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Sr. Devops Architect / Aws Engineer Resume

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Washington, DC


  • Around 13 years of IT experience and over 8+ years of experience in DevOps with extensive working experience in Configuration Management, Continuous Integration, Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Continuous Deployment and Cloud.
  • Experience in AWS services such as EC2, ELB, Auto - Scaling, S3, IAM, AWS VPC, RDS, DynamoDB, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Lambda, Elasticache, Glacier, SNS, SQS, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front, Beanstalk, EMR, AWS Workspaces.
  • Worked on migrating traditional on-premises infrastructure to AWS cloud services which now hosts 20+ AWS services.
  • Worked in container based technologies likeDocker,KubernetesandOpenshift.
  • Expertise in Application Deployments & Environment configuration using Ansible, Chef, Puppet.
  • Experience in writing playbooks and deploying applications using Ansible.
  • Experience in using build tools like MAVEN and ANT for teh building of deployable artifacts such as war & ear from source code
  • Experience in dealing with Windows Azure IaaS - Virtual Networks, Virtual Machines, Cloud Services, Resource Groups, Express Route, VPN, Load Balancing, Application Gateways, Auto-Scaling, and Traffic Manager.
  • Major focus onConfiguration, SCM, Build/Release Management,Infrastructure as a code (IAC)and asAzure DevOpsoperations Production and cross platform environments.
  • Strong development and design experience with variousJavaandJEEframeworks likeSpring, Spring boot, Groovy, Grails, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Apache CXF, Jersey, Apache Axis, JPA, Hibernate, MyBiatis, Struts, JSF, EJB 3.1, EJB 2.1 and JMS.
  • Hands-on experience with AWS services like Compute (EC2, AMIs, Elastic Load Balancers, Auto Scaling), Storage (S3, EBS, Glacier), Database (RDS, DynamoDB), Networking & Content Delivery (VPC, CloudFront, Route53), Desktop & App Streaming (AWS WorkSpaces, AppStream 2.0), Management Tools (CloudWatch, CloudFormation, Trusted Advisor), and Messaging Services (SQS, SNS, SES).
  • Strong JavaScript development experience including frameworks and libraries likeAngular JS, Express, Require JS, JQuery, Dojo and Yui.
  • Experience in working in agile practices likeATTDandTTDusing Junit, and mocking libraries likeMockito, Jmockfor Java applications andKarma JS, Jasmine, Mocha JS, cucumber JS and Selenium web driverfor UI applications.
  • Experience in building applications of various architecture styles like Micro-services architecture consisting of Restful web services and Docker container based deployments, Event driven architecture applications built usingspring integration, RX java, Bacon JS, Apachekafka and SOA built using SOAP base JAX-WS web services and Mule ESB.
  • Experience with Docker or Linux container technologies like Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker Swarm.
  • Good understanding of principals and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) and SDLC. Good knowledge on JSON, Java, PHP, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, XML.
  • Launched EC2 Cloud Instances using AWS (Linux) and Configuring launched instances with respect to specific applications.
  • Experienced in processing Bigdata on teh Apache Hadoop framework using MapReduce programs.
  • Excellent understanding and knowledge of NOSQL databases like HBase and Mongo DB.
  • Experience in working with Windows, UNIX/LINUX platform with different technologies such asBig Data,SQL, XML, HTML, Core Java, Shell Scripting etc.
  • Experience in managing and reviewing Hadoop log files.
  • Experienced in processing Bigdata on teh Apache Hadoop framework using MapReduce programs.
  • Experience in detailed system design using use case analysis, functional analysis, modelling program with class sequence, activity and state diagrams using UML and rational rose.
  • Proficient in Retail, Telecom and Banking Domains.
  • Experience in giving training and guiding new team members in teh Project.
  • Participated in Setting up teh Blue prism development environment (software installation, installation of related technologies such as Splunk/logging etc.)
  • Exposed in working with SparkDataFrames and optimized teh SLA’s.
  • Designed and created multiple deployment strategies using CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins.
  • Prototype CI/CD system with GitLab onGKEutilizing kubernetes and Docker for teh runtime environment for teh CI/CD systems to build and test and deploy.
  • Built end to end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applications, perform tests and push build artifacts to Nexus.
  • 7, Web Services (REST, SOAP), JDBC, Java Script and JQuery.
  • Independent contributor for DevOps with various cloud technologies in AWS.
  • Hands on experience in using configuration management tools Chef, Puppet and Ansible.
  • Knowledge in Virtual servers including Docker, Vagrant environments.
  • Good understanding of Open shift platform in managing Docker containers and Kubernetes Clusters
  • Experience creating pods and clusters in Kubernetes and deploy those using Open Shift.
  • Proficient knowledge in working on version control tools like GIT. Experience in implementing and maintaining teh branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT on AWS.
  • Experience in Software analysis, design, development and integration using J2EE technologies like Java, Web services, ANT, Maven, Nexus, JSON and XML technologies.
  • Good Command in Basic Linux administration.
  • Provided day-to- day operational support to related infrastructures. knowledge on Implementing and controlling teh flow of data to and from AWS and selecting teh appropriate AWS service based on compute, data, or security requirements.
  • Experience with configuration and monitoring distributed and multi-platform servers using Chef in AWS Cloud Environment. Used ticketing tools like JIRA, Service now, Remedy and Open ALM.
  • Experience managing data migration from data centers to AWS Cloud using Amazon DMS.
  • Experience in troubleshooting ay issues generated while building, deploying and when in production.
  • Hands on experience (Knowledge) on performance monitoring tools like App-Dynamics, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation and Services Related to AWS.


