents.
- Configured Nexus to manage the artifacts in different Repositories.
- Support the code builds by integrating with continuous integration tool (Jenkins).
- Written Maven scripts, Installed Jenkins, written shell script for end to end build and deployment automation.
- Implemented operational efficiencies using scripting tools (Python and PowerShell).
- Worked on resolving production issues and documenting Root Cause Analysis and updating the tickets usingBMCRemedy.
- Implemented JSHint/JSlint testing tool to automate the code review process and published the results on Jenkins as well the graph by comparing everyday nightly builds.
- Architected Permission, Roles, Screen schemes and Workflows for issues in Jira. Used various JIRA plugins likeZephyr, EAZYBI for test management and reporting metrics. Integrated JIRA with Stash and Jenkins to track the development activity in JIRA.
- Used GITHUB andBitBucketas source code repositories.
- Creating environment for user-acceptance testing and facilitating Integration and User Acceptance Testing withJUNIT.
- Configured and maintained codebase to support the build and deployment of code on servers.
- Merging and tagging need to be done after the code went live in environment.
- Maintain a Live Like environment to test any production issues on the setup and push it into production.
- Configure and maintain stress server in different geographical location and provide setup in every release to perform stress testing.
- Automating the regular tasks in Subversion and streamlining the process of access to SVN.
Environment: Visual Studio, AWS, Chef, Puppet, Docker, Jenkins, JIRA, Maven, GIT, ANT, Nexus, Nagios, Webservices,REST, Python, Remedy, BMCRemedy, Zephyr, UNIX Shell Scripting, Bamboo.
Confidential, Memphis TN
DevOps Engineer
- Setting up Continuous Builds using Jenkins. Supporting - patching, rollbacks into SIT, UAT, Production environments.
- Setting up SCM/Build tools for Developers. Helping to resolve all SCM/Builds issues like merge conflicts, compilation errors, missing dependencies, Branching/Merging/Tagging.
- Assisting in the incident management process by reviewing production data and providing analysis on customer-impacting incidents.
- Collaborate with different teams to deploy application code into Dev, QA, staging and production environments.
- Worked with project managers, architects and development team leads to understand and document CM requirements. Developed SCM plans, identified Configuration Items, defined directory structure.
- Responsible for creating & maintaining Java application builds using ANT.
- Performed all necessary day-to-day Subversion/GIT support for different projects.
- Installed and configured GIT and communicating with the repositories in GITHUB.
- Used the version control system GIT to access the repositories and used in coordinating with CI tools.
- Involved for writing Hooks and Triggers using Python.
- Analyze and resolve compilation and deployment errors related to code development, branching, merging and building of source code.
- Develop and enhance the automated configuration management system. Used Maven to perform daily and weekly Software Builds.
- Deep analysis of existing tools that are integrated/used with CVS.
- Installed, administered and configured Jenkins Continuous Integration tool.
- Automated system configuration using Puppet.
- Implemented Puppet modules to automate configuration of a broad range of services.
- Developed Puppet modules to automate deployment, configuration, and lifecycle management of key clusters.
- Wrote puppet manifests for deploying, configuring, and managing components.
- Resolving merging issues during build and release by conducting meetings with developers and managers.
- Maintain build system and automate build process for different applications.
- Deploying Java Enterprise applications to Apache Web Server, JBoss Application server.
- Used Oracle to connect to various databases and to check for the invalid objects after and before each release.
- Solid understanding of Linux shell and Perl scripting, UNIX, Windows, build and release engineering principles.
- Posting the build on time & following it up the testing team on posted builds until the specified release goes.
Environment: Jenkins, Ant, CVS, Git, BitBucket, Fisheye, Python, Maven, Bamboo, Linux, Weblogic, Shell scripting, WLST Scripting.
UNIX/Linux System Administration
- Configuration and implementation experience with VMware ESXi 5.1/5.5/6.0, vCentre server, Host clustering with HA, DRS, replication manager 5.x/6.0, Site Recovery manager, vMotion, physical to Virtual Migration and Managing SAN Data stores with iSCSI, NFS and FC.
- Worked in infrastructure team on installation, configuration and administration of CentOS 5.x/6.x/7, Red Hat Linux 8/9, RHEL 5.x/6.x/7, Red Hat Satellite 6, Windows Server 2008-R2/2012- R2 and SUSE Linux 10.x/11.
- Expertise in Installation, Configuration, integration, Tuning, Backup, Disaster recovery, Upgrades, Patching, Monitoring System Performance, System and network security and troubleshooting of Unix Servers.
- Installed and configured DCHP server to give IP leases to production servers.
- Installation, Configuration and administration of DNS, LDAP, NFS, NIS, NIS+ and Sendmail on Redhat Linux/Debian Servers.
- Provided 24/7 on call support on Linux Production Servers. Responsible for maintaining security on Redhat Linux.
- Creating the Filesystems using RedHat volume manager and performing the health check on regular basis for all Linux serves.
- Upgrading the Kernel in all the Redhat Linux servers and creating initrd image to boot from the Upgraded kernel.
- Storage mapping on Redhat Linux and create the Volume group, Filesystems using Logical Volume manager.
- Adding storage to the cluster disks and increasing/ decreasing the filesystem in RHEL.
- Planning and implementing Backup and Restore procedures using Ufsdump, Ufsrestore, “Tar” and “Cpio”.
- Installed and configured the Red Hat Linux 5.1 on HP-Dl585 servers using Kick Start.
- Managing DNS, LDAP, FTP, Tomcat & Apache web servers on Linux servers.
- Installed and Configured SAMBA Server in Linux for accessing the shared files from the windows environment and Implemented secure gateway using ssl.
- Configuring and Maintaining of Network File Systems like (N.F.S) and Auto mount in networks.
- Installing and updating Kernel. Created and modified swap files and added swap space.
- NTP server and client configuration for synchronization of timing of the entire server with the NTP server.
- Extensive experience in Security Patching.
- Experience in coordinating with storage team and networking teams.
Environment: t: SAMBA Server, Redhat Linux, SUSE Linux, SAN, NFS, Kick Start, Debian server