Sr. Devops Engineer Resume
Dallas, TX
- 8 years of extensive experience in Automating, configuring and deploying instances on cloud environments.
- Experience in the areas of DevOps, CI/CD Pipeline, Build and release management, AWS/Azure and Linux/Windows Administration Proficient in prioritizing and completing tasks in a timely manner, yet flexible to multitask when necessary.
- Expertise in DevOps, Release Engineering, Configuration Management, Cloud Infrastructure, and Automation. It includes Amazon Web Services (AWS) Ant, Maven, Jenkins, SVN, GIT, GitHub, Build Forge, CVS, Tomcat and Linux etc.
- Extensive working experience with broad range of AWS Cloud Services like EC2, ELB, Auto Scaling, VPC, Route53, RDS, S3, IAM, SNS, SQS, Dynamo DB, Elastic search and Cloud Watch, have in - depth practical noledge on other cloud services like Microsoft Azure and OpenStack.
- In-depth comprehension of Agile and Waterfall models. Converted SCM repository from CVS to Subversion.
- Built S3 buckets and managed policies for S3 buckets and used S3 bucket and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.
- Experienced with Deploying and administering Openstackservices me.e. Nova, Neutron, Swift etc. and developing Openstack through Python.
- Experience in dealing with Windows AzureIaaS - Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource Groups, Express Route, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-Scaling, Traffic Manager.
- Experience in Migrating a production infrastructure into an Amazon Web Services utilizing AWS Cloud formation, Code Deploy, Code Commit, Chef, EBS and OpsWorks.
- Configure and deploy AWS Lambda service to run codes in response to events and automatically manage resources.
- Using Ansible to Setup/teardown of ELK stack (Elastic Search, Logstash, Kibana)
- Worked on creation of all BEATS with all test cases to configure in dev and prod environment.
- Using ANSIBLE role created an ELK cluster for non-log purposes to search and analytics of product data and pricing data.
- Implemented Puppet Agent Based and Agentless Configurations, Puppet dashboards, M-collective with active mq server, plugin-sync, stored configs, Hiera-factors.
- Utilized the Docker infrastructure in Centos and Ubuntu for bringing up and managing application containers spawning across multiple deployment environments.
- Developed Python Scripts to automate various system tasks, OS patches for dev environments, and deployment of applications to testing/prod environments using Python OS modules
- Implemented the use of Nagios tool and keynote for monitoring and analyzing the network loads on the individual machines by enforcing custom Nagios monitoring, notifications and dashboard to exhibit various metrics using Shell Scripting and add-ons
- Extensive experience using MAVEN and ANT as build tools for the building of deployable artifacts
- Experience in using containerization tools like Docker for deployment and build web applications, those can run consistently across any machine, integrated elastalert into Kubernetes cluster.
- Experience with a PaaS solution such as RedHatOpenshift.
- Converted existing Terraform modules dat had version conflicts to utilize cloud formation during Terraformdeployments to enable more control or missing capabilities
- Setup and configured Chef Automate Server; Deployed and configured Common Vault Solution for Azureblob storage; Deployed and configured Cisco CSR 1000v router in Azure and enabled IPsec VPN tunnel and hybrid/AWS networking configuration
- Hands on experience on Chef Enterprise, installed workstation, bootstrapped nodes, wrote recipes and cookbooks and uploaded them to chef server.
- Managed On-site OS/Applications/Services/Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2/S3/Route53 and ELB with Chef Cookbooks.
- Worked on Linux Package installation using RPM and YUM, provisioned system with LVM.
- Experienced in all facets of full CM process with tools such as SVN, GIT, PVCS, Clear Case, Clear Quest, Perforce, Cruise Control, Jenkins, Bamboo, Chef and Puppet
- Strong experience in working in Linux and Windows environments. Experience in Linux/Unix System Administration, Installations, Upgrades and Troubleshooting on RHEL 5.x/6.x
- Proficient in managing the source code control of multiple development efforts using Clear Case, Subversion, TFS, GIT and CVS version control tools
- Implemented CI/CD for J2EE, SOA & Micro services Architecture Environment (NodeJS, .Net Core,Zookeeper, Kafka, Redis) using Jenkins & uDeploy.
- Expert in deploying the code through web application servers like WebSphere/ WebLogic Apache, Tomcat and JBOSS
- Extensive experience in setting up baselines, branching, merging, and automation processes using shell and Perl scripts.
