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Tfs Administrator Resume

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  • Around 8 Years remarkable experience in IT with extensive experience in Configuration/Build/ Release Process in complicated build systems and software development environment.
  • Profound knowledge in software and release engineering and software configuration management.
  • Skilled at software development life cycles and agile programming methodologies Extensive experience includes Software Configuration Management, Build/Release Management,using Source Depot, TFS, Subversion, Perforce
  • Excellent knowledge & Experience in the Team Foundation Server (2008/2010/2012/2013 )
  • Working experience with the Microsoft products & their Integration to different third party tools.
  • Experience in Technical and Functional side of the Team Foundation Server Components( Source Control, Work Items, TFS Builds, Reporting, SharePoint)
  • Generated reports using Sonar which covers different areas of Code quality like potential bugs, code coverage, coding rules.
  • Excellent Working knowledge in Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4.0/2000/ XP/2003/2008 Operating Systems and Servers, Microsoft Network Protocols (TCP/IP) and Exchange server Administration, and Microsoft Office products and Hardware, Software installations and Desktop support.
  • Planning, implementation and support of database backup, database recovery and disaster recovery policies of databases in a highly availability environment.
  • Hands on experience withManual, System, Regression, Automation, Performance and Load Testing
  • Can work with equal poise in bothWindowsandUNIXoperating systems.
  • Software Configuration ManagementSupport withBranching andMerging strategies, Version Control Systems, Integration Management,Build/ReleaseManagement andRequirement Management
  • Good at identifying changes that need to be made to development life cycle that accelerate business values
  • Migrated TFS instance from TFS and TFS2010 to TFS 2013.
  • Work Item Customization using Process Editor in Adding fields, data, State Transition Matrix. s within the organization in SCM procedure, SCM process and SCM Tools


Technology: TOOLS

Operating Systems: Windows NT, Windows 2000 and 2008, XP, and VMware

SCM Tools: Subversion/SVN, Team Foundation Server, Crucible, Perforce

CI Tools: Team Build, Team City, Jenkins, Bamboo

Database: MS Access, SQL Server, MYSQL and Sybase

Build and Scripting Tools: ANT, Maven 2 and Windows Scripts, Nunit, Junit, make

Markup Languages: HTML,XML

App Server packages: Web logic, IBM WebSphere, Apache tomcat5.5, IIS

Tracking Tools: Jira, Remedy

Code Quality Tools: Sonar cube


Confidential, PA

TFS Administrator


  • Migrated on TFS instance from update 4 with all the integrated applications
  • Worked on TFS - Rally Connector to Synchronize User Stories and Tasks Bi-Directional.
  • Worked with Developers Teams in Configuring Team City for Build Deployments
  • Share Point Migration from WSS 3.0 (Windows SharePoint Services) to 2013 Environment
  • Creating New Team Projects and giving Security Access for Team members to manage Source Control and Project Management Access.
  • Manage Catchpoint tool from administration’s perspective.
  • Worked on TFS-Rally Connector to Synchronize User Stories and Tasks Bi-Directional.
  • Worked with Dev Teams on TFS Performance Monitoring in the New TFS 2013 Environment.
  • Experience on Code Quality using SonarQube Tool
  • Experience in Splitting of one collection into two collections and attaching the same to the Admin Console by changing the GUID’s of the Collections.
  • Worked as a Build Engineer for a team that involves two different developments teams and multiple simultaneous software releases.
  • Creating New Team Projects and giving Security Access for Team members to manage Source Control and Project Management Access.
  • Migration of SharePoint from WSS 3.0 to 2013 and integrating it with TFS
  • Good Experience in Domain Migration from Old Domain to New Domain and Migrate the Old User Accounts to New User Accounts.
  • Consolidated all Team Projects into from TFS 2008 to TFS 2010 Project Collections.
  • Setup various Team Projects into different Team Project Collections in TFS 2010
  • Configured TFS 2010 Environment along with Share point Services, Reporting Services
  • Hands on Experience in Sql Server Management Studio 2012

Confidential Charlotte, NC

Build Release Engineer/TFS Admin


  • Defined Merging & Branching concepts for various Team Projects which are in different Team Project Collections for TFS 2010/2012
  • Configured TFS 2010 Environment along with Default Project Collections, Build Definitions, Work Items, Share point Services, Reporting Services
  • Customized TFS 2010 Work Item Templates and Workflow of the Work Items
  • Provided Build Scripts for Database Projects to Deploy DB and populate Test data in DB for various environments
  • Created and managed associated SharePoint sites
  • Created Dashboards using generated reports from TFS in SharePoint Site
  • Set up build definitions and troubleshoot build failures for Projects developed in Visual Studio 2010/2012 IDE
  • Trained developers to get familiar on TFS 2010 Work Items, Queue New Builds, and Work Spaces with Visual Studio 2010.
  • Assisted Developers during coding, debugging and Build issues.
  • Responsible for automating the build process using Hudson. Developed and maintained tools that automate the building of software releases for an Agile based software development process.
  • Involved in migrating the application from Ant to Maven2 by analyzing the dependencies and creating the POMs to implement the build process using Maven.
  • Managed all the dependencies and plugins for Maven in an Artifactory repository.
  • Created Perl scripts and SQL stored procedures for nightlybatchjob streams, data loads and corporate reporting.

Confidential, Hillsboro, OR

Build Release Engineer


  • Manage build process and document configuration and deployment instructions
  • Created Team Project Collection from TFS 2008 Admin Console with different Team Projects under it.
  • Set up the Security, Roles & Responsibilities for different Groups for Team Projects using TFS 2008 Admin Console
  • Integrated Ant and maven with TFS source control to automatically trigger Builds and publish results back to TFS
  • Minimize build times and build dependencies to maximize developer productivity
  • Managed builds and wroteAntbuildscriptsforJava/ Weblogicbased applications
  • MaintainedSubversionrepositories on Windows
  • Maintained and version controlled Backend Oracle database using SVN/Ant scripts
  • User support forSubversion/SVNissues
  • Work with the development team to correct build errors
  • Verify Build requests, Resolve merge & branch conflicts.


J2EE Technical Consultant


  • Used JDBC in the Data Access Object to communicate with the database.
  • Used data beans as transfer Object between controller and DAO.
  • Responsible for implementing Business logic using Java design patterns.
  • Assisted Quality Assurance in testing new releases.
  • Preparing reports in Business Intelligence developed by Business Objects.
  • Created Use case documents, Workflows (UML 2.0 Modeling)
  • Guiding and monitoring the process performance of new joinees to reach organizational goals within stipulated timeframe.

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