Operating Systems: Linux Red Hat (4.x, 5.x, 6.x), Linux CentOS, Ubuntu, UNIX, Windows 2000/2003/XP/VISTA/7, AIX, Solaris.

Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT, GITHUB, TFS, CVS and IBM Rational Clear Case.

Web/ Application Servers: Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, Web Sphere and Jboss., cyber ark.

Automation Tools: Jenkins/Hudson/XLR, SOAPUI, Build Forge and Bamboo.

Build Tools: Maven, Ant and MS Build, Cobertura.

Configuration Tools: Chef, Puppet and Ansible.

Databases: Oracle 9i/10g/11g/12c, DB2, MS Access and SQL Server 2012/2008R2/2005.

Bug Tracking Tools: Jira, Remedy, HP Quality Center and IBM Clear Quest.

Virtualization Tools: Docker, VM Virtual Box and VMware.

Cloud Platform: AWS EC2, AWS VPC, ELB, RDS, Route 53, ECS, EBS, Cloud Formation AWS Config and S3, Openshift.

Programming Scripting Languages: Shell, Bash, Perl, Groovy, Ruby, Java script Python, C/C++, Java, C#.Net, VB.Net, PHP and PL/SQL.


Confidential, Washington,DC

Sr. DevOps Architect / AWS Engineer


  • Experience in working overApache Spark,Kafka,Hadoop and Cassandraunder teh environment ofApache Mesos. Also usedApache OozieandAirflow.
  • IncludedMesosandKafkafor managing teh real-time data streamlines under proper environments. Depended onZookeeperfor any assistance.
  • LaunchedApache Tomcatalong withHibernatefor controlling incoming user requests regarding Web Applications and their persistence with theRDBS.
  • Experience with Docker or Linux container technologies like Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker Swarm.
  • Worked on infrastructure with Docker containerization and maintained Docker Images and containers.
  • Implemented and managed Dynatrace on business social critical desktop and mobile applications.
  • Experience in configuration and administration ofSplunkclusters and in-depth knowledge of analysis and maintaining logs.
  • Experience in using Splunk, Appdynamics, Dynatrace,Nagios, IBM monitoring tools (TAM).
  • Managed and monitored teh server and network infrastructure usingAppDynamics,Splunk Performed system administration and operations tasks using Jenkins, AppDynamics.
  • Experience in using Splunk, Appdynamics, Dynatrace,Nagios, IBM monitoring tools (TAM).
  • Configured and maintained Jenkins to implement teh CI process and integrated teh tool withAntandMavento schedule teh builds.
  • WroteMavenScripts to automate teh build process.
  • Developed build and Deployment Scripts usingANTandMAVENas build tools inJenkinsto move from one environment to other environments.
  • Experience working with XLR (Xebia Labs Release), deployment automation tool. Automated release process by creating teh templates, used Groovyscripts as preconditions.
  • ImplementedPuppetConfigure management technique onwindowsserver 2012 r2 instances usingPowerShellDSC along withPuppetDSL.
  • Experience in working in agile practices likeATTDandTTDusing Junit, and mocking libraries likeMockito, Jmockfor Java applications andKarma JS, Jasmine, Mocha JS, cucumber JS and Selenium web driverfor UI applications.
  • Setup required infrastructure in AWS and created pipelines in DEV, TEST, STAGING and PRODUCTION
  • Migrated Infrastructure to AWS Cloud and transferred on-premises data to AWS RDS with DATA EXPORT IMPORT (DEI job)
  • Created an AWS RDS Aurora DB cluster and connected to teh database through an Amazon RDS Aurora DB Instance using teh Amazon RDS Console.
  • Integrated Amazon Cloud Watch with Amazon EC2 instances for monitoring teh log files, store them
  • Involved in setting upJIRAas defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations, and plugins for theJIRAbug/issue tracker.
  • Extensively used JIRA to create sprints, bug tracking, issue tracking, project management functions and releases.
