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Full Stack Developer/apigee Resume

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Eagan, MN


  • Overall 8+ years of experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of Object Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using Java/J2EE.
  • Experience in working with various Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) methodologies based on Agile, Scrum.
  • Active in coding of Core Java implementations, used Core Java concepts such as collections, generics and multi - threading, Exception Handling, Interfaces.
  • Experienced in front End technologies such as HTML 5, CSS 3, JQuery, JavaScript, ReactJs, NodeJs,Angular-Js/2.0/4.0, Bootstrap, VBScript, Perl, AJAX, Adobe Flex, ActionScript, JSON, XSD, XSTL, Tiles, Tag Libraries.
  • Expertise in design and development of various web and enterprise-level applications using Java/J2EE technologies Such as Spring, Hibernate, Servlets 3.x, Struts framework, EJB, JSF, JSP, JDBC.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence framework like Hibernate/JPA, JDBC, iBatis for mapping Java POJO classes/Objects with database and using Hibernate Query Language (HQL).
  • Strong experience in Spring Framework modules likeSpring MVC, IOC, AOP, JDBC, JTA, IO, Spring Boot, Spring Micro services,Spring REST,Netflix OSS, Spring Eureka, Consul, Swagger UI, Spring Ribbon, Sleuth, Spring Zuul.
  • Experienced in Distributed Transaction Management system with Spring JTA Based on Atomikos and Bitronix.
  • Experienced in working with Spring JDBC Templates, JMS Templates, Spring EAI, Spring Rest Templates.
  • Extensively used different Tag Libraries like JSF Tags, Struts Tags, JSTL, Spring Tags, Spring EL, and Display Tag.
  • Developed applications using latest technologies like EJB3.2, Spring 3.x/4.x, Hibernate3.2/4.x, and REST based Web services (Axis2.0, JAX WS 2.0, JAX RS), Rule Engines (Drools4.1, ILOG), JBPM tools.
  • Experienced in Middleware persistence frameworks like Hibernate/JPA Entities for mapping Java classes using Hibernate Query Language (HQL), HSQL Named Queries, Criteria, and Projections.
  • Knowledge of advanced level programming in C/C++ including thread synchronization multithreading, multi-processing, concurrency and TCP/IP Socket Programming
  • Experienced in Client-side validations using Ajax in Node JS, Angular JS, dash boards reports using BackboneJS.
  • Experienced in Full stack UI technologies using Grunt js, Gulp Server, Yomangenerator for Angular.
  • Experienced in implementing Service oriented architecture and Web Services using SOAP, RESTFUL.
  • Configuring infrastructure for deployment of Middleware application through APIGEE.
  • Experience in using JBoss JBPM as a workflow that enables creating and automatization of business processes.
  • Built centralized logging to enable better debugging using Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana(ELK).
  • Worked on migrating the old java stack to type safe stack using Scala for backend programming.
  • Proficient in using Amazon Web Services AWS . Extensive experience focusing on services like EC2, EBS, VPC, Cloud Watch, Cloud Front, Cloud Formation, IAM, S3, Amazon RDS, Elastic cache, SNS, SQS .
  • Configured AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) Groups and Users for improved login authentication.
  • Experience with Docker containers, leveraging Linux Containers and AMI's to create Docker Images/ containers .
  • Experience with messaging systems like Kafka, Kafka event sourcing.
  • Experience in Pivotal cloud foundry(PCF) setup Configuration/maintenance.
  • Installed PCF on VMware and AWS and deployed applications on PCF using CF push.
  • Troubleshooted issues within PCF environment and involving pivotal vendor as when needed.
  • Experience in working with messaging systems using message brokers such as ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ.
  • Experience in implementing Java EE design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Factory, Adapter, Service Locator Session Facade, DAO, DTO, and Business Delegate in the development of Multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
  • Experience in configuring and deploying the applications into Tomcat, WebSphere, Weblogic and JbossServers.
  • Experience in automated deployment tool such as service Kubernetes which is used to deploy quickly and predictably.
  • Experienced in developing UNIX shell scripts for batch processing, Perl and Python scripts.
  • Experienced in developing complex PL/SQL queries, procedures, Triggers,Stored Procedures, Packages and Views in various databases such as Oracle, DB2 and My SQL.
  • Experience in working with NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra, Couchbase and Neo4J.
  • Used Log4j utility to generate run-time logs.
  • Experience in JUnit frame work with Mockito, JMeter and Easy mock, SpringJunitRunner.
  • Experienced in Development, testing and deployment of enterprise applications on Windows&UNIX platforms using IDE's such as Eclipse, Rational Application Developer (RAD), NetBeans, Spring Tool Suite (STS),intellij 14.x/15.x
  • Experience in using different version controlling/tracking systems Subversion, CVS, SVN, GIT, &Rational Clear Case.
  • Experienced in Splunk Log Management Creating dash boards, monitoring, reporting, Email Notification to Users.
  • Good Knowledge in Apache Active Mq Series with Camel most widely used as service bus.


