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Web Developer/tech Lead Resume

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  • Five years of professional experience in developing J2EE/Web applications
  • Actively seeking employment in the field of web development and hoping to working with a diverse group of developers in a cross - functional team approach that are committed to complete client satisfaction
  • Solid Understanding of Spring Technologies: Spring-Rest, Spring-ORM, Spring-Core, Spring-Data, Spring-Struts & Spring-Hibernate Integration, Spring-WebMVC, Spring-Boot, Spring-Session
  • Crafting niche to UI/UX design: Node with NPM and Angular JS, JSF with Primefaces and Thymeleaf, Twitter Bootstrap, LESS/SASS CSS3, HTML5, Custom jQuery Libraries
  • Good experience in implementing backend MVC architecture using Spring MVC and Struts 1.3 as well as respective tag libraries in JSP pages
  • Proficient with AngularJS and many helper libraries
  • Good understanding of J2EE web services, using JAX-WS annotations and Apache AXIS for integrating and creating SOAP services with web applications and JAX-B with REST Template for Spring integration with REST
  • Developed web applications using back end technologies such as JDBC and Hibernate
  • Worked with Agile and Agile with Waterfall management systems
  • Have used Taiga, Jira, Pivotal, Confluence, Fisheye/Crucible project management systems
  • Adept at using SQL Developer for and Mongo CLI for database interaction
  • Utilized Maven/Gradle to manage backend dependencies, NPM/Bower for frontend dependencies
  • Developed with VMWare, VirtualBox, and Docker with Vagrant environments
  • Continuous Integration with Jenkins and Fortify
  • Experienced using git and SVN version control
  • Worked with AWS, GoDaddy, Heroku, and OpenShift hosting services
  • Natural at web content, SDD, tutorials, and proof of concept documentation
  • Mobile development - Android with Android Studio & iOS with Swift, Xcode, and Cordova
  • Cooperative and ready to assist others to establish a cohesive team environment


Programming Languages: JAVA • XML • C • C++ • C# • JavaScript • PHP • Ruby • VHDL • Groovy

Simulation Software/IDE: Eclipse • Sublime • WebStorm • SAP HANA • Code Lobster • Microsoft VS

Frameworks/Utilities: Angular • Spring • Hibernate • Struts • AJAX • JQuery • Node • Jersey • Rails

Databases: SQL • MySQL • Mongo • Oracle PL/SQL • PostgreSQL • SAP Sybase • MS Access

Stacks/Web Services: j2EE • MEAN • LAMP • WAMP • Rest • SOAP

Application/Web Servers: Tomcat • Weblogic • Apache • Node/Express • JBoss/WildFly

Modules: RequireJS, AMD

Bundlers: Browserfy, Webpack

Package Managers: Bower, NPM

Transpilers: TypeScript, CoffeeScript

Minifiers UglifyJS:

Linters/Hinters: JSLint, TSLint, JSHint

Task Runners: Grunt, Gulp

CLI’s: Mongo, Grunt, Yeoman, Angular

Test Tools: Jasmine, Mocha, Karma, Istanbul, PhantomJS


Web Developer/Tech Lead



  • Manage a team of three developers and three testers and provide technical assistance
  • Worked primarily with AngularJS and NPM libraries
  • Implemented a third party WebRTC API for mobile and desktop Chrome
  • Implemented a third party RTMP API for iOS and Windows Internet Explorer
  • Worked with testers to provide code for Ruby Watir automation testing
  • Unit testing with Jasmine, Phantom, Karma, and ngMock with Istanbul coverage reporting
  • Developed software using SquidMan proxy to mobile and Windows devices
  • Managed code and stories with full Atlasian tool suite
  • Worked closely with back end developers to acquire data using Spring MVC
  • Authorized to work remote for last iteration of project

Environment: MacOS MacBook Pro, VM Ware Virtual Machines using Linux and Vagrant, Gradle Builds, Grunt Task Runner, Weblogic 11g, JetBrains WebStorm IDE and Vim, git Version Control, RequireJS Module Management, NPM and Bower Package Management, Many Angular Libraries, Sass Styling, Postman and RESTful services, Mongo DB.

J2EE/Web Developer



  • Develop manager and HR modules of a corporate expense management system
  • Worked primarily with Spring and JSP
  • Analyze, estimate, and refine existing requirements so they may be assigned and implemented
  • Work across multiple layers of architecture and systems to implement requirements
  • Helped conceptualize styling using LESS, standard CSS3, and jQuery ThemeRoller
  • Problem solved with persistence team on DAO’s
  • Used Spring context to provide dependency injection
  • Helped with RESTful web services PDF generator
  • Created robust, middle tier POJOs to handle the business logic
  • Presented Sprint Demos to client with Microsoft Visio and UML Designer

Environment: Spring Tool Suite 4.4 (Luna), Spring 3.2, Rest, Spring Data, Hibernate 4.0, Gradle Dependency Management, HTML 5, JSP, CSS3/LESS, JS, Bootstrap, jQuery, tested with jUnit, version controlled with Git, logged with Log4j, and scrummed with Agile

J2EE Developer



  • Develop a module for investors and Top Tier Management
  • Enabled a simple yet comprehensive view of contracts on projects
  • Integrate with an existing Spring, Struts, and Hibernate project
  • Module was made with same look and feel of existing application
  • Utilized Spring dependency injection to decouple code
  • Achieved data persistence using Hibernate integration with Spring
  • Integrated JavaMail to auto generate emails with expense information to investors
  • Used Business Delegate design pattern and JavaDocs extensively
  • Developed with a team of three seamlessly

Environment: Eclipse Kepler IDE, Spring ORM and Security, Hibernate, Struts 1.3.10, Maven Dependency Management, JSP with HTML, JS, Spring Tag Libraries, Version Control with Subversion, Subclipse Plugin for Eclipse, tested with jUnit, Scrummed with Agile/Waterfall Hybrid, Logged with Log4j

J2EE/Web Developer



  • Developed additional functionality for an asset management system
  • Assisted in designing tables to be added to existing database
  • Analyzed the existing system to determine the best way of integrating new functionality
  • Work with a small team on all aspects of the application
  • Commit functionalities and label them for testing daily
  • XP Methodology customized by project manager
  • Work flow was front to back end
  • Converted from XHTML to JSP

Environment: Eclipse Helios IDE, Spring MVC, Hibernate, Maven Dependency Management, XHTML, JSP, JS, jQuery Libraries, CSS, Oracle Weblogic 11g, Oracle 10g database, Git Versioning Control

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