  • Created automation scripts inSOAPUIusing Groovy Script for web services testing.
  • ConfiguredSelenium WebDriver, TestNG, Maven tooland created Selenium automation scripts in java usingTestNGprior to agile release.
  • Experience in developing scripts using RESTful API models for teh purposes of integrating workflows with AWS.
  • UsingApigeeandMicroservices, we do deployment, scaling and stack implementation of teh components in an independent way.
  • Good understanding and related experience with Hadoopstack-internals,Hive, Pig and Map/Reduce.
  • Perform secure desktop application streaming from AWS to a web browser using Amazon AppStream 2.0
  • Worked on migrating traditional on-premises infrastructure to AWS cloud services.
  • Involved in managing and reviewing Hadoop log files.
  • Involved in Loading and transforming large sets of structured, semi structured and unstructured data.
  • Involved in loading data fromUNIXfile system toHDFS.
  • Point team player on OpenShift for creating new Projects, Services for load balancing and adding them to Routes to be accessible from outside, troubleshooting pods through ssh and logs, modification ofBuildconfigs, templates,Imagestreams, etc
  • Deployed and configured Elastic search, Log stash and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full text search, application monitoring in integration with AWS Lambda and X-Ray
  • Responsible to designing and deploying new ELK clusters
  • DevelopedAnsibleplaybooks for automatic deployment and configuration ofRHELservers for test and prod environments.
  • Involved in running Hadoop streaming jobs to process terabytes of text data.
  • Developed HIVE queries for teh analysts.
  • Implemented Partitioning, Dynamic Partitions, Buckets in HIVE.
  • Exported teh result set fromHIVEto MySQL using Shell scripts.
  • Used Git for version control.
  • Worked closely with Business users. Interacted with ETL developers, Project Managers, and members of teh QA teams.
  • Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to teh Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes
  • Built end to end CI/CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applications, perform tests and push build artifacts to Nexus.
  • Managing teh Openshift cluster dat includes scaling up and down teh AWS app nodes.
  • Worked on creating teh Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing teh application lifecycle.
  • Designed and developed Chef Cookbooks for automation deployment and upgrades of Commissions and Central Login System
  • Installed Docker using Docker toolbox and worked on creating teh Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing teh application life.
  • Expertise usingTalendtool for bothOpen SourceandEnterprise Edition for BigData.
  • Expertise usingBigQuery browser toolandBigQuery CommandLine.
  • Strong knowledge on OLAP systems,KimballandInmonmethodology and models, dimensional modeling usingStarandSnowflakeschemas.
  • Involved in Migrating Objects from Teradata to Snowflake.
  • Worked on Migrating jobs from NiFi development to Pre-PROD and Production cluster.
  • In - depth understanding of SnowFlake cloud technology.
  • In-Depth understanding of SnowFlakeMulti-cluster Size and Credit Usage
  • Played key role in MigratingTeradataobjects intoSnowFlakeenvironment.
  • Experience withSnowflake Multi-Cluster Warehouses.
  • Experience withSnowflake Virtual Warehouses.
  • Experience in buildingSnowpipe.
  • In-depth knowledge ofData Sharingin Snowflake.
  • In-depth knowledge of SnowflakeDatabase, Schema and Tablestructures.
  • Experience in using SnowflakeCloneandTime Travel.
  • Experience inSplunkreporting system.
  • Scheduled different Snowflake jobs using NiFi.
  • Used NiFi to ping snowflake to keep Client Session alive.

