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Ui Developer Resume

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Pittsburg, PA


  • Over 5+ years of IT experience in designing User Interface (UI) applications and professional web applications using HTML5, XHTML, CSS3, JAVASCRIPT, JQUERY, AJAX, JSON AND XML.
  • Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) of the application like Requirement Gathering, Design, Analysis and Code development.
  • Strong knowledge and experience with various JavaScript Libraries and frameworks, especially JQuery, Bootstrap, React JS, Angular JS, Angular 2, Node.js, Ext.JS, Backbone.js.
  • Specialized in developing APIs for web applications using MEAN Stack Technologies MongoDB, Express, AngularJS, and NodeJS.
  • Designed and Developed Web applications using CSS pre - processors SASS and LESS.
  • Good experience in developing web applications with Single Page Applications (SPAs) framework using AngularJS to achieve synchronization.
  • Extensive experience in working with SOAP and RESTful Web Services.
  • Experience in Application Servers like Web Logic 9.0/8.1, IBM Web Sphere 8.0/6.0, and Apache Tomcat 7.0/8.0.
  • Worked with XML technologies including XML, XSL, XSLT, XPath, XQuery and XML parsers like SAX, DOM.
  • Hands-on experience in working with applications using Java, J2EE, JDBC, Struts, Servlets, Spring, Hibernate, JSP, JSF and ASP.Net.
  • Good experience in Document Object Model (DOM) and have a strong understanding of DOM Functions, and also experienced in dealing with challenging High Traffic Websites and Cross Browser Issues.
  • Experience with Responsive Web Design, JSON, AJAX, AngularJS, and Bootstrap.
  • Experience implementing asynchronous communication using AJAX and handle response with callback functions JQuery and Rest web services.
  • Expert in designing web applications and web contents utilizing various Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques.
  • Developed and designed various Bootstrap components such as drop-down menu, slider, input and search text box, navigation buttons, etc.
  • Experience in various IDEs like Eclipse, Dreamweaver, EditPlus, JSfiddle, and Notepad++, Sublime, Grunt, Gulp and Microsoft Visual Studio.
  • Experience with Grunt for JavaScript file's concatenation and minify to improve performance in loading web pages.
  • Good working knowledge on JUNIT, TestNG, SOAPUI, and Log4J package for logging purposes.
  • Experienced in debugging web applications in different browsers and tools using Firebug, and testing applications using JUnit, Qunit, Jasmine, Mocha, and karma, Firefox, Chrome developer’s tool and Firebug.
  • Extensively worked with Version Control Systems like GIT and SVN (Subversion).
  • Experience of end-to-end implementation of the SDLC, AGILE (SCRUM) methodologies.


UI Web Technologies: HTML 4/5, CSS 2/3, JavaScript, XML, XHTML, JQuery, JQuery UI, JSON, AJAX, LESS, SASS.

UI Frameworks: Angular.js, Bootstrap.js, React.js, node.js, Ext.JS, Backbone.js

Programming Languages: C#, Java, ASP.Net

IDE & Environment: Sublime Text, Net Beans, Visual Studio, Grunt, Notepad++, Gulp

Databases: Ado.Net, SQL, Server 2008, MySQL, MSAccess, MongoDB

Operating Systems: Windows, Mac, Linux

Version Controls: SVN, GitHub, Perforce

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Jasmine, Karma, Firebug Lite, Google Chrome Web Debugger, IEdeveloper Tools.


