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Sr. Devops Engineer Resume

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Lake Oswago, OR


  • 7+ years of experience in Configuration Management, Build and Release management involving extensive work towards code compilation, packaging, building, debugging, automating, managing and deploying code across multiple environments.
  • In - depth understanding of the principles and best practices of Software Configuration Management (SCM) in Agile, SCRUM, Waterfall methodologies.
  • Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion, and GIT and used Source code management client tools like GitBash, GitHub, Git GUI and other command line applications etc.
  • Extensive experience using MAVEN, ANT and Xcode as build tools for the building of deployable artifacts from source code.
  • Expert in implementing continuous integration and deployment systems using Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Ansible and Rundeck.
  • Experienced in Querying RDBMS such as Oracle, MY SQL and SQL Server by using SQL for data integrity.
  • Managed environments DEV, QA, UAT and PROD for various releases and designed instance strategies.
  • Extremely knowledge about CI/CIT/CID integration.
  • Established Chef Best practices approaches to systems deployment with tools such as vagrant, berkshelf and test-kitchen and the treatment of each Chef cookbook as a unit of software deployment, independently version controlled.
  • Experienced in Writing Chef Recipes to automate our build/deployment process and do an overall process improvement to any manual processes.
  • Managed Ubuntu Linux and Windows virtual servers (Rackspace and AWS EC2) with Chef using Git.
  • Extensively worked on Hudson, Jenkins and Anthill Pro for continuous integration (CI) and for End to End automation for all build and deployments.
  • Ability in execution of XML, Ant Scripts, Ruby, Shell Scripts, Perl Scripts, Power Shell scripts and JAVA Scripts.
  • Experience in Deploying JBoss, Apache Tomcat web server, IIS Server, Oracle web logic, and IBM WebSphere.
  • Experience in working with Tracking Tools like JIRA, Red Mine, and Bugzilla
  • Knowledge of using Routed Protocols: FTP, SFTP, SSH, HTTP, HTTPS and Connect direct.
  • Having work experience in support of multi platforms like UNIX,Ubuntu,RHEL, Fedora, iOS and Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8 of production, test and development servers.
  • Having Good Knowledge of Amazon AWS cloud.
  • Experience with configuration management and automation tools (Puppet/Chef/Docker).
  • Knowledge on Deploying Couchbase, Tomcat and Elasticsearch clusters usingDocker.
  • Midlevel expertise in Ruby, PERL CGI, Web development and basic understanding in SQL and Python.
  • Experience in working with Tracking Tools HP Service Center, JIRA.


SCM Tool: Subversion, GIT, Perforce, Clear case

Build Tool: Ant, Maven

CI tools: Jenkins/Hudson, Capistrano, Anthill Pro, Ansible, Bamboo, U Deploy, X Deploy

Bugtracker & Testing: JIRA, Bugzilla, Redmine, Junit, Spock,Test Flight, Test Rail

Project Management: Base Camp, MS Project, Atlassian Tools, Demandware

Repositories: Nexus, Artifactory

Web Service Tools: JBOSS, Apache Tomcat, IntelliJ IDEA, Oracle Web logic, IBM Web sphere, IIS Server

Languages/Utilities: Shell Script, ANT Script, Batch Script, Perl Script, Ruby, Power Shell Script, C, C++, Objective C, Python, Java, J2EE

Databases: SQL Server 2000/2005/2008 , Oracle, DB2,Teradata

Monitoring tools: Splunk, Dynatrace

Operating Systems: UNIX, Linux (red hat), Ubuntu, Fedora, Windows 98/NT/XP/Vista/7/8, IOS


Confidential, lake Oswago, OR

Sr. DevOps Engineer


  • Develop installer scripts using Ant, Python, Unix for various products to be hosted on Application Servers
  • Troubleshoot Build and Deploy Issues, with little downtime.
  • Organize and Co-ordinate Product Releases, work closely with product development, QA, Support across global locations to ensure successful releases
  • Implemented rapid-provisioning and life-cycle management for Ubuntu Linux using, Chef and custom Ruby/Bash scripts
  • Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Chef.
  • Implemented and maintained the continuous integration and deployment systems using Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, Ansible and Rundeck.
  • Experience on config mgmt. & infrastructure automation tools like Ansible, Chef, SaltStack, CFEngine etc.
  • Implemented services that would route messages to different JMS queues based on message properties. These messages would be picked up by the appropriate ESB service which would in turn call the third party partner web services
  • Developed web pages using spring framework (Spring MVC, Spring Core, Spring AOP) and Struts
  • Created data-models for customer data using the Cassandra Query Language
  • Created User defined types to store specialized data structures in Cassandra
  • Evaluated Mesos/Marathon for Docker container orchestration
  • Installed and configured code rules, keys of Sonar for code analysis and created of Sonar Qube dashboards for different team members based on their roles to monitor the progress of project source code.
  • Deployed Applications into PROD & Pre-Prod environments with various Application server technologies like Weblogic, Jboss & Apache Tomcat.
  • Developed automation framework for Application Deployments to the cloud environments
  • Managed and optimize the Continuous Delivery tools like Jenkins
  • Install, Configure, Administer Hudson/Jenkins Continuous Integration Tool
  • Automate Continuous Build and Deploy Scripts for Hudson/Jenkins Continuous Integration tool
  • Provide stable build environments for product development
  • Branching, Tagging, Release Activities on Version Control Tools: SVN, GIT
  • Develop Custom Scripts to monitor repositories, Server storage
  • Member of the Technical Design team, Build and Release Module for Development of new products.
  • Automated the local dev environment using Vagrant/chef-solo.
  • Automated the cloud deployments using chef, python (boto & fabric) and AWS Cloud Formation Templates.
  • Document release metrics, software configuration process.

