Sr Full Stack Web Developer Resume
- Around 8 years of extensive experience in IT Industry Developing, Deploying,Testing, Integrating, Implementing the web based applications and UI applications.
- Worked with complete Software Life Cycle Development (SDLC) process which incorporates Requirement Gathering, Analysis, Designing, Developing, Testing, Implementing and Documenting the whole life cycle by utilizing different approaches like Agile, Scrum and Test Driven Development.
- Proficient in building Web User Interface (UI) using HTML5, CSS3, DHTML, table less XHTML and JavaScript.
- Very good experience in Document Object Model (DOM), DOJO, and have a strong understanding of DOM Functions, and also experienced in dealing with challenging High Traffic Websites and Cross Browser Issues.
- Hands on experience in wo r k i n g wi t h f r o n t - en d t e chn olo g i e s/f r ame wo r k an d l i b r ar i e s l i k e J Q ue r y, P r o t o ty p e, O O J a v a S c r i p t, JS ON, CSS, X ML /XS L T, and AJAX .
- Expertise in debugging and troubleshooting existing code using Firebug and Developer Tools.
- Developed websites using JavaScript MVC frameworks such as Bootstrap, Angular JS, React JS, Vue JS and Node JS
- Good experience in Java J2EE web technologies like JDBC, JSP, Servlets and Spring Framework
- Experience in working on MVC Architecture and also in using version control (SVN, GIT).
- Experience working with testing tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome or Safari Web Inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar.
- Experienced in UI development, Frontend development, Flash with Action Script, Rich User Interface Design, Development, Web 2.0 specifications and documentation.
- Excellent experience in SOAP, Restful Web services and Big Web service development and consumption using (JAX-RS and JAX-WS).
- Extensive experience with Continuous Integration Tools (Jenkins, Hudson).
- Experience in AWS services such as EC2, ELB, Auto-Scaling, S3, IAM, VPC, RDS, DynamoDB, CloudTrail, CloudWatch, Lambda, ElasticCache, Glacier, SNS, SQS, CloudFormation, CloudFront, Beanstalk, EMR, AWS Workspaces.
- Built server deployment on Cloud (EC2) servers with help of DevOps tools like Chef,Puppet.
- Experience in using GIT and SVN on UNIX and Windows environment.
- Extensively experienced in using Build Automation tools like ANT and Maven.
- Worked with various IDE’s, Dreamweaver, Notepad++, eclipse, WebStorm 9, Visual Studio Code.
- Experience in Server infrastructure development on AWS Cloud, extensive usage of Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), Cloud Formation, EC2, S3, Route53, SNS, SQS, Cloud Trail.
- Deploying, managing, and operating scalable, highly available, fault tolerant systems on AWS.
- Strong Knowledge and Experience on Collections, Threading, Garbage Collection, Exception Handling, OOPS concepts and Design Patterns in Core Java.
- Experience in working with various databases like Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL,MongoDB.
- Experience with Agile projects, following releases, iterations, User Stories, tasks. Also, can multi-task and work independently as well as a good team player.
UI Web Technologies: XML, HTML, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular JS, Vue JS, Node JS, React JS, AJAX, JSON, PHP
IDE, HTML Editor: Notepad++, Eclipse IDE, Visual Studio, Dreamweaver, Web Storm
Web/App Servers: Apache Tomcat 5.0.25, HTTP Web ServerDatabase: ORACLE 11g, SQL SERVER, MYSQL
Operating Systems: Windows 2000, Windows XP (Prof), Windows 7, Linux
Methodologies: Agile, UML
Version Control Systems: CVS, SVN and GitHub, AccuRev.
Bug Tracking Systems: JIRA, Version One, Rally and HP Quality Center.
Build Automation Tools: Maven 3.0/2.0,Gradle 1.0, Ant, Jenkins,Hudson.
Confidential, Richmond-VA
Sr Full Stack Web Developer
- Develop/program and deploy new functionality and features in line with functional specifications and business requirements.
- Experience in working with the fast moving development team using agile Scrum Methodology.
- Design, develop, test and deploy application in accordance with established standards.
- Interacted with Business Analysts and product owner to analyze the business requirements.
- Created custom plugins, templates, and functions for AngularJS single page application.
- Developed digital card single page application using AngularJS, HTML5, CSS3, and Bootstrap, JavaScript, JSON.