Confidential - Pittsburg, PA

UI Developer


  • Designed the front-end applications, user interactive UI web pages using web technologies like HTML, XHTML, and CSS.
  • Developed non-functional HTML, CSS pages from the mock-ups and involved in UI review with UI Architect and Business Units.
  • Responsible for creating an efficient design and developing User Interaction screens using HTML5 (new tags like audio, video, canvas) CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, and JSON.
  • Built full stack web application where users can upload images, video, and documents and remotely manage, display these assets on different devices.
  • Used the latest HTML5 elements for video playback, content rendering using semantic tags such as article, section, etc
  • Developed GUI using JavaScript, Angular 2, HTML/HTML5, DOM, XHTML, AJAX, CSS3 and jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Backbone.js.
  • Implemented Rest calls to consume the Rest API's using Angular 2 Http Module, extensively used Template driven forms and Angular 2 Form Validation.
  • Designing the front end using JSP, JQuery, Angular 2, CSS3 and HTML5 as per the requirement.
  • Providing a responsive, AJAX-driven design using JavaScript libraries such as JQuery, Angular.JS and Bootstrap.JS and using Subversion for version control.
  • Used JQuery for creating various widgets, data manipulation, data traversing, form validations, create the content on the fly depends on the user request, implementing Ajax features for the application.
  • Developed applications, which access the database with JDBC to execute queries, prepared statements, and procedures.
  • Developed and Deployed REST-Based Web Services on Tomcat Server
  • Coding of SQL, PL/SQL, and Views using IBM DB2 for the database.
  • Supported in developing business tier using the stateless session bean.
  • Extensively used JDBC to access the database objects.
  • Using AJAX to request JSON data through third party REST APIs to acquire products data from a server and display it in sorted order.
  • Conducted unit testing with Firebug, IE Tester and end-to-end testing on the supported browsers and devices.
  • Converted the mock-ups into hand-written HTML 5, CSS 3, XHTML, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, XML and JSON.
  • Involved in complete SDLC - Requirement Analysis, Development, System and Integration Testing.
  • Used Most of the d3 and c3 charts to render the maps.
  • Used LESS to generate CSS, making use of features such as variables and mixins.
  • Used Gulp and Grunt to compile LESS files and Sass files.
  • Handling cross-browser/platform compatibility issues (IE, Firefox, and Safari) on both Windows and Mac.
  • Managed application state using server and client-based State Management options.

Environment: HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 2, JSP, AJAX, SVN, jQuery, D3, C3, JSON, AJAX, XML, XHTML, SVN, Chrome Inspector, Bootstrap IE Tester, Firebug, Apache. APACHE CXF, Web Services, Eclipse, WebSphere Portal, WebSphere Commerce Developer, Grunt, Gulp, WebSphere IntegrationDeveloper (WID), WebSphere Studio ApplicationDeveloper (WSAD), Git, and Junit.

Confidential, New York City, NY

UI Developer


  • Created proof-of-concept using responsive web design, AngularJS2, HTML5, and CSS3.
  • Developed UI pages using HTML5, CSS3, JSON, JavaScript, JQuery, Angular 2, and AJAX.
  • Implemented the responsive Web designs using the SASS CSS preprocessor, CSS3 media queries, and Bootstrap.
  • Involved in responsive design and developed a single ISOMORPHIC responsive website that could be served to desktop, Tablets and mobile users usingReact.js.
  • Implemented various screens for the front end usingReact.jsand used various predefined components from NPM (Node Package Manager) and redux library.
  • Involved in usingReactJScomponents, Forms, Events, Keys, Router, Animations and Flux concept.
  • Created various front-end UI web pages using Dojo based on requirements.
  • Involved in Design, Development and Testing of Web Forms using ASP.NET and .NET Framework.
  • Design and developed components using .NET.
  • Created HTML navigation menu that is role based wherein menu items changes dynamically based on the values derived from the database in the form XML and created charts utilizing D3.js.
  • Developed UI components for email and link sharing of documents and files for a Content Management System using Backbone.JS and jQuery.
  • Developed additional UI Components using JSF and implemented an asynchronous, AJAX (jQuery) based rich client to improve customer experience.
  • Designed and developed carrier selection and product selection web pages using HTML, Struts, Servlets, and JavaScript.
  • Created HTML navigation menu that is role based wherein menu items changes dynamically based on the values derived from the database in the form XML and created charts utilizing D3.js.
  • Developed user interface using JSP, JSTL and Custom Tag Libraries and AJAX to speed the application.
  • Involved in Design, Development and Testing of Web Forms using ASP.NET and .NET Framework.
  • Developed and tested website using the MEAN (Mongo DB, Express, AngularJS, Node.js) stack.
  • Developed JavaScript based components using Ext JS framework like GRID, Tree Panel with client reports customized according to user requirements.
  • Used JavaScript and JQuery for validating the input given to the user interface.
  • Manipulated data using CRUD operations of MongoDB database management system and handled database access using Node.js.
  • Wrote MongoDB queries to pull some information from the Backend.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, Restful Web Services using AJAX, JSON.
  • Used ADO.NET extensively to access and insert into the database.
  • Validated the HTML5 code with W3C standards, accessibility, and usability.
  • Performed UNIT and integration testing using Karma and Jasmine and in writing Test Cases on every new version before sending it for User Acceptance Test (UAT).

