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Sr. Cloud/devops Engineer Resume

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Portland, OR


  • Effective professional experience of 8+ years in the field of Information Technology focused on Amazon Web Services, DevOps, Build & Release and Linux Administratorthat includes of principles with Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery and Continuous Deployment.
  • Designed and managed Public/Private cloud infrastructures using Amazon Web Services (AWS) which include EC2, S3, loud Front, Elastic File System, RDS, VPC, Direct Connect, Route53, Cloud Watch, Cloud Trail, Cloud Formation, Red shift, EMR and IAM which allowed automated operations.
  • Worked on core AWS stack for setup and building AWS resources like VPC, IAM, EBS, security groups, Auto scaling, SES, SNS, Elastic beanstalk, Amazon lambda, load balancing and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
  • Experienced in S3 Versioning and lifecycle policies to backup and Archive files in Glacier and experience with installation of AWSCommand Line Interface (CLI) to control various AWSservices through SHELL/BASH scripting.
  • Expertise in Terraform for multi cloud deployment using single configuration.
  • Experience using cloud providers and API's for Amazon (AWS) with Microsoft Azure and expertise to orchestrate the jobs to and from Azure Automation.
  • Hands on experience in Azure cloud services, Azure storage, Azure active directory, Azure Service Bus. Create and manage Azure AD tenants and configure application integration with Azure AD.
  • Experience in AZURE, migration of all servers from on - premises to Kubernetes containers & writing the scripts in Perl and Shell Scripts for managing various enterprise applications.
  • Gained experience in OpenStackenvironments to create and manage users using Keystone, Volume management using Cinder, network and port management using Neutron and VM management usingOpenStack.
  • Proficiency inOpenStackservices such as Horizon, Keystone, Nova, Neutron, Glance, Cinder, Barbican, Ceilometer and Swift.
  • Troubleshooting and monitoring of various proprietary Acxiom and Third-party applications using Splunk and Cloud Watch in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.
  • Used Terraformto manage the AWS and other cloud infrastructure and managed servers using configuration management tools like Chef or Puppet.
  • Developed CI/CD system with Jenkins onKubernetescontainer environment, utilizing Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build and test and deploy.
  • Worked on Kubernetesand Docker images to provide platform as service on private and public cloud in VMware Cloud.
  • Experience working on Dockerhub, creating Docker images and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Worked on Docker container snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing Directory structures and managing containers.
  • Expertise in using Docker to run and deploy the applications in multiple containers like Docker Swarm and Docker Wave.
  • Expertise on configuring and integrating the servers with different environment and creating new machines using configuration management/provisioning tools like CHEF (Knife, recipe, cookbook), ANSIBLE (Playbook, inventory).
  • Managed policies and metadata of nodes, written cookbooks and checked them using Test Kitchen tool as well as knife and CHEF command line tools in CHEF and focused on automation and continuous integration. Automated local development environment using chef.
  • Wrote the Ansibleplaybooks which is the entry point for Ansibleprovisioning, where the automation is defined through tasks using YAML format. Run AnsibleScripts to provision Dev servers.
  • Experience working with PuppetEnterprise and PuppetOpen Source and expertise in Installation and configuration of automated tool puppetwhich includes puppetMaster, Agent Nodes and an administration control workstation, thereby setting an automated platform.
  • Capable of compiling Jenkins and creation of Jenkins pipeline for continuous integration and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments
  • Worked in automation, setup and administration of build and deployment tools such as Jenkins, Jenkins Pipeline and Arti factory and used Jenkins AWS Code Deploy plug-in to deploy to AWS.
  • Experience in setting up Upstream and Downstream Jobs Jenkins and Hudson. Familiar with integrating JUNIT code quality tool.
  • Expertise in using build tools like MAVEN and ANT for the building of deployable artifacts such as war & ear from source code. Strong understanding of build.xml and pom.xml files.
  • Skilled in applying Git and repository management in branching, tagging and maintaining the version across the environments using SCM tools like GitHub, Subversion (SVN) on Linux and windows platforms. Maintained and administered GIT source code tool.
  • Developed Perl and Shell scripts for automation of the build and release process.
  • Expertise in implementation and maintenance of Apache HTTP, SMTP, DHCP, NFS, LDAP, DNS, Remote Access, Security Management & Security trouble shooting. Deep understanding of Layer 7 protocols like HTTP, DHCP, DNS, SSL/TL
  • Expertise in building and deploying Red Hat through Kickstart and implemented rapid provisioning and life cycle management for Red hat LINUXusing Kickstart.
  • Performed Kickstart to automate installation process for fifteen RHEL and CentOS server units and wrote bash shell script to create multiple accounts at once and a script to configure samba server on Linuxfor file sharing.
  • Installed, Configured and Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk and Nagiosfor Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
  • Used Elasticsearch-Logstash-Kibana (ELK) stack to capture and analyze logs across clusters.
  • Created and maintained the Python deployment scripts for Web Sphere web application server. Managed environments DEV, SIT, QA, UAT and PROD for various releases and designed instance strategies.
  • Excellent understanding of SDLC methodologies like Agile, Waterfall and SCRUM.