- Have worked with setting up a Mesos cluster along with the Marathon to support the orchestration
- Excellent communication, interpersonal and managerial skills.
Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows, Solaris, Ubuntu
Containerization Tools: Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos, Openshift
Virtualization Platforms: Virtual Box, Vagrant, VMware
Configuration management: Chef, Puppet, Ansible
CI and Build Tools: Jenkins, Hudson, Bamboo, ANT, Maven
Application/Web Servers: Oracle Weblogic Server 11g, Apache Tomcat, Oracle Application Server 10g BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.2, WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, IIS
Scripting & Programming Languages: Bash, Perl, Ruby, Shell, Python, HTML, PHP, Java/J2EE, .Net, Groovy, JSON, Node.Js, Powershell, GO
Big data: Hadoop, EMR, Hive, Pig, Scoop, Kafka, Zookeeper.
Cloud platforms: AWS, Azure, Rackspace, Open stack
Logging & Monitoring Tools: Splunk, ELK, Nagios
Databases: Oracle 10g/11g, Mongo DB, MySQL
Version Controls: Subversion, Git, GitHub
Issue Tracking Tools: Jira, Remedy, Clear Quest, me-Track
Confidential -Dallas, TX
- Strong experience with installing and configuring ELK, and BEATS on bare metal and clouds (VMWare, Open stack)
- Worked on all the BEATS of version 6.1.1 and configured in dev and prod environments.
- Used Docker for convenient environment setup for development and testing. Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing directory structures and managing containers.
- Created Docker Images for logstash and kibana in local VM and moved to central NEXUS repository.
- Using SHELL script pushed all the Docker images to Docker central by Docker Image Version.
- Developed a secure ssl Search guard key and XPACK to secure all the beats and kibana.
- Maintained all the Kubernetes clusters on to the single node. And using nodes tested all the cross-cluster searches.
- Using Kubernetes logging separated master and data elastic search nodes into their own pods. And ELKpaas components into their own Ansible roles.
- Added new attributes comprising of versions for all add on components which are fixed to display actual Latitude & Longitude
- Created swm plans for both Logstash and Kibana to install packages and did all the test cases in development.
- Worked on Docker secrets to protect passwords and SSL keys for protecting search guard. And exposed keystore passwords as environment variables.
- Deployed elastalert on Kubernetes to create a configuration file for elastalert.
- Created cross cluster search for obtaining a federated view of several remote elastic search clusters.
- Worked with continuous integration/continuous delivery using tools such as Jenkins and GIT. created workflows in Jenkins and Worked on the CI-CD model setup Using Jenkins.
- Built Continuous Integration environment Jenkins Artifactory and Continuous delivery environment using Jenkins.Automate the code review process and published the results on Jenkins.
- Gained practical training in branching, labeling and merging strategies for all applications in GIT.
- Creating and maintaining GIT repositories also analyzing and resolving conflicts related to merging of source code to GIT.
- Experienced in writing shell/bash scripts to automate the administrative tasks using Cron jobs and managing them in repository using GIT.
- Managed Ansible playbooks managing existing servers and automation of build/configuration of new servers.And created playbooks for open stack deployment and bug fixes with Ansible.
- Implemented automated local user provisioning in instances created in open stack through Ansible Play books.
- Experience in installing, configuring and maintaining Application Server like Web Sphere and Web Servers like Web Logic, Apache HTTP and Tomcat on UNIX and Linux
- Created, cloned Linux Virtual Machines, templates using VMware Virtual Client 3.5 and migrating servers between ESX hosts.
- Lead and provide technical assistance and/or training in using Jira and me-track and other tools as identified
ENVIRONMENT: Elastic search, logstash, kibana, Docker, File beat, packet beat, metric beat, heartbeat, kubernetes, ansible, open stack, search guard, xpack, shell, j-son, GIT, Jenkins, dynamo db., node-js, apache, Unix, Linux.
Confidential -Atlanta, GA
- Interacted with all teams to understand and Coordinate with the Development, Database Administration, QA, IT, Operations and Releases teams to ensure there are no resource conflicts
- Build scripts using ANT and MAVEN build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments
- Using Puppet, deployed and configured Elastic search, Log stash and Kibana(ELK) for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and Cloud Watch.
- Install and configure UbuntuOpenStackPlatform for privateclouddeployment.
- Worked with Ansible to deploy bothOpenStack/Non-OpenStackrelated components like Nagios Infrastructure, Resource Orchestrator, and different applications KVM vm's.