Environment: AWS-VPC, EC2, Lambda, Minikube, Ansible, ELK Stack, Kubernetes, JFrog, Python, Maven, Puppet, Cloud Formation, Terraform, Cloud Watch, Packer, Jenkins, XLR (Xebia Labs Release), Linux

Confidential, Atlanta, GA

DevOps Architect / AWS Engineer


  • Developed complete end to endBig - dataprocessing in hadoop eco system
  • Prototype CI/CD system with GitLab onGKEutilizing kubernetes and Docker for teh runtime environment for teh CI/CD systems to build and test and deploy.
  • Creating scripts for system administration and AWS using languages such as BASH and Python.
  • Provided status to Business Level management and Technical and conducting Proof of Concept for Latest Azure cloud-based service
  • Combined Ansible and AWS CloudFormation to automate teh deployment using JSON framework.
  • Created and maintained Shell deployment scripts for WebLogic web application servers.
  • Created Amazon S3 buckets to keep teh web app files and teh CloudFormation templates.
  • Used Jenkins to create a build job dat spawns teh Cloud Formation stack using Jenkins- CloudFormation-plugin.
  • Create and improve reporting system and DB queries. Pragmatic and hardworking engineer who enjoys troubleshooting and solving complex problems with hands-on experience in DevOps and a strong background in CI/CD tooling.
  • Written custom scripts for backing up data for more than 2 weeks into S3 bucket and for longer period teh data was moved to Redshift.
  • Helps to determine teh definition and development of architecture, in order to enable and advise teh DevOps journey. dis includes teh definition of teh Target State Architecture and Architecture Roadmap
  • Public Cloud architecture and design experience-AWS preferred-True DevOps experience-most likely from a development backgroundCreated AWS Route53 to route traffic between different regions.
  • Experience in Designing, Architecting and implementing scalable cloud-based web applications usingAWSandGCP.
  • Worked with an end to end development team to deliver an end to end continuous integration/continuous delivery product in an open source environment using Ansible and Jenkins
  • Configured and managed source code using Git & GitHub and resolved code merging conflicts in collaboration with application developers.
  • Supported and improved a CI/CD build environment using blue-green deployments and automated test methodologies.
  • Used teh continuous Integration tools such as Jenkins for automation teh build processes. Create Jenkins job to build teh artifacts using maven.
  • Developed Microservices on boarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services.
  • Refactoring of monolithic applications to aMicroservicesand Component based architectures
  • Worked in highly collaborative operations team to stream line teh process of implementing security Confidential Azure cloud environment and introduced best practices for remediation
  • Experienced inBlue-GreenDeployment Models within AWS Cloud Environment.
  • Experience in Blue-green deployment in reducing downtime and risks in production.
  • Experience with any industry DevOps tools, open source technologies and cloud services (e.g., BitBucket, Artifactory, Jenkins, Docker, Azure, XLR, UCD)
  • Creating, validating and reviewing solutions and effort estimate of converting existing workloads from classic to ARM based Azure Cloud Environment
  • Developed automation system using PowerShell scripts and JSON templates to remediate teh Azure services
  • Worked on implementing backup methodologies by Power Shell Scripts for Azure Services like Azure SQL Database, Key Vault, Storage blobs, App Services etc.
  • Created Azure services using ARM templates (JSON) and ensured no changes in teh present infrastructure while doing incremental deployment.
  • Build and deploy applications with security and high availability (blue-green deployment) in mind
  • Support a high-level AWS hosting group using Jenkins in teh DevOps environment to manage teh integration of various scripts for continuous deployment.
  • Developed Spark code using Scala and Spark-SQL/Streaming for faster processing ofdata.
  • Involved in DevOps migration/automation processes for build and deploy systems.
  • Performed SVN to GIT migration and Implemented & maintained teh branching and build/release strategies utilizing GIT.
  • Wrote power shell scripts to create teh parameter files automatically for all teh services in Azure Resource Manager
  • Set up aGCPFirewall rules in order to allow or deny traffic to and from theVM'sinstances based on specified configuration and usedGCPcloudCDN(content delivery network) to deliver content fromGCPcache locations drastically improving user experience and latency.
  • Involved in developing Docker based infrastructure Kubernetes.
  • Experience with Docker or Linux container technologies like Kubernetes, Rancher, Docker Swarm.
  • Worked on testing, evaluation and troubleshooting of MongoDB and Cassandra NoSQL database systems and cluster configurations to ensure high-availability in various crash scenarios.
  • Writing JSON templates for cloud formation and Ruby scripts for Ansible automation and contributing to our repository on GitHub (sub version control)
  • Hands on experience in installation of ITIM Suite, DB2 and TDS.
  • Involved in Building teh Docker containers and deploy them into AWS container as service
  • Used Docker and Open Shift to manage micro services for development and testing.
  • Working with Aws Security Groups to create components like EC2, IAM, Aws VPC, ELB.
  • Manage Amazon redshift clusters such as launching cluster and specifying node type as well.
  • Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using CloudWatch and for App using Nagios.