Java/J2EE Technologies: Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, JMS, JNDI, RMI, EJB, JFC/Swing, AWT, Applets, Multi-threading, Java Networking

Programming Languages: Java JDK 1.4/1.5/1.6/1.7/1.8 , C++, C, SQL, PL/SQL, Python, Go, Scala

Application/Web Servers: Oracle/BEA WebLogic 8.1/9.1/10.3 , IBM WebSphere 5.1/6.0/6.1/7.0 , JBoss, Tomcat 5.0.28/6.0,Bug tracking, Jenkins.

Frameworks: Struts2.x/1.x,Spring3.x/2.x,Hibernate3.x,Morphia,JSF1.2/2.0,iBatis,Flex,Play.

UI Frameworks: JQuery, AngularJS, Angular 2, Bootstrap.

IDEs: Eclipse 3.x, IBM WSAD, IntelliJ, Dream viewer

Web technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, XHTML, JavaScript(+ES6), TypeScript, Ajax, JQuery, AngularJS, Angular 2, Angular 4, ReactJS, NodeJS, Socket.io, ExpressJS, JSON, Swagger UI

AWS Skills: EC2, S3, RDS, EBS, IAM, AMI, ELB, CLI, SNS, RDS, VPN, NAT, GIT, DNS, Route53, DBA, Dynamo DB.


XML Tools: JAXB, Apache Axis

Message Brokers: Kafka, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, TIBCO

Testing technologies/tools: JUnit, JMeter, HTML Unit, Mockito

Database Servers: JQuery, AngularJS, Angular 2

Version Control: CVS, SVN, Git

Build Tools: ANT, Maven and Graddle.