Environment: NodeJS, JavaScript, JQuery, Bootstrap, JSP, HTML/HTML5, CSS3, Ajax, JQuery, SVN, Mongo DB, ASP.NET, ADO.NET, C# Eclipse, Log4j, SQL, Struts, JSF, JDBC, Maven, JIRA, PL/ SQL, D3, Web Services, Jira, Confluence.

Confidential, Minneapolis, MN

Front-End Developer


  • Involved in developing the front-end applications using web technologies like HTML/HTML 5, and CSS/CSS3.
  • Developed server side application using nodejs with Express framework that handles the HTTP requests sent from the front-end ReactJS routes, performs all the CRUD operations such as get, post, put and delete.
  • Worked with React Containers to update the state of an APP produced by Redux and by mapping those to the React component using React-Redux.
  • Created custom components for the web application using React.js and applied the FLUX application architecture.
  • Used ReactJS for providing views for data rendered.
  • Worked on building ADA compliant environments for people with disabilities.
  • Involved in making the application Responsive using Bootstrap, and used LESS preprocessor.
  • Involved in writing application level code to interact with APIs, RESTFul Web Services using AJAX, JSON.
  • Responsible for manipulating HTML5, CSS3 in JQuery as well as making the pages dynamic using AJAX, JSON, and XML.
  • Involved in Enhancement of existing application utilizing JSP, Created HTML navigation menu that is role based menu items changes dynamically, derived from the database in the form of XML.
  • Worked one-on-one with the client to develop layout, the color scheme for his website and implemented it into a final interface design with the HTML5/CSS3 &JavaScript using Dreamweaver.
  • Utilized various JQUERY plugins to build Rich Internet Application (RIA) to make it look more intuitive.
  • Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML5, XHTML, and CSS3.
  • Interacted with Java controllers (jQuery, Ajax, and JSON to write/read data from back-end systems).
  • Used SVN for version control and JIRA for defect tracking.
  • Maintain, enhance, and recommend solutions that best suit business and technology needs from UI standpoint.
  • Define technical requirements based on business needs.
  • Involved in Agile process, monthly Sprints, and daily Scrums to discuss the development of the application.

Environment: HTML, React js, React-Redux, XHTML, HTML5, XML, SQL, CSS, CSS3, AJAX, JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, Java, SVN, Service Now, ADA.


UI Developer


  • Involved in design, development and implementation of the website based on Model-View-Control (MVC) architecture.
  • Used libraries like AJAX, AngularJS, JSON and JQuery, EXTJS to develop and implement perfect dynamic templates.
  • Designed look-and-feel for websites in Photoshop and developed page layouts, navigation, animation buttons and icons.
  • Developed HTML prototypes and UI deliverables, such as wireframes, flowcharts, screen mock-ups, and interface design specifications using MS PowerPoint, Adobe Photoshop CS4, and Dreamweaver CS3.
  • Developed Artist web pages using Drupal content management system.
  • Involved in redesigning/ developing the main website to improve user experience and add new functionality.
  • Coding and development using core java, Hibernate, Spring, Spring Restful framework.
  • Involved in the creation of an interface to manage user menu and bulk update of Attributes using Backbone.js, Spring framework, and JQuery.
  • Implemented advanced data grid with custom item renders and editors.
  • Performed data validation using JavaScript code on the client side.
  • Extensively used server side event based javascript framework - Node.js.
  • Developed REST architecture based web services to facilitate communication between client and servers using REST APIs.
  • Implemented various Search Engine Optimization techniques as metadata, building inbound link, and outbound link text, meaningful title while designing web pages.
  • Used the Mozilla Firefox extension, Firebug, to view, debug and present website created using HTML, DOM, and JavaScript.
  • Used noSQL database MongoDB for the backend.
  • Worked on Service Oriented Architecture environment for developing the services for the users.
  • Provided production level code to the engineering team for product development, including cross-browser support, CSS optimization, and ADA compliance support.
  • Participated in bug thrashing sessions to discuss and resolve bugs with developers.
  • Developed application on Windows and UNIX platforms using MVC pattern.
  • Performed software installation, upgrades/patches, troubleshooting and maintenance on UNIX servers.
  • Provided quality assurance and cross browser compatibility testing during the development phase.

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