Environment: AWS (EC2, AWS VPC, EBS, ELB, S3, RDS, Cloud Trail, Route 53, IAM, ELB, Cloud watch, Cloud Formation,Google Cloud Platform (GCP) AWS CLI, AWS Auto Scaling), Linux, Ansible, Azure, XLR, Git, Cyber Ark.

Confidential, Philadelphia, PA

AWS DevOps Engineer


  • Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure in various resources VPC, EC2, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, RDS in Cloud formation JSON templates.
  • Installed, configured and managed teh ELK (Elastic Search, Log stash and Kibana) for Log management within EC2 / Elastic Load balancer for Elastic Search.
  • Created a Virtual Network on Windows Azure to connect all teh servers.
  • Handled escalated Support tickets till closure for MS Azure PaaS platform. Configured AD connect to configure federation with on-premises ADFS and Azure AD.Experience is using Microsoft Azure
  • Create, bind teh user defined and built in services in PivotalCloudFoundry(PCF)
  • Configured AWS IAM and Security Group in Public and Private Subnets in VPC.
  • Experience working on Docker hub, creating Docker images, and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configuration.
  • Integrate Salesforce with 3-rd party services using APIs
  • Experience working with Salesforce.com sandbox and production environments.
  • Use Salesforce DX, GitHub, GitLab for better teamwork
  • Excellent understanding of scalable, micro-service based architectures and experience in applying them to real world problems
  • Used GIT to keep track of all changes in source code.
  • Worked as Cloud Administrator on Microsoft Azure, involved in configuring virtual machines, storage accounts, resource groups.
  • Created Custom workflows, custom screens and custom fields onJIRA.
  • Implemented new projects builds framework using Jenkins & maven as build framework tools.
  • Monitoring IoT (Internet of Things) specified infrastructure design and implementation process
  • Working knowledge on IoT Strategy, standards, protocols
  • Worked or consultancy on any IoT Platform
  • Participated in teh definition of development of IoT roadmaps and supports teh technical decisions
  • Steer development and industrialization of IoT Solutions
  • Used Maven as build tool on Java projects for teh development of build artifacts on teh source code.
  • Responsible for Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Delivery (CD) process implementation- using Jenkins along with Python and Shell scripts to automate routine jobs.
  • Installed Chef Server on teh workstation and bootstrapped teh nodes using Knife, and involved in writing Chef Cookbooks and recipes to automate teh deployment process.
  • Designed and implemented Chef, including teh internal best practices, cookbooks automated cook books CI and CD system.
  • Configured & deployed Java applications on Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing theAWSstack, cloud formation.
  • Possessed teh domain knowledge on all teh platforms of Microsoft Azure Cloud Technology
  • Deployed teh Java applications into web application servers like JBoss.
  • Monitoring teh Azure clusters health Pre and Post deployments
  • Build, Test and deploy applications by using pivotalcloudfound
  • Created Pre-commit hooks in Python/shell/bash for authentication with JIRA-Pattern Id while committing codes in SVN, limiting file size code and file type and restricting development team to check-in while code commit.
  • Used Nagios as a monitoring tool to identify and resolve infrastructure problems before they effect critical processes and worked on Nagios Event handlers in case of automatic restart of failed applications and services.
  • Developed build & deployment scripts using MAVEN. Automated teh process using plugins available Jenkins and move from one environment to other throughout teh build pipeline.
  • Deployed and configured JIRA, both hosted and local instances for issue tracking, workflow collaboration, and tool-chain automation.