Operating systems: Linux (Red Hat 4/5/6/7, CENTOS & SUSE), Red Hat Linux 4/5/6/7, Windows servers 2003, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012, 2012R2, Windows 2000, XP, Windows 7, Ubuntu 12/13/14, Solaris 11/10/9/8

Cloud Platform: Amazon Web Services: EC2, S3, ELB, EMR, Auto scaling, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, Elastic Filesystem, RDS, DMS, VPC, Direct Connect, Route 53, Cloud watch, Cloud trail, IAM, SNS, Azure, OpenStack.

Application Servers: Web Logic Application Server 9.x, 10.x, Apache Tomcat 2.0.x, JBOSS 4.x/5.x, Red Hat, WebSphere 6.x/7.x/8.x

Automation tools: Puppet, Chef, Docker, Ansible, Jenkins, Kickstart, Jumpstart, Terraform, Kubernetes

Virtualization: VMware Client, Windows Hyper-V, vSphere 5.x, Datacentre Virtualization, Virtual Box, KVM, Power VM

Volume Manager: Logical Volume Manager, VERITAS Volume Manager, Solaris Volume Manager

Backup Management: Veritas NetBackup, Symantec NetBackup, EMC- Replication Manager

Networking/Protocol: TCP/IP, NIS, NFS, DNS, DHCP, SMTP, FTP/SFTP, HTTP/HTTPS, NDS, Cisco Routers/Switches, WAN, LAN

Monitoring Tools: Splunk, Nagios, ELK

Scripting: Perl, Python, Ruby, Bourne, Korn and Bash Shell scripting, PowerShell, YAML format, JSON format.

Data base technologies: Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, Cassandra, DynamoDB.

Version control tool: Git, SVN, Bitbucket, CVS.


