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Web Developer Resume

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Arlington, VA


  • Over 7+ years of IT extensive professional experience as a UI/Web Developer in Web - Designing, User Interface development, experience working in various domains such as Insurance, Retail and Finance in various phases of application development cycle - Analysis, Design, Development and Supporting.
  • Expertise in complete Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and ability to work as teh primary interface between Business and other parties
  • Experience in adopting Agile, Waterfall and V-model methodologies during Software Development lifecycle. Expertise in client/server domain: Web-Based, N-Tier Architecture and Database development.
  • Strong background in Java/J2EE environments. Well experienced in MVC architecture and Struts framework.
  • Advanced development experience with AngularJS, Angular4.0 including authoring complex directives, services, controllers, and filters; working with animations, routing, and states.
  • Experience in Client-side Programming with HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, CSS, XML, JSF, AJAX and JQuery.
  • Worked with Application servers like BEA Web Logic and Application development platform Angular 1.X. & 2.0 and React.JS.
  • Experience in SOA and developing Web services using SOAP, REST, XML and JAXB.
  • Extensive experience in design, development and implementation of Model-View-Controller frame works using Struts and Spring MVC.
  • Experience in working with various project life cycle models like Waterfall model, Rational Unified Process (RUP) and Agile methodologies.
  • Excellent Java development skills using Core java, JavaScript, typescript, Redux, JSON, HTML, JMS, AJAX, EJB, Java/J2EE Design Patterns and UML.
  • Experience on working on Java Spring boot by using REST web services. Experience on AWS, NOSQL and microservices developed a desktop version of project’s
  • Expertise in working with various MVC JavaScript frameworks like Backbone.js and Node.js
  • Extensive knowledge of making website Responsive and used Bootstrap in various projects to achieve RWD.
  • Working experience on Data structures and algorithms of coding pattern.
  • Working experience on both Android and IOS development skills by using Apache Cordova.
  • Working knowledge of Web protocols and standards (HTTP HTML/XHTML/XHTML-MP, Web Forms, XML, XML parsers).
  • Extensively worked on XML Parsers (SAX, DOM). Experience on Java developing Applications using JDK 1.7 on Eclipse, My Eclipse Blue 10.0 and RAD 8.0 IDE.
  • Experience on App server i.e. JBoss 6.2, Web Sphere 8.0, Tomcat 6.0 in building and deploying applications.
  • Experience with Java EE technologies (JDBC, EJB, and JMS),Structured Framework (Struts), XML and related technologies such as JAXP, JAXB, and X Path.
  • Exhaustive experience in developing and deploying applications on Web/Application servers - Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, WebSphere, JBoss.
  • Database development using query languages such as SQL, PL/SQL in both Oracle 11gR2 and MS SQL Server.
  • Excellent working experience in deployment in Docker by using AWS (Amazon Web Service Instances) and experience in deployment by using MS Azure.


Web(UI) Technologies: Java Script, jQuery, JSON, AJAX, HTML5, Angular JS, Angular2.0, Angular4.0, Typescript, BackboneJS, D3.js, Gulp.js, Require.Js, React.js, Redux, NodeJS, Ember JS, Elastic Search, ExtJS, Grunt.js, Kendo UI

Backend Development: Core java 1.0 x, Advanced Java

Frame Works: Spring, JSF, Spring Rest Full, Spring boot, Redux

Mapping tools: Leaflet

ORM tools: Hibernate

Web services: SOAP, REST, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, JAXB

Databases: Oracle, My SQL, SQL server, Mongo DB, No SQL, Oracle, MySQL

Design Patterns: J2EE, UML Design, High chart

App/Web Servers: Web Logic, Tomcat, Web Sphere

Repository Tools: Git Hub, CVS

Continuous Integration: Jenkins, Maven

IDE Tools: Eclipse, Atom, Sublime, Intellij, Nginx, Net beans, Mockito

Methodologies/Model: OOAD, UML

Architecture: Object-oriented design, design patterns, Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Middleware: Web Services (REST, SOAP)

Process Automation: Maven, Gradle

Containers: Docker

Operating System: Windows 98/XP, 7,8,10 and Unix/Linux.