Environment: Git, Ant, Maven, Jenkins, Chef, Ansible, Docker, JBoss, EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Auto Scaling, Shell, JIRA


Sr. Java/Devops Engineer


  • Developed and Designed teh Educational Loan Financial Management System Object Oriented Technology.
  • Web enabled teh application using Servlets, JDBC, Session Beans, JMS, JSP, and EJB.
  • PrepareJava/J2EEdevelopment structure for Eclipse, maven, Jetty.
  • Used teh Eclipse as IDE, configured and deployed teh application onto WebLogic application server using Maven build scripts to automate teh build and deployment process.
  • Developed and designed interfaces using HTML, JSP, Server Side components using Servlets on
  • Developed various halper classes needed following Core Java multi-threaded programming and Collection classes.
  • Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for teh Database layer by studying teh required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using DB2. Also used JPA withHibernateprovider.
  • Implemented web services for communicating by usingSOAP hosted in teh AWS.
  • Developed stored procedures, Triggers and functions in Oracle 10g to process teh trades using PL/SQL and mapped it toHibernateConfiguration File and also established data integrity among all tables.
  • Implemented Persistence layer usingHibernateto interact with teh Oracle.
  • Experience inHibernate3.0 which includes integrating legacy databases, writing custom CRUD statements, integrating stored procedures and functions and also performed polymorphic associations.
  • DevelopedhibernateDAO Accessor Classes usingSpringJDBC Template, Worked withHibernatefor object relational mapping and connection management.
  • Involved in data integration onETL Informaticaenvironment.
  • Created Automation Test Scripts in Test Complete and involved in Automation Infrastructure Development in Test Complete.
  • Worked on running and managing web Apps usingAWSElastic Beanstalk.
  • Developed teh Presentation and Controller layers using JSP, HTML,JavaScript, Business layer usingSpring(IOC, AOP), DTO, JTA, and Persistent layer DAO,Hibernatefor all modules.
  • Implemented User interface (UI) entire application using JSP, JSTL, Custom Tag Libraries, JavaScript, XML/ XSLT, HTML, CSS and Especially.

Environment: Java 1.5, J2EE, Spring Frame work, Soap, Hibernate, HTML 4.x, CSS2.x, JavaScript,AWS, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON, XML, YUI, APACHE TOMCAT server, Angular JS framework, JPA, SOAP UI, REST web services, spring web flow, Boot strap.


Java Developer


  • Responsible for analysing teh use cases and prepared design documents.
  • Installed and Setup teh SUN Content Delivery Server Environment on Solaris machine.
  • Involved in Customization of Content Delivery Server such as creating teh content developers accounts, managing subscribers and adding content types according to teh client’s requirements.
  • Developed WAP pages using XML, XERCES, Struts, JSP and XSLT to be accessed by all teh customers of teh NZ telecom using their mobile devices.
  • Developed teh JUKE BOX web application using JSP, JSTL, AJAX, HTML, CSS, Struts framework and CDS API’s so dat teh customers can shop for mobile content using their web browser.
  • Developed Junit classes to test teh functionality and Involved in teh handset testing of teh application on various XHTML and WML browsers using openwave simulator.
  • Developed SOAP WebServices using apache axis and used CDS API’s to send billing notification events to external billing systems to bill user based on teh downloaded content.
  • Has written complex SQL queries to perform CRUD operations with teh database and developed persistence interface to teh database using me-Batis framework.
  • Good understanding of mobile telecom domain and related terminology.

Environment: Solaris10, Java 1.4.2, Struts1.2, JavaScript, JSP1.2, Eclipse3.1, SQL, AJAX, XML, DOM, SAX, XSD, JAXB, HTML, XSLT, CSS, WebServices, MDB, JMS1.1, SOA MQ Series, EJB2.0, Dreamweaver, IBatis, LDAP, ANT, Oracle 9i, SOAP, AXIS, WebLogic Application Server 8.1 and CVS

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