Metadata / Reporting Tools: Jakarta POI-HSSF

Platforms: Windows 2000/98/95/NT4.0, UNIX, Windows 7


Confidential, Eagan, MN

Full Stack Developer/APIGEE


  • Responsible for Agile Methodology implementation and practices.
  • Developed applications using Java7 and Java 8 (lambdas, streams, multi-threading, executor service framework).
  • Involved in developing Thread Safe blocks for multithread access and distributed transaction management.
  • Involved in Angular 2, HTML5 and CSS3 code optimization, DOM loading and cross browser compatibility.
  • Extensively used Angular J/Ionicdirectives, filters, services, bootstrapto support Desktop and mobile versions.
  • Developed Application to asses JSON and XMl from Restful web service from consumer side using Angular 2.
  • Implemented REST based web services using JAX-RS annotations, consumed services from angular 2 modules.
  • Developed Protractor test classes for end to end testing in Front end.
  • Implemented main structure of the React-Native based mobile app and Android platform.
  • Worked on middleware tool called Apigee (API Management system)
  • Developed applications using Apigee Edge Micro gateway plugins.
  • Experience on Analytics and management solutions for Cloud services and APIs Apigee, Active MQ .
  • Configuring infrastructure for deployment of Middleware application through APIGEE.
  • Used SSH Secure Shell to remotely access the ups LINUX Server and configured Apache Service Mix instances in the server.
  • Consumed the data from Kafka using Apache spark .
  • Created and injected Spring services, controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection .
  • Heavily used Spring Inheritance, Auto-wiring, Core Container, Security, AOP, ORM modules as part of migration from EJB to spring,Spring Quartz for scheduling tasks to generate reports and emails to clients.
  • Implemented SOA to develop Spring Restful/Micro Services and implemented Spring Eureka, Netflix, Ribbon as part of Services Discovery usin g Apache Axis .
  • Implementing the Microservices to base on RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot with Spring MVC.
  • Implemented Authentication & Authorization with Site Minder and Spring security .
  • Used Microservices architecture with Spring Boot services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka .
  • Involved in developing components on Reporting Dashboard with Spring MVC, Spring Framework and Hibernate and created Micro Services using Spring Boot.
  • Implemented functionalities using Spring IO / Spring Boot with Thyme leaf and Hibernate ORM
  • Used SOAP UI, Postman, Newman, Rest Client, Spring Mock MVC, Spring 4Junit for testing the web services.
  • Integrated Spring Cloud with Amazon Web Services to interact with AWS provided services.
  • Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, cloud watch and Elastic Bean Stalk for code deployment.
  • Upgraded Spring Rest Controllers and Services classes to support migration to Spring framework.
  • Created custom online payment gateway interfaces for e-commerce application with PayPal, Link Point etc.
  • Experience in Building Web Service Contracts in SOA Service Manager, Orchestration, performance tuning.
  • Written Storm topology to accept events from Kafka Cluster (using Zookeeper) producer emit into Mongo DB.
  • Used Magento Connector - Connecting to Magento API with java using SOAP.
  • Used PL/SQL stored procedures for applications that needed to execute as part of a scheduling mechanisms.
  • Heavily used joins stored procedures, views, Unions in Oracle data base to fetch the data.
  • Developed Applications using Rule Engines-JBoss Drools 4.x, Work flows, Human tasks to implement Business
  • Extensively used Hibernate Relational mappings (One-To-Many, Many-To-Many) in the secondary project.
  • Extensively worked on Hibernate Cache, Query, Criteria and Transactions in secondary project.
  • Reverse-engineered using Hibernate for RAD by Hibernate Query Language (HQL) dynamic searches with spring.
  • Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging, pushing images, integration of Spring boot.
  • Created the Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
  • Worked with the Node package manager (NPM) along with Karma, Jasmine, Grunt and Bower for test and build.
  • Proficient in ETL (Extract - Transform - Load) using SQL Server Integration Services 2005 (SSIS) and Informatica Power Center too.
  • Loaded data using ETL tools likeinformatica and external tables to load data from data warehouse and various another database like SQL Server, DB2
  • Hands on experience with MongoDB Installation, Configuring, Monitoring and Designing Shared Environment.
  • Used Morphia (ODM) with MongoDB and performed aggregation operations and the map-reduce function,
  • Used Maven as build and dependency management tool for creating EAR, WAR and JAR file to be deployed in application servers and integrated with SVN, Jenkins, and Jenkins Jobs.
  • Used CI/CD tool Jenkins to deploy this application to from GitLab to AWS EC2 Docker containers.
  • Built Lambda functions to save data snapshots using REST API into AWS S3 buckets using Node JS,Express JS .
  • Designed and developed in setting up of JBPM Workflow Managers for Systems Workflow framework.
  • Resolved bugs/defects in application with team members of the project to assure a positive outcome using JIRA.
  • Optimizing of existing algorithms in Hadoop using Spark Context, Spark-SQL, Data Frames and RDD's using Python.
  • Used GIT as version management, JIRA for defect management system. Performed unit testing using JUnit.

Environment: Web Services, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, PostgreSQL, HTML5, JSP, Akka, Play, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, Node JS, APIGEE, GWT, CSS3, Angular JS, Angular 2, SOAP UI, XML, WSDL, Java1.8, J2EE, Scala, MongoDB, Kafka, Agile Methodology, JIRA processes, GIT, Design Patterns, PL/SQL, Junit, WebSphere MQ, Maven, IntelliJ IDE, CentOS, CVS, DB2 and Oracle 11g.

