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Aws/devops Engineer Resume

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Ashburn, VA


  • Having 8 years of Software Design, Development, Implementation and providing cloud solutions which includes Configuration Management, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD), Release Management and to implement Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS).
  • Expert in configuring and maintaining Amazon Web Services which include services like Amazon EC2, ELB, Auto - Scaling, S3, Route53, IAM, VPC, RDS, Dynamo DB, Cloud Trail, Cloud Watch, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS, Cloud Formation, Cloud Front and EMR.
  • Excellent knowledge of S3 storage strategies such as Versioning, life cycle policies, cross region replication.
  • Expertise in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) such as creating users, groups, organizing IAM users to groups, assigning roles to groups.
  • Build Customized Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) & deployed these customized images based on requirements.
  • Experience using RESTful and web API services
  • Datacenter migration to Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure and provided initial support to Applications and Database teams.
  • Experience working wif the Open source cloud computing platform as a service (PaaS) such as Cloud Foundry.
  • Extensively worked on JENKINS, Bamboo, Anthillpro for continuous integration (CI) and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments
  • Extensively used Terraform in AWS Virtual Private Cloud to automatically setup and modify settings by interfacing wif control layer.
  • Experience in building private cloud infrastructure of OpenStack, deploying through puppet and maintaining them in production.
  • Integrated Amazon Cloud Watch wif Amazon EC2 instances for monitoring the log files, store them and track metrics.
  • Devops role converting existing AWS infrastructure to serverless architecture (AWS Lambda, Kinesis)deployed viaterraformor AWS Cloud formation.
  • Used Splunk to monitor the system logs as well as notify the incident management system upon exceeding thresholds.
  • Worked in all areas of Jenkins setting up CI for new branches, build automation, plug-in management and securing Jenkins and setting up master/slave configurations
  • Experience of Jenkins, Apache Ant, Apache Tomcat, Subversion, Git, Maven
  • Automate the Build and deploy of all internal Java environments using various continuous integration tools and scripting languages such as Shell Script, Python, Ruby and Perl.
  • Extensible experience in setting up Baseline, Branching, Merging, Develop and manage Pre-and Post-commit hook scripts; provide support for parallel development using version control tools for various global and distributed teams.
  • Expertise in Maven core concepts and TEMPeffectively managing and structuring multi module projects and their dependencies wifin projects and versioning artifacts.
  • Transformed traditional environment to virtualized environments wif, AWS-EC2, Docker, Vagrant, and VMware.
  • Expertise in Enterprise repository management tools like Nexus, Artifactory etc.
  • Experience in supporting 24/7 computing production environments and providing on call support.
  • Owner of Jenkins, GitHub, Puppet, Arti-factory, and all internal build systems for the core development team on an enterprise-level python-based cloud orchestration/automation tool.
  • Worked wif different Bug tracking tools like JIRA, Rally, Remedy, Fisheye, Crucible and IBM Clearest.
  • Maintained local team repositories and Organization’s central repositories for Maven
  • Designed, developed and deployed applications on to several cloud based solutions using configuration Management tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible and SaltStack.
  • Knowledge of Chef as Configuration management tool, to automate repetitive tasks, quickly deploy critical applications, and proactively manage change.
  • Experience in writing shell scripts to automate the administrative tasks and management using Cron.
  • Knowledge of using Routed Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and Connect direct. having work experience in support of multi platforms like UNIX, Ubuntu, RHEL, Fedora, iOS and Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8 of production, test and development servers.
  • Experience in Deploying JBoss, Apache Tomcat web server, IIS Server, Oracle WebLogic, and IBM WebSphere.
  • In-depth understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile/Scrum, Waterfall methodologies.
  • Involved in Linux administration activities like troubleshooting of regular issues, configuration issues, applying patches, kernel upgrades, package management, diagnosing resource utilization and file system issues.


Programming Languages: C, C++, C#, JAVA/J2EE

Databases: PL/SQL, SQL 2012/2008/2005 , Oracle 11g/10g/9i.

Web technologies/Frameworks: HTML5, CSS, XML, SOAP, WSDL, XSD, XSL, XPATH, Bootstrap, Adoption, scaled agile.

Application/Web Server: Oracle Web logic Server 11g, Apache Tomcat, Oracle Application Server 10g, BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.2, WebSphere, JBoss.

Web Page Editors: Visual Studio .NET 2013/2012/2010/2008.

Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux, Windows.Mac

Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT, CVS, Perforce

Testing Tools: Selenium WebDriver/RC/GRID, QTP, UFT, Load Runner

Build & Release Engineering/DevOps Tools: Jenkins, Cruise Control, Ansible, Puppet, AWS, Nagios, Nexus, Chef, Ant, Maven, Gradle, Hudson, MS Build, Docker, Anthill pro, Bamboo, Udeploy, BitBucket, Splunk.

MS Software Packages: MS Office, MS FrontPage, Microsoft Visio 2007, SharePoint 2010, MS Excel.

Virtualization Technologies: VMware, Oracle Virtualbox, Vagrant.

Scripting Languages: Ruby, Python, Bash, Power shell, Shell, Perl.