Sr. Cloud/DevOps Engineer

Confidential - Portland, OR


  • Worked on deployment, data security and troubleshooting of the applications using AWS services like Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Load Balancing, Route 53, Auto Scaling, Redshift, VPC, Cloud Formation and Security Groups.
  • Set up the scripts for creation of new snapshots and deletion of old snapshots in S3 using S3 CLI tools.
  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources, VPC EC2, RDB, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, SES, SNS and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates. Databases services on AWS like RDS, Dynamo DB.
  • Created AWS S3 buckets, performed folder management in each bucket, managed cloud trail logs and objects within each bucket.
  • Configured Elastic Load Balancers with EC2 Auto Scaling groups and created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
  • Created PythonScripts to Automate AWS services which include web servers, ELB, Cloud front Distribution, database, EC2 and database security groups, S3 bucket and application configuration this Script creates stacks, single servers or joins web servers to stacks.
  • Written Bash and Python scripting with focus onDevOpstools, CI/CD and AWS Cloud Architecture.
  • Designed, configured and deployedAzureAutomation Scripts for a multitude of applications utilizing theAzurestack (Including Compute, Web Mobile, Blobs, ADF, Resource Groups, HDInsight Clusters,AzureSQL, Cloud Services, and ARM), Services and Utilities focusing on Automation.
  • Installation, Configuration and upgradation ofAzureservices by using automation to reduce manual effort.
  • Ability to create scripts usingAzurePowerShell during automation and built-in process.
  • Terraform for automating VPC's, ELB's, Security Groups, SQS queues, S3 buckets and continuing to replace the rest of our infrastructure.
  • Worked on Dockerhub, creating Dockerimages and handling multiple images primarily for middleware installations and domain configurations.
  • Worked on Dockercontainer snapshots, attaching to a running container, removing images, managing Directory structures and managing containers.
  • Experienced in container based Virtualized deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Dockerhub and Dockerregistries.
  • Integrated Docker container orchestration framework usingKubernetes by creating pods, Config Maps and deployments.
  • Worked on Kubernetes and Docker images to provide platform as service on private and public cloud in VMware Cloud.
  • Used terraformto manage the AWS and other cloud infrastructure. Managed servers using configuration management products like Chef and Puppet.
  • Architected and designed Rapid deployment method using Chef and Ansible to auto deploy servers as needed.
  • Focused on automation and continuous integration. Automated local development environment using Chef.
  • Worked on Chef Workstation, boot strapping various enterprise nodes and setting up keys.
  • Wrote AnsiblePlaybooks with Python and SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.
  • Wrote ansibleplaybooks which is the entry point for ansibleprovisioning, where the automation is defined through tasks using YAML format. Run ansible Scripts to provision Dev servers.
  • I have used Saltstack for continuous code deployment and real-time automation
  • Used EC2 as virtual servers to host Git, Jenkins and configuration management tool like ansible. Converted slow and manual procedures to dynamic API generated procedures.
  • Built Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repos containing terraform code.
  • Configured RDS instances using Cloud formations and Terraform.
  • Used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identify network issue.
  • Used ELK architecture and its components likeElasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana. Worked on Elasticsearch to search and analytics engineand experience in Logstash, a log management tool and Kibana, a powerful data visualization capability to help businesses pull vital information from their data stores.
  • Created SonarQube reporting dashboard to run analysis for every project.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration and deployment using various CI Tools like Jenkins, Chef And working knowledge on other build tools like MS Build.
  • Installed and Configured the Nexus repository manager for sharing the artifacts within the company.
  • Created and wrote shell scripts Bash, Ruby, Python and PowerShell for setting up baselines, branching, merging, and automation processes across the environments using SCM tools like GIT, Subversion (SVN), Stash and TFS on Linux and Windows platforms. Ability in execution of XML, Ant Scripts, Shell Scripts, Perl Scripts.
  • Worked on Tomcat, JBOSS, WebLogic and WebSphere Application servers for deployments.
  • Worked in cross-platform environments like Linux, UNIX, AIX and Windows.
  • Developed processes, tools, automation for Jenkinsbased software for build system and delivering SW Builds.
  • Set up Jenkins server and build jobs to provide continuous automated builds based on polling the Git source control system during the day and periodic scheduled builds overnight to support development needs using Jenkins, Git, Junit and Maven.
  • Proficiency in using version controls like SVN & GitHub to manage data and Source code management.
  • Hands on experience on JIRA for creating bug tickets, storyboarding, pulling reports from dashboard, creating and planning sprints.
  • Worked on Integrated JIRA with subversion and Jenkins to automate the weekly build process.Used JIRA workflows to automate deployment and issue tracking.
  • Experienced in configuration of DNS, LDAP, NFS, DHCP Server, Samba, and TCP/IP and have experience in process automation and system monitoring using Shell Scripts.
  • Planned release schedules with agile methodology & coordinated releases with engineering & SQA for timely delivery.

