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Chief Financial Officer Resume

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San Francisco, CaliforniA


  • I first learned to code in Perl way back when Netscape Navigator was still a thing. Perl was not the ideal choice for a first (well, second if you count English) language; but I did it anyway. Not to say I dislike Perl, just that it is so very. . . idiosyncratic. Since then I've spent years writing code in numerous languages, most notably BASH and Python, my two favorite languages so far.
  • My first Linux distribution was Red Hat, which I got from Walnut Creek CD - ROM and swiftly developed distaste for in favor of first Slackware, then Gentoo, and more recently Ubuntu. I must have been about 13 years old. I've been pursuing the improvement of my knowledge of computers either professionally or as an avocation ever since.
  • I like to make use of my fondness for learning new things of value to the benefit of enterprises large and small. As such, I am available for hire through my corporation on a strictly corporation to corporation basis. I ask one hundred and fifty dollars an hour for my services but I value interesting problems more than money so please do contact me if you have unusually difficult technical challenges. Thank you for your time.


Operating Systems: Linux (Red Hat Enterprise, Ubuntu 1 .04 ), FreeBSD, MacOS

Programming Languages: Python, Bash, Yaml, Java, Javascript, XML, Ruby, HTML, CSS, Scala, PHP

Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, DB2, MSSQL, NoSQL

Development Tools: Maven, Scala Build Tool, Django, Web2Py, Vim, Git, Documentation, Encryption

Distributed Technology: Ansible, Docker, EC2, ECS, S3, Route53, Vagrant, Spark, Hadoop

Server Technology: NGINX, uWSGI, Postfix, Dovecot, Courier, Apache 2, Systemd, Upstart, New Relic, SMTP, IMAP, HTTP

SDLC: Agile, SCRUM, Git, Branching Models, Sprint Planning and Review, Commit Cycles

Quality Assurance: Code Review, Automated Testing, Jenkins, Sonar, Crucible, Pull Requests


Chief Financial Officer



  • Created an administration that enables my colleagues to operate more efficiently by enabling empowerment and action making use of the better to ask forgiveness than permission philosophy promoted by Python.
  • All company data is encrypted then stored in multiple distributed locations, which prevents loss or theft of data even in the case of stolen hardware.
  • Fulfill company technical requirements including, but not limited to: email services, website, system updates, security, software development and documentation.
  • I also do the accounting and various other administrative tasks to maintain regulatory compliance.
  • Converted a limited liability company into a general stock corporation.

Tools: Docker, Ansible, Linux, Bash, PostgreSQL, GPG, AWS (EC2, ECS, ECR, S3), GAAP

Information Technology Consultant

Confidential, San Francisco California


  • Deployed and supported Abiogenix web infrastructure from concept through product launch.
  • Developed a simple e-commerce store with Django and Stripe to allow sale of Abiogenix products.
  • Integrated Abiogenix e-commerce site with Odoo ERP system.
  • Migrated Abiogenix project management infrastructure using Atlasssian tools such as Bitbucket, JIRA, Confluence, and Crowd to enable ISO compliance.
  • Established development and deployment procedures to allow for easy maintenance of Abiogenix web infrastructure.
  • Transferred Abiogenix domains to AWS Route 53 and ensured minimal downtime during the domain transfer from the previous provider.

Tools: Ansible, Docker, EC2, GPG, ECS, S3, NGINX, uWSGI, BASH, Linux (Ubuntu), Apache, PostgreSQL, Python, Django

Cloud Architecture Consultant

Confidential, Los Angeles California


  • Cut through red tape to consistently improve stability and efficiency of mission critical systems.
  • Refactored existing Ansible playbooks to take advantage of Ansible modules and allow for easier management via the Ansible Tower web interface.
  • Automated provisioning of AWS resources via Ansible in Tower and on the command line to administer cloud resources.

Tools: Ansible, Ansible Tower, Linux (Ubuntu), NGINX, uWSGI, Python, git, Jenkins, Web2Py

Build Manager

Confidential, Torrance California


  • Responsible for the maintenance of the Customer360 project Bitbucket repository including branch management, pull requests, releases, and administrative tasks.
  • Trained a team of 22 developers in the use of git on the command line as well as the git ow branching model.
  • Offered guidance and instruction to developers on the proper use of git to resolve merge conflicts, documented the development process as thoroughly as possible.
  • Deployed a Jenkins / Spark / Hadoop cluster to enable automated builds of all projects contained in the Customer360 Bitbucket repository.

