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Devops Engineer Resume

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Greenbelt, MD


  • Over 5+ years of experience as a system administration with AWS Cloud Engineer / DevOps engineer with best practices of SCM in Agile, Scrum methodologies.
  • AWS certified professional with excellent knowledge on all the modern Cloud technologies.
  • Expertise in AWS platform and its dimensions of scalability including EC2, ECS, Elastic Beanstalk, S3, EBS, VPC, ELB, SNS, RDS, IAM, Route 53, Auto scaling, Cloud Front, Cloud Watch, Security Groups.
  • Expertise in working with Cloud trail and cloud watch to monitor the logs.
  • Create cloud watch customized metrics for monitoring the redshift cluster performance and EMR cluster performance.
  • Expertise in working with the AWS IAM entities which includes creating users, roles, policies, groups using the cloud formation templates.
  • Experience in creating the SAML roles for giving the least privilege access.
  • Experience in working with AWS config service to track the configuration for AWS resources and work with creating customized rules using the lambda function in AWS config to check for compliance state for Ec2 and other AWS services.
  • Highly motivated and committed DevOps Engineer experienced in Automating, configuring and deploying instances on AWS cloud environment.
  • Involved in supporting cloud instances running Linux and Windows on AWS, experience with Elastic IP, Security Groups and Virtual Private Cloud in AWS.
  • Setting up data in AWS using S3buckets and configuring instance backups to S3 bucket.
  • Experienced in branching, tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN) on Linux and windows platforms.
  • Extensive development experience in object - oriented analysis, design and programming (OOA/OOD/OOP) throughout complete SDLC in various models like Waterfall and Agile.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins, Docker for continuous integration and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployment.
  • Application Deployments & Environment configuration using Chef, Puppet, Ansible.
  • Extensive experience in setting up Chef Workstation, Server and Clients.
  • Experience with container-based deployments using Docker working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker registries and Kubernetes.
  • UsedKubernetesto orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
  • Proficient with container systems like Docker and container orchestration like EC2 Container Service, Kubernetes, worked with Terraform.
  • Used Kubernetes to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers.
  • Proficient in Networking and configuring TCP/IP, DNS, NFS, NIS, NIS+, LDAP, SSH, SSL, SFTP, SMTP, SNMP. Excellent understanding of SDLC Methodologies like Agile, Waterfall.
  • Experience in writing Scripts, Python Boto3 programming for deployment of Java applications.
  • Implementation and automation of Shell and Python scripts for release and build automation.
  • Designed and developed automated disaster recovery for Jira, Confluence, GitHub, Jenkins.
  • Expertise in configuring Log monitoring tools like Elasticsearch, Nagios, Splunk to monitor logs of applications in prod and non-prod.
  • Experience in Designing, Architecting and implementing scalable cloud-based web applications usingAWS.
  • Championed in cloud provisioning tools such asTerraformandCloudFormation.
  • Use RDS, MSSQL, PostgreSQL and DynamoDB, Redshift to perform basic database administration.
  • Experience in front end technologies such JSP, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Angular JS, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
  • Worked with databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase & DB2 and writing the SQL queries & Stored Procedures.
  • Design and development of web-based applications using different Web and application servers such as Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere, JBoss and WebLogic.
  • Involved in migrating and managing multiple applications from on premises to AWS Cloud.


Operating Systems: Windows XP/ 2000/2003/2008, Unix/Linux, Ubuntu, Centos, MAC OS

Versioning Tools: Bitbucket, GIT hub, GIT

Languages/Scripting: HTML, XAML, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, XSLT, Perl scripting, Shell scripting, Python scripting, Ruby.

Cloud Technology: AWS - EC2, S3, EBS, ELB, VPC, IAM, Cloud Formation, AWSCLI, RDS, CloudTrail, Route53, CloudWatch, SNS, SMS, SQS, EFS, Cloud Deploy, EMR, Redshift, IAM, AWS config.