Environment: Elastic load balancer, S3, Cloud watch, IAM, RDS, Storage gateway, Shell Scripting, Puppet, Chef, Bit bucket, Jira, Python, Tomcat, Apache, Oracle, Jenkins, Ruby, Jira, Maven, Git, Ubuntu, Centos.

Jr. Aws/DevOps Engineer

Confidential, Rancho Cordova, CA


  • Setup and build AWS infrastructure various resources, VPC EC2, RDB, S3, IAM, EBS, Security Group, Auto Scaling, SES, SNS and RDS in Cloud Formation JSON templates.
  • Good knowledge in SQL database in Relational database and NoSQL databases like MySQL, SQL Server, DynamoDB, MongoDB.
  • Worked on AWS for deploying EC2 instances consisting of various flavors viz., OEL, RHEL, CentOS, Ubuntu and Solaris in both Linux and Windows.
  • Configured AWSIdentity Access Management (IAM) Group and users for improved login authentication.
  • Experience in Setting up Chef Workstation, boot strapping various enterprise nodes, setting up keys.
  • Wrote Ansible Playbooks with Python SSH as the Wrapper to Manage Configurations of AWS Nodes and Test Playbooks on AWS instances using Python.
  • Used ansibleControl server to deploy plays and playbooks to the machines and systems in the inventory.
  • Architected and designed Rapid deployment method using Chef and Ansible to auto deploy servers as needed.
  • Experience with container based Virtualized deployments using Docker, working with Dockerimages, Dockerhub and Dockerregistries.
  • Created log automation for Nagios and AWS using Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana for unresolved abnormalities and problems.
  • Experienced in deployment of applications on NGINX, Apache Web server, Nix and Application Servers like Tomcat, JBoss.
  • Experience and Knowledge on Logical volume manager (LVM), creating disk partitions, setting up filesystem and mounting the file systemsand unmounting them.
  • Worked on AWS & Open stack cloud to provision new instances. S3 Storage Services. AWS EC2 & Cloud watch services CI/CD pipeline management through Jenkins.
  • Experienced in configuring Raid-0, Raid-1, Raid-5 for data redundancy using Veritas Volume Manager and SVM on multi-OS platform.
  • Configured volume groups and logical volumes, extended logical volumes for file system growth needs using Logical Volume Manager (LVM) commands.
  • Extensively worked on Hudson, Jenkins and Anthill Pro for continuous integration (CI) and for End-to-End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Developed processes, tools, automation for Jenkinsbased software for build system and delivering SW Builds.
  • Used Jenkinsfor Continuous Integration and deployment into Tomcat Application Server and used JenkinsAWS Code Deploy plug-in to deploy to AWS.
  • Experienced in writing shell/bash scripts to automate the administrative tasks using Cron jobs and managing them in repository using GIT.
  • Worked on version control tool GITto assist developers and programmers in branching, merging and revert code.
  • Expertise in Installation and configuration of automated tool puppet which includes puppet master, Agent Nodes and an administration control workstation, thereby setting an automated platform.
  • Experience in using the Mcollective, Facter, Hiera, Puppet DB to amend the automation pipeline build around Puppet.
  • Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such asSplunk, Nagiosfor Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring.
  • Troubleshooting and monitoring of various proprietary Acxiom and Third-party applications using Splunkand Cloud Watch in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment.
  • Experience working on User admin groups, maintaining account and monitoring system performance using Nagios and Splunk.
  • Build scripts usingANT and MAVENbuild tools in Jenkins and Build Forge to move from one environment to other environments.
  • Migrated ANTprojects into MAVENprojects and written MAVEN pom files from the scratch for multi module projects.
  • Extensive experience using MAVENand ANTas a Build Tool for the building of deployable artifacts (JAR, WAR & EAR) from source code.
  • Involved in combining and automating tools like Selenium with build processes to provide feedback for the development teams.
  • Installed, upgraded and configured RedHatLinux5.x and 6.x using Kickstartinstallation and SUSE LinuxServers manually as well as using System Imager and updating using YUM and worked on upgrading and configuring SGI Servers.
  • Created PythonScripts to Automate AWS services which include web servers, ELB, Cloud front Distribution, database, EC2 and database security groups, S3 bucket and application configuration, this Script creates stacks, single servers or joins web servers to stacks.
  • Develop Pythonand Bash script based tools for Identity Components deployments.

