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Ui Developer Resume

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New, JerseY


  • A Technical and highly motivated UI Developer around 5 years of professional experiences in structuring, developing and implementing interactive web applications wif JavaScript, Node.js, angular 2, JQuery, bootstrap, CSS3, HTML5, Python, Django, AWS
  • Valuable experience in developing web applications implementing Model View Control architecture using Django and Flask web application frameworks
  • Experienced in Python libraries used: libraries - Beautiful Soup, NumPy, tweepy, Pandas data frame, urllib2, MySQL dB for database connectivity) and IDEs - Visual Studio, Atom, sublime text, PyCharm, Notepad++
  • Well versed wif design and development of presentation layer for web applications using technologies like HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX, angular JS, Bootstrap, Media queries, XML, JSON.
  • Experience wif Responsive Web Design (RWD) and used responsive design frameworks such as Bootstrap etc.
  • Good Knowledge on Angular 1.4, 2, 4, 5, 6.
  • Experience in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) includes Requirement Analysis, Design, Development and Testing
  • Expertise in AWS Cloud platform and its features which includes AWS CLI, EC2, AMI, EBS, Cloud watch, AWS Config, Auto-scaling, and AWS S3, DynamoDB. RDS, Lambda Function.
  • Experience working knowledge in UNIX and shell scripting.
  • Well-versed in Object Oriented Programming (OOP) wif JavaScript.
  • Good knowledge in maintaining version controls systems such as GIT (Distributed Version Control System).
  • Experience working in task runner Gulp to manage complex tasks, while enhancing and automating the workflow.
  • Experience in Npm (package manager).
  • Experience working wif Jenkins for built and deployment.
  • Experience in Agile Methodologies, Scrum stories and sprints.
  • Experience working wif debugging tools like Firebug, Firebug Lite, Chrome or safari web inspectors and IE Developer Toolbar, Chrome Calibri.
  • Familiar wif Cross Browser Testing and Debugging.
  • Worked on performance improvement of the application by implementing various techniques like lazy loading, optimize image size .
  • Knowledge on API’s.
  • Experienced in building robust cross browser compatibility applications using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery.
  • Followed Jira for tracking processes and streamlining Agile planning.


Web Technologies: HTML/HTML5, CSS3, XML, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap

Scripting Language: Python, JavaScript, Shell Scripting

Python Module: boto3, Requests, urllib2, BeautifulSoup4, Json, csv, pandas, tweepy etc

Python Web Framework: Django, Flask

Frameworks: jQuery, backbone, Angular (version 1.4 and 2), Node.js

Cloud: AWS

Databases: SQL, Oracle, MySQL, DynamoDB, RDS, Red Shift

IDE & Tools: Visual Studio, Notepad++, Atom, Sublime Text, PyCharm

Debugging Tools: Firebug, Chrome Developer toolbar, IE Developer Toolbar

Operating System: Windows,98/2000/XP/Vista/7/8,MAC OS X

Version Control Tools: Git


Confidential, New Jersey

UI Developer


  • Designed and development of Web pages using HTML, CSS including Ajax controls .
  • Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript.
  • Used JavaScript to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage and load time and add modal dialog in web pages to get user input and requests.
  • Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens and used DHTML to make dropdown menus on web pages and display part of a webpage upon user request.
  • Performed client-side validation in angular 2.
  • worked on converting existing applications to latest JavaScript frameworks like Angular 2 and responsive design framework like Bootstrap.
  • Created the webpages using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX and JSON.
  • Used for generating CSS for cosmetic changes for Web pages.
  • Wrote various Angular 2 custom directives and developed many reusable components and templates dat can be re-used at various places in the application.
  • Used Debugging tools (Firebug, Web development tools for Chrome and IE) for debugging code at client side
  • Use animation and CSS effects to create a rich, visual experience.
  • Ensure cross-platform compatibility, including desktop and mobile browsers.
  • Used Bootstrap grid system for RWD (Responsive Web Design).
  • Extensive usage of BOOTSTRAP and LESS and SASS CSS preprocessor for Responsive design.
  • Tested cross-browsers compatibility on a range of projects.
  • Used Gulp to automate the workflow and Git for version controlling.
  • Used Node.js as developing tool.

Confidential, New York City, NY

UI Developer


  • Fetched data from different APIs using python script.
  • Created API Using Flask which provide data to Dashboard.
  • Created crons for different jobs.
  • Loaded data from S3 to Amazon RedShift
  • Worked on storing files in S3 bucket using AWS CLI.
  • Created and managed AWS S3 bucket life cycle management
  • Created AWS SNS according to requirement.
  • Created AWS Lambda function according to business requirement.
  • JSON data manipulation using python script.
  • Experience in creating AWS IAM roles, Users, Group, Policies
  • Experience in creating EC2 Instance and installing LAMP stack.
  • Experience in Cloud watch, AWS config, AWS CLI
  • Worked on python AWS module boto3


Software Engineer


  • Used git for version control, JIRA for defect tracking, Gulp for task runner and embedded AJAX in UI to update small portions of the web page avoiding the need to reload the entire page.
  • Used Ajax and JQuery for transmitting JSON data objects between frontend and controllers.
  • Created Database tables, functions, stored procedures and wrote prepared statements using PL/SQL.
  • Used JQUERY extensively to implement the AJAX driven application used internally.
  • Fixed Cross browser issues in Internet Explorer 7+ (including IE9), Safari, Chrome, and Firefox and contributed bug fixes.
  • Developed screen functionality using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and JQUERY
  • Responsible formaintaining current application dat included updating the pages, adding new functionalities
  • Involved in fixing Front End issues wif the layouts
  • Worked in making updates to the currentwebsiteand simultaneously handling other projects.


Software Engineer


  • Involvement in all stages of Software development life cycle including Analysis, development, Implementation, testing and support.
  • Developed views and templates wif Python and Django's view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly website interface.
  • Involved in developing web applications using Django Framework
  • Worked extensively on Python scripting and development and used CSS to style Web pages, XHTML and XML mark-up
  • Developed views and templates wif Python and Django's view controller and templating language to create a user-friendly website interface.
  • Developed the presentation layer using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX.
  • Used JQuery libraries for all client-side JavaScript manipulations.
  • Performed efficient delivery of code based on principals of Test Driven Development (TDD) and continuous integration to keep in line wif Agile Software Methodology principals.
  • Successfully handled JSON/XML data and carried out JSON/XML parsing for form submissions.
  • Created reusable templates and style sheets based on UI standards and guidelines; Performed functional tasks using specifications and wireframes.
  • Extensively used/modified JQUERY to perform AJAX calls for creating interactive web pages on JSON response.

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