Environment: Java, Eclipse, Toad, Git,, Tomcat, Apache, Sonar, Ansible, Oracle 12c, Jenkins, Marathon, Python, Ruby Chef, JIRA, Maven, Art factory, Ubuntu, CentOS, Linux, AWS, AWS Cloud Formation Templates, AWS RDS, AWS Cloud Watch, Spock, Ruby, Chef-solo/server

Confidential, Orange County, CA

Sr DevOps / Release - Build Engineer


  • Worked portal for triggering builds and releasing them to stakeholders by understanding the pain points of Developers and QA engineers.
  • Maintained the FTP server in which the builds were copied.
  • Implemented Chef to deploy the builds for Dev, QA and production.
  • Maintained and developed infrastructure using Chef, Jenkins, and multiple AWS tools.
  • Worked on establishing a streamlined release process for the development team from scratch.
  • Created release notes based on the contents of builds and publish build artifacts to the stakeholders.
  • Refactored configuration (Puppet) and deployment (Capistrano) system to be 6x faster and allow fully automated releases.
  • Continuous Integration: implemented and promoted use of Bamboo within the developer community. Validated Jenkins along with Bamboo.
  • Developed scripts for executing validation/test cases automatically after builds.
  • Designed, Created and Managed Continuous Build and Continuous Integration environments in SCRUM and Agile projects, combining and automating tools like Cobertura, Selenium, XUnit and Web Driver with build processes to provide detailed Metrics and rapid feedback for development teams.
  • Managed central repositories: Implemented Atlassian Stash along with GIT to host GIT central repositories for source code across products, facilitate code reviews and login audits for Security Compliance. Developed and maintained in-house Code review system before migrating to the lightweight code review system available in Stash.
  • Designed and implemented the backup strategy for all the critical systems such as build machines, bug tracking tools, central repositories etc.

Environment: Java, Eclipse, Tomcat, Apache, Oracle 11g, Jenkins, Python, Ruby JIRA, Maven, Artifactory, Git, Ubuntu, Windows, AWS, Ruby, Chef, Windows.


Software Engineer (Release/ Build)


  • Designed a CM solution that used Clear Case UCM integrated with Rational ClearQuest
  • Performadministrationofusers,supportedteamforparalleldevelopment.WroteShell/Perl/Antfilesto automate certain processes for the smooth process of use of build tools like Build Forge.
  • Analyze the impact of change requests on project plan parameters, and synchronized source code repositories as an active member of CCB.
  • Participated in CCB meetings to represent the CM team.
  • Installed, configured and maintained ClearCase and ClearQuest for SCM and Issue tracking.
  • Extensively used Perl scripting to design customized triggers for the ClearQuest.
  • Performed all formal builds to the system test, acceptance test and production environments that were written in Perl/ANT/Java.
  • Participated in migration, from Base ClearCase to UCM Clear Case and even from CVS.
  • Fixed migration problems by identifying view checkout from VOBs and solved the problem by writing scripts for views attached to the VOBs. documentation of CM tasks using MS-Office, also documented for project configuration.
  • Helpedin deployment of Java applications with the installation and configuration of Web Sphere server using Clear Case for source control.
  • Installation and Configuration of Web Sphere software development environment (SDE) to automate build processes.

Environment: RationalClearCase, RationalClearQuest,UCM,ShellScripts,Perl,ANT,CVS,UNIX,SQL,J2EE, Build Forge, WebSphere and Windows Environment.


Build &Release Engineer


  • Worked on Java/J2EE Coding for Portal Applications.
  • Worked on Tomcat Web server for hosting web apps.
  • Used Perforce version control system to manage different builds for the system.
  • Involved in writing Shell scripts for compilation and deployment process.
  • Good command in writing ANT scripts for making all the files local to the server.
  • Created deployment tickets using Jira for build deployment in Production.
  • Collected the approvals for deploying the code to production.
  • Created diff files and check sum files for production support.
  • Involved in working with WebSphere App server admin console for deploying applications.
  • Worked closely with developers and managers to resolve the issues that rose during the deployments to different environments.
  • Communicated with all levels of engineering, management, development and test teams.

Environment: Subversion, Perforce, Team City, Apache Tomcat, Java/J2EE, ANT, Shell Scripts, MAVEN, JIRA, UNIX, LINUX, Windows XP.

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