Environment: Elastic load balancer, S3, Cloud watch, IAM, RDS, Storage gateway, Shell Scripting, Puppet, Chef, Bit bucket, Jira, Python, Tomcat, Apache, NGINX, Oracle, Jenkins, Ruby, Jira, Maven, Git, Ubuntu, Centos.

DevOps Engineer

Confidential, St. Louis, MO


  • Experience in working as DevOps engineerfor release automation to achieve continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI and CD).
  • Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion, and GIT and used Source code management client tools like GitBash, GitHub, Git GUI and other command line applications etc.
  • Experience in setting up the End User Security in Jenkins and Hudson
  • Knowledge of using Routed Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and Connect direct.
  • Utilized Puppet, Git and Run deck to install and configure Linux environments with successful production.
  • Managed Ubuntu Linux and Windows virtual servers with Chef using Git.
  • Created Bash Shell scripts to monitorsystemresources andsystemmaintenance and Performed administrative tasks such assystemstart-up/shutdown, and Backup strategy and scheduled Cron jobs for job automation.
  • Experience and Knowledge on Logical volume manager (LVM), creating disk partitions, setting up file systemsand mounting the file systemsand unmounting them.
  • Administrating and managing windows servers including configuration and troubleshooting of Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, NFS, SAMBA, IIS.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration and deployment using various CI Tools like Jenkins, Chef And working knowledge on other build tools like MS Build.
  • Regular disk management, partitioning according to the requirements, creating new filesystemsor increasing existing ones, managing filesystemsand adding virtual swap space.
  • Developed processes, tools, automation forJenkinsbased software for build system and delivering SW Builds.
  • Experience in setting up Upstream and Downstream Jobs Jenkins and Hudson. Worked with Jenkins Pipelines.
  • Implemented Continuous Integration and deployment using various CI Tools like Jenkins, Chef And working knowledge on other build tools like MS Build.
  • Defined branching, labeling, and merge strategies for all applications in Git.
  • Worked on version control toolGITto assist developers and programmers in branching, merging and revert code.
  • Installed and configured an automated toolPuppetthat included the installation and configuration of the Puppetmaster, agent nodes and an admin control workstation.
  • Expertise in Installation and configuration of automated tool Puppetwhich includes PuppetMaster, Agent Nodes and an administration control workstation, thereby setting an automated platform.
  • Experienced in using Puppet, which helps in site-redundancy and Release Management activities for large Enterprise Applications.
  • Maintenance of documented modules, manifests, Hiera configurations and Git repositories for PuppetEnterprise on RHEL platforms.
  • UsedSplunkfor log analyzing and improving the performance of servers.
  • Experience in implementing and administering monitoring tools ELK,Splunk, Nagiosand Cloud watch.
  • Solutions involved logging with ELK and Splunk, custom build packs, service-to-service security, and other common issues faced when PCF is involved in a large-scale digital transformation
  • UsingNagios for monitoring network/infrastructure and alerting for web applications and services.
  • Expertise in using built tools likeMaven, ANTand Artifactory for the building of deployable artifacts such as jar & war from source code.
  • Analyzed the ANTbuild projects for conversion and converting toMaven Involved in building and configuring Red Hat LinuxServers usingKickstartserver as required for the project.
  • ConfiguredKickstartservers and booted the images using PXE in Red Hat Linuxand used Redhat Satellite server extensively.

Environment: JENKINS, GIT, SVN, SPLUNK, LINUX, CHEF, ANT, MAVEN, RHEL 6.x, CentOS, Ubuntu, Solaris, AIX, VMware, New relic.