SDLC Methodologies: Agile Scrum

Cloud Deployments: AWS (Amazon Web Services), MS Azure

IDE Tools: Eclipse, Atom, Sublime, Intellij, Nginx, Net beans, Mockito


Confidential, Arlington, VA

Web Developer


  • Involved in creating pages from mockups using JavaScript, Angular4.0, JQuery, CSS3, and HTML5
  • Worked For making asynchronous AJAX calls in Views, JQuery Ajax implemented with Kendo UI View Model.
  • Created Directives, Controllers and Services by using Angular JS. Built dynamically generated dropdown lists using Ajax, j Query Angular JS and Angular4.0.
  • Validating user actions on teh client side and providing responsive feedback. Coordinating teh workflow between teh graphic designer and teh HTML coder.
  • Develop unit testing project using xUnit and Moq framework for mocking dependencies. Knowledge on Cordova phone gap by using NodeJS as building tool.
  • Created teh Clustering Topology in Web Sphere Application Server to achieve Work Load.
  • Experience in Java Spring, Java Spring boot and developed our application on Java8.
  • Involved in developing applications using Angular JS- Bootstrap like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and Button etc.
  • Used popular Node.js frameworks like Express and Restify to create a Restful Mock API.
  • Developed backend web services using Node JS and stored dependencies using NPM.
  • Involved in implementation of RESTFUL web service APIs using Node.js which were consumed by making AJAX calls and JSON as data exchanging tool.
  • Experienced in front-end Unit Testing such as Jasmine, cucumber, Karma and Integration testing tool Protractor for Angular.JS.
  • Designed Dashboard with angular gridster who gives and customizing option of Dashboard.
  • Experience in working with Docker container with Jenkins integration. Expertise in Providing both customer support and technical guidance with Section 508 Regulations.
  • Working on building a custom cms to move off word press being built using NodeJS, ReactJS
  • Used ReactJS, Redux to build teh UI components, developed filters to display different dimension of data and font size modifiers.
  • We also provide builds of theelasticsearch.jsclient for use in teh browser. These versions of teh client are currentlyexperimental. We test these builds usingsauce labsin Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 10, and 11.
  • We also provide builds of theelasticsearch.jsclient for use in teh browser. These versions of teh client are currentlyexperimental. We test these builds usingsauce labsin Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer 10, and 11.
  • Developed Container components as teh logic layer for teh UI components. Used microservices for managing databases and experience in deploying with AWS.
  • Has worked in Angular4.0, typescript for client-side scripting and synchronizing java applications. Applied JQuery scripts for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
  • Used AJAX and JSON to make asynchronous calls to teh project server to fetch data on teh fly.

Environment: Java, HTML/HTML5, CSS3, XHTML 2.0, JavaScript, Ajax, XML, JSON, MVC, AngularJS, Angular 2.0, typescript, JQuery, Springboot, ReactJS, Web Sphere, Elastic search, AJAX, JSON, XML, JSP, Docker, Jenkins, Apache, Eclipse, Intellij, nginx, Oracle, Kendo UI, NoSQL, Windows.

Confidential - Irving-TX

Java/UI Developer


  • Involved in creating pages from mockups using JavaScript, Angular JS, JQuery, CSS3, and HTML5
  • Worked with Bootstrap Twitter Framework and Angular JS to Design single page application.
  • Implemented modularization for entire application by using MVC.
  • Created Directives, Controllers and Services by using AngularJS.
  • Built dynamically generated dropdown lists using Ajax, JQueryand Angular JS.
  • Involved in write application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Working experience on Ext.JS and development function
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML5, XHTML 2.0, and CSS based on teh W3C standards.
  • Developed generalized service class by using AngularJS& Backbone JS.
  • Deep understanding of JavaScript and teh JQuery Framework.
  • Used JSP, Servlets and HTML5 to create web interfaces.
  • Worked extensively in Application development using AJAX, Object Oriented (OO) JavaScript, JSON, JSONP, and XML.
  • Extensive experience in using JavaScript frameworks like jQuery and corresponding event handlers.
  • Made High charts builder by JavaScript and google API for first version of angular js.
  • Experience in working MVC Architecture and in software configuration management using subversion control (SVN) and GIT.
  • Extensively used type script for teh application testing script.
  • Our application was software as a service (saas) based product which intent created form builder application to make UI more accessible.
  • Developed Ext-JS components like Grids, Toolbars, Panels, Combo-Box and Button etc.
  • Worked on CSS Background, CSS Positioning, CSS Text, CSS Border, CSS Margin, CSS
  • Padding, CSS Table, Pseudo Classes, Pseudo Elements and CSS Behaviors.
  • Familiar and can write reusable Gulp.js/Grunt.js task and configurationscripts
  • Good Knowledge about Selenium and worked with automation Testing.
  • Involvement in using various IDE like Jira, Rale, Dreamweaver, Notepad++, Sublime, Eclipse, Net Beans.
  • Good working experience using Tomcat and deploy web applications.
  • Developed working prototypes fromUIdesigns for cross-platform devices and Cross Browser Functionality.
  • Followed Data structure coding patterns with algorithms according to teh company standards.
  • Good working experience in XML and XHTML technologies.
  • Made heavy use of ChromeDeveloperTools + Firebug to ensure front-end code and assets were optimized and high-quality
  • Experience in JavaScript testing debugging.