- Worked with MirantisOpenStack6.1 for deploying PrivateCloudInfrastructure with variousOpenStackServices like Keystone, Horizon, Swift, Nova, Neutron, Ceilometer, Heat, Murano, Designate.
- Experience in working with Windows Server 2008, 2012 R2, 2016 Active Directory and Administration.
- Building and Installing Servers throughAzureResource Manager Templates orAzurePortal.
- Migrating an On-premises virtual machine toAzureResource Manager Subscription withAzure Site Recovery.
- Architected and implemented application with using of C#, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, HTML, CSS, AJAX andWinForms.
- Virtual Machine Backup and Recover from a Recovery Services Vault usingAzurePowerShell and Portal.
- Security Patching on theAzureIAAS VMs through the Shavlik Patching Tool
- Solutions Consultant responsible to be primary SME onAzureservices including DRaas, SaaS, PaaS and IaaS while contributing architecture decisions and tasks for ongoing migration efforts.
- Designing and implementing for fully automated server build management, monitoring and deployment by Using DevOps Technologies like Puppet.
- Developed Python scripts for the automation of the cloud deployments.
- Implemented continuous integration using Jenkins and configured various plugins GIT, Maven,
- Work with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change Automation
- Getting started for basic instructions on compiling and installing Mesos. Worked with Marathonfor the monitoring purposes to poll out the health checks vis rest endpoints and put out the schedulers on Mesos cluster.
- Build scripts using ANT and MAVEN build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
- Responsible for monitoring servers, applications and switches using Nagios.
- Experience in using Tomcat Web Server and JBOSS, WebLogic and WebSphere Application Servers for deployment.
- Azure Storage development and design utilizing Blobs, Pages, Queues, Tables and VM's
- Implementing a continuous delivery framework using Jenkins, Ansible in Linux environment.
- Utilizing Puppet web console to monitoring the states of node servers, resources and puppet classes. For reusable code and data management, we use Hiera with Puppet to separate data from Puppet codes and give node-specific data.
- Created scripts for systems administration and AWS using languages such as BASH and Python.
- Configured and setup Kubernetes Cluster environment with a master and 3 minions, Docker containers.
- Worked on infrastructure with Docker Containerization. Collaborated with development support teams to setup a continuous delivery environment with the use of Docker.
ENVIRONMENT: AWS, S3, EBS, Elastic Load balancer (ELB), Auto Scaling groups, VPC, IAM, Cloud Watch, Glacier, ELK, DynamoDB, shell scripts, GIT, Mesos, Docker, Maven, Jenkins, Puppet, Python, Apache Tomcat6.x/7.x, Windows and Linux environment.
Confidential, MA
- Involved in designing and deploying multiple applications using the almost all theAWScloud infrastructure focusing on high availability, fault tolerance and auto-scaling of the instances.
- ImplementedAWSsolutions using EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto scaling groups, Optimized volumes and EC2 instances.
- DevOps role converting existing awsinfrastructure to server less architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis) deploying via Terraform and AWSCloud formation.
- Wrote SQL queries in Kinesis analytics to analyze the data per the requirement. Processed data is sent to amazon Kinesisfirehouse
- Configured Chef Work station with Google Cloud, AWS EC2 andMicrosoft Azure plug-in on dev and test environments.
- Creating and Managing VMs in Windows Azure and setting up communication with the help of Endpoints and VM Migrations from Transitional hosts and VMware
- Implemented a centralized logging system using log stash configured as an ELKstack (Elastic search, Log stash, and Kibana) to monitor system logs, AWS Cloud Watch, VPC Flow logs, Cloud Trail Events, changes in S3 etc.
- Managed servers on the Amazon Web Services platform instances using Chef Configuration management.
- Exposure to Mesos, Marathon& Zookeeper cluster environment for application deployments & Docker containers.
- Repaired broken Chef Recipes and corrected configuration problems with other chef objects.
- Involved in configuring AWS EC2 instances on cloud platform using Ansible/Chef. configured and automated using leading tools in the industry such as Chef and Ansible
- Written Chef Cookbooks for various DB configurations to modularize and optimize end product configuration, converting production support scripts to Chef Recipes andAWSserver provisioning using Chef Recipes.
- Served the ELKstack community with use cases and logstash plugin and Deployed applications using Jenkins server and Troubleshoot build & release job failures, resolve, work with developers on resolution.