Build & Release Engineer



  • Developed and implemented Software Release Management strategies for various applications according to the agile process.
  • Deployed puppet for configuration management to existing infrastructure.
  • Implemented puppet modules for server housekeeping.
  • Actively involved in architecting the puppet infrastructure to manage servers in different environments.
  • Utilized Configuration Management Tool Chef & created Chef Cookbooks using recipes to automate system operations.
  • Solid understanding of Linux shell and Perl scripting, UNIX, Windows, build and release engineering principles.
  • Involved in writing pom files to establish the code quality tools integration.
  • Experienced in authoring pom.xml files, performing releases with the Maven release plugin, Mavenization of Java projects and managing Maven repositories.
  • Used scripting languages like Python, Ruby, Perl, Bash for configuration.
  • Releasing code to testing regions or staging areas according to the schedule published.
  • Implementing a Continuous Delivery framework using Jenkins, in multiple environments.
  • Implemented Release schedules, communicated the Release status, created Roll Out Plans, tracked the Project Milestones, prepared the reports and chaired the Release calls and worked for a successful Release of Jira Application.
  • Worked on Tomcat, JBOSS, WebLogic and WebSphere Application servers for deployments.
  • Used JIRA to track issues and Change Management.
  • User, Group creation, monitoring and maintaining log for system status/health using Linux commands and Nagios system monitor.
  • Responsible for designing and deploying best SCM processes and procedures.
  • Used both GIT and BIT bucket source control systems to manage code.
  • Coordinate/assist developers with establishing and applying appropriate branching, labeling/naming conventions using GIT source control.
  • Understanding of developing and testing enterprise products, with current focus on cloud based application and giving solution to challenges imposed by multi data center deployed SaaS products and their needs for DevOps tools and automation.

Environment: SVN, GIT, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Chef, WebLogic, TOMCAT, Python Scripts, Perl Scripts, Ruby Scripts, XML, Unix, JIRA.

Systems Engineer



  • Implementation of Virtualization environment (VMware server) as a environment for server configurations and testing installations.
  • Performing Linux System Administration routines, swap partition and file system changes, system booting and recovery.
  • Administrating responsibilities which include User, Group, Partition management and File permissions.
  • Used LVM on Linux to create volumes with layouts like RAID.
  • Production support of Apache http, PHP, MYSQL installation, configuration, management and trouble shooting.
  • Supporting infrastructure environment comprising of RHEL and Solaris.
  • Automated repetitive tasks, deployed critical applications and managed change on several servers using Puppet.
  • Performed deployment of application code to production environments.
  • Perform softwarebuildsusing version control tool IBM Rational ClearCase (UCM and BASE).
  • Build and deploys J2EE applications in Web Sphere.
  • Experiences updating Java JDK 1.8 in all Linux, Solaris and Windows machines
  • Assist with maintaining current build systems, developed build scripts, and maintained the source control system.
  • Managed the source codes repository of multiple development applications using SVN version control tools.
  • Merged release branches to the trunk after the production release and resolved the conflicts if any during the merge in Subversion.
  • Developed automation scripting in Python to deploy some applications.
  • Used Puppet to maintain configuration on Linux servers.
  • Responsible for designing and deploying best SCM processes and procedures
  • Built and Deployed Java/J2EE to a web application server in an Agile continuous integration environment and automated the entire process.
  • Developed Perl and shell scripts for automation of thebuildandreleaseprocess.
  • Involved in editing the existing ANT (Build.XML) files in case of errors or changes in the project requirements.
  • Responsible for building and releasing packages for testing.
  • UsedJenkins as a continuous integration tool for automation of daily process. Used ClearQuest as Ticketing Tracking tool.
  • Created analytical matrices reports for release services based on Remedy tickets.
  • Trained offshore team for knowledge transfer.

Environment: Java/J2EE, Unix, Maven, GIT, ANT, Jenkins, Web Sphere. Python ClearCase, ANT, Perl Scripts, Shell Scripts, ClearQuest, Hyper-V, Stash.