- Applied J-Query scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
- Developed custom directives (elements, Attributes and classes) using Angular.
- Involved in Migrating the application backend to Amazon Connect usingAngular2.
- Designed and developed the Presentation layer using Angular 2.
- Built factories to utilize AngularJS services such as $http and $resource to consume the Restful APIs for data parsing from backend server.
- Extensively worked with making calls to APIs to fetch the data from the backend as JSON response and parse it on the UI for DOM/CSS Manipulation.
- Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript JQuery, HTML5, CSS3 and AngularJS.
- Used NPM (Node Package Manager) for Node JS development.
- Used NPM to manager server-side packages.
- Used TDD for writing test cases.
- Used karma and mocha test frameworks to unit test Angular Web Applications.
- Used Cucumber automated testing to test new and existing functionality.
- Worked on documenting the test plan.
- Participate and provide support in System integration testing, User acceptance testing, Alpha and Beta Testing.
- Sync-up with the teams at client to understand the change requests and issues reported.
- Used GitHub as version control to handle different code versions and releases of source code.
- Experience working with the fast moving development team using agile Scrum Methodology.
- Created Various Jenkins jobs for fetching the code from repositories such as GIT and deploying it into Linux servers for all Dev, QA, and Performance and Production environments.
- Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins and GitHub and AWS AMI’s, whenever a new GitHub branch gets started, Jenkins, our Continuous Integration server, automatically attempts to build a new Docker container from it, the Docker container leverages Linux containers and has the AMI baked in.
- Worked on migration from Manual deployments to fully automated deployments by using Jenkins and Cheffor automation.
- Responsible for performing manual deployments using the Shell scripts in Linux Shell in case of automated deployment failure.
- Worked on creating Amazon connect contact flows and routing profiles.
- Designed AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, subnets, NAT to ensure successful deployment of Web applications and database templates.
- Creating alarms in Cloud watch service for monitoring the servers' performance, CPU Utilization and the disk usage etc.
- Developed, deployed, and managed event-driven and scheduled AWS Lambda functions using Node JS to be triggered in response to events on various AWS sources including logging, monitoring, Robo hydration,security related events and to be invoked on scheduled basis to take backups.
- Deployed a code using blue/green deployments with AWS Code deploy to reduce downtime due to application deployment. If something unexpected happens with your new version on Green, you can immediately roll back to the last version by switching back to Blue.
- Setup load balancers in front of auto scaling groups in AWS to create a dynamically scalable production environment able to handle large swings in load.
- Architected, planned, developed & maintained Infrastructure as code using CI/CD deployments using Terraform .
- Used AWS CLI to manage different AWS services.
- Automated setup of environments and deployment of applications using BASH, Shell, Python, Ruby, and Perl.
- Used Splunk for application logging.
- Designed and worked with team to implement ELK (elastic search, log stash and Kibana) Stack on AWS.
- Evaluated Chef framework and tools to automate the cloud deployment and operations.
- Built server deployment on Cloud (EC2) servers with help of devops tools like Puppet.
- Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch.
- Documented all the build release process.
- Involved in 24X7 Production support and bug fixing.
- Analyzed the defects and categorized them based on severity using HPSM.
Environment: Angular 1.x, Angular 2, JavaScript, Node js, NPM, JQuery, ES6, GitHub, GIT, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Artifactory, Nexus,Jenkins, AWS, AWS CLI, Cloud Formation, Cloud watch, AWS Lambda,Amazon Connect,Terraform, Bash Script, shell script, Chef, JIRA, HPSM, Splunk,ELK, Jasmine, Karma, Cucumber.
Confidential, Bothell, WA
Senior UI Web Developer
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis, Code development and Production rollout.
- Involved in design and development of UI component, which includes layered POVs and Carousels using frameworks AngularJS, Node JS, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, SASS and Bootstrap.
- Followed Single Page Application Pattern and used AngularJS MVC to build a cross-browser complaint application.
- Implemented core features of AngularJS framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking.
- Worked on Bootstrap framework to create responsive design, which could make the web page to appear more appropriately on different devices and screen resolutions without any change in markup.
- Consume the Rest API’s that are created at the backend and develop the web pages accordingly for end -to- end flow.
- Worked with CSS Background, CSS Layouts, CSS positioning, CSS text, CSS border, CSS margin, CSS padding, CSS table, CSS Sprites, Pseudo classes, Pseudo elements and CSS behaviors in CSS.