Confidential, Ashburn, VA

AWS/DevOps Engineer


  • Involved in migrating and managing multiple applications from on premises to AWS Cloud.
  • Created highly available and scalable infrastructure in AWS cloud by using various AWS services like EC2, VPC, RDS and Route 53.
  • Maintained the user accounts IAM Roles, VPC, RDS, Dynamo DB, SES, SQS and SNS services in AWS cloud.
  • Configured and managed Elastic Load Balancing (ELB), to avoid single point of failure applications, thus providing high availability and network load balancing.
  • Experience in configuring Amazon EC2 instances and launching the new instances wif same configuration by using AMI's (Amazon Machine Images).
  • Managed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, EC2 instances, ELB, Security Groups.
  • Experience in working wif EC2 Container Service plug-in in Jenkins which automates the Jenkins master- slave configuration by creating temporary slaves.
  • Experienced in using AWS Elastic Beanstalk which is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications.
  • Technologies: Open Stack, Ansible, Chef, Salt, Edda, Amazon Web Services, Docker, Nagios, Consul,Terraform
  • Worked on Jenkins continuous integration tool for deployment of projec
  • Created build pipeline for application versions, using Jenkins Continues Integration
  • Configured and maintained Jenkins to implement the CI/CD pipeline.
  • Automated deployment of builds to different environments using Jenkins.
  • Creating a fully automated Build and Deployment Platform by coordinating code builds promotions and orchestrated deployments using Jenkins.
  • Used MAVEN as a build tools on java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code
  • Used Maven as build tool on Java projects for the development of build artifacts on the source code.
  • Automated various infrastructure activities like Continuous Deployment, Application Server setup, Stack Monitoring usingAnsibleplaybooks and has integratedAnsiblewif Run deck and Jenkins.
  • Created Chef Cookbooks and wrote recipes in Ruby Script to install and configured Infrastructure across environments and automated the process.
  • Installed and configured configuration tool such as Chef Server / workstation and nodes via CLI tools to AWS nodes.
  • Experience wif container based deployments using Docker, working wif Docker images and Dockerhub.
  • Created and managed a Docker deployment pipeline for custom application images in the cloud using Jenkins.
  • Experienced in implementing and maintaining an Apache Tomcat environment.
  • Extensive experience of working wif the release and deployment of large-scale Java/J2EE Web applications.
  • Installed, Configured and Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk for Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring and Log Tracing.
  • Experience in using Splunk for Log analyzing and improving the performance of servers.
  • Involved in troubleshooting the build issues and ultimately solving them.
  • Used JIRA tool to track all the defects and changes related to Build and release team.

Environment: Chef, Jenkins, Maven, Ruby, AWS, CloudFormation templates, Splunk, Linux, Apache Tomcat, RHEL, GIT, JIRA.

Confidential, Rolling Meadows, IL

DevOps Engineer


  • Implemented and maintained monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers such as EC2 and storage such as S3 buckets using AWS Cloud Watch.
  • Configured and managed like Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Security Groups, Network Access Control List (NACL), Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2 Instances), Elastic Block Store (EBS), Simple Storage Service (S3), Elastic Load Balancer (ELB), RDS MYSQL, Subnets, Snapshots, Auto-Scaling groups, Route53, Glacier, Elastic File System (EFS), Cloud Front, Cloud Trail.
  • Assigned Roles and Policies to Users, Security Groups by using Identify and Access Management(IAM)
  • Architecting High Available, Auto scaling platforms in AWS cloud on Windows & Linux.
  • Managing supports for clients on AWS Cloud across various regions.
  • Designed AWS cloud formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Wen applications and database templates.
  • Utilized Amazon Route53 to manage DNS Zones and also assign public DNS names to elastic load balancers IP's.
  • Captured Amazon Machine Image (AMI's) of EC2 instance for snapshots and creating clone's instances for their application elsewhere.
  • Build servers using AWS, Launching EC2, RDS, creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
  • Utilized EBS to store repeated data and overcome failure by using snapshots.
  • Used Jenkins as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process
  • Creating new build jobs, Integration testing jobs and deploy jobs in Jenkins to automate the process
  • Converting production support scripts to chef, Testing of cookbooks wif chef-spec.
  • Deployed applications on AWS by Using Elastic Bean Stalk.
  • Automate infrastructure creation, deployment and recovery using Ansible/Salt, Docker,Terraform& Jenkins
  • Used Cloud Front to deliver data from AWS edge locations to users, allowing for further reduction of load on front-end servers.
  • Implemented and maintained monitoring and alerting of production and corporate servers such as EC2 and storage such as S3 buckets using AWS Cloud Watch.
  • Implementing a continuous delivery framework using Jenkins, Ansible in Linux environment.
  • Scripting in multiple languages on UNIX, LINUX and Windows - Bash, Shell script etc.
  • Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
  • Configuration tool Installed and configured such as Chef server / workstation and nodes via CLI tools to AWS nodes.
  • Utilized Configuration Management tool Chef & created Chef Cookbooks using recipes to automate system operations.
  • Deploy and monitor scalable infrastructure on AWS and configuration management using Puppet.
  • Created deployments in Jenkins and configured various plug-in for Jenkins for automation of the workflow and to optimize and smooth running.
  • Used Amazon EC2 command line interface along wif Bash to automate repetitive work.