Confidential, Hendersonville, NC

Java Full Stack Developer


  • Involved in preparing System Requirements and detailed Design document for the project.
  • Extensively used MVC, Factory, Delegate and Singleton design patterns.
  • Extensively used various modules in Spring like AOP, DI (IoC), Bean Wiring, Spring Inheritance, Auto Wiring, Spring JDBC Templates and Spring Quartz Schedulers for Jobs.
  • Responsible for creating and maintaining architecture for Restful API using Spring Boot .
  • Integrated Apache Camel (ESB) with Spring boot .
  • Involved in application development for Cloud platforms using technologies like Java/J2EE, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Micro Services, REST
  • Designed and developed the End Points (Controllers), Business Layer, DAO Layer using Hibernate and Spring IOC (Dependency Injection).
  • Extensively worked on JPA as persistence layer, involving EJB3.0 annotations, synchronizing Data base tables through XMl.
  • Extensively used Session beans for implementing the business logic of module.
  • Developed Web Services SOAP/HTTP, SOAP/JMS, SMTP using SOA technologies such as SOAP, WSDLand UDDI.
  • Developed User Interface application modules using HTML, CSS and JavaScript, JSON, jQuery and AJAX.
  • Participated in the product development life cycle via rapid prototyping with wireframes and mockups.
  • Extensively used/modified JQUERY to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.
  • Creating cross-browser compatible and standards-compliant CSS-based page layouts.
  • Client-Side code were written in ReactJS, JQuery and server-Side Code were developed using MVC4.
  • Designed POC and implemented UI layer using HTML, CSS, NodeJs, JavaScript and JSP.
  • Used Angular Routing for navigating between screens and developed several reusable directives.
  • Created Elastic Load Balancer for Elastic Search.
  • Used AWS (Amazon Web Services) Deploying, managing and operating scalable and fault tolerant systems.
  • Implemented the function to send and receive AMQP messages on RabbitMQ synchronously and asynchronously, and send JMS message to Apache ActiveMQ on the edge device.
  • Used Apache Cordoba for Responsive Web Design.
  • Created and running the JMeter scripts for load testing.
  • Involved in consuming, producing SOAP based web services using JAX-WS.
  • Database development required creation of new tables, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Views, Indexes and Constraints, Triggers and required SQL tuning to reduce the response time in the application.
  • Performed documentation of standards, best practices, and ETL procedures.
  • Played role in design of scalable, reusable, and low maintenance ETL templates.
  • Utilized DOM, SAX parser technologies in implementing XML parsing framework.
  • Installed and configured WebSphere Process Server 6.1 and WebSphere ESB 6.1, WID.
  • Designed, developed and did maintenance of data integration programs in a Hadoop and RDBMS environment with traditional/non-D traditional source systems as well as Hive and HBase for data access and analysis.
  • Perform configuration and problem resolution of system hardware and connectivity using Python. Developed and executed usability Python test cases to gain product acceptance from customers.
  • Integrated and Deployed the applications on Pivotal Cloud Foundryusing Spring Cloud.
  • Implemented protective resources like SSO and OAuth2 using Spring Cloud.
  • Develop the microservice in spring cloud framework to support Next generation cloud framework.
  • Tested the Web services using SOAP UI and Mockito framework.
  • Develop unit test using Karma, mocha, Jasmine strict patterns of RA team for unit test cases with jasmine.
  • Experience in working with the NoSQL, Mongo DB, Apache Cassandra.
  • Implemented Map-reduce functionality in MongoDB to maintain customer order tracking.
  • Composed and executed MongoDB scripts to insert and update NoSQL database; automating data changes and reporting.

Environment: Core Java/J2EE, Spring, WebSphere Application Server 7.0, Web Services, EJB 3.0, JPA, Apache Axis, Oracle10g, PostgreSQL, Java Script, AJAX, JSP, HTML, Angular JS, Node JS, Hadoop, RabbitMQ, ActiveMQ, MongoDB, RAD, RSM, Log4j, Clear Quest,Rational Clear case, Python, AJAX, Bootstrap, NoSQL, Karma, mocha, Jasmine .