Linux/Unix Administrator



  • Created Bash Shell scripts to monitorsystemresources andsystemmaintenance and Performed administrative tasks such assystemstart-up/shutdown, and Backup strategy and scheduled Cron jobs for job automation.
  • Written modules to install and configure Apache, Tomcat and JDK.
  • Document and maintain the inventory using asset management techniques.Experience in Installation, Configuration, Backup, Recovery, Maintenance, Support of RHEL, Ubuntu and Windows.
  • Experience and Knowledge on Logical volume manager (LVM), creating disk partitions, setting up file systemsand mounting the file systemsand unmounting them.
  • Installed and updated different packages using rpm and YUM.
  • Implementation and administration of VMware ESXi 5.x, vCenter for running Red HatLinux, Solaris Zones, Containers and Ldoms, windows Servers on Production and Development.
  • Monitoring CPU, memory, physical disk, HW and SW RAID, multipath, file systems Worked on Shell & Perl Scripting and System Architecture & Design.
  • Working on Volume management, Disk Management, software RAID solutions using VERITAS Volume manager & Solaris Volume Manager. File system Tuning and growing using VERITAS File System (VxFS), coordinated with SAN Team for storage allocation and Disk Dynamic Multi path.
  • Performed Kickstart network installation of servers for Linux and UNIX.
  • Worked on various troubleshooting issues such as pinging to the Backup Server, Boot related problems, Server down etc.
  • Worked on different VMware products like VMware workstation, GSX/VMware server, VMware player, VMware Converter and ESX server 3.X.
  • Configure a mail transfer agent (MTA) to accept inbound email from other systems.
  • Managed Virtual Memory and swap space on Red Hat Linux Servers.
  • Experience in Networking including the OSI LAYERS and protocols such as TCP/IP, NIS, DNS, NFS, FTP, DHCP, HTTP, HTTPS, SFTP & SMTP.
  • Configuration of DNS, APACHE, MTA, DHCP & FTP Servers in Red Hat Linux 5.x/ 6.x.
  • Configured Linux Firewall with IPCHAINS & IPTABLES
  • Connecting to ESX server by using VIC, putty andWeb access.
  • Creating test Users accounts in Active Directory, LDAP: User Certificates in Certificate Authority for testing different authentication scenarios and tests.
  • Implemented security policy and managed firewalls/IDS. Managed DNS, send mail, IP space, and co-location facility transition.
  • Supporting Java based applications like JBOSS, WebLogic & WebSphere and involved in J2EE application deployment activities.
  • Managed issues related to Performance tuning, maintenance (upgrades, patching), Resource Monitoring/Network Monitoring/Log Trace Monitoring (Nagios, SolarWinds and Zabbix), system log management (SYxSLOG), time/date management (NTP), and troubleshooting in enterprise class server environments.
  • Configured and maintained Samba Server, NFS Server, NIS Server and clients, DNS clients and AutoFs File systems.
  • Creating, cloning Linux Virtual Machines, templates using VMware Virtual Client and migrating servers across ESX hosts.
  • Installed, Configured, Managed Monitoring Tools such as Splunk, Nagios for Implemented the use ofNagiostool for monitoring and analyzing the network loads on the individual machines.
  • Respond to emergency calls relating to server performance, diagnosis of problems, repairing problems or calling upon appropriate vendors to resolve the issue.
  • Resolved system errors and crashes, disk space problems, huge file sizes, file system full errors, and Root password recover for in the UNIX servers.

Environment: RHEL 6.x, CentOS, Ubuntu, Solaris, AIX, VMware Redhat4x, 5x, Solaris 9/10, AIX, HP-UX, VMware ESX 5.0/5.1/5.5, vSphere, Dell Servers (R series), Netapp, SCSI, VMWare converter, Apache Webserver, F5 load balancer, oracle, PHP, DNS, DHCP, BASH, NFS, NAS, Spacewalk, New relic, Tomcat, Kickstart.

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