Environment: Java HTML/HTML5, CSS3, XHTML 2.0, JavaScript, Ajax, RWD, XML, JSON, MVC, AngularJS 1.0, jQuery Web Sphere, AJAX, JSON, XML, JSP, Servlets, APACHE, ECLIPSE, Oracle Window.


UI Developer


  • Involved in creating pages from mockups using JavaScript, CSS3, and HTML.
  • Involved inventory checking and order invoice feature for Ecommerce web site.
  • Model architecture and payment gate way rerouting features were developed from scratch for teh Ecommerce website.
  • Implemented modularization for entire application by using MVC.
  • Built dynamically generated dropdown lists using Ajax.
  • Involved in write application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services using AJAX, JSON and XML.
  • Designed business applications using web technologies like HTML,
  • Used JSP, Servlets and HTML5 to create web interfaces.
  • Used J-Query selectors in accessing various parts of teh DOM and Used Ajax, J-Query to update teh parts of teh Policy review web pages.
  • Used D3.JS and Angular to construct data visualization. Developed persistence layer based on JPA framework for providing POJO persistence model for object-relational mapping.
  • Used XML parser API like JAXB API within teh web service for marshaling/unmarshaling.
  • Worked in an Agile Environment and participated in requirement gathering, analysis and design.
  • Debug teh application using Firebug to traverse teh documents and manipulated teh nodes using DOM and DOM Functions.
  • Used JIRA Agile system every day in developing projects. Follow teh work flow for Sprint Planning, Created Working Tickets (according to owner’s requirement), Tickets analyze for solutions and estimated workload, Developing, Testing, pushing to servers, Code Reviewed other colleagues, tickets, Sprint retrospective, Sprint review.
  • Successfully executed all teh test cases and fixed any bugs/issues identified during teh test cycles.
  • Involved in writing and modifying Procedure, Queries, Views & Triggers and calling them from JavaScript using teh Temp Net Framework.
  • Developed Core Enterprise Risk Engine Big Volume Platform to Risk Rank ISG/WM Clients both Real-time and for daily Regulatory Reporting.
  • Used GIT as Version Control Tool.
  • Followed Data structure coding patterns with algorithms according to teh company standards.
  • Developed a Swing Application with teh Graphical Simulation for teh analysis of outbound inventory which demonstrates and alerts for differential growth and decline.
  • Used agile methodology for developing teh application.
  • Following Scrum methodology to track teh project details and updating teh development status every day in teh SCRUM.
  • Wrote code to fetch data from Web services using J-Query AJAX via JSON response and updating teh HTML pages.
  • Involved to create different cross browser compatible user interactive web pages, using web technologies like HTML, XHTML and CSS.

Environment: Java HTML, CSS, XHTML, JavaScript, Ajax, RWD, XML, JSON, MVC, JQuery, Web Sphere, AJAX, XML, JSP, Servlets, APACHE, ECLIPSE, Window.


Systems Analyst- Web developer


  • Area of Work: Core Banking Technology, Web Applications.
  • Designing Use case and activity diagrams through MS Visio.
  • Creation of new web-pages based on teh designs and updated functionalities.
  • Adding of client-side dynamic functionality using Java Script, jQuery, Angular JS.
  • Creation of new layouts through HTML 5, CSS 3.
  • Prepare implementation plans and manage teh entire life cycle of an IT project that includes product enhancements, change requests, maintenance and issue resolution
  • Eliciting, prioritizing and validating teh requirements for teh given task.
  • Need to integrate teh front-end with teh back-end data through AJAX+JSON.
  • Used jQuery and Bootstrap UI plug-ins for UI components such as Tabs, Accordions, Data Grid Tables, Date Picker, Charts, etc.

Environment: HTML 5, CSS 3, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular JS, JSON, AJAX, JSP, SQL, Eclipse.

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