- Installed and upgraded the Jenkins plugins depending on application requirement in Continuous Integration pipeline.
- Extensively used build automation tools like MAVEN and ANT for the building of deployable artifacts such as war from source code.
- Defined dependencies and plugins in Maven pom.xml for various activities and integrated Maven with GIT to manage and deploy project related tags.
- Designed highly available Mesos works. Worked effectively in Configuring and Managing monitoring tools like Nagios for monitoring and splunk for log management.
- Responsible for monitoring servers, applications and switches using Nagios.
- Installation, upgrade and configuration of Red Hat Linux using the kick start installation and SUSE
- Administration and support of Unix Servers including SUSE, Solaris, HP-UX & Red Hat Linux and CentOS.
- Strong hands on experience with scripting languages like Python, Ruby, PowerShell, and JavaScript.
- Wrote Python Scripts to Monitor Variety of Services & Perl Scripts with Hash/Arrays to Insert/Delete/Modify content in multiple servers.
ENVIRONMENT: Amazon EC2, Amazon Web Services, RedShift, Nagios, ELK, Git, Jenkins, Azure, Chef, Mesos, Jenkins, Python Scripts, Shell Scripts, Ant, Maven, Nagios, Kickstart, Linux.
Confidential -Green bay, WI
- Managed Chef for configuration management of virtual environments, and Vagrant for virtual machine and resource.
- Installed workstation, bootstrapped nodes, wrote recipes, cookbooks, roles and environments and uploaded them to chef server.
- Utilized Chef for managing the configuration of the application, used knife for bootstrapping nodes, creating and uploading recipes, node convergence in chef and developed chef cookbooks.
- Created detailed documentation of complex build and release process for Demand ware, post release activities process, integrated bit bucket with Jira workflow and Release notes.
- Installed Developed test scripts for puppet modules using beakers, ruby framework, planned and developed scripts.
- Configured, troubleshoot, secured and supported Red Hat 4/5, Centos 3/4/5 and SUSE Linux.
- Installation and configuration of CM related software in LINUX and Windows environments, using LINUX commands and Windows Navigation.
- Developed test scripts for puppet modules using beakers, ruby framework, planned and developed BDD TDD scripts. Developed deployment, configurations, provisioning all the middleware products using puppet and ruby.
- Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, Maven in Linux environment.
- Deployed custom applications using puppet, executed schema updates with liquid base and coordinate everything with Jenkins.
- Worked on integrating GIT into the continuous Integration (CI) environment along with Jenkins
- Written pre-commit, post-commit, post-receive hooks in GIT
- Used kick start/jump start to build Linux OS server for application automation.
- Worked with red hat Linux kernel, memory upgrades and swaps area. Red hat Linux kick start installation and sun Solaris jump start installation.
- Installed Nagios on the Global Servers and developed Bash Scripts for Monitoring Point of view
- Automating builds and deployment process using Bash, Perl, Ruby, Python and Shell scripts with focus on DevOpstools.
- Automation performed using scripting languages like shell, python, BASH, Ruby.
Environment: ANT, MAVEN, Chef, AWS, Git Hub, Jenkins, Puppet, Python, Data Bag, Cloud Watch, Red hat Linux, UNIX, Bit bucket, Jira, Windows servers, Git.
- Installed, upgraded and configuration of Red Hat Linux using the kick start installation.
- Updating YUM Repositories and RPM
- Created virtual servers on VMware ESX and installed operating system on Guest servers
- Configuring and Maintained DNS servers, Mail servers, FTP servers, NFS, NIS, RPM
- Developed shell scripts for automation purpose
- Monitoring servers using Nagios and writing custom plugins
- Maintained JIRA for ticket tracking and work flow
- Scheduled Jobs using CRONTAB and Confidential Utility and wrote shell scripts to automate System Process.
- Administration of UNIX servers like AIX and Sun Solaris in both test and production environment and applied patches
- Build and Deployment of the Linux hardware Nodes to host several KVM templates
- Created RPM packages using the RPMBUILD and checking the new build packages
- Maintaining user's data backup by creating particular user folder in File Server and Applying Security permission on folders
- Responsible for configuring and connection to SSH through SSH clients like Putty and Cyber duck
- Created and modified user, groups with SUDO permission
Environment: Yum, RPM, Putty, Cyber duck, DNS server, Cron-tab, Unix, Nagios, VM Ware, Shell scripts.