Bug Tracking Tools: JIRA

Monitoring Tools: Elasticsearch, Nagios, Splunk, Cloud Watch

Web/Application servers: WebLogic, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Nginx, Apache

Build Tools: Jenkins, MAVEN and Artifacts


Configuration Management tools: Ansible, Chef


Confidential, Greenbelt, MD

DevOps Engineer


  • Configure, monitor and automate Amazon Web Services as well as involved in deploying the content cloud platform on Amazon Web Services using EC2, ECS, Elastic Beanstalk, S3 and EBS.
  • Worked withAWSEMR, Redshift, S3 and lambda for cloud-based data solutions.
  • Provisioning and monitoring the Redshift clusters that handles lot of data from S3 data lake.
  • Managed Redshift clusters such as launching the clusters by specifying the nodes and performing the data analysis queries.
  • Worked on creating, configuring and maintaining the EMR clusters to make sure the clusters are available to the data engineers.
  • Worked on AWS EBS Volumes, Cloud Formation and Cloud Watch services
  • Created CloudWatch logs streaming for all production environments and alarms for known exceptions of the application
  • Build/terminate environments according to confluence page
  • Worked with ELB for multiple EC2 instances and Autoscaling to maintain the EMR clusters.
  • Installation, Configuration and Management of RDBMS and NoSQL tools such as DynamoDB.
  • Created S3 buckets and maintained and utilized the policy management of S3 buckets and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS.
  • Experience in S3 versioning and life cycle management and move the infrequently access data into the Glacier to maintain the cost.
  • Worked with data engineer to resolve the issues with EMR jobs and Airflow jobs.
  • Created the groups, policies in IAM to maintain least privilege access to the users.
  • Worked on creating the cloud formation templates to automate the AWS infrastructure.
  • Worked on creating the views in Amazon Athena and run the views on the data present in S3 to generate the reports.
  • Implemented AWSCode Pipelineand Created Cloud formationJSONtemplates inTerraformfor infrastructure as code.
  • Automate provisioning and repetitive tasks usingTerraformandPython, Docker container, Service Orchestration.
  • Experienced in performance tuning and Query optimization in AWS Redshift.
  • Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch.
  • Responsible for implementing monitoring solutions in Ansible, Terraform, Docker, and Jenkins.
  • Coordinated with developers for establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using Subversion (SVN) and GIT source control.
  • Automate Datadog Dashboards with the stack through Terraform Scripts.
  • Responsible for installing Jenkins’s master and slave nodes and configure Jenkins builds for continuous integration and delivery.
  • Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker
  • Worked with OpenShift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters.
  • Worked on creating and configuring the Jenkins jobs for data engineers.
  • Used Jenkins, Build forge for Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server.
  • Created Docker images using a Dockerfile, worked on Docker container snapshots, removing images and managing Docker volumes. Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes Linux, Bash, GIT, Docker, on Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD system to build, test deploy.
  • Involved in build and maintain Highly Available secure multi-zone AWS cloud infrastructure utilizing Ansible with AWS Cloud Formation and Jenkins for continuous integration.
  • Create develop and test environments of different applications by provisioning Kubernetes clusters on AWS usingDocker, Ansible, and Terraform
  • Working on Databricks stag to Databricks production CI-CD Pipeline using GitHub Actions.
  • Extensively experienced in Bash, Perl, Python Automation script, Ruby scripting on Linux.
  • Pipelined Application Logs from App Servers to Elasticsearch (ELK Stack) through Logstash.
  • Managed Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2) instances utilizing auto scaling, Elastic Load Balancing, and Glacier for our QA and UAT environments as well as infrastructure servers for GIT and Chef.

Environment: Git, Maven, Jenkins, Ansible, Jira, Agile/Scrum, SDLC, Windows, Nginx, AWS EC-2, Lambda, S3, VPC, EMR, Elastic Beanstalk, Autoscaling, ELB, IAM, Athena, Redshift, Cloud watch, Cloud trail, cloud checker, Shell Script, Python, Unix/ Linux environment, Docker, Airflow.