- Used JQuery to traverse through a DOM tree and manipulated the nodes in the tree.
- Designed and developed React.JS component required for the project.
- Implemented XML parsing and JSON parsing for data handling on different applications.
- Followed Agile/Scrum methodology of software development thereby satisfying the Customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.
- Performed Front-end web design using HTML 5, DOJO, J avaScrip t, J Query, Ajax and JSON .
- Involved in developing Dynamic web pages using industry standard applications and W3C compliant CSS code for effective web design.
- Incorporated JavaScript client-side scripting for dynamic web interface using JQuery, JavaScript and HTMLDOM.
- Worked with business analysts to understand their business models and goals and help define strategy, content, and features.
- Worked with modules like MongoDB for database persistence using Node.js to interact with MongoDB.
- Updated and installed various dependencies using Bower to cope up with demanding requirements of Project.
- Worked closely with Performance Test team for UI performance and validated enhancements using various Javascript Profilers.
- Worked on Protractor to test existing functionality end to end.
- Developed Splunk module to perform log monitoring of different service logs.
- Used GitHuband AccuRevas version control to handle different code versions.
- Built, deployed and tested Web UI Front End in a Continuous Integration (CI) environment from GitHub repositories.
- Worked on migrating the application to AWS Cloud.
- Involved in DevOps processes for build and deploy systems.
- Created CI/CD system using GIT, Jenkins and Chef for faster and flawless deployments.
- Integrated GIT into Jenkins to automate the code check-out process.
- Created a fully Automated Build and Deployment Platform and coordinating code builds promotions and orchestrated deployments using Jenkins.
- Worked closely with release management team to do the manual code releases in production environments.
- Build servers using AWS , importing volumes, launching EC2 , RDS , creating security groups, auto-scaling, load balancers (ELBs) in the defined virtual private connection.
- Created monitors, alarms and notifications for EC2 hosts using Cloud Watch .
- Created Python scripts to totally automate AWS services which includes web servers, ELB, CloudFront distribution, database, EC2 and database security groups, S3 bucket and application configuration, this script creates stacks, single servers, or joins web servers to stacks.
- Participated in day-to-day meeting, status meeting, strong reporting and effective communication with project manager and developers.
- Used HP QC as defect tracking tool to create, and keep track of the defects status.
- Worked with QA teams on bug fixes of various modules that were raised in different level of application cycle.
- Worked on production support and also on offshore team co-ordination.
Environment: HTML5, CSS, SASS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AngularJS,Node JS, React JS,DOJO 1.10.4, jQuery, Spring MVC, Web Services, AJAX, Protractor,AWS,GIT, AccuRev, Jenkins, Chef, shell script,Splunk, Python, HP QC, MongoDB, Visual Studio Code .
Confidential, Alpharetta, GA
Senior UI Web Developer
- Developed user interface using HTML, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, and jQuery UI.
- Developing Views with JSPs in spring framework (MVC pattern).
- Developing components and templates in ADOBE CQ5 for content editors for pages hosted in CMS (Content Management System). Using Apache Sling framework that uses JCR to store and manage content. Using embedded Apache Felix OSGi framework and console to load, unload and reconfigure code and content bundles.
- Designed dynamic and multi-browser compatible pages using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript.
- Used JQUERY to handle the client side validations.
- Developed custom directives in Vue JS for the UI screens.
- Wrote application level code to interact with the backend databases Ajax and JSON.
- Responsible for transforming designed mock-ups to web pages.
- Designed web pages and used applications that meet business needs and user goals through a user experience.
- Built Web pages that are more user-interactive using jQuery plugins for Drag and Drop, jQValidtor, AutoComplete, AJAX, JSON, Angulars.JS and JavaScript, Bootstrap.
- Responsible in creating the screens with table less design.
- Tweaked, optimized, and created new sprites with Photoshop to generate CSS- based UI elements.
- Used Ajax and JSON to make asynchronous calls to the project server to fetch data on the fly.
- Worked on build tools like grunt and gulp.
- Web application development for backend system using AngularJS and Node.js with cutting edge.
- Developed XML classes for loading the data from XML files deployed at the server.
- Involved with bug fixing on functionality, performance and designing issues with JavaScript and jQuery.
- Worked on MVC framework like AngularJS as the development framework to build single page application.
