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Devops Engineer Resume

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  • More TEMPthan 7 years of IT working experience on diverse platforms that includes Jenkins, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, Github, Jira, Nexus, SonarQube, Checkmarx, Kubernetes, Docker, Cloud Computing Infrastructure (AWS, Azure), Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF), CyberArk Conjur, Ansible, Mulesoft, Single Sign - on, Selenium, Middleware (WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat), scripting (python, shell, jython, jacl), Linux/Unix, Mulesoft, Talend, IBM DataStage, FHIR (smileCDR), Pega, Monitoring (Dynatrace, wily), Build tools (Maven, Ant, Gradle, npm, yarn), BladeLogic, and eXtreme Scale.
  • More TEMPthan 5 years of experience in DevOps CI/CD that includes designing, implementing and automating end-to-end Continuous Build, Integration, Delivery, Release and Deployment processes and pipelines.


Confidential, Illinois

DevOps Engineer


  • As a DevOps CICD coach for Product Assurance initiative, collaborated with IT Project Managers, Architects and Lead Engineers to promote best DevOps practices and source code traceability.
  • Migrated more TEMPthan 100 applications from CloudBee Jenkins to OpenSource Jenkins with docker for Continuous Integration (CI) and IBM UrbanCode Deploy for Continuous Delivery (CD).
  • Provided Engineering solutions for Java application deployments automation on WebSphere which reduced deployment hours from more TEMPthan 8 hours to less TEMPthan 2 hours.
  • Extensively worked with Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) and Mulesoft teams to automate and customize teh deployments to respective platforms.
  • Worked with more TEMPthan 50 application teams to include sonar scans during teh build process retroactively and blocking deployments for failed scans.
  • Extensively worked with SecOps teams to enable Single Sign-On on various CICD tools including Jenkins, Github and SonarQube.
  • Extensively worked on Jenkins - Cyberark Conjur integration for secrets management.
  • Vastly experienced in enabling SSL on various tools including but not limited to Jenkins on dockers, IBM UrbanCode Deploy, SonarQube and Github.
  • Provided Engineering solution for Blue - Green deployments for PCF applications including routes and network policies.
  • Enabled automated integrated and standalone Selenium testing in IBM UrbanCode Deploy after application deployments.
  • Worked with Checkmarx team to enable scans during Pull Requests and block deployments for apps that have high risk Jira tickets.
  • Vastly experienced in Installation, configuration, administration and troubleshooting and upgrade of CI/CD tools including but not limited to Jenkins (OpenSource & CloudBees), IBM UrbanCode Deploy, SonarQube and Github.
  • Experienced in configuration, administration and troubleshooting of Nexus (Artifact Repository Manager).
  • Extensively worked on automating teh WebSphere, JBoss, Tomcat, Talend, IBM DataStage, Data Lake applications builds and deployments through CI/CD tools.
  • Worked with ITQA and application teams to integrate Sanity, Smoke and Regression testing using Selenium grid into Continuous Delivery process.
  • Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality and analysis with SonarQube scanners for Maven, Ant, Gradle and npm.
  • Created, maintained and upgraded custom Docker images so that Jenkins instances and all build processes of various build tools and platforms can run on containers.
  • Experienced with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker-registries and Kubernetes.
  • Involved in setup, configuration, administration of non-production & production Kubernetes environments to deploy various microservices on Docker containers.
  • Involved in capacity meetings to discuss and decide teh sizing of teh server resources and tool specific metrics for optimal performance.
  • Created Python/shell scripts to provide custom solutions to automate teh Build and Deployments of Java, Talend, DataLake and Hadoop applications.
  • Regularly conducted Lunch & Learn demo sessions to introduce teh CI/CD tools to wide diverse range of platform teams. Also conducted weekly Office hours sessions to address questions/concerns regarding CI/CD tools, new features/upgrades and enterprise-wide DevOps standards.
  • Worked closely with auditing team to make CI/CD tools compliant of enterprise-wide standards that include but not limited to appropriate change management practices, segregation of duties, minimum necessary access, reporting and maintenance of records.
  • Closely collaborated with various platform and infrastructure teams to provide custom solutions and enhancements to existing solutions.
  • Experienced in shell scripting to automate various tasks as part of teh standard and/or custom solutions.
  • Heavily involved in infrastructure setup, monitoring, maintenance, and decommission procedures.
  • Proficient in Application monitoring tools like DynaTrace and Wily Introscope and worked with monitoring teams to setup and update required alerts for CICD tools availability and performance metrics
  • Worked on POC for enhancing teh PCF deployment procedures that includes creating a CI PCF space dynamically, adding custom services, deploy application, run Selenium smoke tests and tag teh version, if tests are successful so that artifacts can be moved to higher environments.
  • Upgraded UCD versions that includes upgrading UCD UI, agent-relays and agents as per IBM recommended schedule to avoid any security vulnerabilities.
  • Implemented solutions for end-to-end source code traceability.
  • Extensively supported SonarQube that includes working on upgrading SonarQube, enabling SSL, enabling single sign-on, creating Sonar profiles, Quality gates, Webhooks and resolving coverage issues.
  • Worked on manually uploading teh artifacts to Nexus, updating configurations to repositories for third part dependency jars.
  • Created and approved requests in self-service tool “Activate” to create new Git repos and onboard apps to OpenSource Jenkins and UCD automatically.
  • Created a solution for build and deployments of FHIR (smileCDR) apps through CI/CD tools.
  • Provided 24x7 on call support and experienced in with onsite - offshore model