Confidential, Columbia, MD

DevOps Engineer


  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure in various resources VPC, EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, RDS in Cloud formation JSON templates.
  • Installed, configured and managed the ELK (Elastic Search, Log stash and Kibana) for Log management within EC2 / Elastic Load balancer for Elastic Search.
  • Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
  • Analyzed and resolved conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT.
  • Designed and maintained the GIT Repositories and the access control strategies.
  • Implemented and Maintained the Branching and Build/Release strategies utilizing GIT source code management.
  • Implemented new projects builds framework using Jenkins & maven as build framework tools.
  • Used Maven as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation-using Jenkins along with Python and Shell scripts to automate routine jobs.
  • Involved in integrating chef cookbooks into Jenkins jobs for CD framework, and worked with various custom resources, created roles & environments, and using chef handlers for different auto Kickoff Requirement Jobs.
  • Designed and implemented Chef, including the internal best practices, cookbooks automated cook books CI and CD system.
  • Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such as Nagios for Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
  • Developed Python and shell scripts for automation of the build and release process, developed Custom Scripts to monitor repositories, Server storage.
  • Automated the cloud deployments using Ansible, Python (boto& fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Deployed the Java applications into web application servers like JBoss.
  • Created Pre-commit hooks in Python/shell/bash for authentication with JIRA-Pattern Id while committing codes in SVN, limiting file size code and file type and restricting development team to check-in while code commit.
  • Deployed and configured JIRA, both hosted and local instances for issue tracking, workflow collaboration, and tool-chain automation

Environment: Git, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Ansible, Docker, JBoss, Splunk, Nagios, EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, ElasticLoad Balancer, Auto Scaling, Shell, JIRA, Python, Nginx, Apache, Tomcat.

Confidential - White Plains, NY

DevOps Engineer


  • Primary responsibilities include Build and Deployment of the java applications into different environments like Dev, INT, QA and PROD.
  • Installed Hudson on a Linux machine and created a master and slave configuration to implement multiple parallel builds through a build farm.
  • Integrated Subversion (SVN) and Ant with Hudson to implement the continuous integration process.
  • Created Ant, Perl & UNIX scripts for build activities in QA, Staging and Production environments.
  • Used Nexus tool to manage the repository in Maven and used the same to share the snapshots and releases of internal projects.
  • Created the branches in Subversion (SVN) to implement the parallel development process.
  • Proposed branching strategies and implemented it.
  • Managed Users and Groups in Subversion (SVN) and troubleshoot client spec issues and user issues.
  • The deployment and server bounce process is automated by creating the scripts using WebLogic Scripting Tool(WLST)
  • The build artifacts like wars and ears are deployed into a WebLogic app server by integrating the WLST scripts to Shell Scripts
  • Maintained all the Linux environments for deployments.
  • Directed the Release Management Calls to synchronize with the Developers, Testers and DBA teams for successful Release.
  • Presented reports to the Project manager about the progress and issues tracking key project Milestones, plans and resources.

Environment: SVN, Maven, Hudson, JIRA, Shell, Perl, Chef, WebLogic, Nexus, ANT, WLST.


Build and Release Engineer


  • Configured and administered Jenkins pipelines for automated builds and responsible for installing Jenkins’s master and slave nodes.
  • Maintained existing applications and designed and delivered new applications.
  • Streamlined deployment process by setting up continuous integration with Jenkins.
  • Zero downtime deployments and CI jobs maintenance
  • Used Jenkins and SVN to automate deployment tasks.
  • Built deployment process by setting up Jenkins, SVN and Git. Setup Dev and Test environments that are continuously deployed to with each successful build.
  • Worked on automating Application Build processes.
  • Have written and managed Chef Cookbooks for configuration management.
  • Managed the chef repo, chef work stations and chef nodes
  • Experience with setting up Chef Infra, bootstrapping nodes, creating and uploading recipes, node convergence in Chef SCM.
  • Have closely working with the Development team to create the CICD pipeline
  • Maintained SVN repositories for DevOps environment: automation code and configuration
  • Administration and creation of Hudson jobs, including automatic generation, reporting and alerting of build failures and build status indicators, and information radiators
  • Experience in setting up Upstream and Downstream Jobs in Jenkins and involved in managing the Jenkins Pipelines
  • Created Multibranch Pipeline Jobs for Builds and Deployments, installed several plugins in Jenkins to support multiple tools required for the implementation of projects.
  • Automated CI/CD pipeline for the monitoring tools Docker containers and written script to test them.
  • Ability to work closely with teams, to ensure high quality and timely delivery of builds and releases.
  • Performing application deployments using EAR / WAR files, as requested by the application teams on the respective environments WAS, WebLogic, Jboss and Tomcat
  • Administering, monitoring and troubleshooting tasks related to the support of Web Sphere Application Server, Weblogic and Jboss.

Environment: Subversion, Perforce, Clear Case, Ant, Jenkins, Hudson, Web Sphere Application Server (WAS), Web services, Web Logic, Perl Scripting, Quality centre, Oracle 10g, Visual Build, ANT, J2EE.

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