Confidential, Alpharetta, GA

Java/J2EE Consultant


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Generated Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • The application is designed using J2EE design patterns and technologies based on MVC architecture.
  • Implemented Agile Methodology for development of the application.
  • Used J2EE design patterns like Value Object Pattern, Session façade, Singleton, Factory and DAO.
  • Spring with Tiles Framework is implemented for a common look in all the presentation views.
  • Integrated struts MVC with spring DI and Spring hibernate DAO.
  • EJB Session Beans were used to process requests from the user interface and CMP entity beans were used to interact with the persistence layer.
  • Coded pages with best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Designed applications that execute on various browser using various debugging tools like Firebugs/IE Tools.
  • Continuous integration services are provided for software development using JENKINS.
  • Utilized Object Oriented Programming in JS and DOM structure to implement various functionalities.
  • Extensively used the JavaScript and jQuery plug-in to fetch and display the data on web pages and create interactive features in the application. Worked with jQuery concepts like selectors, and filters.
  • Redesigned the web applications by replacing the Custom MVC framework with the Spring MVC module. Involved in creating pages from mockups using JavaScript, Angular JS, jQuery, CSS3, and HTML5.
  • Worked with Bootstrap Twitter Framework and Angular JS to Design single page application.
  • Developed EJB MDB’s and message Queue’s using JMS technology.
  • Experience on Lucene and Solr data store, analytics and search engine, faceting, scoring and boosting, phrase queries, query parser, Analyzers, Inverted indexing.
  • Involved in writing XML validation classes using Struts validation framework.
  • Designed the user interfaces using JSPs, AJAX and Struts Tags.
  • Used XML Web Services using SOAP to register agents using non-java application.
  • Developed services that are reusable and interoperable, based on SOAP, WSDL, JAXWS, JAXRPC .
  • Used JMS for the asynchronous exchange of critical data and events among J2EE components. Publisher-Subscriber method used for data loading and Point-To-Point method of JMS used for event processing.
  • Involved in requirements gathering and Capacity planning for Multi-Datacenter and MongoDB Cluster.
  • Used Oracle DB and MongoDB for Database related activities.
  • Used RAD IDE based on Eclipse for writing code for JSP, Action Classes, Struts and spring beans.
  • Involved in writing DAO, DTO’s using Hibernate DAO Support.
  • Implemented persistence layer using Hibernate that uses the POJOs (which do not have the business processes) to represent the persistence database tuples.
  • Developed JUnit test cases for DAO and Service Layer methods.
  • Used SVN for version control of the application.
  • Used Log4J to capture the log that includes runtime exceptions.
  • Developed the ANT scripts for preparing WAR files used to deploy J2EE components.
  • Wrote shell/python scripts to automate repetitive tasks.
  • Interacted with quality assurance team for requirements gathering and analysis.

Environment: Core Java, J2EE, JSP, Struts, Spring, OOAD, Oracle 10g, HTML, EJB3, AJAX, AngularJS, JMS,XML, Design Patterns, ANT, Rationale Rose, IBM RAD IDE, Python, MongoDB, WebLogic Application Server 10.x, Hibernate 4.0, LOG4J, SVN, TOAD, JUNIT, UML.

Confidential, Jersey City, NJ

Java/J2EE Developer


  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Generated Use case diagrams, Class diagrams, and Sequence diagrams using Rational Rose.
  • Developed the applications using Java, J2EE, Struts, JDBC.
  • Worked on various use cases in development using Struts and testing the functionalities.
  • Involved in preparing the High Level and Detail level design of the system using J2EE.
  • Created struts form beans, action classes, JSPs following Struts framework standards.
  • Implemented the database connectivity using JDBC with Oracle 9i database as backend.
  • Involved in the development of model, library, struts and form classes (MVC).
  • Used display tag libraries for decoration and used display table for reports and grid designs.
  • Designed and developed file upload and file download features using jdbc with Oracle Blob.
  • Worked on core java, using file operations to read system file (downloads) and to present on JSP.
  • Development of underwriting process, which involves communications without side systems using IBM MQ and JMS.
  • Designed and developed Application based on Struts Framework using MVC design pattern.
  • Developed Struts Action classes using Struts controller component.
  • Developed SOAP based XML web services, Used SAX XML API to parse the XML and populate the values for a bean.
  • Developed XML applications using XSLT transformations.
  • Created XML document using STAX XML API to pass the XML structure to Web Services.
  • Used Jasper to generate rich content reports.
  • Apache Ant was used for the entire build process.
  • Used Rational Clear Case for version control and JUnit for unit testing.
  • Used quartz scheduler to process or trigger the applications ondaily basis.
  • Configured WebSphere Application server and deployed the web componentts.
  • Provided troubleshooting and error handling support in multiple projects.

Environment: Flex, EJB, Struts, spring, JSP1.2, Servlets2.1, Jasper reports, JMS, IBM MQ, XML, SOAP, UDDI, WSDL, JDBC, JavaScript, XSLT, XML, UML, HTML, JNDI, Rational Rose 98, Oracle 9i, IBM WebSphere 6.0, ClearCase, Log4J, ANT, JUnit, IBM RAD, and Apache Tomcat.

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