Environment: IBM UrbanCode Deploy, OpenSource Jenkins, CloudBees Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, Azure, SonarQube, Nexus, Github, Jira, Mulesoft, Pivotal Cloud Foundry, Talend, DataLake, IBM DataStage, WebSphere Application/Portal/Process server, JBoss, Tomcat, Python/Shell scripting, Selenium, SiteMinder, ForgeRock, ServiceNow, Dynatrace, Wily Introscope, smileCDR, AIX, UNIX/LINUX, Windows.

Confidential, Illinois

Middleware Engineer


  • Built, supported and administrated WebSphere middleware suites including WebSphere Portal Server, WebSphere Application Server and HTTP Webserver and Tomcat, JBoss on AIX & UNIX.
  • Worked with application development teams and built WebSphere infrastructure to host teh Java based application with high availability and fail over.
  • Migrated applications from WebSphere Portal 6.1 to 8.0 and WebSphere Application server apps from 6.1 to 7.0/8.0/8.5 using migration tools BMC BladeLogic and Phurnace.
  • Worked closely with Pega & DB team to install, configure and troubleshoot Pega V7.19 and V7.31 and supported Pega deployments.
  • Experienced in creating BladeLogic scripts to automate various tasks for WebSphere upgrades, patching, Server maintenance and other routine tasks.
  • Extensively participated in load and performance tests and tuning of portal & WAS applications for prod releases and after migrations to WebSphere Portal/WebSphere Application server 7.0/8.0/8.5
  • Wrote/updated Jython/Jacl scripts to automate WebSphere Portal/Application stop/start jvms, listeners, deployments and renewing certificates
  • Worked on setup, configuration, troubleshooting and load & performance testing and tuning of eXtreme Scale for elastic memory solutions.
  • Extensively involved in configuring SiteMinder agents for WAS and IHS and troubleshooting SSO issues.
  • Built, configured, perform shakeout of Blue Square applications in dev, test and prod environments
  • Deployed applications and performed day to day to WebSphere maintenance tasks for various applications.
  • Executed Base-line tests using LoadRunner for estimating teh load behavior of an application.
  • Create weekly reports to track application usage and key performance parameters.
  • Executed teh scripts through LoadRunner for performance/scalability/reliability testing.
  • Documented operational environment support procedures, configuration and management of application clusters, application load balancing, application server tuning and problem isolation.
  • Worked on UNIX scripts for log rotations, cron jobs for job automation, startup scripts and shell wrappers for wsadmin scripts (jacl/jython).
  • Installed and tuned IHS and Apache Web Server including plug-in configuration.
  • Responsible for installing Secured Socket Layer (SSL) certificates, creating self-signed certificates, generating certificate requests, Import/Export certificates and creating key databases.
  • Deploy teh applications in strictly followed change windows and coordinating deployments with Database changes.
  • Configure Global Security for WebSphere console and assign different roles to Developers and other Administrators.
  • Responsible for installing/deploying application Patches from application vendor, ear and war files in QA and Production Environments.
  • Responsible for Site Minder Application Support, dis includes Web Agent Support like how teh agents are plugged into teh web server, Policy Server like how teh policy server will communicate to LDAP user store schemas that teh policy server uses for autantication, authorization etc, LDAP user store like configuring teh user store, modifying teh user profiles etc.
  • Tuning and monitoring teh overall applications and system health with teh statistics, average response time, number of requests (transactions), number of live http sessions, web server thread pools, teh Web and Enterprise JavaBeans thread pools, database and connections pools, java virtual memory, CPU, I/O and System Paging.
  • Perform incident management activities to mitigate issues that effect teh availability of supported applications in a timely and effective manner and take necessary steps to avoid teh repeat of similar issues.
  • 24x7 on call support and extensively worked with IBM Premium support to resolve critical issues.

Environment: IBM WebSphere 8.0/7.0, IBM Http Server 8.0/7.0, WebSphere MQ, LDAP, SiteMinder, BladeLogic WebSphere MQ/eXtreme Scale, HP SiteScope, HP Service Manager, Tomcat, JBoss, Microsoft IIS Web Server, Shell, Jython/Jacl, Perl Scripting, AIX, UNIX/LINUX and Windows 2008/2003.

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