Tools: Linux (RHEL, Amazon Linux), Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, git, Bitbucket

Lead Cloud Architect

Confidential, Torrance California


  • Reduced deployment time for key Customer360 infrastructure by a factor of 15 (from three weeks to one day) with Ansible.
  • Automated deployment of all resources related to my work as the Lead Python Developer.
  • Created system services to run on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 servers to control execution of key portions of the Customer360 project.
  • Managed Amazon Web Services for the Customer360 project including configuration and deployment of all required infrastructure, administrative tasks, and budgeting.

Tools: Linux (Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Amazon Linux), Ansible, Bash, git, yaml

Lead Python Developer

Confidential, Torrance California


  • Wrote a coding standard and development process for integrating git commits and JIRA issues.
  • Trained a team of o shore developers in the use of git, and git flow.
  • Used Python, Scrapy, MongoDB, and bash to engineer software that scrapes the web for information relevant to Toyota’s business purposes.
  • Identified and removed redundancies within the project.
  • Authored and presented to management an A3 proposal for streamlining the build process for the entire project.
  • Ran daily scrum meetings and maintained a storyboard for the Customer360 project.

Tools: Linux (RHEL, Amazon Linux), Jenkins, Spark, Hadoop, git, Bitbucket

Chief Technical Officer

Confidential, Alameda California


  • Administered databases, responsibilities including prevention of data loss as well as schema development.
  • Deployed all company infrastructure, automated server configuration with Ansible and implemented load balancing with HAProxy.

Tools: Linux (Ubuntu), LAMP, HAProxy, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.5, Git, Ansible, Python

Analyst and Email Administrator

Confidential, Calabasas California


  • Collected and analyzed data on email marketing campaigns to improve the performance of email servers and content.
  • Deployed a Cassandra cluster for testing of NoSQL in a live environment.
  • Planned and implemented new elements of the email system, such as a centralized template store and server control administration.
  • Was solely responsible for the development, maintenance, and troubleshooting of email system scripts and admin interface, a code base of roughly 60,000 lines.

Tools: Linux (Ubuntu), LAMP, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5.5, Sadly I’m Subversion, Python

Web Developer and Systems Administrator

Confidential, Nashville Tennessee


  • Developed internal products to improve efficiency of call center and sales operations using PHP, JavaScript, jQuery, JSON, REST, and SOAP.
  • Installed and configured several different linux servers running Ubuntu, CentOS, and Gentoo as well as a number of Windows 7 workstations.
  • Implemented git and git flow for source code control and provided to other employees on its use.
  • Created data models for two internal software projects in addition to extensively documenting code.

Tools: Linux (CentOS,Ubuntu,Gentoo), LAMP, HTML5, CSS3, PHP 5, Git, Gitflow

Web Developer and Systems Administrator

Confidential, San Francisco California


  • Used a homebrew MVC to program the front end website for the GlobWorld application.
  • Developed dynamically loading images using css and jquery.
  • Used Subversion for version control of code.
  • Maintained and configured the development webserver for use in development of GlobWorld frontend.
  • Provided data structures for use in GlobWorld database.
  • Coded user profiles for GlobWorld application.
  • Contributed to daily SCRUM meetings to provide status updates and request resources.

Tools: Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, XAMPP, CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5, Subversion, jquery.

Web Developer and Systems Administrator

Confidential, Berkeley California


  • Used Dojo.js JavaScript framework to develop the Sightspeed video chat application.
  • Translated management requirements into new features.
  • Used Object Oriented Programming (OOP) with JavaScript.
  • Provided support for the movement of more than twenty servers to a new data center.
  • Supported deployment of Gentoo Linux servers with appropriate software and configuration.

Tools: Used: Gentoo Linux, Apache, MySQL, AJAX, Dojo.js, HTML5, CSS3, LAMP

Web Developer and Systems Administrator

Confidential, Sausalito California


  • Created custom Drupal modules for use on the Confidential video website.
  • Designed and created new tables in PostgreSQL database.
  • Configured Apache on CentOS development server and deployed that dev server for use of other members of the team.
  • Checked PostgreSQL database for errors and ensured proper quality of data.

Tools: Drupal, PHP, PostgreSQL, Apache, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Database Administrator

Confidential, San Francisco California


  • Used Linux command line tools and BASH scripting to automate database imports of three to four hundred thousand rows per day.
  • Administered and maintained several hundred million line MSSQL and MySQL database servers.
  • Configured, installed, deployed, and administered a Storage Area Network to support a proprietary mass email system.

Tools: BASH, Linux (CentOS), MySQL, MSSQL, SAN, Vim

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