Environment: AWS, S3, EC2, Cloud formation, Cloud Watch, Dynamo DB, VPC, IAM, SNS, Linux, Bash, shell script, Jenkins, Data Centre Migration.


Build & Release Engineer


  • Installation, configuration and administration of Red Hat Linux servers and support for Servers.
  • Installation, maintenance and regular upgrades of Red Hat Linux Servers using kick start based network installation
  • Provided 24x7 System Administration support for Red Hat Linux 3.X, 4. X servers and resolved trouble tickets on shift rotation basis.
  • Involved in user interactions, requirement analysis and design for the interfaces.
  • Setting up the build and deployment automation for Java base project by using JENKINS and Maven
  • Responsible for creating and deploying builds on various WebLogic environments, testing in build environment and release to test team on scheduled time.
  • Creating builds using power shell Scripts, ANT/Maven scripts manually and automated.
  • Troubleshooting deployment and installation issues
  • Modeled the structure for multi-tiered applications orchestrate the processes to deploy each tier.
  • Handling complete Build and Release process including code, documentation and supporting testing team along wif the server Administration
  • Work wif QA to facilitate verification of releases. Running multiple builds at a time.
  • By using JIRA/CONFLUENCE we maintain our product release wikis on confluence. And administer JIRA and manage tickets raised by keeping a close eye.
  • Documented the deployment process (Migration Doc) of code to production.
  • Creating SVN repositories and give access rights to the authorized developers.
  • Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Manage version control tools SVN and Git to version code changes to halp developers / programmers branch/merge/revert code.
  • Integrated delivery (CI and CD process) Using Jenkins, Nexus, Yum and puppet
  • Monitoring system performance, tune-up kernel parameter, adding /removing administering hosts, users, disks on DNS / NIS domain.
  • Configuration of Hardware and Software RAID on Digital & Sun Servers
  • Installation of Oracle Patches and Troubleshooting, Creating and modifying application related objects, Creating Profiles, Users, Roles and maintaining system security.
  • Automation of various administrative tasks on multiple servers using bash script
  • Proficient in installation, configuration and maintenance of applications like Apache, JBOSS and Tomcat.
  • Wrote bash shell scripts for getting information about various Linux servers
  • Installed and Configured Send Mail Utility on Sun UNIX Servers, Administering NFS Mounts.

Environment: Redhat-Linux, Maven/Ant, Jenkins, Puppet, Nexus, SVN repositories, Apache, JBOSS, Tomcat.


Linux Administrator


  • Installed/configured/managed/Administrated of all UNIX/LINUX servers, includes the design and selection of relevant hardware to Support the installation/upgrades of Red Hat (4/5), CentOS 4/5, Fedora core operating systems.
  • Installation, configuration diagnostics, planning and upgrades. Configured 4 Node oracle and 6 Node MySQL, Red hat Cluster on Red hat EL 5.
  • Responsible for design and implementation of IT infrastructure such as data center, servers, storage, backup, and virtualization.
  • Support for Linux/Unix systems administration, operational support and problem resolution for server systems Created shared NFS files, mounting and un-mounting NFS server, NFS client on remote machine, sharing remote file folder, starting & Stopping the NFS services.
  • File transfer wif NFS, Autofs, FTP, SAMBA, SSH etc.
  • Responsible for Installation, configuration, Maintenance, Deployments, Update, Monitoring, performance tuning on Linux. Experienced in monitoring and debug performance issues on different OS Linux (RHEL & Centos).
  • Responsible for troubleshooting end user and application problems.
  • Systems log management, Data backup and restoration wif UNIX native tools (tar/dd).
  • Managed DNS server. Updated forward and reverse lookup files for all the new machines added in the domain.
  • Created reverse lookup files for the new subnets added into the network.
  • Repaired bad spots on the disk using repair and analyze. Used format and fdisk/Parted for disk configuration and disk crash recovery.
  • Configure and managing LVM on Linux using tools like lv extend, lv create, resize2fs etc.
  • .Developed Cron jobs and Shell Scripts (Shell, Python) for automating administration tasks like file system management, process management, backup and restore.
  • Wrote Python and Shell scripts to monitor installed enterprise applications and to get information from the logs and database in the required format and other daily activities and jobs.
  • Setup of full networking services and protocols on UNIX, including NIS/NFS, DNS, SSH, DHCP, NIDS, FTP, TCP/IP, Applications and print servers to insure optimal networking and printing functionality.
  • Involved in running Hadoop streaming jobs to process terabytes of text data.
  • .Providing 24*7 on-call support on rotation basis and Handling High priority incidents through bridge calls

Environment: RedHat4/5, CentOS4/5, Solaris, NFS, LVM, WebSphere, Apache, JBoss, WebLogic, Tomcat, VMware ESX 3.x, ESXi servers, Python, Shell, Nagios, Cacti, Splunk, Centreon.

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