- Wrote application level code to interact with the backend databases AJAX and JSON .
- Designed and Developed Java Script frame work which is wrapper on top of JQUERY frame work and AJAX based UI frame work for UI Configuration widgets.
- Developed rich interactive graphics and data visualizations of large structured data in browser-friendly formats.
- Applied jQuery scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
- Tested all application controllers extensively with mocha/chai and Angular's built in test facilities.
- Performing new-website support research in the areas of Latest Web Technologies, Usability, Accessibility, and User Experience.
- Worked closely with team members to meet the client requirement.
- Involved in Analysis, Design, Development, testing, deployment and post production support for change request/new service request are carried out.
- Used SVN for version control and JIRA for defect tracking.
- Actively participated in day-to-day meeting, status meeting, strong reporting and effective communication with project manager.
Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, Node JS, Vue JS,jQuery, AJAX, JSON, JSP, Servlets,MVC, Hibernate, PL/SQL, Oracle9i, SVN,JIRA, Mocha, chai.
Confidential, Independence, OH
Senior UI Web Developer
- Involved in development, design and implementation of front end part of the application.
- Developed the User Interactive web pages in a professional manner by using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS as per company standards.
- Developed complex, usable, attractive and cross-browser web interfaces that account for speed, file size, readability and accessibility.
- Used backbone.js in effective web design.
- Created and maintained the framework and layout of each portal with Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).
- Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using Ajax, JQuery, DHTML, web Service call and JSON.
- Responsible to manipulate HTML, CSS3 in JQuery as well as making the pages dynamic using AJAX, JSON and XML.
- Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing javascript, created HTML navigation menu that is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from the database in the form of XML.
- Worked one-on-one with client to develop layout, color scheme for his website and implemented it into a final interface design with the HTML/CSS &JavaScript using Dreamweaver.
- Utilized various JQUERY plugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
- Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML, XHTML, and CSS3.
- Extensively participated in developing the website across different browsers and performed cross-browser testing.
- Extensively used HTML for audio and video playback.
- Used JQuery plugins validation, drag and drop and more exceptionally.
- Used Ajax, JSON with JQuery for request data and response processing.
- Developed programs to port the xml data to database to make the website xml driven.
- Finding out the bugs, broken links and missing images etc. and rectifying them.
- Demonstrated implementation and up-gradation of JavaScript Library.
- Discussed various ideas/suggestions for the ongoing web sites regarding the page layout and creative design.
Environment: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, JSON, JSP, backbone.js,Hibernate, MYSQL, Eclipse.
Java UI Developer
- Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
- Developed a prototype of the application and demonstrated to business users to verify the application functionality.
- Developed UI component with AngularJS by utilizing the core features like MVC pattern and Dependency Injection.
- Designed Frontend with in object oriented JavaScript framework like Angular JS.
- Implemented Angular JS Data Binding capability in HTML to give user a rich and responsive experience.
- Used jQuery to modify DOM elements content by using cross-browser selector engine called Sizzle.
- Developed and implemented the MVC Architectural Pattern using Spring Framework and used Spring IoC container to maintain core Objects Lifecycle.
- Implemented Spring Security for user authentication, limit login attempts and password hashing.
- Developed Web Services (SOAP) using Spring-WS to handle user requests and interact with other components.
- Used MyBatis as ORM tool and integrated with Spring for data access using MyBatis mappers, which is configured, using Spring Configuration file.
- Used parsers like SAX and DOM for parsing xml documents and XSLT for XML transformations.
- Designed and Developed Stored Procedures, Triggers in MS SQL to cater the needs for the entire application. Developed complex SQL queries for extracting data from the database.
- Written JUnit Test cases for performing unit testing and used SoapUI for Web Services testing.
- Implemented Java/J2EE Design patterns like Data Transfer Object (DTO), Data Access Object and Service Locator.
- Used Maven as java build manager to compile and package the application and used SVN as Version control to maintain a central repository for the application code.
- Worked with QA team for testing and resolving defects and used Rally for bug tracking and project management.
Environment: Java1.6, Spring 3.0, MyBatis, Design Patterns, XML, MS SQL, Spring-WS, SOA,SOAP Web Services, SoapUI, AngularJS, jQuery, CSS, HTML, JUnit, XSLT, Log4J,Eclipse, Maven 2.0, WebLogic 11g, SVN, Hudson, Rally.